the world ends with you

the world ends with you. The World Ends With You
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  • asdf542
    Apr 13, 12:00 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Just left. Waiting at the airport with some huge questions as a commercial editor. No talk of motion. If it's an app store download might be a small program no motion presets or content. I honestly wonder if there is a tape capture window. I didn't see a filters tab XML support or any kind os manager. Seems you edit color and export. I'm hoping it was just the sneakest of peeks and that there's a lot more hiding in there. Otherwise I'm holding onto fcp7 for dear life. Anyone else notice it's fcp x. No pro mentioned.


    "The new version of Final Cut Pro has been renamed to "Final Cut Pro X" and is described as a complete rewrite of the original application. "

    Only thing that's changed in the name is the number. What do you think FCP stands for?

    the world ends with you. the world ends with you
  • the world ends with you

  • Evangelion
    Jul 13, 09:17 AM
    Intel and AMD push hard to make sure that a dual-core processor is *licensed* as a single CPU.

    And quite a few software-firms agree with them. Those that do not, are retarded. But my point remains: According to Intel, single-socket, dualcore system is a 1-way system, dual-socket, dual-core system is a 2-way system.

    This is because there are a lot of big software packages that are priced according to the number of processors, often much more expensive for a 4-way than a 2-way.

    And that's retarded. And those companies that do charge like that are not going to change their mind based on few paragraphs on

    So, Intel/AMD have an agenda that requires them to distort the meaning of the word "processor". They have to warp the word "processor" to justify the licensing stance.

    So, your argument is basically that even though AMD and Intel disagree with you, you are still right, because this is just a vast conspiracy?

    Finally, a source that doesn't have a marketing agenda says:

    Like I have said: there are more than one way of looking at this thing. That is one way. The "other" way isn't really wrong either.

    ...enough said.

    hopefully so. You seem to have some major problems accepting the fact that not everyone shares your viewpoint? So you then proceed to cram your viewpoint down other people's throats.

    the world ends with you. The World Ends With You dated
  • The World Ends With You dated

  • Bill McEnaney
    Apr 24, 09:24 AM
    If he knew Jesus would remain perfect and die in that state, it would completely defeat the purpose. Jesus' death balanced the scales that were tipped by the first man and woman sinning against God and ultimately dying. If God already planned for Jesus to succeed and return to heaven, it wouldn't have been a sacrifice.
    Aduntu is the only person I know of who believes these things, and I'll wonder about them for hours. I'll write more later, I hope.

    the world ends with you. The World Ends With You -cos-
  • The World Ends With You -cos-

  • archipellago
    May 2, 04:41 PM
    That's completely false. The current installed base of Macs is around 100 million, and it grows by over a million Macs per month. You don't need a certain percentage of market share for a useful botnet; you need numbers. You talking to a handful of hackers is hardly conclusive. I can interview a handful of people in my neighborhood and find a consensus on any number of falsehoods. Get some facts (rather than making stuff up) and then re-join the discussion.

    trying to stick to facts...

    OSX marketshare was just shy of 50 mill as announced by Tim Cook at his 'state of the mac address' in October last year...

    will be higher now...but not massively so..

    heres a link to help you..

    apology by PM or in the thread is fine. :p;):rolleyes:

    the world ends with you. the world ends with you
  • the world ends with you

  • neilp4453
    Feb 12, 03:14 AM
    All I'm going to say is that Apple isn't doing enough to keep iPhone users...well, iPhone users!

    Two of my cousins now own droids. One had an iPhone and got a Droid once he started working at a Verizon store. The damn phone is jampacked with features that Apple refuses to include.

    In order for Apple to improve their device, they must first be beaten. Otherwise, they will sit on their asses just watching the cash come in. They do it with their current line of computers and they are doing it now.

    I love my iPhone but I think it is just that time. Hopefully they can come back. It is time to loosen their grip on the App Store, let Google do their "thang" and add numerous features that are available NATIVELY!

    the world ends with you. The World Ends With You (EU,
  • The World Ends With You (EU,

  • NathanMuir
    Mar 25, 09:25 AM
    Subtract the individuals affiliated with gangs and the mentally unstable and we're staring at a long list of homosexuals murdered by "mainstream" individuals, many of whom attended church on a regular basis and were in fact catholic. That their religious affiliations are not immediately telegraphed is not evidence of absence, but rather of the fact that 76% of the population self-identifies as Christian.

    I did not miss the fact that you tried to expand the discussion point. ;)

    To stretch my own analogy, it also ignores that the men who put on white hoods and terrorized black people were not "mainstream" white people either, but they were nevertheless acting on the attitudes held by "mainstream" white people. They were radical, but saw themselves as the ones with the strength of will to enforce the true will of the "mainstream." It's all very well to believe that the darkies should keep their place, but somebody's got to do the work of keeping them there when they step out of line.

    However, I will return to what I touched on before: the Catholic Church (and Christian churches generally in the United States) currently have no need for terrorist thugs. They have great political influence and have convinced a significant plurality (seemingly no longer a majority, I am gratified to point out) that they are entitled to subjugate others bloodlessly and anonymously through the democratic process.

    At least this is so until the courts clearly state once and for all that this is incompatible with our law and our society. Incidentally, that's also when the thugs will really come out, and you watch how many of them claim to be doing the Lord's work.

    Unfortunately, none of that is relevant to the original point of the thread. Looking back through the thread, Catholics and Catholicism were/ are the discussion. Not all 'Christians' and the 'mainstream'.

    If we constantly expand the topic, none of what was previously said is relevant.

    Had a more conservative member of this board attempted to 'stretch' the original point of the thread to included all 'Christians' and the 'mainstream', I would bet my life that ones attempting to 'stretch' the original point of this thread would jump down his or her throat in a second.

    the world ends with you. of The World Ends With You
  • of The World Ends With You

  • Bill McEnaney
    Mar 26, 02:51 PM
    A sentence is also a phrase: all sentences are phrases, but not all phrases are sentences. However, frater, my Latin does not include either subcribo or of. You could try Id est signum contradictionis, which might make slightly more sense, even in the Vatican.
    I suppose you're right about the word "phrase," skunk, especially when you write a recursive real, rather than a nominal, definition of the word "sentence." ;) Ciaociao's Latin was imperfect, but I think I comprehended what it meant.

    the world ends with you. Wii Fit and The World Ends
  • Wii Fit and The World Ends

  • Dippo
    Mar 18, 03:15 PM
    Personally I think this is great! Any sort of DRM sucks, even if it is rather "liberal". That's like giving all your customers in your shop a pair of handcuffs to prevent theft, and saying "but these cuffs are really comfortable".

    I can't see anything really wrong with this program.
    You still have to buy the music!

    The labels need to get over trying to shove this DRM crap down our throats.
    It will never work! This has been demostrated time and time again.

    Of course Apple will shut it down soon.

    the world ends with you. The World Ends with You tells
  • The World Ends with You tells

  • Edge100
    Apr 15, 11:33 AM
    All I'm doing is trying to argue that sure, there's plenty of stuff in there you're going to disagree with. And that's fine and I'm sure you'd have a lot of compelling arguments to refute the points.

    But it's not *hateful*. I don't see how a rational being could find that hateful. That's just something that shuts down discussion and mischaracterizes an opponent.

    It is hateful to trivialize a person's identity; to claim that homosexuality is a "trial", that must be overcome. It's dehumanizing, and it's hateful.

    the world ends with you. The World Ends With You
  • The World Ends With You

  • QCassidy352
    Jul 12, 10:41 AM
    seccondly, it makes no business sense. Apple knows people are holding out for merom.

    not really. People are buying macbooks in droves. Only a very few people (the numbers seem inflated on a board like this) are holding out.

    I can build my own PC for way less than the cost of a mac so I'm switching to XP, blah blah blah

    really?? You don't say! Well stop the presses; apparently it costs less to custom build a PC than to buy a premade computer! My goodness, this is news. I think Apple, Dell, HP, Sony, and all the rest should shut down their factories now because it's clear that they can no longer do business in light of this development.

    But you know, now I'm thinking that maybe some people don't have the time, know-how, or patience to build their own PCs. And I'm thinking that they like having warranties for when something goes wrong and they don't know how to fix it. And I'm thinking that for the majority of users the friendliness of the OS is going to be about 1000x more significant than having the latest omg-wtf-bbq-roxxor!!11!1! graphics card. So good for you that you're happy with a high-end home-built XP box, but please don't act like people are stupid for going with a professionally built and supported machine that does everything they need and runs a better OS.
    Moving on... the issue of a headless-upgradable-imac (which really isn't an imac at all because imacs are pretty much defined as being all-in-ones and non-upgradable, so I'll call it a low-end tower) has come up a lot recently. Everyone in this thread seems very sure that apple will release such a product, but I'm quite skeptical. I don't see who it appeals to. Demanding gamers, as macenforcer points out, are much better off building their own machine. Pros will want a true pro tower, not a stripped down version. Students would do better with a space saving, all-in-one design like an imac. "Average home users" like my mom will never upgrade anything (except *maybe* the RAM) so should get imacs or mac minis. The target market for this low-end tower seems to be knowledgable consumers who like upgrading. There are many such people on this board, but they're a comparatively rare breed in the real world.

    Also, apple is not going to have very high margins on such a machine, I'd wager. After all, it's a budget tower, right? But the people who buy them are going to keep them and upgrade them (with 3rd party hardware) for a very long time. So apple has one initial sale at low margins and then doesn't see that consumer again for years. If I were apple I'd either want to make a really big sale up front (like with a mac pro), or sell a not-very upgradable machine that will have you coming back in 2 or 3 years rather than 5 or 6.

    So IMO, while this low-end tower would fill a gap in apple's line up and be ideal for many on this board, I'm not sure it's a gap that many consumers fit in to, or that apple particularly cares about filling.

    the world ends with you. + The World Ends with You.
  • + The World Ends with You.

  • UnixMac
    Oct 8, 05:04 PM
    We're on the same sheet of music, Java...

    I for one don't know a thing about using XP/2000 on a desktop, as I have no desire to learn it. I was a windows man from the days of 3.1 thru 98SE, and then I had to go back to Apple, having left them with my IBM PCXT in 1982. I like the IIe, but IBM seemed to be more serious about software at the time. I missed the whole Mac thing, and only joined in with my lastest rig.

    the world ends with you. the world ends with you
  • the world ends with you

  • AppliedVisual
    Oct 26, 10:15 AM
    I don't believe you. I use applications that want 3-4 cores EACH. And I need to run 2-4 of them simultaneously. No way is Apple going to ship dual Clovertowns if they provide no benefit. I think AppliedVisual also does not believe you. In other words:

    You may be mistaken.

    Looks like others have addressed it, but OSX along with the Tiger kernel updates, scales pretty good. Every bit as good as any Linux implementation and probably as good or better than WinXP.

    They will ship Clovertowns as soon as they can... As I've said, it's a software issue, so know your software before you choose 8-core vs. 4-core. But there's plenty of software out their that can benefit from the 8-core system. Like I've said, Photoshop itself isn't multithreaded/multi-core capable directly, but various plug-ins are. It's also possible to spread multiple batch instances across CPU cores, so even though much of our current software is limited (or just plain multi-core ignorant), there's still ways to utilize the multiple cores within just about any production workflow.

    the world ends with you. The World Ends With You Forum
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  • NathanMuir
    Mar 25, 06:52 PM
    I'll make it a point to better prioritize my time around your personal attacks; I'd hate for you to hurt yourself on that mouthful of faux-indignation.

    Hey, I was just commenting on the irony of your statement and request.

    As they say; 'People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.'

    If that's indigent; oh well.

    the world ends with you. Tags: the world ends with you
  • Tags: the world ends with you

  • torbjoern
    Apr 24, 05:03 PM
    islam is unpleasant and, i guess for want of a better word, evil.

    That was a bit harsh, wasn't it? Not even I would go as far as saying that anybody's religion is evil. But it's definitely proves to be incompatible with modern Western values, which we began to see already in 1994 (Salman Rushdie). My only comfort is that those who have contributed to accelerate the conflicts by providing a lousy integration policy, will likely be the first ones to get stoned to death. I'm a male who doesn't drink alcohol nor commit adultery (and pork meat I can live without), so an islamic state wouldn't really be that bad for me to live in... I think...

    the world ends with you. The World Ends With You Theme
  • The World Ends With You Theme

  • gorgeousninja
    Apr 9, 06:36 AM
    Oh, and try to be more mature in your reply next time please. That was uncalled for and childish.

    actually the post was funny and to the point, your coming across as arrogant and ill informed.

    the world ends with you. The World Ends With You (EU,
  • The World Ends With You (EU,

  • myamid
    Sep 12, 07:01 PM
    You guys all miss the point. The Desktop is the Media Center! All recording gets done there. It is then served to ANY TV, iPOD, Stereo in the house.

    Same way Windows Media and xBox 360 do it, only with a High Def slant.

    Actually I don't think many people are missing the point... Actually most of those who are so thrilled are missing the point that this is nothing new... It won't change anything or add anything that couldn't be done 2-3 years ago. IT IS a good idea, but IT IS NOT a new idea. It's an old idea recycled by Apple because it fits in their strategy - and plainly because Media Center PC generally suck at what they do...

    But to do what you kinda magically assume you'll be able to do, you'll have to buy a seperate tuner... And if you ask me, Apple is likely NOT to allow eyeTV content from being streamed (since it would inherently hurt their TV SHOW store...)

    the world ends with you. Buy The World Ends With You
  • Buy The World Ends With You

  • jaduffy108
    Aug 29, 02:11 PM
    I didn't know we had a climate scientist in this forum, let alone one of the tiny percentage of scientists who dispute that human activity is a large factor in current climate change? Please enlighten us... that is, unless you're just some guy with an uneducated opinion. By all means, tell us why you know so much more about this well-studied topic than the hundreds of thousands of climate researchers around the world who've reached an almost unprecedented consensus regarding the roll of human activity, and CO2 production, in climate change.

    But, to get back on topic, I do think Apple should release well-documented information regarding what they are doing to reduce their environmental impact, and how they're going to change in the face of these criticisms.

    Apple is supposed to be 'Different', and these challenges regarding the treatment of their labour force, and their environmental policies, should be viewed as opportunities to be a good example (and thereby earn more customer loyalty), rather than something to be spun and handled with PR.


    ### Well said!

    the world ends with you. Stride Cross Battle System
  • Stride Cross Battle System

  • Fraaaa
    Apr 15, 09:53 AM
    So Trevor is for people that consider suicide - yet the video looks much towards LGBT only.

    the world ends with you. The World Ends with You.
  • The World Ends with You.

  • robotfist
    Apr 12, 10:24 PM
    I was following the tweets, the live blogs, and a few crappy cell phone streams during this release.

    Until Apple puts up their official site, it's too early to tell if the new FCP is a game changer.

    Based on the description, it sounds amazing.
    Based on the terrible pictures, it looks questionable.

    I always go into new software releases with an open mind. I'm hoping the new FCP is as amazing as it sounds.

    Whatever it is, $299 is pretty fantastic.

    Mar 24, 07:40 PM
    That doesn't take away from how utterly hypocritical that train of thought is.

    Mar 26, 08:56 PM
    We will ride out this storm just as we rode out the last, the one before that etc

    there's no reason why the church can't continue for their believers if it learns to respect the rights of those who don't believe in its teachings

    Mar 15, 07:38 AM
    nuclear power hadn't got a long term future in germany before this event though. the discussion is only about the running time of existing nuclear plants (after all 6 reactors were originally destined to be shut down originally in the 2010-2013 time frame)

    the politicking here will be that after the elections the reactors will be turned _on_ again .. against the will of the voting population

    That's a failure of the German politicians to make a case for nuclear power there (although I imagine that Germany has good potential for hydropower and other renewables).

    I think that the opposite could be said for the UK. Over the last few years opinion has turned more pro nuclear. In contrast to Merkel, Cameron turned the Japanese situation into a positive - saying that the UK could 'learn lessons' and make nuclear even safer.

    Sep 12, 05:19 PM
    If the iTV streams HD content, then it's going to be heavily compressed HD content. Depending on the quality of the compression, it may look great on your flat panel and it may look just okay, we'll see.

    Let's hope so.
    I had trouble with Airtunes, so I have my fingers crossed expecting ITV will do a better job with music and videos (HDTV preferably).
    If Apple can make this happen, this ITV hardware will be killer IMHO.

    Sep 26, 09:55 PM
    I've said this before though: Apple, and other devs, need to make use of parallel processing. A handful of apps will use 2 procs / cores, but it's a wasteland above that. All these cores are great for working with multiple apps simultaneously, but I want to use 5-6 cores on one app. Make that possible and I'm happy.

    My only hope is now that multi-core systems have gone mainstream that someone (cough -M$-cough) will make multi-processor aware apps "fashionable" and extend the trend.


    The problem isn't making applications more "multiprocessor aware" (although that is an extremely difficult thing to do well), the problem is simply that the vast majority of applications spend 95% of their time idling. So, no matter how "aware" your app is, it won't make it do nothing any faster ;).

    Added to that, not all problems have parrallelisable solutions.

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