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  • Michael CM1
    Jun 20, 12:49 AM
    Maybe some of you who own one of the two HD systems can help me out.

    I own a Wii. I really like it, but you've got companies like EA who think it's only 5-year-olds and grannies playing it. Therefore, we get things like NCAA Football 09. That was by far the worst sports game I have ever played. It was like EA took NCAA 06 for the PS2, stripped out everything good and put in a mascot game. EA didn't make NCAA Football 10, and I see no indication of NCAA Football 11 for Wii.

    Thus with the newer designs of the 360 and PS3, I'm considering getting one. I mainly would like HD games at times, especially the college football one. I looked into the 360 Arcade version and balked immediately because it sounds like something for people who never want to save a game. Oh yeah, it has NO WIFI. No WiFi is a dealbreaker on the Pro or whatever 360 as well.

    I have a neighbor who manages a GameStop, so I plan on asking him about this. But I'm just curious as to what you guys think. I have zero interest in buying any movies or music online through this. I really don't know much about games specific to each platform. A friend told me there was a Magic: The Gathering game for XBox. That would be pretty neat, especially if I could trade all those damn cards I have for it. I don't plan on doing any Rock Band or Guitar Hero for those because I dropped $150 on the set for Wii. I saw Final Fantasy XIII was on the 360, but I bought friggin' Final Fantasy X for $20 and never played it on my PS2.

    I also doubt I'll have much interest in these systems' motion controls because of cost. I'm really not wanting to go all in on these things. I just want an alternative to Wii for when the developers get sloppy and don't release a game I like for Wii. I own a crapload of BDs, so that is in my mind for the PS3. But I already have two BD players for my two HDTVs. So thanks for any input.

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  • Riemann Zeta
    Apr 28, 09:17 AM
    $29, Not a chance. Probably at least $79.
    I don't see anything in Lion that would warrant that kind of pricing: some minor UI changes and lots of under-the-hood optimizations...sounds a whole lot like Snow Leopard.

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  • applefan88
    Mar 13, 12:32 PM
    I had this issue too, on my VZW iPhone. Had nothing to do with any alarms that were set. I left work at 11:30pm, my phone had the correct time. I got home at 12:14am, and I noticed that my phone was now reading 11:14pm. As I had been driving in between those two times, I didn't notice when it made the switch, but I assume it was at midnight.

    I went into settings and I noticed that my timezone said "Chicago", even though I live in NY. I deleted Chicago and set it to New York. The time switched to the correct time, and then a moment later fell back an hour again! Then I turned off "Set Time Automatically" and set it manually. That set the time to the correct time. I was curious to see if it would ever fix itself, so I set it back to Automatically, and then went to bed. I woke up in the middle of the night and saw that it was still an hour behind, even though DST took effect at 2am. However, when I woke up this morning at around 11am, my phone was correct (as in, it matched my cable box which I assume updated automatically).

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  • TrollToddington
    Apr 21, 10:47 AM

    Ivy Bridge's IGP will have 16 EUs (compared to 12 in SB IGP) along with DirectX 11 and OpenCL 1.1 support. If the clock speeds stay the same, then it would be around 50% faster than the current one, although that isn't that big of an upgrade.Thanks for the clarification, you're great! So if the ULV HD3000 performs at 50% of MBP 13", and if IB speeds up the HD 3000 by 50% this will mean MBA IB HD 3000 will run @75% of the speed of 2011 MBP 13". So, I am actually quite right unless Intel develops a new IGP there is a thick chance people will bash on IB MBA, too.

    because yes its certain that by ivy bridge, a better igp would be available but also you can look at it from another pov wherein even a sandybridge CPU upgrade is not substantial enough

    I agree with you bump in processor speed won't be the key point to entice people to buy a SB MBA - there should be something more, either larger SSD storage for the same amount of money, or connectivity (TB) or better display, or better battery, or all of them. Providing incremental upgrade in speed is obviously not what the so called 'average user' need in an MBA - so many topics there are on the subject on MR.


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  • retroactiv
    Mar 23, 01:29 PM
    Why anyone would be surprised by this move is beyond me. It makes sense for all parties involved.

    Apple makes $4 on each product sold, and manufacturers are able to add a feature that most people have the ability to actually use and will want.

    It's a win-win.

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  • Deepdale
    Sep 17, 04:39 AM
    [QUOTE=LethalWolfe]Ask her if you can mount your drive on her desktop./QUOTE]

    :) Asking is clearly worth a shot. What's the worst that can happen ... being told that going for coffee is okay, but no new discs are being allowed in her Superdrive for the forseeable future? It might help if you have a letter from Steve approving of this.


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  • djellison
    Dec 21, 05:26 PM
    Just like Michelle McManus, Steve Brookstein, Shayne Ward and Leon Jackson eh Louis?

    I don't know anyone who bought Joe's single. Indeed, I don't know anyone who bought a single by any of the people listed above. Why would you? They're not that good, the singles are not that good, it's just musical magnolia, dull, tedious, indeed - off all the things it could be described as, having the 'X-Factor' is not one. Will Young was something a bit unique and he has a personality. Leona is fairly damn good as well. THey are clearly the exception, however, not the rule.

    Yet somehow, every year, this crap fills out TV screens for months, it fills the news for months, it fills the airwaves for months. Hours and hours of freaks embarassing themselves, then hours of programs talking about the hours of freaks embarassing themselves. Then the news, every news outlet, reporting on the freaks. Then it starts all over again, the finalists, none of whom exhibit any exceptional talent. Then hours and hours of programs dedicated to those 12, more hours dedicated to re-covering it, and again, it's in the news everywhere.

    At the end of it, an average singer, a tedious song, and a very brief career.

    I think this entire campaign was the rest of the country just saying "We're bored of this ****"

    If that makes me pathetic or meaningless, then so be it.

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  • thatisme
    Mar 29, 07:57 AM
    Robbieduncan is correct. The only reason the EF-S exists is because it's cheaper for Canon to make wide angle lenses with a short focus back (i.e. that the lens is closer to the mirror than EF lenses). It's purely consumer oriented! Lower-end - mid range cameras use the 1.6 FOVCF, making them inexpensive. Canon wants cheaper lenses so they can sell more lenses and cameras. That's it, plain and simple. They are technically identical to any EF lens in every other way but the mount depth.

    Go get a EF lens and and EF-S lens and put them side by side. They are not the same. The mount depth is different, but so is your image circle and the size of the lens elements. With modifications to the mirror on a 5D, you can mount an EF-S lens safely, and your resulting image is a circular image, surrounded by a big black area in the corners of the picture. If your claim was true, you would have an identical image to that on a 1.6 FOVCF camera, which you do not.

    Do a bit of research on the subject.

    sample from of a modified 5D with an EF-S lens mounted


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  • junkie365
    Oct 6, 12:42 PM
    Why would Apple do what has failed all other manufactures during the time Apple's one model mantra have eaten sales from other manufactures?

    Because now Android with a range of sizes is eating iPhone sales.

    Go into a Best Buy and look at all the Androids with larger screens, and some with smaller screens and lower prices. Apple needs to compete with that...

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  • ipoppy
    Nov 6, 07:09 AM (

    Multiple reports have come in that Apple is researching ( RFID ( integration ( into the iPhone, but some may still be wondering what such functionality would bring to the table for consumers.

    Firstly, we should note that RFID is a catch-all term that describes a vast array of technologies and standards. RFID tags can be relatively large and battery-powered, such as ones used in toll collection, to small "passive" tags that can be embedded into credit cards, drivers licenses (called "Enhanced Drivers Licenses" in the U.S.), passports, or stuck onto a piece of merchandise.

    Currently, cell-phone usage of RFID technology is centered around Near Field Communication ( (NFC). NFC has three main usage scenarios: a phone acting as an RFID tag; a phone acting as an RFID reader; and peer to peer communication (P2P).

    In RFID tag mode, a phone could be used as a payment device (like a credit card), an identity card, or act as a car key. In RFID reader mode the phone would be able to interact with tags in its vicinity. This article and video ( demonstrates how an iPhone with RFID could use physical objects to control media playback. And in P2P mode, Bluetooth pairing can be streamlined.

    These are just a few ways that RFID could be used in an iPhone. When or if it becomes a reality isn't clear, but hopefully now you have a better idea of what the potential is for Apple's research in this area.

    Article Link: Why an RFID-enabled iPhone? (

    I must say its a great respond from Macrumors team. Many people, including me:D, where wondering what that technology is about. Now I am getting picture.
    I think RFID is step forward and good approach from Apple. I understand people's distrust for this technology but if its done properly it can be timesaver in daily tasks.


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  • ct77
    Apr 12, 08:25 PM
    I used Pages to produce some documentation for my day job.

    I found Pages easy to pick up, and the end result of my work has turned more than a few heads at the office.

    So much so, that we're probably going to purchase a Mac mini + Pages to be a dedicated writing machine. :D

    This, as opposed to purchasing a single license for Adobe InDesign, which at $699 USD, is actually more expensive.

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  • flipster
    Apr 23, 10:49 AM
    Just saw this thread, so I figured I'd share some knowledge (been gaming for 8 years).

    So the reason why people are avoiding these things like the plague is because they STINK. The Intel chipsets ARE more powerful than the NVIDIA 320M, BUT, that doesn't always equal better performance.

    Game developers usually design games on nvidia chipsets (Hence, "Nvidia: The way it's meant to be played) slogan.
    Although the 3000HD shows better specs, it's been proven to perform worse in game. The reason being that the drivers are total rubbish. Until they can improve the drivers, it's a downgrade. But then again.............who in their right mind would try and game with a laptop!? ;)


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  • Huntn
    Mar 11, 06:33 PM
    Nothing really major. If you think Norm Coleman was a good guy, and that EFCA was a bad, bad idea, HD is the place for you to be going. Mostly a matter of personal taste, really.

    I need options! I'm happy to shop other competitive retailers. I do avoid Walmart 99% of the time. :) Pretty soon all we will be able to afford is Walmart. :(

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  • bigpics
    Apr 14, 05:33 PM
    From what I understand, there are smart and creative people at MS but the company is bloated and unorganized so it is unable to really utilize its people effectively.My friend's son is a senior MS exec, and from what I know (third-hand, mind you), Microsoft has a history of hiring lots and lots of top-tier grads. From about 1990-2000, they pretty much had pick of the litter.

    Since then, Apple and Google among others have become magnets in their own right, and IBM and Oracle have also picked up their share - to name a few of the big boys.

    You're right about the bloated part too, tho' "overorganized," i.e., bureaucratic, rather than unorganized may be a better description. MS is a collection of jealous baronies where the Win, Server and Office groups can pretty much quash anything else that doesn't fit their grand schema.

    Which has resulted, e.g., in their seriously flawed efforts in the phone and "slate"/tablet markets. Including the recent "Pink"/Kin disaster.

    So a lot of the talent begins to feel misused, abused and undervalued. But there are interesting things going on with the X-Box, Sync and Surface teams, and a lot of talent and resources are being thrown into the growing (if hard to understand and manage) stable of Live (read: "cloud" and "SaaS) offerings.

    One semi-independent team is that developing Office for Mac. I've been in their advisory panel for a year or too now, and they really go out of their way to solicit feedback, suggestions, not just about Office (in some depth), but about how I use my Macs, and my attitudes about things like Office Apps on iOS devices. You get the impression they really care about their product and enjoy what they're doing.

    Yeah, yeah, they probably feed it back on ways to make Win more Mac-like, but in the long run, for all users and Apple itself, I don't necessarily see that as a bad thing.

    Both companies are going to be around for a long time, and while they overlap, they also have different missions that occupy different aspects of the whole computing "ecosystem." And both now have a common interest in not letting Google overrun key products.

    PS: If you're looking for new companies for Apple to wary about, also keep your eyes on Amazon, and yes, facebook. Both have "ideas."


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  • ten-oak-druid
    Apr 6, 11:08 AM
    Need to wait a year at least to see how thunderbolt pans out. The only thunderbolt drive I know of is Lacie's and its announced as coming soon. But how much will it cost?

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  • kainjow
    Apr 25, 10:54 PM
    I am looking for the full schedule for the developer conference. Specifically, I need to know when we will be done on Friday. This will help me book my tickets back to my town. Can someone help me with this? ( If there is another thread specifically about the developer conference, please point me to that as well. )

    Friday is usually the miscellaneous sessions day, when the less important (or popular I might say) sessions are held. Of course you can leave whenever you want but Friday is still a full day. I would plan on staying the entire day if you can. Leaving Saturday morning is best as you can relax on Friday :)


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  • AllmightyFun
    Jan 15, 08:34 AM
    I am new here to the forum and was wondering if anyone could advise why only some of my contacts have matched accross?

    Is it due to the fact that some of my numbers start +44 in my phonebook and they may start 07.... in facebook??

    not sure what credentials it uses to compare and match the different phonebooks i.e name, number ect.

    anyone know? :D

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  • ngenerator
    Mar 13, 10:32 AM
    It's Sunday....who cares?

    Haha, I remember being really late one DST morning that I had to work. I worked in a call center that was open 7 days a week, and I only realized I was late when one of my friends/coworkers called with a question that I was used to only taking at work, not at home. It was hilarious, at the time.

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  • 3247
    Jul 13, 04:53 AM
    So can I put one of these new SDXC cards in the back and use that as my boot drive while maintaining the internal HD for data storage?
    Would that be better than an SSD?No. The maximum interface speed for SD cards � that's UHS-I at 104 MB/s � is slower than most SSDs. (Well, slower than SSDs you would want to use as a boot drive.)

    Dec 27, 11:06 PM
    There are more iPhones, Macs, etc. sold here than anywhere in the world.

    Where are your figures to back this up?

    I don't care. I'm an iPhone owner. I don't have to prove affection for Apple products to anyone.

    I didn't ask you to prove your affection, nor do I care what your affections are. I'm pointing out that your argument has no validity, irrespective of where your "affections" may lie.

    Again you are not getting it. Maybe you never been around thieves but they will after anything they can sell. It is not like if they can't get the iPhone they will pick up their ball and go home.

    Of course not, but it deters thieves from using the online system for easy pickins to commit fraud. So it's not as easy to steal an iPhone online anymore, and other smartphones aren't hot sellers, so they'll go find some other scam that affects someone else.

    Yes they are linking to the same site. Have you got proof that The Consumerist is an unreliable website?

    The burden of proof lies with you, who is to trying to make a point with thin, if any, actual evidence. I'm not using nor relying on the Consumerist to make my point, so I don't have to prove its validity or lack thereof.

    On the other hand, you are using ONLY the Consumerist (and a couple blogs that are blindly parroting the Consumerist without doing any research of their own), and just telling me I HAVE to beleive the consumerist because YOU say it's "well-respected." Well, *I* never really respected the Consumerist, because it has a history of blindly following sensationalist leads and has a marked anti-corporate leaning. I'm more inclined to respect sources that are objective and don't have a mission that blatantly compromises that objectivity. So sorry, you'll have to find additional evidence. And I'm not going to do your homework for you.

    What in the hell does this have to do with zip codes. They are blocking NYC. Period.

    They are blocking sales online, by zip code. that makes it the cornerstone of this issue, and has everything to do with it.

    Now you're getting me pissed.

    Why, because you can't effectively prove your case because it relies on a single, un-corroborated source? Then you're taking this too personally. Why you have so much invested in convincing people that AT&T is blocking iPhone sales - and only online - for network resource control, is beyond me. Especially when such a tactic would have no effect on the problem this alleged conspiracy would supposedly solve. And the fact that you need to sell it so hard that it "pisses [you] off" that someone would challenge your thin and faulty argument kinda confirms you don't really have a leg to stand on.

    Apr 25, 09:24 AM
    Just something I _think_ I remember reading, but didn't Apple change the firewire controller chip on some MacBook Pro's back around the time yours was made?

    .... and the result was that some firewire devices were no longer recognized?

    If you can't find the solution on macrumors, also check: (use search function to check old reader reports)

    I also think that some folks were able to "work around" this problem by using a firewire hub, but again, I can't confirm that.

    Just some thoughts....

    Apr 1, 11:37 AM
    I was so angry last night to find out there was no longer any Discovery Channel, Animal Planet, or NatGeo :mad:

    Quite frankly, I just don't see the difference between what is being offered in my home from the box or from my iPad other than screen size. If the big networks feel as though by pulling their channels from this app is another way for them to figure out how to create revenue, than that sucks. Seems as though they may see some sort of HuluPlus opportunity here. As it was, there were already ads/commercials in the TWC iPad app to begin because it's live TV programming streamed to the iPad.

    Mar 17, 07:21 PM
    In response to all the "Recommend Me a Camera/Lens/Editor etc" threads, I offer this. Comments or additions?

    Never Show Your Work To Anyone

    Read Only "Expert Photographer" Blogs, Articles, and Books

    Leave Your Camera On Auto...:eek:...

    Buy A New and More Expensive Camera Because It'll Make Better Pictures

    Spend Too Much Time Mastering Photoshop

    Mine is this: Fixate on one style of photography or subject.

    Original stolen from PIXIQ... (


    I have read that you should find a type of photography that you're good at and stick with it rather than try to be a jack of all trades type. Trying to do sports, weddings and landscape all at once may not be the best idea, for example. They all require different equipment and style of photography. Now, I am barely out of the novice stage (about 7 months into taking photography seriously) so I am hardly able to give expert advice. I haven't figured out what kind of photography I am best at or like doing most. I have noticed I feel a bit intimidated by portrait type photography. I don't have the right equipment for it (flashes, strobes, backdrops, studio...), and I'm not sure I want to go that route. I also don't care for sports in general, so that's not a likely path for me, either.

    At least I mostly haven't suffered from the things you listed above. I kind of did buy an expensive camera to take "better" pictures, but then my P&S was pretty limiting in the kind of pictures I could take with it. It didn't do well with the kind of pictures I wanted to take. I recognize I got it to make the technical aspects better and for the versatility of different lenses. I know it doesn't mean what I take pictures of will necessarily be better.

    I think I'm sucking less than when I started my 365 project. People tell me they like my pictures, so I must be doing something right at least sometimes. This means I'm achieving my goal for my project, which was to be more interested and better at photography. I can't even look at the pictures I took prior to starting it. :) I moved them all off to iPhoto and use Aperture for everything since.

    If anyone wants to comment on how I'm doing so far, and they're bored enough to go through it all, my project set on flickr is here:

    I'll also add one to the list above - Always copy what other photographers do instead of establishing your own style.

    Nov 11, 09:57 PM
    No. In fact the average Japanese cannot say 'robster'. The 'L to R' problem ('ret's go') is when Japanese know they're trying to say an English word with 'L' and automatically think the Japanese sound would be incorrect so try to make it sound more like English. The actual Japanese L/R sound is nearer to 'L' and our English words beginning with 'L' are not a problem. Therefore the average Japanese would pronounce 'lobster' with an 'L' but 'rabbit' would be pronounced 'labbit'.

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