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  • DaveTheGrey
    Oct 17, 01:59 AM
    Ideally, they could address this concern by having some software that told you well in advance that if you stop listening to music now, you still have so much time left on your phone.

    nice idea!

    I don't believe anything comes out until mwsf 07 (maybe except the core2duo books). Apple just released the new iPod line and who would buy an 80gig video ipod if you can get a widescreen for some more bugs...

    I hope the PDA rumor is correct.

    Apple in my ear, on my desk, in my livingroom, in my car, as my phone

    "Gee, Steve, what do you want to do tonight?" "The same thing I do every night, Dave: Try to take over the world!"

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  • The Beatles
    Apr 14, 03:00 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Based on some of the posts in this one forum, it seems that most are coming from loud mouth teens who know nothing, or just want to say something for the hell of it. Geez!

    its a thursday afternoon. Shouldnt the intelligent people be... working?

    im a bored college student, not immature kid. A little smartass humor does not hurt in my opinion. Unnecessary one word posts are annoying though.


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  • johnnyturbouk
    Apr 5, 05:45 PM
    so in a way apple has been forced to at least usb3 popularity

    i can live with the fact that there are no native support for usb3 on the 2011 MBP - i just hope that there will be TP - usb3 and half decent expresscards34.. and apple do their part by providing the softaware support in the os

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  • tjwett
    Sep 13, 08:50 PM
    guys, don't sweat it. by 2nd quarter of 2003 we will cruising along on 1.4 and 1.6 ghz overclocked G4s. oh man...


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  • AHDuke99
    Oct 29, 03:33 PM
    This demonstrates that Adobe is a bunch of morons. If they listened to Apple and used xCode they could click one button and produce a universal binary.

    Perhaps Adobe writes ****** software that isn't engineered to be platform independant.

    it isn't that simple, especially if their code is as outdated as i've been reading it is. hell, i am working with the poisoned p2p developers and even we are having trouble making it a universal binary. it involves much more than just clikcing a box in most cases.

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  • Freelancer
    Nov 13, 03:46 AM
    Hmm, omoshiroi...

    This is sort of off-topic, but is anyone else very amused at the voice they gave for the French John Hodgman? (
    it's the french actor who dubs David Schwimmer in Friends (and in some of his movies). Strange choice, but i guess his voice is easily recognizable.


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  • fupresti
    Apr 12, 04:47 PM
    Requests from our employees has been 80% Verizon - 20% AT&T.

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  • dcv
    Sep 13, 11:49 AM
    So you re telling me I most likely won't even be able to have a cab take me home - my partner has to work, can't get out of it.

    I'm afraid I'm going to be puking all over the place.

    I'm weird. They are going to cut a 6-inch hole in my back and remove one of my lamina and a disc, and I'm worried about anesthesia.


    six-inch hole? :eek: *ouch* (sorry not helping am i)

    really there is nothing to worry about at all, you'll be in very safe hands and you should feel fine afterwards, just probably a little sleepy and possibly nauseous (though not in all cases). they do strongly recommend that you have someone come and collect you after a general anaesthetic just to be safe.

    my experience of GA is just from a very short operation - i had an arthroscopy (keyhole surgery) on my knee a few years ago. i remember being on the trolley outside theatre and was amazed at how easily the anaesthetist stuck the cannula in my arm and how painless the process was... all previous history of blood tests etc has involved much painful prodding and poking to find a vein! i wasn't asked to count down or anything, all i can remember is saying 'oooh i feel all funny' - someone here described it as a dreamy sort of state which is pretty accurate, you sort of feel a bit faint - and the next thing i knew i was waking up after the op.

    apparently people say strange things when they are coming around after a GA. one of the nurses was pulling a plaster strip off and said 'this might hurt' and i vaguely remember mumbling something about it not being as painful as bikini waxing, LOL!!!

    i felt fine afterwards, in fact surprisingly perky especially as i'd been up really early that morning. but then pretty tired later on in the day. i hadn't actually been under for very long though.

    all in all, don't worry about it, you'll be fine :) good luck with the op!

    i've got a video of my arthroscopy somewhere...

    edit: actually by far the worst thing about the whole op was having to wear big granny-style paper knickers!!! :eek: :o :D


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  • Thex1138
    Mar 23, 07:33 PM
    I need your clothes,
    Your boots,
    And your iPhone!

    You forgot to say please! :D

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  • ezekielrage_99
    Apr 20, 10:35 PM
    I'm not buying a tablet until there is one that runs mac OS X (the modbook is too expensive) :D

    I'm still a firm believer tablet computers need to come with the following to be considered "standard":
    1) Soliataire
    2) Minesweaper
    3) Disk Defrag
    4) A CD Burner

    Other than that I do think Woz's comments were right on the money.


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  • weiss
    Oct 13, 03:49 AM
    i really wonder: why not "made in america" or "made in europe"? :confused:

    The manufacturing costs would escalate and Apple wouldn't profit nearly as much.

    Boy I hope not. Unless they can get some cooler silicon off-board, giving up battery life for 12 FPS in Quake just isn't a good bargain for 97% of the market.

    I hope they introduce that option. Then it would be up to the customer to pick integrated or dedicated graphics, depending on his[her] needs.

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  • Benjy91
    Apr 19, 11:38 AM
    Already got Expose multi-tasking on my iPhone :)


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  • Project
    Nov 5, 06:33 AM
    I think we can see it all around us that people are switching. Im a recent switcher myself and have had 2 Macs now in 12 months.

    What im interested in though, is what effect Vista will have on the rate of switchers. Its fairly easy to get a casual PC user to switch on eye candy alone. Will this work when Vista out eye candys OSX?

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  • lilcosco08
    Apr 18, 09:50 PM
    The NDS (at least in the UK) launched with Mario 64 DS and Wario Ware Touched, two great games rated 85 and 81 by respectively.

    The 3DS has Street Fighter.

    It also has ridge racer

    riiiiiiiiiidge raaaaaaaaaceeeeeeerrr!


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  • queshy
    Nov 13, 12:15 AM
    Why did they replace Justin Long in these ads? ...I could have sworn he spoke Japanese. ;) :p

    Ya! remember the camera one when he talks to the japanese camera!

    The first time I watched I couldnt even tell which one was the Mac lol....I still liked it.

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  • rhett7660
    Apr 1, 08:42 AM
    Greedy content distributors.

    Surely they want more money.

    I think I am going to have to agree with you on this one. I have a snarkly feeling they are going to want to re-negotiate their contract to include money's from this now!


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  • mattcube64
    Apr 11, 05:29 PM
    Your gas is also taxed to hell; meanwhile, I bet your minimum wage is higher, while your cost of living is comparable or lower.

    We're at $3.59/Gal right now. Definitely not as bad as some of you have it, but it totally sucks as a poor as hell college student. A fill-up costs me about $60, and lasts me about two weeks. But anytime I want to go home (which, I will for Easter), I will go through about two tanks.

    EDIT: Decided to do the research myself; see that you actually don't have a minimum wage in effect. I applaud you, as I don't believe in a minimum wage, myself. That said, what I said does hold true for a fair amount of countries that make fun of Americans for complaining about gasoline prices.

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  • marco114
    Nov 14, 09:38 AM
    What is a Zune? :D :eek:

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  • aristotle
    May 4, 12:03 PM
    I challenge both points, pedantically and pragmatically. Canada is no more a "democracy" than the US, though perhaps slightly less messed up. If it was, you would not be able to brazenly put forth the second assertion. In a real democracy, there are no winners. Debate results in compromise. Compromise leaves everyone disappointed but (usually) sanguine, because those other guys are also comparably disappointed.

    The idea that we should have winners and losers is one of the biggest problems facing the US political system. The rollercoaster ride has been pushing the whole country apart from the inside. Failure is inevitable.
    Stop projecting the problems that you have with the US political system onto the Canadian one. Elections are contests and the participants either win or lose but the governing party is supposed to govern for the benefit of all citizens. We have more that two parties here and sometimes the opposition parties change positions.

    We have had situations where the there was a liberal majority with the bloc as the official opposition and the PC (Progressive Conservatives) nearly wiped out and the NDP as the third party.

    Now we have a conservative majority with and NDP opposition (second party) and the Liberals in the third party position. The Bloc are not without party status and there is one green party member.

    It seems to me that you are only happy if the people/parties that you like are winning even if they have a super majority. That is hypocrisy at its worst.

    I did not like it when the Liberals had a majority and forced through legislation without debate but I grinned and bore it because I understood that we live in a democracy and that we do not always get what we personally want when the people have spoken.

    Part of the problem that I see with both the NDP and Liberals is that they are too concerned with special interests rather than ordinary Canadians. They pay lip service about being for the common man but the common man voted conservative because they understand that budgets have to be balanced in households so it should be the same with the government. People in their own homes cannot continue to borrow and spend more money than they have coming in so it seems logical to most hard working tax payers that the government should be held to a similar standard. I think it is foolish to mortgage future generations with out of control spending on social programs since those that follow us will have to pay for it and might not have the same social programs to depend on if the overspending continues.

    Jun 15, 09:17 PM
    Updated new price!:apple::apple:

    Jul 24, 01:17 PM
    Did you notice the new smaller power brick actually has a fan now? That's what's making most of the sound :/
    Old one did as well. My current Elite is pretty quiet, and when sitting on the dashboard, not playing a game, if it is real quiet in my house, you can hear the PSU more than the Xbox.

    Nov 2, 11:43 AM
    Absolutely ... and in all honesty, I think many had good reason to become "Mac haters" too. I was a hard-core PC user back in 1996 or 97, when I decided to take the plunge and try a Mac. (Wondered what all the fuss was about, and wanted to learn something new.) I bought a whole Performa tower system with color printer, etc. I think I put up with that for a whole 3 months before gladly selling it at a loss to someone else! Gag... non-upgradeable video with too little VRAM, worse multitasking under MacOS 8.x than my Windows PC before it had, etc.

    It wasn't until I saw OS X on a G4 tower that I gave Apple another chance. And now, today, it's almost all I use at home!

    Truthfully though, Apple still needs to do more. The Mac Pro is single-handedly changing the opinions of quite a few PC users who kept arguing that you could simply get more performance out of a Windows PC than a Mac. (It's hard to argue with a quad-core Xeon that can be upgraded to an 8-core version with a CPU swap, and costs less than a comparable Dell system.) And offering a 24" LCD iMac is a good "power user" move too - since it silences the people who whine about all-in-one designs, mainly because they can't get a big display with one.

    But IMHO, Apple is a little weak in the video card dept. still. The Mac Mini now costs $100-200 more than it did when it came out, and you still get wimpy, non-upgradeable graphics in it. The Core Duo 2 CPU in one *really* starts to make that look lopsided. Even the iMacs could use something like Radeon X1900XT's in them - because the home market they target includes a lot of teens who want to play games on the computer.

    And I'm *really* hoping they start doing more to get software ported to OS X. The ability to boot into Windows shouldn't become an excuse for developers not to make native OS X versions of software. I barely ever boot into XP on my Mac Pro because I like the OS X environment so much better. So the games I tend to play on it are the ones like "Call of Duty 2" I have for OS X.

    It's sad though, many people still hate macs. People who have not used one since the old OS 8 / OS 9 days. The 'only one-mouse button / expensive / can't run any programs' image still tarnishes apple. It might take another couple of years for that to wear off from people. At least.

    Apr 21, 12:10 PM
    You right. But that's a very common theory here on these threads. I use that analogy to suggest how ridiculous that would be if Apple really did remove it to 'differentiate' the product lines.

    I've heard that they removed it because they couldn't fit it into the current MBA (which is thinner than before). Makes sense to me. Personally, I've had numerous MBPs and the original MBA. I've found I don't really miss it.

    May 14, 07:20 PM
    I must say it has been fun watching the stats, accumulating points and moving up the chart. The only thing at the moment i have running is the GPU system tray client which seems to be doing pretty well by itself. Oh and by the way i will catch you one day DeSnousa.

    glad you're having fun! and hopefully you'll add more systems soon!

    Ahh stuff it I will spend roughly 900-1100 US dollars, so if you had that kind of money what would you get, don't need a screen, nor Windows 7. I appreciate your thought and help.

    ok, if you can spend about $1,100 US dollars then i'd go for an i7 930 system. that way it's plenty upgradeable and depending on the motherboard, you can add GPUs later.

    do you plan to build yourself?

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