the world god only knows wallpaper

the world god only knows wallpaper. the world god only knows
  • the world god only knows

  • kalsta
    May 5, 11:00 PM
    What does that have to do with anything? :confused:

    Even if this was somehow relevant …

    You're the one who is always talking about the financial cost and economic return, as though it's all about money. I was just having a bit of fun with that topic. Don't take it too seriously. :)

    Not with their reasoning. My scientific literacy is pretty good, and I don't have an inherent mistrust of science which many Americans do.

    Gosh, then you won't be able to plead ignorance on judgement day! :eek:

    I don't doubt scientists when they advocate for the metric system, in science. Howeve, since most of the advantages of the metric system are really reserved to the sciences, the question of whether or not everything in life should be metric really isn't a scientific one; it's an economic and convenience one. In my daily life I do not need to easily convert between the mass of water and its volume or take temperatures relative to the boiling point of water.

    So you're saying that science has nothing to do with everyday life? Cake for the elite and bread for everyone else??

    I see no good sense in that. If the metric system was intrinsically difficult to use in everyday life, then maybe you would have a point. But it's not — it's actually much, much easier to use once you learn it.

    You say that you have no need for it in your personal life… but you know, I think you'd find it's a bit like an iPhone in that respect. I kept my old Nokia 5110 phone well past its use-by date because I honestly didn't have a need for anything beyond making and receiving phone calls. When the iPhone came out in Australia, I snapped one up because I wanted to have one less gadget in my pocket (iPod and phone) and now I don't know how I did without all those incredibly useful apps. The metric system, as many people here keep pointing out, enables some pretty easy mental arithmetic. You'd use it if you had it.

    No, but that doesn't mean that we should transition now either. It all depends on the ease of transition. This is why I think long term transitioning is the only real option available. Do things piecemeal in order of greatest economic return, and if there is no economic return on a particular item, forget it. There's no point in switching to something that is going only cost money; at some point there needs to be a positive return for it to make sense.

    You say it's about the 'ease of transition' but in the next breath you argue that it's all about 'economic return'. Personally I think you're clutching at straws to defend the fact that your country is behind the rest of the world in its ability to institute any kind of consistency with its system of measurements. But, we can agree to disagree.

    the world god only knows wallpaper. Oratorio The World God Only
  • Oratorio The World God Only

  • petvas
    May 4, 03:01 PM
    Great...until you need to do a reinstall. While you could go 10.6 >10.7, going straight to 10.7 is so much better.

    Except when your HD becomes toast...

    Currently I can create a DVD from the developer preview of Lion. The installation program is provided as a DMG file, so it is relatively easy to create the DVD. Of course an average user wouldn't find the whole thing that easy, so I suppose Apple will provide some other solution. The option to buy the DVD will of course be available.

    the world god only knows wallpaper. the world god only knows
  • the world god only knows

  • milo
    Aug 11, 05:43 PM
    3 - If Merom, etc.. are 32bit, then 10.4.7 is 64bit? :confused:

    10.5 will be 64 bit, 10.4.x is not.

    the world god only knows wallpaper. the world god only knows
  • the world god only knows

  • NoNothing
    Apr 7, 10:50 AM
    For some strange reason you think monopolies are good for consumers.

    Actually, this is more of a situation of a monopsony in play where there are multiple sellers of various components but only a single buyer. This, in turn, locks out other buyers from being able to leverage price efficiencies and limits the competition from achieving an upper hand price wise.

    the world god only knows wallpaper. Elsee from The World God Only
  • Elsee from The World God Only

  • lilo777
    Mar 30, 02:14 PM
    So let me understand this. You pay to buy your music, you pay to store it 'in the cloud' and you pay data charges (with ever decreasing unlimited data plans) to listen to it.

    This has got to be the stupidest thing I've ever heard of.

    Obviously you do not consider all possibilities. Some people have unlimited data plans (or do not have time to listen to music to often so even the limited plan could suffice). Combined with free 5GB space, people have to pay nothing. Then there are people for whom hundred bucks is not an issue but convenience is. This World (outside Apple ecosystem) is all about choices. And if not enough people will find this service to be attractive, Amazon will close it. Without your telling them.

    the world god only knows wallpaper. The+world+god+only+knows+
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  • kiljoy616
    Apr 7, 03:24 PM
    Shame - a bit of competition couldn't hurt iPad development.

    How is the iPad going bad, the new one is incredible, the first gen still rocks for most things. Retina is coming we all can assume that the next jump will be even bigger and Retina as well as way better cameras are in the works. :cool:

    Competition is good, but considering what I have seen there is no competition just companies throwing money behind half baked scheme hoping something will stick. :confused:

    Sure I like a bit more control with the UI but you can't have it all. :rolleyes:

    the world god only knows wallpaper. The World God Only Knows 1 - 4
  • The World God Only Knows 1 - 4

  • iLunar
    Apr 5, 02:38 PM
    While I agree in a sense, it's commonly known that there's no way to plug every hole, so you're scooping out water from a sinking ship with a cup. Every iOS device has been jailbroken since release, many several times using several exploits. There will never be a day when a software company will be smarter than the hacking community... software companies can't afford to buy them all :-)

    That's very true. But Apple (or any software, consumer electronics company) would be foolish to not close known security holes.

    Yes, new holes will be found. And Apple will try to plug those up, as well. I can't see an argument for people complaining that Apple is patching security holes.

    the world god only knows wallpaper. the world god only knows
  • the world god only knows

  • shaolindave
    May 4, 05:51 PM
    Thank you for making my point for me. Last time I checked you were the one making predictions that Lion was going to be handled in the store exactly like every other app.

    All I am saying is that there is no proof to point either way at the moment. But coming to a conclusion that Lion is going to be handled like every other app is like concluding that the iPhone SDK, when released, was going to be exactly like "web apps" were previously.

    i "predict" the next car i buy will have four wheels.

    i don't "predict" that Lion will be handled the same as every other App Store product, but there's reason to believe it will be, and that's a cause for concern.

    please stop putting words in my mouth.

    the world god only knows wallpaper. the world god only knows
  • the world god only knows

  • coal
    Sep 15, 04:49 PM
    I just cannot imagine that they would hold an event (of any magnitude) centered on the replacement of one processor for another with no other mentionable updates.

    The iMac was held until the Showtime event and that was a very important announcement.

    Although, I can't tell if I'm mistaking my own hopes for a major update for logical reasoning.

    the world god only knows wallpaper. the world god only knows
  • the world god only knows

  • smulji
    Mar 30, 10:53 PM
    WOW. In my years of OS X development and beta releases, this is the first time I believe Apple has released a developer preview with little to no beta releases, and pushed right into a half arsed possible GM build without the numerous beta's for 10.X refinements. For developers and companies who have been accustomed to Apple pushing bi-weekly beta's as the GM release approaches. This may not bold well for developers and companies transitioning their products/applications in time and with little "bumps" in the road.

    This also makes me believe Apple has certainly, finally, officially drawn a line with regard to their main focus: iOS. It truly is about mobile devices for Cupertino, with iPhones and iPads and numerous iOS beta releases that have pushed OS X off center stage since Leopard. Gone are the excellent days of a dedicated LCD display line with three size variants, gone are the days when desktop PowerPC towers were affordable, and soon the professionals who spent thousands of dollars and hours investing in Mac products for their work will be pushed out the door for the general mass consumer. This is a sad sign for us, for those that supported a struggling yet profitable Apple dedicated to professionals, consumers, quality products and improved operating systems.

    That could be what Steve Jobs was alluding to when during the iPad 1 release in 2010 he said that Apple was the world's largest mobile devices company. Then later that same year during one of the financial conference calls Tim Cooke said people should refer to Apple as a mobile company. Just a theory.

    the world god only knows wallpaper. the world god only knows
  • the world god only knows

  • bigwig
    May 6, 04:26 AM
    You could put a lot of ARM cores in the same space one x86 uses, and I think ARM is the superior ISA. Intel had a chance in Itanium to dump x86, but it was a half-hearted effort (current version arrived 3 years late and uses an obsolete 65nm process) and spent all their money improving x86. I have no doubt that Microsoft's refusal to support Itanium had something to do with it.

    Intel's advantage is in its manufacturing, not its CPU design. x86 is a hack, but combine it with billions of dollars in semiconductor research and there's no way ARM competes with x86. Intel might fab ARM cores, but there's no way they let their best tech (22nm, 3D) be used on ARM unless they intend to dump Atom.

    the world god only knows wallpaper. the world god only knows
  • the world god only knows

  • squirrellydw
    Apr 26, 03:45 PM
    Fiat owns 85% of Ferrari.
    Volkswagen owns 49.9% of Porsche.

    Right and what is your point?

    If they weren't making money they would be sold off or shut down. They are high end cars sold to the rich. But let me guess you are stupid to buy an over priced Apple or iProduct right? Just like anyone that buys a BMW, Ferrari or Porsche is dumb. What is dumb is thinking one product is better than another. What is better, the iPhone, Android or a Star Tec? I guess if the only thing I want to do is make phone calls my old Star Tec is the best if it still works. My point is it depends on what your needs are.

    the world god only knows wallpaper. the world god only knows
  • the world god only knows

  • mds
    Apr 26, 03:45 PM
    Just a sample size of one, but I'm a good example of a customer that Apple might not get:

    Sprint user for years. Good discounts, etc. and the service has worked fine for me over the years. For me to switch carriers for an iPhone I'd spend $40-$50 a month more. As much as I want an iphone (I own a 3gs I use internationally and really like it), unless Apple and Sprint make a deal I'm probably gonna end up with an Android phone to replace my barely functional Palm Pre. I'm heading out of the country for a couple months, hopefully Sprint has the iPhone when I return, haha...

    the world god only knows wallpaper. the world god only knows
  • the world god only knows

  • peharri
    Aug 2, 03:29 PM
    "So, with the new Core 2 Duo based Xserve, and Leopard's November release, this is going to be the best year for Macintosh ever. One last thing. I'd like you to take a look at this."

    As Steve says this, a flunky wheels a large object covered by a black sheet onto the stage, and then departs. Steve smiles at the crowd, winks, and then lifts the sheet off with the flair of a magician. The audience goes "Woo" at what appears to be a huge, glowing, apple.

    "It's really neat isn't it? The surface isn't glass, it's actually solid man-made diamond. That's right. Diamond. The light inside is generated by passing electricity through a gas field generating plasma."

    Sparks appear to fly from the center of the apple - four feet high excluding stem and just as wide - to the sides, while the center flows different colours... red, blue, red again, green, white, bright bright white, the apple suddenly "turns off" but then begins to glow red again. The apple hums and occasionally crackles.

    "Now, the stem of the apple is actually titanium plated, and you can reposition it in any direction you want. And, of course, it's low power, the entire apple uses less electricity than a night light. It's controlled using Airport. Let me demonstrate."

    Steve walks to the computer console while the audience begins to get puzzled and restless.

    "You can make the entire thing green just by clicking on a button... there"

    The apple turns green, varying the shades between the very dark and the black. Lightning continues to spark from the center to the sides.

    "Good for you who like granny-smiths. We can also make a golden delicious..."

    ...the apple turns yellow. There's a crackling noise, but it's somehow comforting.

    "...or even go for red."

    The apple flashes red, and then changes back to random colours. Finally, a click of a mouse, and the colours line up into stripes, reminding everyone of the classic Apple logo. There is confused applause from the audience.

    "We have these in a variety of sizes. You can get this four foot model for just $399, from the Apple Store right now. Yes, we're selling it today, in sizes of 3 feet, four feet, and eight feet. Thanks for coming to see us today, see you next year!"

    With that, the master salesman leaves the stage, his audience stunned.

    Within minutes, the entire first run of 1,500,000 4' apples is completely sold out.

    By Christmas, the entire country will have huge glowing apples in every home.

    By July, apples will be exchanged as a symbol of peace. Iraqis will proudly have huge glowing apples placed on every home, symbolising the return to tranquility in that forsaken region.

    In Apple will withdraw the iPod. Nobody needs it any more. Nobody wants it. A huge, useless, glowing apple will be all anyone will want.

    the world god only knows wallpaper. the world god only knows
  • the world god only knows

  • AndyK
    May 8, 03:09 AM
    Finally, they'll be charging what the service is worth!


    the world god only knows wallpaper. the world god only knows
  • the world god only knows

  • -aggie-
    May 3, 09:16 PM
    I notice I'm not mentioned in DP's post. :)

    I have some questions to the masters or whoever.

    What do the AP POINTS have to do with this game? It seems like only HP matters.

    You wrote HP subtraction would be determined at random. Are you saying one person could get all the points in your example in the OP.

    the world god only knows wallpaper. the world god only knows
  • the world god only knows

  • CellarDoor
    Aug 4, 02:10 PM
    I want my re-designed Merom MacBook Pro at WWDC.:eek:
    you and me both brother. I haven't been this excited over an object in.... ever. I'm kind of pathetic.

    the world god only knows wallpaper. the world god only knows
  • the world god only knows

  • toddybody
    Mar 31, 09:18 AM

    "It's called Sex Panther by Odeon. It's illegal in nine countries... Yep, it's made with bits of real panther, so you know it's good."

    Best OSX name ever.

    the world god only knows wallpaper. the world god only knows
  • the world god only knows

  • odedia
    Apr 23, 07:26 PM
    Seeing as how the iPad 2 didn't get retina display, I doubt iMacs will.

    Imagine the cost of that!!

    The GPU in the iPad 2 is powerful, but let's not go crazy here, it can't drive an x2 display and still get the same framerates. Heck, even on a PS3 most games don't really run at full 1080p because the graphics chip can't handle all the pixels.

    On a mac though, it is different. The GPU is more than capable.

    Mar 28, 11:37 AM
    My problem isn't necessarily with Apple, my grief is with carriers who have tied most of us in to 2 year fixed contracts. Whether this is due to Apple's insistence, or whether carriers have signed up to the 'yearly cycle' idea, there are thousands of us stuck in the middle here.

    Any 3GS user who bought new and has a 2 year contract (usually because it was the most economical) now has a huge dilemma. Do we switch phones and get new contracts on different phones, or do we go Pay As You Go to cover those 3/4 (potentially more) months?

    Ultimately, if happens, I'll end up going for the new BlackBerry Bold Touch (Dakota), just because I don't want to be strung along for a few months, racking up minutes/text/data costs. It'll be sad, but ultimately, its just a phone I guess...


    Mar 31, 02:35 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-gb) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    They sold well over 1 million desktops/workstation units last quarter and will surpass that quite handily this quarter.

    People who think they know Apple's long term strategy as iOS only know nothing of Apple.

    Out of curiosity then, what is the long term strategy of Apple? Educate us.

    To make money :p

    Lion looks awesome, I don't know why there is so much whining about it.

    May 6, 02:10 AM
    This story reeks. I would sooner expect Apple to acquire AMD than I would for them to make yet another architecture switch.

    Assuming this rumor is true who said that this would be instead of Intel on laptops? Maybe it's in addition to Intel?

    Apr 20, 01:23 PM
    I'm glad they are sticking with the current design as I think the iP4 is by far the best looking phone on the market. That said, I'll be skipping iP5 as it's not much of an upgrade from my iP4. The faster processor is nice, but I'm content with the speed of the iP4 and I'm pretty sure IOS5 will be supported. I just don't want to take the chance of not being eligible for an upgrade when the MAJOR iphone update comes.

    Aug 4, 08:30 AM
    are people not expecting merom to go immediately into the macbook as well? i don't see a reason for apple to purposely gimp their best-selling notebook when a merom chip is supposed to cost the same as its yonah counterpart.

    That same was when the Yonah was introduced, not now. That means that there would be a cost difference for APPLE.

    Bill the TaxMan'

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