Bin Laden is a dwarf

Bin Laden is a dwarf. in laden funny cartoon in
  • in laden funny cartoon in

  • *LTD*
    May 2, 09:55 AM
    Mac OS X fanboys really need to stop clinging to the mentality that "viruses" don't exist for OS X

    They don't.

    Bin Laden is a dwarf. osama in laden dead proof.
  • osama in laden dead proof.

  • emil.lofman
    Aug 29, 12:53 PM
    I just gave examples in my post. Groups like this want to stop business and the growth of the American economy. That's their agenda. Why isn't greenpeace over in China or Indian demanding cleaner emissions from their cars/power plants/industry? Ever been to Shanghai? Good luck seeing over 100 feet from the smog. That's on a good day. Those two countries are killing the environment, but it's all Apple's fault according to GP. Give me a break.

    I think you've missed something here. Greenpeace did not, infact, state that Apple is solely responsible for killing the environment.

    When China and India begins polluting as much as most western countries do per capita, that's when we're in trouble.

    I would guess the industries in India and China are exporting quite a lot of goods to the western world, which makes us morally responsible. To make a real bad analogy, a prostitute with no customers is not a prositute.

    Greenpeace probably doesn't have much of a chance to raise awareness on environmental issues in either China, a country were there is no freedom of speech, or India, were a large part of the population is preoccupied with being really, really poor and therefore has no time to spare for macrumors.

    You seem really intelligent by the way - you'll probably do great in high school.

    Bin Laden is a dwarf. Osama in laden and Aiman al
  • Osama in laden and Aiman al

  • OdduWon
    Nov 3, 11:23 AM
    Someone give multimedia 8 cores please. so he will have more time to bring the know. :D
    you rock ;)

    Bin Laden is a dwarf. in laden dwarf in laden in. in
  • in laden dwarf in laden in. in

  • Analog Kid
    Oct 26, 01:42 AM
    Do either IBM or Motorola have a quad-core chip on the horizon?
    How many cores in a Cell? Nine, depending on how you count...

    Bin Laden is a dwarf. Osama Bin Laden
  • Osama Bin Laden

  • Lau
    Aug 29, 11:11 AM
    zero evidence, other than my gut feeling.

    But come on, Dell more green than Apple? Something is not right here.

    Hmm. Gut feeling's all very well, but Apple obviously do a great job of marketing themselves as a friendly green company and we may go round believing that without evidence, and it looks as if the figures don't back them up.

    I wonder if they mentioned the fact that Dell has made the computer a disposable purchase with their $299 PCs.

    That's a good point, actually, it's much better to make a long-lasting product than a crappy one that's recycled when it breaks. It's a shame that iPods are effectively disposable though. To be able to replace the battery in particular, and possibly the hard drive, would make it a much more longer lasting product.

    Bin Laden is a dwarf. in Laden photo release
  • in Laden photo release

  • iJohnHenry
    Apr 23, 06:10 PM
    What is a "devout atheist"? :confused:

    They genuflect without warning, something like an epileptic. :rolleyes:

    Bin Laden is a dwarf. in laden pics.
  • in laden pics.

  • Mac'nCheese
    Apr 23, 09:40 PM
    How many people became theistic because of atheism? Or have their religious views strengthened as a result of atheism?

    How many people became atheist because of religion? Or have their atheistic views strengthened as a result of religion?

    This was my point in that statement.

    And of course atheists will be less trusted. Atheism rejects non-societal Morals (unless you want to pull the "absolute morals exist and god(s) do not" version of atheism). Morality is completely defined by society at that point or at a more direct sense, by us.

    Someone who is a practicing theist has a "standard" of Morals to abide by. Granted, a lot - if not most - of politicians are the "I'm a once a month Christian so people will vote for me" type but some (like GWB for better or worse) appear to take their faith with them to the office. This is a far more reliable set of beliefs, whether or not you agree with them, than someone who has arbitrary or personally decided morals.

    I'm not sure I understand the point in the first part of your post so I'll have to skip that for now. Maybe you can phrase it a different way to help me out. Anyway, the whole "moral" issue has been raised and argued before. In my mind, there are many reasons why, logically, atheists are, by far, more moral then religious people. I'll just throw one out at you: your statement of someone who is a practicing theist has a "standard" of morals to abide by isn't something I can agree with for many reasons. One, why does one have to have a religious book to have a standard of morals. Atheists can know right and wrong and make laws based on common sense morals. We don't need some made up god to tell us what is right and wrong. Secondly, have you read some of the "morals" in the holy books. If so, and you still follow these rules, you have very low standards for what good morals should be. One needs to look no further then the section on how to treat your slaves in the bible to see this fact!

    Bin Laden is a dwarf. Osama Bin Laden Is Dead
  • Osama Bin Laden Is Dead

  • iMikeT
    Jul 12, 12:47 AM
    With all of these options, I don't know what to think any more.:confused:

    Bin Laden is a dwarf. in laden dwarf bin laden mr
  • in laden dwarf bin laden mr

  • iJohnHenry
    Apr 26, 06:08 PM
    Munchies aside, miracle cures of old are likely misdiagnosis.

    Leaches were used back then, right.

    (Bad example, leaches, fly larva, etc, are valued assets in today's medicine.)

    Bin Laden is a dwarf. found in Osama in Laden#39;s
  • found in Osama in Laden#39;s

  • Tymmz
    Aug 29, 11:06 AM
    Why do these "tree-huggers" have to interfere with business?

    Apples does what they can to have more "enviornmentally-friendly" ways of processing their products. But 4th worst?

    ?tree-huggers? ?interfere with business? !we don't want to start that discussion!

    Do you have proof for your statement, that Apple is doing their best?

    Bin Laden is a dwarf. videotape of in Laden or; in laden dwarf bin laden cartoon. Laden a jihad against israel,; Laden a jihad against israel,
  • videotape of in Laden or; in laden dwarf bin laden cartoon. Laden a jihad against israel,; Laden a jihad against israel,

  • jaduffy108
    Aug 29, 02:11 PM
    I didn't know we had a climate scientist in this forum, let alone one of the tiny percentage of scientists who dispute that human activity is a large factor in current climate change? Please enlighten us... that is, unless you're just some guy with an uneducated opinion. By all means, tell us why you know so much more about this well-studied topic than the hundreds of thousands of climate researchers around the world who've reached an almost unprecedented consensus regarding the roll of human activity, and CO2 production, in climate change.

    But, to get back on topic, I do think Apple should release well-documented information regarding what they are doing to reduce their environmental impact, and how they're going to change in the face of these criticisms.

    Apple is supposed to be 'Different', and these challenges regarding the treatment of their labour force, and their environmental policies, should be viewed as opportunities to be a good example (and thereby earn more customer loyalty), rather than something to be spun and handled with PR.


    ### Well said!

    Bin Laden is a dwarf. dwarf bin laden condom. In
  • dwarf bin laden condom. In

  • ZilogZ80
    Apr 14, 05:48 AM
    screen maximizing is an annoyance on mac

    Bin Laden is a dwarf. in laden dwarf bin laden cartoon. osama in laden obama
  • in laden dwarf bin laden cartoon. osama in laden obama

  • jayducharme
    Oct 7, 05:04 PM
    I have no doubt Android will surpass the iPhone in terms of user numbers. Will it surpass in quality? That remains to be seen...

    Even if it does surpass in the number of users, since when has Apple been solely concerned about numbers? Quality of design really does seem to be an obsession with Apple. When the iPhone was first released, didn't Jobs state that he would be happy with 1% of the cell phone market? He's already surpassed that. Just as with their computers, Apple has never positioned itself as a mass market brand for everybody. They have opened the floodgates on the smart phone market, but I don't think they ever intended to dominate it. They simply want to provide the best experience, and that in turn brings them discriminating customers.

    Bin Laden is a dwarf. osama in laden dead or alive.
  • osama in laden dead or alive.

  • DakotaGuy
    May 7, 09:23 PM
    I don't understand why someone would stay with AT&T if they are having so many dropped calls. With Verizon offering phones like the Droid Incredible and Motorola Droid it is possible to switch to a more reliable carrier and still have an "iPhone like" experience. I don't see the iPhone coming to Verizon anytime soon. If you really want an iPhone then just get a Touch and get a Verizon Android phone to go with it.

    Of course it is your money, but I would be upset if I was paying my phone bill every month and not getting reliable service.

    Bin Laden is a dwarf. in laden logo in laden on
  • in laden logo in laden on

  • wordoflife
    Mar 18, 11:53 AM
    I hate how these carriers work in the US.

    If you give us a data allowance, that is what you give us - regardless of how we use it.
    If you were giving us unlimited data, then I could understand why you would be charging for tethering. But that would go bad anyways.

    I know its in the contract, but thats cheap.

    Bin Laden is a dwarf. Osama Bin Laden vs Barrack.
  • Osama Bin Laden vs Barrack.

  • Piggie
    Apr 9, 07:30 PM
    It's quite obvious what Apple are doing.

    They're not going to make a console as such because it's a cumbersome solution. What they'll do is continue to improve and expand their current iOS platform and the games involved.

    The "console" solution they're working on is quite simple. Airplay. If the rumours are true about Apple trying to licence the tech and if we go by the relatively cheap Apple TV iteration the future is staring you in the face.

    Your iPhone, iPod or iPad will become the console or the controller in the tradition console sense. Games will be sent wirelessly without lag to the TV where others can join in with their own iOS devices. The devices can change depending on the game and the flexibility of the touch screen. Once you've finished you take your iOS device with you and carry on playing on the go.

    Apple will never make a traditional games console. It isn't in their DNA to make something so vulgar. They'll simply integrate experiences into a whole. Airplay is the way they'll do it in regards to the TV.

    Bin Laden is a dwarf. in laden standing up in
  • in laden standing up in

  • archipellago
    May 2, 05:02 PM
    My head hurts� everyone needs a time out! Go to your corners! :p

    sorry, I'm done here now.

    Bin Laden is a dwarf. Osama Bin Laden
  • Osama Bin Laden

  • aristobrat
    Mar 18, 12:48 PM
    But if you advertise unlimited as At&t does and did, it should be unlimited no matter what (Slimey) lawyer drafts a document meant to swindle people is signed.

    Bin Laden is a dwarf. osama in laden killed.
  • osama in laden killed.

    Oct 26, 12:03 PM
    Thank you for both those posts. I have felt pretty alone on these 8-core threads thus far. Glad to finally see someone else who understands and can explain so well why 8-cores is still not going to be enough joining in on these discussions.

    Any of you who don't think a 16-core Mac Pro will be a hit in a year can really only be into word processing. :p

    You are welcome.

    I have been reading your Mac Rumors posts for a long time and I am amazed at the bashing you take sometimes. I recall the days when people complained of Apple boxes being "too slow."

    Now the posts I read on supposed pro sites like Mac Rumors are filled with users chiding one's need for speed -- I get the feeling that many of the users in this forum do simply have the workload to truly push these machines -- there is almost a sense of envy at users who do.

    My suggestion to users feeling this envy is as follows: Learn new skills. If you make your living using a Mac as we do, then evolve with your box. Buy new software. Seek out new clients who want higher end multimedia for web and other distribution. Push the market to evolve.

    Anyhow, I will contribute as much as my schedule allows.

    Best regards to all.


    Don't panic
    Mar 14, 11:03 AM
    i find hard to believe that the casualties are only in the 1000-3000 range.

    Naturally, I hope they are right and unfortunately that still is a lot of people, but with the news of tens of towns and villages completely razed in densely populated areas I am amazed if the numbers remain so (relatively) low.

    it would be a true testament on how well-prepared they were.

    Jul 12, 08:32 AM
    Yeah, I hope apple lower their price point for the pro models. It is way too much. I love mac computer, but come on; the prices vs the PC suckass.

    I know Macs are way better then PC, but PCs are good tool too.

    Unless Apple bucks their own trend of charging more for the Intel Mac replacements over the G4/G5 units, we may be in for a rather large increase at the higher end on up. Intel processors cost more than G4/G5 processors. The high end of any processor costs a lot more than the slower ones of the same type. Does all of this add up to price decreases or price increases? As much as I would like to see a price decrease, to me that just does not add up.

    Bill the TaxMan

    Aug 29, 11:07 AM
    Boo hoo. its a business, waht do they realistically expect?
    Yeah its a business. But you gotta give back to the community. Whats the point in reaping huge profits off consumers then destroying the earth? It's not that drammatic, but if every company were like Apple, it'd definitely not bode well for the environment :mad:

    Mar 25, 03:39 PM
    You have to prove the rights existed in the first place otherwise I could argue the government is denying my right to drive a tank

    No- you have to prove why I should be denied that right. It clearly exists.

    You guys continue to ignore that marriage is in fact, a right. That has already been proven to you. And again, quit comparing us to weapons of mass destruction or murderers. I'm sick of it.

    The Catholic view does not demand the death of homosexuals, instead it seeks to change the behavior for they are lost sheep.

    I am not lost. I know exactly where I am. I am also not a sheep. I don't blindly follow any leader or religion.

    Sep 12, 07:21 PM
    Here's another pic from the event today, taken by the Gizmodo guys...

    Looking at their other pictures answered a question I was wondering. Does this thing have an Ethernet port, and it apparently does. I'd rather not rely on wireless. Right now I have a VGA cable from my iMac to my TV, so I'd gain something by replacing it with a simple CAT5.

    I'm a bit surprised not to see any USB or FW ports on there though. I was betting on being able to hook up an optional HDD.


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