ipod touch 4th generation 8gb

ipod touch 4th generation 8gb. ipod touch 4th generation 8gb.
  • ipod touch 4th generation 8gb.

  • Willis
    Sep 10, 05:39 AM
    Well at least people who have brought MacPros can breathe easy now for a while. Basically because these Kentsfield's arent pin compatable with Woodcrest.

    However, trying to find a product that can take conroe is sort of pointless. There's no proof or rumours that Apple are working on a Midrange tower. AND even if Apple did release one with just a Conroe chip in it, it would eat iMac sales.

    It'd be nice to see one, but not likely

    ipod touch 4th generation 8gb. ipod touch 4th generation 8gb.
  • ipod touch 4th generation 8gb.

  • Sodner
    Apr 20, 10:51 AM
    Eh. Not that big of a deal as far as I'm concerned. It's a tracking file on my phone copied to my computer. I have plenty more to worry about like bank or CC info then my exact location at a given moment.

    Hey everybody, I'm at work in Cranberry, PA right now! :eek:

    ipod touch 4th generation 8gb. iPod Touch 4th Generation Rear
  • iPod Touch 4th Generation Rear

  • Cinch
    Sep 5, 12:56 PM
    attempts to unify the TV and the computer have been done for the last 15 years or so without success. I give Apple a less then 10% success. Even if they succeed, the definition of success here is greatly compromise to a point of failure.


    ipod touch 4th generation 8gb. The 8GB iPod Touch (4th
  • The 8GB iPod Touch (4th

  • iBug2
    May 3, 01:25 PM
    Heck, my new 2.2 i7 quad MacBook Pro beats every one of the last Mac Pro revisions. The Mac Pro line is more and more for a very specialized audience�those who need the utmost performance and expansion (2-3 video cards, an extra I/O card, 4x SSD drives for speed + space for high end production work...

    You are kidding right? MBP's Geekbench score is around 11k, where the top end Mac Pro's perform close to 30k, that's almost 3 times as powerful as the fastest MBP.

    24 threads > 8 threads. :)

    ipod touch 4th generation 8gb. NEW Apple iPod Touch 4th Gen
  • NEW Apple iPod Touch 4th Gen

  • Prof.
    Mar 23, 04:45 PM
    You should tell that to my son. Oh wait, you can't, he was murdered someone like you.
    I'm terribly sorry, my deepest condolences. *hug*

    ipod touch 4th generation 8gb. Apple ipod touch 8gb (4th gen
  • Apple ipod touch 8gb (4th gen

  • scott523
    Apr 22, 11:25 AM
    This might be a attractive buy for me. I hope it Kuo is right on track... now if he could just refine his iPhone 5 predictions..

    ipod touch 4th generation 8gb. Apple Ipods Touch 4th
  • Apple Ipods Touch 4th

  • G4DP
    Mar 22, 01:30 PM
    Glad all the consumers machines get this first. All the kinks can be worked out before the MacPro gets it at the end of the year.

    LaCie have started making drives etc with Cripplepeak connectivity. There are a few others.

    ipod touch 4th generation 8gb. ipod touch 4th generation 8gb.
  • ipod touch 4th generation 8gb.

  • ngenerator
    Mar 23, 05:03 PM
    Boo! What's the point of drinking and driving if I can't also be distracted by my bright and pretty iPhone? Goddamn senators

    ipod touch 4th generation 8gb. apple ipod touch 4th
  • apple ipod touch 4th

  • iMacZealot
    Sep 14, 12:21 AM
    I actually like the idea. There could be a virtual dial on the screen like an old school phone.

    Silly me, though! :)

    The hell with that. Just put in a rotary dial. :)


    ipod touch 4th generation 8gb. Apple ipod touch 8gb (4th gen)
  • Apple ipod touch 8gb (4th gen)

  • jazzkids
    Mar 23, 05:57 PM
    Not to mention, operating a phone while driving is becoming illegal in most states due to distracted driving. I figure there would be a bunch of drunk people using this app while driving drunk? Geez.

    I got an idea...what about an app that tells ME where the drunk drivers are so I can stay away from THEM?

    ipod touch 4th generation 8gb. Apple Ipod Touch 8gb 4th Gen
  • Apple Ipod Touch 8gb 4th Gen

  • LagunaSol
    Apr 19, 09:33 AM

    Looks like Apple copied palm just changed the background to white and the icons to a square!


    Sorry to have to post this image again, but do you really find the iPhone similar to the Treo in the same way the Samsung is similar to the iPhone? Really???


    ipod touch 4th generation 8gb. Apple Ipod 8GB Touch 4th
  • Apple Ipod 8GB Touch 4th

  • alphaod
    Apr 4, 12:37 PM
    Good aim.


    ipod touch 4th generation 8gb. ipod touch 3rd generation 8gb
  • ipod touch 3rd generation 8gb

  • w00master
    Nov 13, 01:54 PM
    On the surface, Apple's position on this specific application seems ridiculous. Having said that, I don't know if the App store approval process changes much. If the iPhone was open to any application, then Apple could have taken legal action against Rogue Amoeba. I suppose it would be more difficult than just denying the app, but Apple would have a way to squash this app, if they wanted to.

    I have to disagree. Rogue Amoeba in *no way* violated Trademark or Copyright rules with this. In fact, they used Apple's own OS X APIs.


    ipod touch 4th generation 8gb. for iPod Nano 4th Gen 8GB
  • for iPod Nano 4th Gen 8GB

  • macfan70
    Sep 5, 02:42 PM
    Well, what ever comes out, I hope it's not some upgrade or revamp. I wish Apple really does Think Different and releases new hardware that will make us say " That really is something new. "

    But, updates are always welcome.;)

    ipod touch 4th generation 8gb. apple ipod touch 8gb 4th
  • apple ipod touch 8gb 4th

  • fxtech
    Apr 19, 08:37 AM
    Who is this Samsung who has developed most of its own stuff? Living abroad casts a good shadow on Samsung, but in its home country, Sammy is just a thug with endless pockets (thanks to tax freedom granted by the Korean government). Samsung buy out other techs and then put their badge and later, establish their name as the manufacturer. They are NOT innovators.

    Yeah Apple has never done that.

    Except for NeXT, Motion, Final Cut Pro, Color, Aperture, the list goes on...

    ipod touch 4th generation 8gb. iPod Touch 4th Generation
  • iPod Touch 4th Generation

  • Chris Bangle
    Sep 1, 11:45 AM
    all i wont is a touch screen ipod, im not buying a mac till january. But a 30 inch imac would be amazing.. 23 inch will do though.

    ipod touch 4th generation 8gb. iPod Touch 4th Generation
  • iPod Touch 4th Generation

  • localoid
    Apr 22, 05:30 AM
    A lot of people have more than 5GB in their music collection, so for these people the Amazon service doesn't work.

    You need/want more space, you can pay for it. Buy one album now and they'll give you 20 gigs for a year, for free. 20 gigs for your MP3s otherwise is only $20 per year.

    I already have 1000 gigs of storage online at my disposal (two commercial servers). But personally, since I don't have a dog in the Apple vs. Amazon race, I'll take 5 gigs online for free (where ever) without complaint. If Apple offers 5 gigs free, I'd probably go for it too. What the heck -- it's not coming out of my pocket. Besides, competition is a good thing. :)

    ipod touch 4th generation 8gb. ipod touch 4th generation,
  • ipod touch 4th generation,

  • optophobia
    Mar 23, 06:27 PM
    I'd rather have an app that shows police officers donut runs.

    While that app would seem fun to begin with, the THOUSANDS of push messages you receive would become annoying quickly.

    ipod touch 4th generation 8gb. for iPod Touch 4th Gen 8GB
  • for iPod Touch 4th Gen 8GB

  • aristotle
    Apr 20, 10:55 AM
    What's the problem here? It is stored on "YOUR" device and you have the option to encrypt your backups.

    If you are investigated for a crime that you actually committed then it is "YOUR" fault. It is also your choice to carry an iPhone and turn on location services.

    I don't see how this affects regular law biding citizens. This information does not leave your phone other than to go to a backup which you can choose to encrypt. This is basically a log file and you can choose to wipe your device and start from scratch instead of restoring from a backup.

    Seriously, this rampant paranoia is a mental illness and anyone affected by it should seek professional help. The average person is actually not interesting enough to spy on.

    Apr 30, 04:22 PM
    What's the deal with people wanting the matte version? Anyone care to explain the reasoning behind it to a noob like myself? Thanks in advance

    Apr 10, 10:41 AM
    LA Times (http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-ikea-union-20110410,0,4172495,full.story)

    Laborers in Swedwood plants in Sweden produce bookcases and tables similar to those manufactured in Danville. The big difference is that the Europeans enjoy a minimum wage of about $19 an hour and a government-mandated five weeks of paid vacation. Full-time employees in Danville start at $8 an hour with 12 vacation days � eight of them on dates determined by the company.

    "It's ironic that Ikea looks on the U.S. and Danville the way that most people in the U.S. look at Mexico," Street said.

    Well, the right has gotten what it wants. Low wages, no benefits, non-union jobs.

    What next? Reintroduction of slavery?

    May 3, 11:54 AM
    Surely I'm not the only one who's noticed that the i7 is slower than the i5, and that the Radeon HD 6970M is slower than the 6750M.

    Whaaaaa? :confused:

    Hold up
    6750M (http://www.notebookcheck.net/AMD-Radeon-HD-6750M.43958.0.html)

    6970M (http://www.notebookcheck.net/AMD-Radeon-HD-6970M.43077.0.html)

    Similar clock speeds, the 6970 has twice the amount of pipelines.

    Also from what I've seen in the store the highest clocked i5 is 3.1, and the i7 is 3.4.

    I'm really tempted, but these iMacs need to keep target display mode so I can feed my PC rig in there, otherwise my desk just doesn't have the space for a second display (could always get the 21.5 inch and a second 1080 display I guess).

    Sep 13, 11:57 PM
    nokia never fail in making ugly phones

    sorry but it's stainless steel, has a nice weight to it, the slider action is awesome (slides out on bearings made by BMW or Benz), plays AAC, so I can use any iTunes song for my Alarm or Ringtone or just media as well as radio reception built in, has bluetooth, not to mention a pretty kick ass golf game. Oh yeah, and it isn't a piece of junk like all those Moto Razrs.

    Aug 28, 12:52 PM
    I think my new rule will be to automatically place anyone using that line on my ignore list.

    It lost its funny a long time ago.:rolleyes:


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