hitchhikers dont panic

hitchhikers dont panic. Hitchhikers Dont Panic. Don#39;t Panic; Don#39;t Panic. techfreak85. Aug 3, 05:30 PM. A photo I took while on vacation in the Grand Tetons, WY.
  • Hitchhikers Dont Panic. Don#39;t Panic; Don#39;t Panic. techfreak85. Aug 3, 05:30 PM. A photo I took while on vacation in the Grand Tetons, WY.

  • Frisco
    Sep 26, 07:48 AM
    CBS is now using the term NetCast (http://www.cbs.com/netcast/)

    Goodbye free advertising for the iPod!

    hitchhikers dont panic. Look hot and intelligent in this Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy quot;DON#39;T PANICquot; futuristic retro gear. Sci-Fi atomic symbol and eerie green glow make this
  • Look hot and intelligent in this Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy quot;DON#39;T PANICquot; futuristic retro gear. Sci-Fi atomic symbol and eerie green glow make this

  • MattInOz
    Aug 19, 06:23 PM
    Why does it work only in the US?

    hitchhikers dont panic. Don#39;t Panic!
  • Don#39;t Panic!

  • Lord Appleseed
    Apr 21, 10:23 AM
    Ivy Bridge's IGP will have 16 EUs (compared to 12 in SB IGP) along with DirectX 11 and OpenCL 1.1 support. If the clock speeds stay the same, then it would be around 50% faster than the current one, although that isn't that big of an upgrade.

    Apple never said they removed the BL KB because it is a luxury feature. In fact, none of us knows why Apple removed it.

    My guess is it's either to save battery, or they just needed the last bit of space

    hitchhikers dont panic. The Don#39;t Panic Towel (Think
  • The Don#39;t Panic Towel (Think

  • sososowhat
    Nov 21, 04:12 PM
    I want to charge my MacBook from a campfire! Seriously, this is a very cool idea (please forgive the pun).

    Brown also sees the chips ultimately replacing batteries altogether. He argues that by linking the modules to a microburner - a catalytic burner that produces between 275 and 600 degrees centigrade – you can heat the chips and generate enough power to run the device.


    hitchhikers dont panic. Don#39;t panic …
  • Don#39;t panic …

  • kingdonk
    Mar 1, 10:30 PM
    More screenshots carrying on from yesterday.
    There will be more from server admin later, which will show file-sharing options.

    hitchhikers dont panic. Don#39;t Panic Hitchhiker#39;s Guide
  • Don#39;t Panic Hitchhiker#39;s Guide

  • MacNut
    Apr 29, 12:46 PM
    The problem is not that we build too many highways to nowhere, it is that they don't know how to properly design a highway in the first place. Traffic jams are caused by bottlenecks. Adding 5 more lanes won't fix it if the bottleneck still exists. Lets fix the roads we have now and build them to allow traffic to move more freely.


    hitchhikers dont panic. DON#39;T PANIC!
  • DON#39;T PANIC!

  • MattSepeta
    Mar 29, 11:37 AM
    oh man.. why does this thread have 3 pages???

    Easy answer in a paragraph: EF lenses are designed with a full-frame camera in mind. EF-S lenses are designed with a Crop (1.6x) camera in mind.

    Differences between them? Very little. Example: I used my 11-16 EF-S on my 5DII until I got a EF UWA. Drawback? I could only use the 16mm of it if I wanted to avoid a wild vignette, because the EF-S lens was designed for a CROP camera, one that would crop the outer edges of the image, thus eliminating the vignette.

    If you put a hypothetical 50mm EF-S and a 50mm EF on any given camera, assuming the mounts worked, the image would be exactly the same.

    however, if you put a 50mm EF (which work on both FF and crop cameras) on a FF vs a crop camera, the images will be different. On the FF you will have a true 50mm FOv, whereas on the crop camera (1.6x) you will have essentially an 80mm FOV, because the crop camera crops the image to result at 1.6x the size of a FF cameras FOV.

    something like that.

    So: The lenses are not any different really.

    hitchhikers dont panic. dalekguide Do Panic: Its The
  • dalekguide Do Panic: Its The

  • Santabean2000
    Mar 28, 08:17 AM
    Better late than never.

    Now, if you could just please announce how far away new minis are...


    hitchhikers dont panic. Don#39;t Panic: Douglas Adams
  • Don#39;t Panic: Douglas Adams

  • Tha Professor
    Mar 24, 05:09 AM
    Only 4 bucks?? Why don't all stereos have it already?? I would get an airplay enabled player even if i hadnt had any apple product in my house, just that my friends could use it from time to time... (too bad they dont sell ATVs in my country...)

    hitchhikers dont panic. to the Galaxy Don#39;t Panic
  • to the Galaxy Don#39;t Panic

  • henrikrox
    May 6, 01:35 PM
    So im wondering while i wait for my new imac what your idle/load temps are

    Would be super if you wrote which imac you have aswell.

    Wondering how much the 95w cpu does to the temp in the imac.

    Would love to hear idle/load gpu temps aswell :)


    hitchhikers dont panic. Dont Panic - 3D, book,
  • Dont Panic - 3D, book,

  • NoSmokingBandit
    Jul 14, 07:28 AM
    4gb onboard sounds cool, but with usb support (finally!) it seems a little superfluous. It would really only be used for saves i assume, and most saves are under 1mb, so you could have ~250 saves on the old model 360 without worrying about space.

    hitchhikers dont panic. Post image for Don#39;t Panic:
  • Post image for Don#39;t Panic:

  • bradl
    Apr 23, 12:49 AM
    Trump, like Perot, didn't understand the fact that you couldn't run the government like it is a business. Sure, you can say that you are going to spend your own money for this or that, but for a lot of the things that is run, it takes Congress to agree on the appropriations for said government (read: pass a budget). Trump's money wouldn't do any good if it takes Congress to pass something to keep the government running, especially if they disagree on things and don't pass a budget.

    Trump has a great mind when it comes to Business, so he really should leave it at that. Government, he would fail at, as bad as Perot did. On the other hand, at least the First Daughter would be hawt.



    hitchhikers dont panic. Don#39;t Panic: Hitchhikers Guide
  • Don#39;t Panic: Hitchhikers Guide

  • Raid
    May 4, 09:27 AM
    A Liberal still won in my old riding (Toronto Centre)
    See what happens when I leave? The whole country went cookoo. You mean my riding right? :p We did go kind of cuckoo after you left, but the shrine they placed in you old building is really quite a touching tribute to your legacy, though they need to tidy up more when the goat sacrifices are made. :)

    If they liberals had been in power the deficit would have been even larger. Conjecture at best, I'm not saying it would be smaller, I'm not saying it would be larger... but your bias is showing.

    Flaunts the law? What are you talking about? I believe he could be referring to the last Harper government being found in contempt of parliament when one of it's members lied to her peers and the Canadian people. ... just as one example...

    Is your memory short? Did you forget the sponsorship scandal in Quebec? Did you forget about Paul Martin passing laws that were beneficial to his shipping company? Did you forget that Paul Martin re-registered his ships on some island nation so that he did not have to hire Canadians? I haven't forgotten about those either, the sponsorship scandal was bad for the liberals, just as the Mulroney kick-backs were bad for the conservatives ... we could go on like this to confederation if you want. :rolleyes: Oh and the whole Paul Martin re-registering his ships wasn't to avoid employing Canadians, it was to avoid taxes. It was a bad political move, but no more or less than what other companies do to pass through the tax loopholes that both parties have either created or do nothing about.

    Some of us have to actually "work" for a living and pay high taxes already. You seem to imply that you feel others (maybe the posters here) don't "work" for a living and don't pay taxes based on the same rules. What are you really trying to say? Are you upset and think you pay too much? I'll tell you there isn't a single person who would refuse more money in their pocket, but some might if they knew it meant getting less services and protection from our government.

    In a real democracy, there are no winners. Debate results in compromise. Compromise leaves everyone disappointed but (usually) sanguine, because those other guys are also comparably disappointed. This is why a minority government is actually more like democracy in action than in other times, yet we seem to be run either by children who must have their way, or those that seemingly crave power to satisfy their own selves first.

    Our first-past-the post system has flaws for sure, but I think one reason why we really haven't had much of a debate on the issue here is two-fold. First, there's no magic answer to distribute house of commons seats based on the country's percentage of vote; second and most prevalent to the politicians is that a majority government would become even more of a rarity.

    hitchhikers dont panic. CafePress gt; Sweatshirts amp; Hoodies gt; 42 HITCHHIKER#39;S DONT PANIC GUIDE Hoodie. 42 HITCHHIKER#39;S DONT PANIC GUIDE Hoodie
  • CafePress gt; Sweatshirts amp; Hoodies gt; 42 HITCHHIKER#39;S DONT PANIC GUIDE Hoodie. 42 HITCHHIKER#39;S DONT PANIC GUIDE Hoodie

  • BBC B 32k
    Oct 17, 05:09 PM
    pub is good, match bar for cocktails :p


    hitchhikers dont panic. 42 HITCHHIKER#39;S DONT PANIC

  • Designer Dale
    Mar 22, 12:01 AM
    Previsualization is the most under rated aspect to photography, you're never going to be much of a photographer if you simply don't have a clear and concise vision of what you want the final print to come out like before you start shooting, this includes what post processing you're going to be doing.
    Bingo! We have a winner!
    Looking, but not seeing. Thinking, but not imagining.
    Excellent point.


    hitchhikers dont panic. Hitchhiker#39;s - Don#39;t Panic
  • Hitchhiker#39;s - Don#39;t Panic

  • NoExpectations
    Apr 12, 08:03 PM
    On the first day of sales, I went to our local Mall. The Apple Store line was absurd,,,,100 yards. The AT&T line was about 50 people long. The Verizon store was literally empty. I don't trust surveys. The hard numbers will come out shortly.


    hitchhikers dont panic. Don#39;t Panic!
  • Don#39;t Panic!

  • BJ.SoundWave360
    Apr 1, 09:56 AM
    This is a typical out of touch cable company STILL trying to get people to pay for a channel line up that includes 90% of choices they'll never look at.

    Enough of this Time Warner, and the rest of you. Bring on the Netflix, Roku's, and AppleTV's of the world.

    hitchhikers dont panic. Hitchhiker#39;s - Don#39;t Panic T-
  • Hitchhiker#39;s - Don#39;t Panic T-

  • DiamondMac
    Apr 1, 10:58 AM
    TV is trash anyway. Who has time left to waste watching commercials & shodily slapped together shows?

    Have time to kill? Do something constructive on Inkpad or iDraw.
    Want some light entertainment on while you do something productive? Netflix
    Want something cheap and raunchy? Youpr0n

    There is nothing TV does that one of these other things doesn't do better.

    Well, keep feeding me the trash. I really do NOT have anything better to do after working 7am-7pm

    hitchhikers dont panic. Don#39;t Panic.
  • Don#39;t Panic.

  • G4er?
    Apr 5, 08:50 AM
    If needing to carry a computer all the time everywhere I go is normal I'm glad I'm not normal. I enjoy using a computer but I also enjoy being able to walk away from them and exist without one too.

    Jun 18, 02:00 PM
    I figured this out last night poking around in System Profiler on the new Mac Mini display unit in the local Apple Store. There was a new, separate entry for "Card Reader" that I hadn't seen before. Lo and behold, there it was, "SDXC", supporting 2.5GT/s (that's 2.5Gbps before taking into account the all the data transfer protocol overhead).

    Doing some more poking, I found in the Ethernet section the fact that the new Minis use a Broadcom BCM57765 (http://www.broadcom.com/products/Ethernet-Controllers/Enterprise-Client/BCM57765) controller�which just happens to also include the memory card reader controller, which supports SDXC.
    The ultimate transfer speed will depend on the card used. Some are a lot slower than others. Looks like the card reader was "free" with the ether controller. I can see this making sense on a laptop so you don't have to carry around an extra dongle but I would rather just have an extra USB on a desktop, especially since the damn thing is on the back.

    Oct 26, 11:36 PM
    I love .Mac and I LOVE the new .Mac email and address book. Thank you LORD!!! It's really good, just EONS better than what it used to be.

    Sep 15, 10:26 PM
    I hate to say this but, Intel really designed a good chip. The P4 still has alot of life in it even though the P5 is going to be introduced in 2nd QTR of 2003. The G4 either has to step aside for the Power4 or really get it's act together.

    Sep 20, 10:52 PM
    after installing the EFI update and running software update it said no updates.

    So I downloaded it directly and tried to update it. It told me I didn't need it.
    Trekkie, since your machine and mine came about the same time, ours should be about the same. I checked in Profiler, and didn't need to update the SMC. Have you seen anything useful in the EFI update?

    Sep 2, 02:35 AM
    Inkhead, you make a good point about the ADA. **In the world of software, it recently has been the little guys that have been walking all over the larger companies (Paypal, Skype, Digg, MySpace, YouTube etc..) etc..**

    Competition is great too. *I am very happy that you are in a sucessful Mac oriented business. We are a community and facing hard times. We both have to work together to get our marketshare up so we can get more shelf space. The amount of non-game software space is very dismal.* To buy a $2500 desktop Mac pro and see very little shelf units can be a hard purchase versus going into Best Buy and seeing rows of PC software.*

    Back to the core issue, *money.. ***XCode and GCC and Interface builder are free..* Obviously someone like Delicious Monster or OmniGroup has tons of resources, they can get free Interns and have the connections.* Wil and Ken Case were presenters this year.* *Wil said in his student talk, Delicious made $54000 in profit the first day..* *

    So, where does that leave independent shops like us?* I want to kick Delicious Monster's butt bad at the 2007 ADA as Wil said they are presenting Version 2 of Delicious Library.. Stuff like OmniPlan is coming out..*

    The reality:*
    *I am a nobody at the conference. But I have a dream and one idea that I think is fresh enough to compete and possibly sell. Its all up to me to implement it and ship it. Steve Jobs said - "Real artists ship."* *Part of the problem is my fault and some of it is not.. *The reality for my situation is obviously better than some and worse off than others.*

    As developers we need:
    1) *development environment (XCode, IB, etc), APIs, sample code and docs
    2) *time
    3) *skill*
    4) *customers or audience
    5) *ideas , features, a purpose for the applications / systems

    The only issues that are currently variable between you, me , and general Mac developer population (750K+ according to the keynote)* are 1 and 2.
    #3 is based on #1 and #2 and we are all coding to the same APIs here using the same tools.

    * * I work for a lavery large insurance company and idiot PHB and alot of time after working as corporate drone can't work on my independent app when I come home.. I'm done from being in the office all day doing .Net development or maintaing others crappy code.* Plus its just me.. I am the only mac developer I know.* I did meet some at the conference, but they were from IT depts or large companies like Watcom.* Not many people want to talk to me at WWDC, I look boring and didnt have any company on my badge. *I would argue that anybody can have the same skill if given enough time to work on a problem.* Alot of successful products such as Delicious Library or this years ADA winners like Line Form were simpler apps compared to something like Modo.

    So,* how do I get more time?*
    *1)* I took off another week of PTO so I can sit at home and bang away on my computer all week. Thats a very limited resource unless I want to quit job and live on rice on beans and find a part time job 3rd shift somewhere so I can code more.

    *2)* Use Apple technologies to the fullest such as Core Animation and QTKit and AppKit and ObjC.. *I do not have time to figure out how to get NSViews on OpenGL views for example, so i will just use the provided documentation.. Im using XCode 3.0, new stuff in ObjC..

    A good application is like a good song.* It can be played unplugged on acoustic guitar or electric guitar.* Between Tiger and Leopard is not as wide as the marketing suggests.* Some applications do not need a glossy Core Animation interface. Animations can be done in others ways.. Look at Omnidazzle or FrontRow or use OpenGL stuff on Tiger.* Look at Photobooth.. This is such a simple application, but it works.

    Reading this forum.. *I live in Austrailia, I have bad injury/medical condition, I am a student etc, too poor etc.. * yes, it sucks!! Trying to make a living as a software developer nowdays is not easy.* I hear you brother.. Everyone thinks they are a developer just because they can write a web page or have XCode or Visual Studio installed or programmed a couple hello world apps in VB or Java.*

    I need the tools like Core Animation ASAP and ObjC features so I can spend more time adding features to my app.* In reality, we really only have until late Spring to get our apps ready for te release of Leopard and until maybe late May until submission for ADA. **That gives us maybe 6 months. *

    Back to the money issue..* Apple cannot give away Leopard seeds for free.. *It eats into Tiger and Leopard sales too much. It breaks too many Applecare when people screw up installing Leopard etc.. Preview seed blew up my Tiger partition i had.. I had to do a clean install :( * Microsoft doesnt do that even.. you have to buy MSDN for that..* There has to be a fee for the conference.* It costs alot to setup and for the 1000 engineers on site etc.. *If the fee isn't high enough, then 20,000 people would show up. I felt WWDC was not code specific enough as it is.. Too many IT tracks and less code samples and sample code released.*Too many people steal Apple's ideas.. Apple spent alot of time at the Keynote going over this.. **So, Apple this year decide to help developers by giving us a seed and having* alot of Leopard sessions and exclusive Leopard documentation.. A lot of documentation is not on the seed and exclusive for WWDC attendees.***

    So, I want everybody to use Leopard feature Z, because it helps Apple because Leopard makes Apple money.. i want more people to buy macs to buy my product, and it pushes for faster hardware (we all love new Apple hardware).

    There is a fine line with what Apple provides.. last year (2005) it was Developer Transition kit.. there wasnt any way to compile/test for Intel unless you had that and was like $1000 until the first Intel based comptuer came out.* Before that it was the same story.. Tiger seed given out at WWDC 2004.. so no way to do Core Data or Core Video unless you had that.*
    There is always going to be dangling carrots like new CPUS or OS versions.* Apple is extremely secretive, they didnt annouce even that they were giving out the seed until it leaked out the day before the conference.
    To answer your question.. what about people that can't afford even the ADC Select? People poorer than myself.* I have ADC Select..* You are asking to let 750K people download Leopard the way Microsoft has done with Vista RC1.*

    My answer.. That doesnt help me with issue #1 and #2 above that I talked about.. Now everyone has all the same tools/docs (unless you are top company like Aspyr, you will always know more NDA stuff) .. So #1, is balanced and drops off.* leaving time #2 as the only difference between me and the other companies. My skill is largely based on time, because I am new to the APIs (partly why I went to WWDC to learn more about QTKit etc..)

    Applications will be won based on time alone.. Small shops like me who are doing this on PTO and nights/weekends will lose..* I need all the help I can do to win the ADA against products from OmniGroup, Deleicious Monster and you and others.. These companies have the seed to.. But really helps me out by letting me catch up agaisnt the unknowns small shops like the guy that wrote F-Script (Phillipe ???) or that Line Form App..*

    If I can go to WWDC sessions to learn and walk away with beter tools and APIs its awesome.. It helps me and Apple benefit.. It just sucks for the people who cannot commit and have to wait 4-8 weeks for the same stuff.* That will be me next year, i am not going to be able to go next year.. I am in the same boat and hear you brother.* I am just the lttle guy here competing against these serial ADA winners....*

    Sorry for the lecture..* I loved your feedback.


    * * **



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