miley cyrus bong 2011

miley cyrus bong 2011. Miley Cyrus Bong Video
  • Miley Cyrus Bong Video

  • Phil A.
    Aug 23, 07:07 PM
    Don't 90% or more of the MP3 players on the market also infringe this patent (including the forthcoming Zune). By making this payout Apple have given Creative the means to fight other companies (such as Microsoft, Sandisk, etc) which could tie them up for years and possibly even delay the launch of Zune. Meanwhile, Apple have their nice license agreement and can continue unabated...

    miley cyrus bong 2011. 2011, Miley+cyrus+ong+
  • 2011, Miley+cyrus+ong+

  • freeny
    Sep 5, 12:39 PM
    I believe Apple has been waiting for all the planets to align. If there is going to be a movie service there will be a true "video iPod".

    They were whipped in the ass last time for the boom box release, they will be looking to gain back face this time around.

    miley cyrus bong 2011. Miley-cyrus-ong-photo_552x414
  • Miley-cyrus-ong-photo_552x414

  • tpavur
    Apr 4, 11:48 AM
    being the CCW permit holder that I am... I sure hope this guys did more than break some glass; security guard is going to feel a lot of pain for this one... doesnt matter if that guy was running with the whole damn store being pulled behind him, can't shoot at all for this one. I really hope there is more to this story.

    miley cyrus bong 2011. Miley Cyrus ripping the ong!
  • Miley Cyrus ripping the ong!

  • OllyW
    Mar 29, 12:57 PM
    by 2015, wp7 doesn't exist.

    You're probably right, wp8 is scheduled for late 2012. :D

    miley cyrus bong 2011. I guess Miley Cyrus is a role
  • I guess Miley Cyrus is a role

  • TheManOfSilver
    Sep 4, 09:09 PM
    I'd be surprised if Apple did anything with TV tuners.

    With the variety of TV services that people have (analog cable, digital cable, satellite TV, Verizon's TV over fiber, terrestrial HDTV), coming up with a device that can tune most folks TV doesn't sound easy, even for Apple.

    There may be lots of TV options out there, but right now Apple isn't servicing any of them. They're losing potential business to 3rd Party companies like Elgato. If they released a simple box with analog/digital standard/hidef options, they would be servicing the overwhelming majority of the market (most digital, satelite and other special services require set-top boxes anyway).

    miley cyrus bong 2011. miley cyrus bong pics
  • miley cyrus bong pics

  • aurichie
    Mar 29, 11:49 AM
    When Windows starts to come close to SL in terms of ease of use and functionality let me know ;)

    Windows is as easy to use as SL. I'd say in terms of functionality Windows beats SL hands down. But most Apple fans idea of functionality in Windows is complexity and they prefer the dumbed down Mac operating system.

    When I start using Mac OS X 2 years ago, it took me two solid months to get used to its ways. I can tell you, when I started out, I would not have described Apple's operating system as easy to use. Now I'm competent using two operating systems, and can appreciate the strengths and weaknesses of both. Neither are very difficult to use if you apply yourself to learning, but you have to put in the time to take full advantage of either one of them.

    miley cyrus bong 2011. miley cyrus bong video
  • miley cyrus bong video

  • doodosh
    Sep 12, 07:39 PM
    I was really curious if the 5.5 G iPod has the same back finish as the U2 special edition. That would make things a lot better imo

    miley cyrus bong 2011. Miley Cyrus#39; ong-owning
  • Miley Cyrus#39; ong-owning

  • mrbrown
    Mar 23, 07:17 PM
    If you're drunk enough that you shouldn't be driving, no app is going to save you. It's as simple as that.

    miley cyrus bong 2011. miley cyrus bong picture
  • miley cyrus bong picture

  • briansolomon
    Sep 5, 10:33 AM
    I think I speak for most everyone when I say that feeling we used to get, before Intel processors were in the machines, is back.

    miley cyrus bong 2011. miley cyrus bong 2011.
  • miley cyrus bong 2011.

  • kryca
    Apr 23, 07:09 AM
    I still don't get why there is still no mention of built-in 3G support. For a device as mobile as the MBA, it's beyond me why it's still missing.

    The clunky UMTS USB sticks are difficult to handle on the go, particulary on Rev C and earlier they usually don't even fit without an USB extension cable. :-(

    But maybe I'm missing something here :-)

    miley cyrus bong 2011. miley cyrus bong smoking
  • miley cyrus bong smoking

  • SodaPopMonster
    Sep 14, 08:48 AM
    I doubt that the iPhone will be something anyone expects- It'l be something that will make people say "We should have thought of that!".

    miley cyrus bong 2011. Miley Cyrus has something to
  • Miley Cyrus has something to

  • AppleScruff1
    Apr 19, 11:08 AM
    Apple should just buy out Samsung!

    Simplistic, I know.

    Samsung is a slightly larger company than Apple.

    miley cyrus bong 2011. Miley+cyrus+2011+pictures
  • Miley+cyrus+2011+pictures

  • revfife
    Sep 12, 02:53 PM
    OH WELL. thank you for pointing out my rudeness...

    as a matter of fact, i have been quite sensitive now that i've seen the new one coming out right after my recent purchase of the OLD one, DAMMIT

    that aside.....
    didn't i clarify that i've been to apple store to check out its spec as well? or maybe i didn't but that's not the problem here

    yes, i did go to that freaking apple store and looked for the spec, but only the maximum battery life was specified, and max for video play for only 80 gig was mentioned there, not for 30g, dammit

    or maybe i couldn't find it? i was being too lazy? well then go look for it yourself, gosh

    Off Apple's website that he pointed you to:
    Playback time (30GB model)

    miley cyrus bong 2011. miley cyrus bong rips. takes
  • miley cyrus bong rips. takes

  • Roller
    Sep 4, 06:53 PM
    Not too many details: would this stream movies already downloaded or let you download/view simultaneously (like view on demand)?

    miley cyrus bong 2011. miley cyrus smoking a
  • miley cyrus smoking a

  • DRewPi
    Sep 2, 12:17 PM
    Hey guys, just hope some stuff comes out on the 5th, like new MBP with some C2D, i guess that should show up... and doesn't need any kind of keynote show.... and maybe the mini ... to with some improved specs ... as far fot the MB, that is what I'm waiting for ... shouldn't show up at least by the end of the month !!! But who KNOWS ..... ???? :rolleyes: A litle suprise would be nice !!!!

    miley cyrus bong 2011. Miley Cyrus Bong Hi
  • Miley Cyrus Bong Hi

  • chameleon
    Mar 29, 12:35 PM
    I'm not even sure anyone at Apple really cares about these numbers because we're talking about dozens of handsets using those OS's vs a single phone on iOS.

    No, the reason Apple doesn't care is this:

    Their "one phone" makes more profit that all the variations of Android, Windows Phone and BlackBerries combined.

    miley cyrus bong 2011. miley cyrus bong picture
  • miley cyrus bong picture

  • wordoflife
    Apr 4, 12:34 PM
    Was It really necessary to kill him?

    They shot at the cops as well.
    It's sad, but reality.
    Can't do the time, don't do the crime.

    miley cyrus bong 2011. miley cyrus bong hit. cyrus
  • miley cyrus bong hit. cyrus

  • asdf542
    Apr 22, 12:20 PM
    If it were OK to remove the optical drives they would have already done so.

    They are fighting against Blu-Ray. But that's where the notebook market has already moved into.

    The MacBook Pro design hasn't changed since 2008. I'd bet money that the next time they do a redesign an optical drive won't be present.

    miley cyrus bong 2011. 2011, miley cyrus bong
  • 2011, miley cyrus bong

  • backinblack875
    Mar 29, 11:11 AM

    Apr 28, 07:53 PM
    Apple is doing extremely we'll in a lot of markets. Microsoft does well in the corporate market but they are not flashy or innovative in terms of their core market. Microsoft does well because corporations have settled on Windows / Office combination. Since it does well for their purposes, it is enough to sustain them.

    Congratulations to Apple for doing so well but do not feel bad for Microsoft.

    Nov 13, 03:20 PM
    So, did you even READ what Rogue Amoeba had to say?

    I'm seriously amazed with you apologists. You guys are defending Apple in an instance where they are CLEARLY in the wrong.


    Please be more specific when you say "wrong", in what way?

    Apple owns the rights to their intellectual property, this includes images and icons of their products that they have created.

    However, let me be clear here... I think Apple's "stance" regarding this is "wrong". Rogue Amoeba has enriched the user experience by providing an accurate representation of the source. This should have been resolved when Apple looked into it on more than the surface level.

    Sep 8, 08:25 AM
    I'm calling it now. Apple's new "media center" device will be the iPod itself. I'm thinking that Apple will release a dock well suited for high definition video output to an HD tv.
    People will purchase movies on iTunes, their movies will be transfered to their iPod upon updating and then, they can take their iPod to their TV (or anybody elses) for viewing movies on the large screen.

    Remember.. I called it ;)

    I was just thinking something along those lines. You sit at the couch, iPod in hand. Use it as a super remote control, cycling through movies, iMovie, iTunes, quicktime content etc. With or without the TV on. iPod screen shows same thing as the tv display (control-wise). content is streamed from the media center which is nothing more than a wireless transfer device from your computer, or maybe it is all self contained content, or both. Hmmmmm.:rolleyes:

    Mar 23, 05:15 PM
    Censorship! Don't do it, Apple!

    What, its ok for Apple to censor based on its whims, but not the government?

    Actually I think they're both wrong. Shouldn't censor. Once the government starts censoring what information was can access, what else is next?

    Bleep out phone calls is someone mentions a DUI checkpoint?
    Remove all DUI checkpoint discussions from Google? Remove them entirely from the web?

    Censorship is a slippery slope. Apple has invited this level of control because of their own Orwellian rules on the app store.

    So much for freedom of speech. We are losing all our supposed 'freedoms' in this country at an alarming rate, and few care or notice.

    Apr 16, 09:23 AM
    Or you could just buy a multi-port Thunderbolt adapter(that supports USB 3) for less than $10 when they are released making your half-baked scenario completely worthless.

    Yes because everyone loves to carry around external breakout boxes with their sleek portable Macbooks.... :rolleyes:

    And $10? For Thunderbolt? You are DREAMING. You can't even get a decent USB2 hub for $10.

    Oh and why would someone pay extra money for a drive that can reach at the LOWEST twice the performance of USB 3? Gee, I wonder. I'd love to know where you got the sales figures from also. From your ass perhaps?

    Twice the performance of USB3? That would be Thunderbolt's maximum possible data rate. No single consumer hard drive on earth supports that kind of speed (let alone even USB3's top speed) so I haven't a clue what you're getting at. Why would someone pay MORE to get a drive that is no faster than a USB3 drive? They would almost certainly have to as demand determines price/availability and there is nearly zero demand for TB devices at this point in time while USB3 are backwards compatible with the vast majority of the computers on the planet. My sales figures are based on the relative cost of drives with Firewire interfaces (the closest example that already exists to Thunderbolt in terms of technology versus low demand) against drives that only support USB2 and/or USB3. There is always a large premium for a drive with a FW interface, even today when a fair amount of computers exist with FW interfaces (i.e. SOME demand). Therefore TB compatible drives will likely cost considerably more money than USB3 drives for the SAME underlying drive. You will pay a premium for the interface just like Firewire to offset the higher costs of low production numbers created by little demand compared to USB3/2 interfaces. There will be no speed advantage on a consumer drive because no consumer drive even comes CLOSE to the limits of either interface. So unlike YOUR $10 scenario, I didn't just make a number up out of thin air. Furthermore, the scenario is hardly half-baked given USB drives are already common at places like Best Buy (I personally already own TWO 3TB USB3 drives) so the unlikely 'friend' in the stated scenario would be more likely to already own a USB3 drive than a currently non-existent TB drive that will undoubtedly cost MORE when it does finally arrive.

    TB is more suited to high-end professional use where maximum overall data throughput (probably across multiple banks of drives per interface) and low overhead is desired (e.g. professional video, future high-speed server banks, live audio, etc.) The average consumer doesn't want to pay $50-100 more for FW800 drive interface over USB2 today (nor is their computer even likely to have FW if it's not a Mac) even if does have a benefit over USB2. They certainly aren't going to want to pay a potentially larger premium to get the same relative performance (perhaps with a bit of CPU overhead differences) versus USB3 with today's drives that don't come near USB3 levels, let alone Thunderbolt.

    Be my guest and continue to insult and rant and dream big of TB heaven where USB doesn't exist. I live in a more practical and logical world.

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