robert mutt lange and marie-ann thiebaud

robert mutt lange and marie-ann thiebaud. with Marie Ann Thiebaud,
  • with Marie Ann Thiebaud,

  • lmalave
    Sep 27, 09:31 AM
    The RAZR was a smash because it was very stylish (which the Apple iPhone will certainly be, too). But it also has been huge because every carrier has had it available on subsidy, and it's been available in more than one color. Something I don't expect from the iPhone.

    It's also been such a huge seller because they are junk inside. I imagine every time a carrier has to replace a RAZR because it was insured Motorola counts it as another "sale".

    You have a short-term memory. Cingular had an exclusive on it for quite some time (at least 6 months), and was only available in one color (silver). I mean, I remember there was a big deal when the RAZR introduced the Black color!

    According to ThinkSecret, the iPhone deal is similar (Cingular exclusive for 6 months, then Apple can sign on with other providers). And, as you indicate, the iPhone will probably only be available in one color. This is desirable for a product launch, though, since it makes production, inventory control, etc. easier at at time when Apple can't predict consumer demand as accurately.

    What I'm hoping for is that Apple uses the metallic finish of its nanos. My Sony Ericsson has a metallic blue finish but is actually made of plastic. It would be sweet to have a real metal phone. I predict Apple will launch in a single metallic color (the nano black or silver), and then within a year or less provide all the nano colors.

    If you think about it from a marketing point of view, this makes total sense so use all the exact same nano colors, strengthening the association between the two. This would position the iPhone as an upsell from the nano. All Apple has to do is ensure that the profit per unit is the same or higher as the nano, and they don't have to worry about cannibalizing nano sales.

    In conclusion, the Think Secret article claims Apple expects to sell 25 million of the iPhones in the year 2007 alone. If Apple can pull that off, they will indeed be eclipsing the sales rates even of the highly successful RAZR. Unfortunately for Motorola, SonyEricsson, LG, Danger, Helio, etc., these eye-popping sales figures will come at the expense of all the othe "cool" phones that consumers were paying a premium for (RAZR, Walkman Phones, Chocolate, Sidekick, Helio). And not because these products necessarily compete head-to-head in terms of features, but rather because each person normally owns only one phone. So once consumers prioritize what they want in a phone, I predict many of them will opt to combine their iPod and phone into the same device. 25 million people making that choice in 2007 is not that far-fetched...

    robert mutt lange and marie-ann thiebaud. Marie-Anne Thiébaud
  • Marie-Anne Thiébaud

  • Manic Mouse
    Sep 13, 06:48 AM
    A stop-gap update to keep iPod sales flowing, while they work on the real update, if I ever saw one: Minor and irrelvant upgrades, price lowered.

    The "true" video-iPod will be here within 6 months.

    robert mutt lange and marie-ann thiebaud. Robert Mutt Lange:
  • Robert Mutt Lange:

  • cmaier
    Nov 13, 05:05 PM
    You may be right, but we haven't seen the emails or the actual rejected programs.

    Furthermore, "The Client Is Always Right", not because they are, but as a matter of principle. The client is in command.

    And I insist, Apple's model makes them the client, which I have to admit brings many benefits to the end user and the platform in general -not so many to the suppliers or developers, except maybe for the fact that it makes the end user more confident to part with their money, of which Apple has the numbers to prove.

    I don't see Apple as the client. After all, they didn't ask for the app. They didn't provide any kind of spec, or put out an RFP, or specify any guidelines as to what it should do. To me they are more of an unwanted kibbutzer looking over my shoulder. On more than one occasion I've had Apple reject updates that did things my customers really wanted, for dumb reasons (usually reasons that they could have asserted for the 20 updates I did prior to that point).

    robert mutt lange and marie-ann thiebaud. Frederic Thiebaud
  • Frederic Thiebaud

  • asdf542
    Apr 22, 02:01 PM
    I heard the name HP Envy, but I never bothered looking what it is. So yes, I ignore it.

    So, if there's no option to have heated seats in the Audi, that looks bad.
    The all new 15" Zacate notebook with an 18W CPU with a **** dispenser totally destroys the usefulness of a 15" MacBook Pro with a 45W CPU without a **** dispenser. The MacBook Pro needs a **** dispenser or else it looks bad.

    looks bad
    looks bad
    looks bad
    looks bad

    robert mutt lange and marie-ann thiebaud. star#39;s husband Mutt Lange
  • star#39;s husband Mutt Lange

  • spicyapple
    Sep 14, 08:04 AM
    Most likely. I'm not a betting person, but Apple usually rolls out new pro machines during these types of events and what better way to show off the MBPs running C2D than a demonstration of Aperture 2.0. :)

    robert mutt lange and marie-ann thiebaud. Marie-Anne Thiebaud
  • Marie-Anne Thiebaud

  • AtHomeBoy_2000
    Sep 14, 10:41 AM
    Along with updated Apature, could Apple launch CS2 universal with Adobe?

    robert mutt lange and marie-ann thiebaud. Though Marie-Anne and Mutt
  • Though Marie-Anne and Mutt

  • Peace
    Sep 5, 05:56 PM
    Exactly why there'd be the video equivalent of airtunes... haven't you been paying attention?

    Yes I have..The only difference is I'm including the recording part.

    robert mutt lange and marie-ann thiebaud. friend Marie-Anne Thiébaud
  • friend Marie-Anne Thiébaud

  • AtHomeBoy_2000
    Aug 23, 05:22 PM
    I was driving home for lunch today and thought "I wonder what ever happened with that Creative suit? I bet Apple will settle."

    Well, now i know!

    robert mutt lange and marie-ann thiebaud. The star#39;s marital problems hit the headlines in May 2008 when Lange#39;s affair with Twain#39;s former assistant and friend, Marie-Anne Thiebaud, was exposed in
  • The star#39;s marital problems hit the headlines in May 2008 when Lange#39;s affair with Twain#39;s former assistant and friend, Marie-Anne Thiebaud, was exposed in

  • toddybody
    Mar 22, 02:29 PM

    I just got the wife's approval to replace our satellite subscription with a mac-mini media center. If the mac mini is going to be updated within a couple of months, I'll wait for it.

    Wife said Yes

    robert mutt lange and marie-ann thiebaud. “Marie-Anne Thiébaud” who
  • “Marie-Anne Thiébaud” who

  • KingCrimson
    Apr 22, 04:25 PM
    I really hope this happens but I have a feeling that it will be hobbled in some way. If it runs from an iTunes master copy of songs then it might preclude people uploading music that has been ripped from CDs or bought somewhere else (like Amazon).

    This. Or songs ripped from Youtube videos. Sorry Apple just lost my business IF it's going to be based on the iTunes-verified master copy.

    robert mutt lange and marie-ann thiebaud. Photo of Robert Lange
  • Photo of Robert Lange

  • SeaFox
    Sep 16, 12:18 PM
    why is the US so far behind Europe with this kind of technology?

    (edit: maybe it isn't i haven't shopped for a phone in nearly a year)

    It's certainly why I haven't. I wouldn't say the U.S. is so much behind the rest of the world (although that is true) but keep in mind U.S. carriers are all about keeping people locked into contracts. It's much easier to get a phone and change providers in Europe because they don't do hardware locking to network and prepaid is more proliferant. You can get lots of these great phones (by the way, they do make 10 megapixel camera phones now) if you buy them online, paying retail prices.

    The problem is most U.S. consumers are cheap as far as I can tell, most will not pay at all for a phone and even few will pay more than $100. The carriers cannot afford to subsidize these phones because even with them partially covering the cost a consumer will be looking at an over $250 cost with a contract..

    The U.S. cell phone is behind other countries because the U.S. cell phone network is behind other countries. We're just now getting 3G out in most of the country but Japan has had it and two way video calls for years.

    If I could afford it and was willing to take the gamble of learning a new UI, I would get the Nokia N73. But it's hard to justify spending that much on a cell phone for me and I'm more familiar with Nokia series 40 phones.

    robert mutt lange and marie-ann thiebaud. friend Marie-Anne Thiébaud
  • friend Marie-Anne Thiébaud

  • LegendKillerUK
    Mar 23, 04:52 PM
    Surely these apps fall foul of the rule about no lasting entertainment?

    They seem pointless if you're already drunk to be able to use it.

    robert mutt lange and marie-ann thiebaud. Robert quot;Muttquot; Lange was
  • Robert quot;Muttquot; Lange was

  • ChazUK
    Mar 29, 11:53 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 2.3.3; en-gb; Blade Build/FRG83) AppleWebKit/533.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/533.1)

    It'll be interesting to see what the Nokia deal will do for MSFT. As things stand now I can't see this happening but you never know.

    robert mutt lange and marie-ann thiebaud. photo marie ann thiebaud
  • photo marie ann thiebaud

  • Mainyehc
    Aug 31, 07:00 PM
    My crazy/he's hitting the rock again call of the day would be that on the 12th, Steve shocks the world with a redefinition of the whole mobile phone experience. Announcing the new iPod phone.

    Where's my pipe?

    Hey, you may be on to something there... I was about to buy a Nokia 1100 for €25 (w00t! :D ), but I think I'll just postpone that purchase. I'd gladly get rid of my 1GB Shuffle, as I already carry my cell phone with me at all times (yes, I take both with me even to the beach!).

    The only downside to having an Apple cell phone is that it would attract muggers too much for my taste... But hey, I already carry my 60GB 5G iPod with me frequently, and besides, I wouldn't throw away my craptacular vintage Siemens A52 anyway (it could still serve me as a backup for nightlife ;) ).

    Yeah, you could say that sometimes, I'm a sucker for monochrome stuff. If it wasn't for its meager HD, I'd have kept my oh-so-gorgeous 20GB 3G iPod with its 12pt Chicago typeface :) . And both the classic Nokia's and Siemens' interfaces, while not as intuitive as most of Apple's stuff, are not that shabby either...

    robert mutt lange and marie-ann thiebaud. with Marie Ann Thiébaud,
  • with Marie Ann Thiébaud,

  • gorgeousninja
    Apr 11, 08:27 AM
    Probably workin' 24/7 on it as we speak... I hope Apple finally stops being Sue Zombie, and realizes the advantages to the consumer for this.

    Apple, go back to the logic that made you what you are - make products for the consumer's hearts & thoughts!

    you seem, like so many people these days, to be wanting everything while giving nothing...

    Hey Apple / music / movie /etc etc industry, why cant you just let me have whatever I want, whenever I want, all for free?
    And let me moan and whinge non-stop while you're doing it.

    When I hit the airplay button on my iPhone and my 400W audio system kicks in, when I'm sitting in my garden wirelessly selecting what music I want...then that still gives me a huge grin bringing Wow factor...and definitely is where my 'heart and thought's' have been for many many years.

    Do not let mere familiarity breed contempt for those little joys, it does you no favors.

    robert mutt lange and marie-ann thiebaud. Marie-Anne Thiebaud was a
  • Marie-Anne Thiebaud was a

  • Stella
    Oct 27, 07:57 AM
    Apple are trying to improve, which is a Good Thing.

    However, bad publicity involving non Green companies is always a good thing. Shame companies into making their products 'greener' - which effectively what happened to Apple.

    One World. We aren't getting off this rock any time soon.

    robert mutt lange and marie-ann thiebaud. Marie-Anne Thiebaud
  • Marie-Anne Thiebaud

  • CaptMurdock
    Apr 21, 08:46 AM
    Sure is. A hypothetical I like to propose:

    Considering that the discrepancies between "rich" and "poor" as far as voting goes are far over blown ( (Rich DO vote liberal and poor DO vote conservative) with the top third of white income earners STILL voting liberal, despite their high incomes and the ever-pervasive myth that rich people vote republican.

    If this top third of income earners, instead of trying to legislate their charities through democratic votes and the force of law, simply put 50%, 60%, 70%, hell, 90% of their incomes towards charity rather than owning a home, owning multiple vehicles, owning boats, "traveling", shopping at Lunds or Kowalskis, etc, the poverty problem would be fixed, or at the very least, helped significantly without forcing ANYBODY to do ANYTHING.

    But then again, these people would rather force everyone to pony up the dough rather than take a hit to their lifestyles.

    Charity is a beautiful thing, but forced charity?

    Oh, good... I was wondering when the "Screw you, I got mine" crowd would come out of hiding.

    robert mutt lange and marie-ann thiebaud. friend Marie-Anne Thiébaud
  • friend Marie-Anne Thiébaud

  • valiar
    Sep 22, 03:14 AM
    Not sure if anyone will read my post after 8 pages...
    But, sheesh!
    Why all the excitement at all? I would never ever even considering paying any money for something like that (and I consider myself to be insanely rich).
    $10. Or more.
    For the privilege of downloading a DRMed-through-the nose file.
    Which you don't get to "own" in the same sense as you would own a disk (and you also get nice cover art with the disk!).
    For all this money, you don't even get the benefit of being able to redownload the said DRMed file in case your har drive crashes... No sir! Even though iTMS keeps record of everuthing you buy, to download your stuff again, you will need to pay again.
    Basically, the content providers try to milk you twice. They want that DRMed download to be treated as a physical object for certain purposes, and a licensed piece of intellectual property for the other purposes.
    And everyone's favorite company, Apple, is complicit in this big scam. :mad:
    Yes, I do think iTMS is a big scam - and I will not ever spend a cent there.
    You can flame my post all you want, but this is the hard truth.
    All of those DRMed services suck because they do not provide the extra value for me to even consider to buy into all this locked in crap.
    And, yes, I do have a video iPod.
    I prefer to fill it up on, or by ripping DVDs.

    robert mutt lange and marie-ann thiebaud. Robert Mutt Lange:
  • Robert Mutt Lange:

  • MagnusVonMagnum
    Mar 19, 12:19 PM
    You still haven't presented one argument

    The sad thing is that I'm certain you really believe that. :cool:

    Sep 14, 06:34 AM
    i agree i would snap it up the day it comes out..

    on a side note: entry level mac mini is .01p cheaper :D


    Mar 29, 11:38 AM
    I think they need to learn how to do math. How can you have an 18.8% cumulative annual growth rate when your market share goes down from 15.7% to 15.3%?

    Mar 29, 12:20 PM
    Although SL does not have a stupid name like snap for being able to put windows side by side, we have been able to do it for years and it is one of my favorite features of OS, and what a concept allowing me to move a window where ever I want it and scroll through the page even if it is not active. All of you W7 humpers please try and "snap" two excel or word files next to each other. Oh that right you cant, because heaven forbid I would want to do that and work simultaneous on two MS office files.

    Not sure why people are complaining about the Cut feature either, dragging works great and and so does Cmd+x;c;v, respectively.

    Al Coholic
    Mar 23, 05:42 PM
    Censorship! Don't do it, Apple!

    All Senators are Democrats. Go figure.


    Apr 20, 11:17 AM
    Unless I'm missing it in the thread, I didn't see anything on this particular question. Does anyone know if this database on the iPhone is accessible by apps? ie. can you download some app that then scans the database and uploads your information elsewhere behind the scenes?

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