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world map continents oceans. WORLD MAP CONTINENTS OCEANS

  • maclaptop
    Apr 19, 07:51 PM
    Apples sales volume is staggering, as is their income. These are clear facts that are growing weekly.

    With that in mind, the fact that Apple insists on fostering negative energy, launching a law suit, and showing their pro war position to the world, is very revealing of who they are.

    Unable to be a good corporate citizen, unable to satisfy their greed as they rake in more profits than the competition, Apples looking rather desperate. Nothing will ever be enough.

    world map continents oceans. world map continents. world
  • world map continents. world

  • freddiecable
    Sep 13, 11:33 PM
    I agree - a thing called capitalization - they have to develop an iPhone and it would be very stupid not to follow the iPod concept. That's why it takes so long I think...

    But - there is nothing in this "news" that's close to "revealed"...

    arn very rarely posts info from his own sources. When he does, that info is always correct. I'd bet a good deal of my savings that the iphone will look very similar to that pic.

    world map continents oceans. WORLD MAP CONTINENTS OCEANS

  • MacLawyer
    Apr 4, 12:14 PM
    Mac...a computer to die for.

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  • DJTJ
    Apr 22, 11:49 AM
    Why would you think that? The Intel IGP can drive the same resolution on the 15" just fine.

    then why did apple cripple the 13" macbook pro's with ****** resolution then?

    world map continents oceans. WORLD MAP CONTINENTS OCEANS

  • extraextra
    Sep 12, 06:40 PM
    I wish the games worked on a 4G iPod. I guess I'll have to wait for the warranty to expire and then for it to die before I spring for a 5G. Hopefully by then there will be a 6G widescreen iPod!

    I'm more curious about the iPod nano 4GB = $149 and then the regular iPod 30GB = $249 pricing than the pricing between the 30GB and 80GB.

    world map continents oceans. world map continents and
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  • product26
    Apr 25, 12:58 PM
    BlackBook Pro? *fingers crossed*

    world map continents oceans. continentsoceans,worldmap
  • continentsoceans,worldmap

  • MrFirework
    Oct 27, 11:04 AM
    Sure, they wandered away from their stall to the entrance to hand out leaflets, but so did half or dozen or so other stallholders. The fact remains that I haven't heard of anyone else being ejected because of this. And it makes you concerned that they were singled out because of the message they were trying to convey.

    Okay... I'm not quite done, you can get back to your whining in a moment.

    See that area emphasized above? That's the exact thing that causes all our bickering in but the U.S. and the U.K.. The idea that somehow it's okay to violate contracts, laws or even social norms just because you agree with the reason for breaking said rules. If you have a problem with the rules, get them changed, until you do, obey them. There's a reason it's called "civilization" - we all have to be civil for it to work.

    Okay. Now I'm really done.

    world map continents oceans. world map continents oceans. with Continents+world+map; with Continents+world+map. benthewraith. Nov 28, 08:07 PM. I agree with the people here who have
  • world map continents oceans. with Continents+world+map; with Continents+world+map. benthewraith. Nov 28, 08:07 PM. I agree with the people here who have

  • Joshuarocks
    Apr 11, 10:44 PM
    Well dang, I wouldn't mind paying 3.60 for a years worth of driving for me lol

    You'll be paying close to 5 or at 5 by the summer.. keep listening to corporate media - they brainwash the American people into thinking things are getting better.. WRONG, Things are getting worse..

    world map continents oceans. world map continents oceans
  • world map continents oceans

  • ArcaneDevice
    Mar 23, 04:34 PM
    Honestly, do you think someone who is Drunk is going to be checking the app for the checkpoints?

    Eh, yes.

    There is more than one level of being drunk you know? Not everyone stumbles out of the pub and falls over. Those are the guys who are the least of the problem since they will be passed out before they can start the car.

    It's those that are arrogant enough to believe that even though they've been drinking more than the limit they can still drive just fine that are the problem. They are the people who can also send text messages they regret in the morning and take camera photos of their ass.

    Just because someone has been drinking it doesn't mean they can't fumble through a phone menu; but nobody gets killed by a poorly written text message.

    world map continents oceans. World Map- Ocean
  • World Map- Ocean

  • vi2867
    Oct 12, 12:59 PM
    You have to link to the images, not the flickr page.

    And that's just the U2 special edition iPod.

    Got it...

    world map continents oceans. world map continents oceans.
  • world map continents oceans.

  • Eidorian
    Sep 9, 04:40 PM
    Isn't that the same thing as assigning priorities to processes in OS X? Terminal or Developer Tools already do that, as well as several freeware apps...I believe Multimedia wants something a bit simpler then that though.

    Oh and explanation/links for those tools/freeware?

    world map continents oceans. world map continents and
  • world map continents and

  • Cinch
    Sep 5, 01:06 PM
    But with every attempt, the chance of success increases significantly. Lets keep our fingers crossed. :)

    I think a simpler explanation is that certain things are never meant to be together.

    Video on demand are NetFlix currently fill the niche, if there is a niche. Whatever Apple do, it has to be simple and easy i.e. it doesn't require lots of thinking..a lazy person can operate. This is the living room not the office where I don't care to navigate my computer to search for movies to watch.


    world map continents oceans. World Map For Kids
  • World Map For Kids

  • Ingot
    Mar 22, 03:11 PM
    Balls! I just bought a new 27in iMac like 3-4 weeks ago! Oh well, I have been wanting replace my PC with a mac for like over a year, and I love it.

    I agree! I love my ibeast fully loaded except for only 8 gb of ram. Sandy bridge will blow it out of the water. Sigh...

    world map continents oceans. WORLD MAP CONTINENTS OCEANS

  • KnightWRX
    Apr 22, 01:47 PM
    Exactly what I was thinking I'd much rather have the 320M it makes youtube and other graphics accelerated apps so much better than the 9400M, can't imagine downgrading to igp.

    Youtube is a problem. The Intel 3000HD still isn't supported by the Video Decode Acceleration Framework (VDA for short) that Apple released in 2010 to enable Adobe to implement hardware decoding of H.264 video. So right now, a MBA is offloading decoding to the nVidia 320M, while a new SB MBA would revert to standard CPU decoding, throwing us back to the dark ages of ****** Flash, where we now have passable Flash.

    world map continents oceans. world map continents oceans.
  • world map continents oceans.

  • AppleScruff1
    Apr 20, 10:21 PM
    At least try to make rational arguments about the topic at hand. "Apple ripped off the Beatles" and "People here claim Steve Jobs is God" are just annoyingly feeble attempts to add a contrarian view.

    But Apple did copy the Beatles and the Beatles sued them multiple times. Why is that statement irrational? What's good for the goose should be good for the gander, no? And as an aside, I think that Apple makes some very nice products.

    world map continents oceans. world map continents and
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  • lmalave
    Sep 27, 09:31 AM
    The RAZR was a smash because it was very stylish (which the Apple iPhone will certainly be, too). But it also has been huge because every carrier has had it available on subsidy, and it's been available in more than one color. Something I don't expect from the iPhone.

    It's also been such a huge seller because they are junk inside. I imagine every time a carrier has to replace a RAZR because it was insured Motorola counts it as another "sale".

    You have a short-term memory. Cingular had an exclusive on it for quite some time (at least 6 months), and was only available in one color (silver). I mean, I remember there was a big deal when the RAZR introduced the Black color!

    According to ThinkSecret, the iPhone deal is similar (Cingular exclusive for 6 months, then Apple can sign on with other providers). And, as you indicate, the iPhone will probably only be available in one color. This is desirable for a product launch, though, since it makes production, inventory control, etc. easier at at time when Apple can't predict consumer demand as accurately.

    What I'm hoping for is that Apple uses the metallic finish of its nanos. My Sony Ericsson has a metallic blue finish but is actually made of plastic. It would be sweet to have a real metal phone. I predict Apple will launch in a single metallic color (the nano black or silver), and then within a year or less provide all the nano colors.

    If you think about it from a marketing point of view, this makes total sense so use all the exact same nano colors, strengthening the association between the two. This would position the iPhone as an upsell from the nano. All Apple has to do is ensure that the profit per unit is the same or higher as the nano, and they don't have to worry about cannibalizing nano sales.

    In conclusion, the Think Secret article claims Apple expects to sell 25 million of the iPhones in the year 2007 alone. If Apple can pull that off, they will indeed be eclipsing the sales rates even of the highly successful RAZR. Unfortunately for Motorola, SonyEricsson, LG, Danger, Helio, etc., these eye-popping sales figures will come at the expense of all the othe "cool" phones that consumers were paying a premium for (RAZR, Walkman Phones, Chocolate, Sidekick, Helio). And not because these products necessarily compete head-to-head in terms of features, but rather because each person normally owns only one phone. So once consumers prioritize what they want in a phone, I predict many of them will opt to combine their iPod and phone into the same device. 25 million people making that choice in 2007 is not that far-fetched...

    world map continents oceans. World Map, continents from
  • World Map, continents from

  • munkery
    Mar 16, 02:45 PM
    The client and server releases of OS X already have some form of software based anti-malware protection.

    The Snow Leopard client version includes xProtect to detect most of the trojans that compromise OS X.

    The Snow Leopard server version includes xProtect and Clamav (email scanning but database does include OS X threats as well).

    I would be surprised if both features were removed from Lion.

    world map continents oceans. WORLD MAP CONTINENTS OCEANS

  • nsayer
    Mar 23, 04:46 PM
    They are couching this as a fight against drunk driving, but Trapster primarily is about alerting you to speed traps, red light cameras and other purely revenue generating tools used by local cops and insurance companies to take your money from you using the fig leaf of allegedly improving traffic safety.

    pro-tip: You want to reduce red light crashes? Make the yellow light longer. Oh but that won't make you more money in traffic fines. Oops. In actual fact, many communities that have put in red light cameras have been caught cheating - REDUCING the length of the yellow lights beyond the minimums in the MUTCD.

    If they ban Trapster from the store I solemnly swear that I will make it my life's work to build a web-based replacement that they can't ban.

    world map continents oceans. WORLD MAP CONTINENTS OCEANS

  • OllyW
    Mar 29, 12:57 PM
    by 2015, wp7 doesn't exist.

    You're probably right, wp8 is scheduled for late 2012. :D

    Oct 27, 10:34 AM
    ... the provocative and renowned philosopher Cartman...

    This complicates the already thorny dilemma I'd been wrestling with in this thread. Whose words should win my confidence? Whose direction on this issue should I trust? "crap freakboy"? Maybe. Some of his comments make sense, but i'm thinking, if i met him on the street and he was introduced that way, would i stay and listen...or run? Then there's "jelloshotsrule"? He's shown some insight, but you know how you can evaluate comments differently after you've seen a guy throwing up after chugging too much at a frat party? And now there's a third choice, a cartoon character? It turns out, the nine-year-old in the red jacket resolved my dilemma:

    "Cartman: Respect My Authority!"


    Apr 20, 01:03 PM
    This is really, really, REALLY bad for Apple. Bad publicity - and quite alarming.

    I've had every model iPhone, had iMacs, iPads, iPods and even I am concerned. This is not okay.

    Lawsuits are coming.

    Just wonder how long it will take and if it will be class action or not. Days? Weeks? Months? Probably not months.

    May 1, 03:53 AM
    Well here it is Sunday, still no official word from Apple or any other credible source confirming tuesdays launch. I just hope that this is NOT going to be a huge let down.
    And hopefully when we do see this launch tuesday most people say Wow.

    I hear ya. I really hope it comes out tuesday

    Apr 19, 11:28 AM

    Samsung is a huge Conglomerate.

    In fact they built one of these.

    I'm well aware of that, but many here have no idea that Samsung is much bigger than Apple.

    Sep 16, 08:57 AM
    * Firmware of iPod nano just means nano's iTunes and iTunes for ROKR are likely built from the same codebase. Remember neither are based on the Portalplayer software, and Apple isn't going to reinvent the wheel. "iTunes Phone Driver" refers to the ROKR driver, and Apple's website specifically says that's what it's for. Uploading of pictures and other features in the latest iTunes Phone Driver may simply point to updates in iTunes for Phones, or even making the code more generic. All of these pieces of evidence have logical explanations that, on occasion, contradict the notion they're part of some roll-out of an iPhone. The only evidence we have for an iPhone is actually that people like Arn are convinced that their sources are reliable. Ok, I believe you Arn. But you'll forgive me for not believing the story makes any sense.

    I agree with you and what you said about the Firmware in my opinioin is just that, refering to the ROKR... in fact when I updated an old machine it actaully said that as the description in the software update.

    And if Apple does make a phone then great! Our market here in the US sucks for phones and phone services. I had a friend visit from China and she had this amazing motorola... all touch screen, did her email, web, everything on it.. when she charged something she got an auto email saying you just charged something, it was amazing.

    I think if anything needs to change here in the US to make phones any better it is our service plans, not adding in cameras and iTunes abilities... those are just gimmicks to make you think you have a better service. I think apple could make a better phone but it would be limited to what our US service plans can offer.

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