boston marathon route

boston marathon route. oston marathon course.
  • oston marathon course.

  • ender78
    Oct 25, 11:27 PM
    What I see Apple doing is milking their pricing agreements with Intel. The only reason that I can see Apple sticking out so long with Core Duo is that after the Core 2 Duo processors were released, Intel cut prices on the older chips. Intel's manufacturing pipelines are short [announce processor , produce, move on]. Apple must have gotten a great deal on the older Duos [I know they are not old processors, just no longer top of the line].

    What did Apple have to loose by delaying the introduction of the Core 2 Duo [the sales of 10 machines whose sales went to Dell?]. I suspect that anyone that held out for the Core 2 Duo, bought one in the last two days, and did not go to a competitor. Let's not forget that while every other vendor may have announced a Core 2 Duo notebook in the last two months, Apple likely took more orders in the last two days, than some of those vendors have had in the last two months. Apple now has the x86 pipeline open to them, they will make a move when it benefits them financially, and not before.

    I personally expect the the 8 Core machine at Macworld. There is little reason for Apple to release the machine before then. I'm itching for a Quad but can easily wait [especially since I do not expect a price premium on the machine, the next processor will cost little more than the four core version today]. I am also hoping to see Leopard at Macworld.

    boston marathon route. The 2009 Boston Marathon will be held on Monday, April 20th. For more information please visit
  • The 2009 Boston Marathon will be held on Monday, April 20th. For more information please visit

  • sinsin07
    Apr 9, 03:03 AM
    lol you are saying it like they can be strong armed. If you call paying large sums of money for exclusives "strong arming" then it's already happening in the gaming world.

    boston marathon route. The 112th Boston Marathon will
  • The 112th Boston Marathon will

  • citizenzen
    Apr 24, 10:03 AM
    Intelligence has something to do with it.

    Liberals and Atheists Smarter? Intelligent People Have Values Novel in Human Evolutionary History, Study Finds

    ScienceDaily (Feb. 24, 2010) ( — More intelligent people are statistically significantly more likely to exhibit social values and religious and political preferences that are novel to the human species in evolutionary history. Specifically, liberalism and atheism, and for men (but not women), preference for sexual exclusivity correlate with higher intelligence, a new study finds.

    The study, published in the March 2010 issue of the peer-reviewed scientific journal Social Psychology Quarterly, advances a new theory to explain why people form particular preferences and values. The theory suggests that more intelligent people are more likely than less intelligent people to adopt evolutionarily novel preferences and values, but intelligence does not correlate with preferences and values that are old enough to have been shaped by evolution over millions of years."

    "General intelligence, the ability to think and reason, endowed our ancestors with advantages in solving evolutionarily novel problems for which they did not have innate solutions," says Satoshi Kanazawa, an evolutionary psychologist at the London School of Economics and Political Science. "As a result, more intelligent people are more likely to recognize and understand such novel entities and situations than less intelligent people, and some of these entities and situations are preferences, values, and lifestyles."

    Data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (Add Health) support Kanazawa's hypothesis. Young adults who subjectively identify themselves as "very liberal" have an average IQ of 106 during adolescence while those who identify themselves as "very conservative" have an average IQ of 95 during adolescence.

    Similarly, religion is a byproduct of humans' tendency to perceive agency and intention as causes of events, to see "the hands of God" at work behind otherwise natural phenomena. "Humans are evolutionarily designed to be paranoid, and they believe in God because they are paranoid," says Kanazawa. This innate bias toward paranoia served humans well when self-preservation and protection of their families and clans depended on extreme vigilance to all potential dangers. "So, more intelligent children are more likely to grow up to go against their natural evolutionary tendency to believe in God, and they become atheists."

    I think the last paragraph is a key to why atheists hold out for proof. We've seen time and time again over history where something that has been attributed to the supernatural or a God turned out to be quite natural.

    Likewise questions about the origins of the universe, that today seem utterly mysterious and unanswerable, may one day be resolved and explained within the natural confines.

    Atheists are loathe to latch on to supernatural conclusions when that camp has been proven wrong time and time and time again.

    boston marathon route. oston marathon logo 2011.
  • oston marathon logo 2011.

  • torbjoern
    Mar 13, 03:03 PM
    Nuclear Power is fine by me as long as they have proper safety routines and actually follow them. Not like the ones they had in Soviet Ukraine. However, if an earthquake is enough to cause a meltdown, I doubt that I would build the plant in the first place.

    boston marathon route. oston marathon finish line
  • oston marathon finish line

  • rasmasyean
    Apr 23, 03:16 AM
    sorry but you are wrong ... we do not tell soldiers they are fighting for God or that there is anything such as being a martyr

    nice try though :rolleyes:

    And that's why its so hard for "Atheists" to "come out" in the military, eh? Look past the surface and the exact words (heaven, prayers, freedom, hero...use whatever words you want) and the concept is still the same. Even the CIA told the Afghans during the cold war that they will "go to god" if they die fighting the Russians. It's funny when you see some white dude surrounded by turbaned ppl saying this in those old videos. Believe what you want but in a sense, we do "brainwash" our troops. And to good effect, because it makes them do their job willingly and better. And it gives them comfort when they know they will die taking a bullet for oil.

    boston marathon route. Boston Marathon 2011
  • Boston Marathon 2011

  • Dr.Gargoyle
    Aug 29, 02:59 PM
    The point is that Greenpeace opposes ALL R&D into GM foods, just as G.W. opposes ALL R&D into stem cell research, including research to use stem cells w/o harming the fetus.
    First, R&D should never be banned. However, we should not implement everything we find out in our labs. It is a huge difference in getting to know how we can alter the genetical code and actually do it in a grand scale. THAT if anything will be our end.
    Stem cells is an entirely different story. That is a political/religious question about when life begins and also OT.

    boston marathon route. The marathon route is in green
  • The marathon route is in green

  • skunk
    Apr 24, 06:31 PM
    The text cannot be right on as many scientific reasoning. I've to add that if it was so painful, and the Bible so peaceful, why do some Christians claims that the Quran had copied the Bible? Surely, the Bible would then also be as "warlike"?I would never claim any such thing. If anything, the Quran is more related to the books of the Old Testament, some of which Islam shares, hence the "People of The Book". The Ugaritic chief god, El, of course was the prototype for Yahweh/Jehovah/El/Allah, and the minor gods were kept on as "angels" by all three religions.

    boston marathon route. oston marathon route map.
  • oston marathon route map.

  • Sticman
    Aug 28, 01:13 PM
    it's not a sf bay area problem nearly as much as it is a san francisco problem..

    Sorry ur SF AT&T service is lousy, but I disagree...AT&T is crappy in many parts of Santa Clara County (San Jose) as well.
    And, I think its worse in NYC than in SF, based upon my personal experience.

    boston marathon route. oston marathon route. oston
  • oston marathon route. oston

  • leekohler
    Mar 28, 12:41 AM
    Amazing. Not a word in response.

    Bill, all gay people want is to be accepted for what we are, not what you want us to be.

    Not so different from what you want, is it?

    boston marathon route. At that time he will have already completed his third trip on the marathon route. Finally, together with the other runners, he will cross the finish line
  • At that time he will have already completed his third trip on the marathon route. Finally, together with the other runners, he will cross the finish line

  • slinger1968
    Oct 26, 10:28 PM
    Mac Pro is only true desktop offering from Apple. That's the problem.
    Not that many individuals really want that much power.
    However, they do intensive enough tasks requiring more power that exceeds what iMac can offer. The price and power ratio of iMac is just not enough.

    Apple really needs something between "Pro" and "Consumer".
    If iMac offered the ability to work as monitor, I wouldn't be disappointed by this much.

    This is getting old already, but what I need is a decent Conroe Desktop with around 1500 USD price tag.Exactly

    I hope Apple comes out with a single clovertown chip tower in 07 that runs on cheap standard DDR2 memory and maybe just one optical drive bay. I do like the 4 HD bays though.

    On a side note, the people arguing that 8 cores is just too much power are pretty damn funny. There are thousands of people like multimedia that need more cores. I'm not one of them but at least I understand their need. Some poeple on here are clueless.

    boston marathon route. Meb Keflezighi of San Diego runs through Newton, Mass., Monday, April 17, 2006, en route to his third-place finish in the Boston Marathon.
  • Meb Keflezighi of San Diego runs through Newton, Mass., Monday, April 17, 2006, en route to his third-place finish in the Boston Marathon.

  • Naimfan
    Apr 24, 11:02 AM
    As soon as you start down the slippery slope of stating that some things in the Bible (I use the Bible as an example but this applies equally to all religions) are not true (i.e the world was created in seven days) or that certain parts are meant to be interpreted by the reader (who's interpretation is correct?) you lose all credibility.

    Well, only if you insist that yours is the ONLY correct interpretation, right? What about the denominations that say "Here's what WE believe, but if someone believes something else, that's fine?"

    boston marathon route. oston marathon route mapmyrun
  • oston marathon route mapmyrun

  • dethmaShine
    May 2, 09:17 AM
    And it begins...

    I'z scared :(


    That's the same FUD every time we hear about a new malware attack on OS X.

    boston marathon route. Half Marathon Route Map
  • Half Marathon Route Map

  • Benjamins
    Apr 9, 04:54 AM
    Ahhh. A Gamer. Thanks.;) What you are seeing is called RDF. That field will not be around forever.

    boston marathon route. Boston Marathon: Japanese and
  • Boston Marathon: Japanese and

  • charliehustle
    Oct 8, 11:16 AM
    the reason this topic has gotten so long is due to the fact that most apple fans have no idea what they're talking about..
    they love apple and they will defend it to the death, even when their argument has no logic..

    this has nothing to do with which product is better..

    it's the simple fact that android will be available on a greater number of handsets compared to apple..

    you guys need to look at the Microsoft vs Apple situation..
    regardless of what you prefer or believe is a better product,
    the one that makes software and licenses it out dominates the market share

    you really must have a thick skull not to understand that..

    boston marathon route. He is seen here cresting the notorious Heartbreak Hill, at the 21 mile marker along the 26 mile and 385 yard course. Boston Marathon 2009
  • He is seen here cresting the notorious Heartbreak Hill, at the 21 mile marker along the 26 mile and 385 yard course. Boston Marathon 2009

  • sinsin07
    Apr 9, 01:19 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8G4)

    boston marathon route. Monday#39;s Boston Marathon,
  • Monday#39;s Boston Marathon,

  • Mitthrawnuruodo
    Mar 18, 06:04 PM
    Apple's "fix" for this is fairly simple. Send the files in an ecrypted form. In order to maximize caching, use a common key that all iTunes clients have built-in, sort of like DVDs and CES. The client can then decrypt with the common key and re-encrypt with the DRM key.Don't iTMS and iTunes already do this?According to wikipedia (, that's right...

    boston marathon route. Boston Marathon route.
  • Boston Marathon route.

  • javajedi
    Oct 10, 04:46 PM
    Originally posted by ddtlm

    (Don't be offended if I repeat myself a few times, I want to make sure everyone gets it. Not trying to say anything about you in particular.)

    Anyway, you missed my point. I know very well that the G4 is at a hardware disadvantage. I pretty much said that when you see a G4 being beat by margins greater than 4x or 5x, then you can be pretty sure there is ALSO, note ALSO, a software disadvantage. Hopefully everyone will see what I meant that time. :)

    I'm glad to see that many people here agree that the G4 isn't really a faster chip than the x86 competition, but I want to see moderation and understanding of the "benchmarks" that have popped up showing an unbelievably bad situation for the G4.

    Remember folks, if the test shows a G4 slower than a P4 per clock cycle then the test probably is handing the software advantage to the P4. Note, for perfect clarity, that I said per clock cycle performance and not overall performance.

    If you recall the java program I created ran without modification on a p4/g4, in addition others on this board have ran it on their Athlon systems. The code is unbelievably simple, I did not give the p4 any "software advatage" whatsoever (and as I said, the code remained changed).

    The only difference (and this could be a big difference), is the different versions of the jvm on the mac, and on windows. On my p4 pc I was using jvm version 1.4.x, while Mac OS X is limited to 1.3.x. To factor this variable out of the equation I decided to port it directly to Mac OS X and created a cocoa application. Java is now out of the equation.

    The cocoa version, as well as it's source is located at

    My PowerBook G4 800 now takes *only* 94 seconds running natively. The P4 running the slower java version (slower because it�s interpreted and the byte code translation) finishes it in 5.9 seconds. Please feel free to take a look. I don't see how the P4, or any other of the x86 processors are cheating. I've tried to make it as fair and possible - to the extent of creating a cocoa app.

    Thanks for your thoughts!


    boston marathon route. Along the route of the Boston
  • Along the route of the Boston

  • rturner2
    Apr 9, 08:59 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Why doesnt Apple allow you to plug a controller in the 30 pin adaptor? Wouldnt that be the best of both worlds?

    I agree! I need some buttons. Or wireless via Bluetooth even better.

    boston marathon route. oston marathon route
  • oston marathon route

  • Dr.Gargoyle
    Aug 29, 02:53 PM
    Ditto stem cells. :)
    stem cells is not altering the original genetical code. HUGE difference

    Mar 24, 08:24 PM
    If I said that I don't want blacks to be married, because it hurts the sacrament of marriage, would that be hate? I think that it would be.
    Like it or not, the zeitgeist is shifting to make homophobia as stigmatized as racism. The Catholic Church will have to either adapt, or perish.
    I didn't realize that the Catholic Church had an irrational fear of homosexuals. Since the Catholic Church has an irrational fear of homosexuals could you please help me figure out the growing outreach ( to homosexuals?
    From the article:

    "But states can and must regulate behaviours, including various sexual behaviours," he said.
    If I said this against blacks (I am of the opinion that one cannot choose their orientation any more than they can choose their race), would I not be 'persecuting' them according to that definition? What if I further said that being black was an abomination, or that being a 'practicing black' was a sin?
    I didn't realize that there was black behavior

    While one can't change their orientation one does chose their actions.
    It is also quite unpopular to be a member of the KKK. Shall we similarly go out of our way to show compassion and tolerance for their most deeply held convictions? Or am I perhaps being cruel and unfair to the guy in the sheet when I call him an a-hole and suggest he shape up his attitude or don't act surprised when civilized human beings don't like him very much.

    Citing "religious or moral" reasons to be especially down on homosexuality invites an automatic ten-yard penalty for hypocrisy, because the ratio of religious vitriol to actual scriptural proscription is higher for this issue than for any other. People don't have a problem with gay people because their religion tells them to. They have a problem with gay people because they're run-of-the-mill prejudiced human beings, just like people who are prejudiced over any other identity issue, and they look to their religion to excuse them for it.
    Could you cite examples of mainline Catholicism lynching homosexuals, burning cross on their lawns, bombing their houses etc?

    Oct 26, 01:55 PM
    I highly doubt this will be a simple swap.Simple swap has already been tested and confirmed to work in early September by Anandtech ( The Clovertowns are quite expensive,Not really. The 2.66GHz Clovertown lists @ $1172 vs. $851 for both the 2.33GHz Clovertown and the 3GHz Woodie. Since Apple charges +$800 for a 3GHz Dual Woodie, this means they will likely charge only +$1100 for the 2.66GHz Dual Clovertown - total $3599. Hardly expensive at all. I'd say they are going to be a bargain and LESS EXPENSIVE when you look at the per core price of $450 - or PLUS $275 for each of four more cores.not to mention slower in terms of raw clock speed, so expect it to be a high priced upgrade.2.66GHz is not significantly slower than 3GHz - especially when the workload can be shared among many more.

    Clarification: If Apple asks for +$1400 or $3999 they will still sell like hotcakes and be a huge hit. So NO they are not going to be TOO Expensive because there is no such thing as too expensive in this market.

    I feel like I am having to explain this market to home user drop-ins who have nothing to do with why we need these 8-core Mac Pros. So they are oblivious to why anyone would even want one much less pay so much for one.

    Mar 18, 01:49 AM
    Yeah, because ever since the iTunes store opened, I haven't had the need...

    Unless it's Metallica, then I'm all for ripping those guys off, just to mess with them!

    TBH, I've never used music sharing sites. I have actually obtained physical copies of the original CD and ripped that. Other hard to find songs I do buy. So, your whole napster deal doesn't apply to me.

    As per tethering, hell to the NO am I changing to a tiered plan.

    mr evil brkfast
    Oct 7, 11:12 AM
    I think it is pretty sad when the comparisons are not between the best of the best of each manufacturer and Apple still looses with the top of the line.

    I dunno what AMD's best is but to see how close/ or far behind Apple is the comparison should at least include a 2.5-2.8 ghz pentium 4.

    Sep 12, 07:13 PM
    Ok, if you're SOOOOO thrilled, you've been living in a cave because you could've been doing that for years, there's nothing new here aside for an apple logo on the box... the EyeHome could do that for the last 3 years (no storage, with a remote, streaming from my mac over Wifi - the eyehome physically connected to the router, my Mac on Wifi) ( ). And you're right, it's great... Too bad you still have to wait 6 months :P
    Yes, but EyeHome does not support ALAC or Purchased AAC for audio, H.264 for video, it does not have a USB port to connect a USB drive with movies or music or to use it as a file server with that drive or hook a USB printer to use it as a print server. Needless to say, it cannot access iTunes store content, either. If iTV can do all of these, then it is definitely gonna be the winner.

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