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  • ChrisTX
    Apr 8, 05:27 AM
    Obviously you know little about retail and accounting.

    Granted I work in a different type of retail, it seems illogical to lose a sale at any cost.

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  • mdntcallr
    Sep 19, 10:00 AM
    Well, I've been on MacRumors since last week and I'm already tired of posts telling me what I really need. I don't recall seeing posts saying Yonah was crap. Most people just want to feel like they are making a good investment on an expensive piece of equipment that may be around for 3-4+ years. I would like a laptop with a 64-bit processor. Period. I don't care what you think I need. The problem with posts like this are that they waste my time, and the time of other users who are looking for information on the release of the new MBP models.

    I agree with your sentiments. While it is great to get steady advancements in the amount of say, 2x year refreshes. The performance difference between merom and yonah is an incremental upgrade. not a major big deal.

    you should be happy with the laptop you have. The chip has the power you need for now and the next several years.

    Personally for me though, I am still on my PB 1.25 alum, so i am very interested in good progress for the new MBP's, such as... larger hard drives 160 gb as BTO option, better ram pricing, better graphics cards, and options for killer graphics card, and... finally Blu-Ray drives.

    that and a Airplane/Auto Magsafe power adapter. dont you think that would be nice. it's been to long without it! cmon apple. build it!

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  • kdarling
    Apr 27, 09:52 AM
    Incorrect - it's not tracking your direct location as you assert.

    For instance, when you're visiting "Harry's Sex Shop and under the counter Heroin sales" it doesn't track that you're actually at that business.


    Someone could infer that info, if the cell cache says that around 2am you visited the town Harry's is in, and it's the only store open at that time.


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  • ShiftyPig
    Apr 6, 02:01 PM
    Motorola not selling any units of a crappy product? Huh... who'd have thought.

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  • 70355
    Aug 7, 06:03 PM
    Innovation isn't creating new ideas, but improving them.

    I guess. If we're allowed to make up our own definitions for words.

    If not, Merriam-Webster considers "innovation" to be "the introduction of something new".

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  • Rihanna With Red Hair

  • Scottsdale
    Apr 6, 11:31 AM
    I'm pretty sure you are aware that Apple would use LV CPU in 13", not ULV. That bumps us to 2.3GHz plus Turbo. You have said this yourself too and I already covered the reason in my other post.

    This is just a MR article and surprisingly, they don't have much idea about the TDPs. Hopefully they will correct their article so people won't live in confusion.

    That isn't what this story reads, and I don't think anyone but you and I have even read the actual facts supposed here.

    I actually find this one of the least accurate stories ever posted on MacRumors.com for several reasons... the OP is assuming ULV in the 13" MBA. The OP is assuming that if SB IGP is good enough for MBP it's fine for MBA. There is no rumor or timeframe listing these chips especially not in the 13" MBA. It seems like it's a blatant attempt to stir up activity without any real facts, rumors, or even common knowledge about the chips used in the MBAs.

    Certainly the people haven't read the story or they're somehow focusing on the 11" MBA. Sure, this would be fine for the 11" MBA in terms of CPU clock speed but even then it's a gigantic loss in the graphics capabilities. That leads to a problem with the author saying good enough for 13" MBP than good enough for MBA. However, the IGP clock speed used in this ULV chip will be nearly a 50% drop in graphics performance. That for me doesn't equate to if this then that...

    I am disappointed with MR for even writing such a poor piece of garbage. Forget that I cannot stand the SB IGP... the assumptions made here are absurd! It
    definitely doesn't warrant this sort of reply from the fans of the MBA. You and I
    could assume things all day, but that isn't the story written.

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  • intlplby
    Nov 28, 09:53 PM
    i would love if the government changed the royalty law to extend only to the artists and not the record companies.....

    i.e. "okay, we'll extend the copyright to 50 years or the life of the artist, but the catch is that only the artists gets the royalties"

    i'd love to see the big record companies cut out.....

    it's totally possible for artists to get more and for us to pay less.....

    i'd include the mastering technician in there too.... they are very important as well

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  • Alx9876
    Apr 6, 01:27 PM
    What a joke of a tablet. Nothing but a piece of crap.

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  • maclaptop
    Apr 11, 04:51 PM
    Where are all these bs claims coming from? Why wouldn't Apple release it in June as always?

    I believe there are several factors at work causing this most likely time frame.

    1) The effects of Japans disaster on parts supply.
    2) Internal issues at Apple regarding more than one model being undecided.
    3) Final touches being added to iOS5

    Frankly I'd rather have a delay if it meant that Apple's going to make this one their best, most well debugged iPhone to date.

    Their is no substitute for excellent final checks through quality control.

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  • rihanna red hair wallpaper.

  • Maltz
    Apr 27, 10:52 AM
    I thought looking at my location histories was interesting. I, too, have no delusions that I cannot be tracked (cell phone, credit card purchases, etc.) I wonder if all the paranoids realize that any GPS camera encodes that information in the image. Share that photo online and anyone can get the metadata with location of photograph.

    You wanna be connected, you can't be truly anonymous.
    You wanna be anonymous, sell you computer, smart phone, cut up credit cards, and move to an undocumented shack in the middle of nowhere with no utilities.

    The difference is a question of access. To get at the records kept by your cell phone provider, you need a subpoena. Any roommate/guest/thief/stalker with access to your computer or iPhone can get the data off your iphone or the backup as it exists right now. I don't mind the former, but I want to do everything I can to prevent the latter.

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  • Evangelion
    Sep 13, 11:30 AM
    Sheesh...just when I'm already high up enough on Apple for innovating, they throw even more leaps and bounds in there to put themselves even further ahead. I can't wait 'til my broke @$$ can finally get the money to buy a Mac and chuck all my Windows machines out the door.

    How is this Apple "innovating"? Anandtech just put pre-release quad-core Intel-processor in to an Apple-computer. Apple itself had nothing to do with it. They could have used quad-core Dell-machine just as well.

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  • The Beatles
    Apr 25, 03:16 PM

    how did they think the location based features on any app worked? This is just a cashed file for those purposes.

    And what about all the location based advertising? So it takes this to make people understand that the world has changed? This is old news and ridiculous that people are now making a scene about it. How about signing electronically at a credit card purchase machine. How about giving someone a check with your account number on the bottom of it. How about electronically giving your personal and sensitive info over the internet.

    This is how it is people. You bought in to it a long time ago. Its what it takes to move forward. And the only reason why this is a bad thing is because people fail to police themselves. Including the people that attain this info, and thats why we will eventually have some negative repercussion from this collection of data.

    But to pin point apple and create a federal case out of something that the government already new was happening is ridiculous.

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  • Nuc
    Aug 25, 02:58 PM
    Well I wasn't to happy with them yesterday because I got hung up on 5 times. The answering system must have been having problems. I'm on the phone right now with them, waiting..., so that I can get the Nike+ iPod kit replaced. To bad they didn't have more support staff to answer calls...


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  • Jimmy James
    Apr 6, 02:12 PM
    I used to own an iPad 1, gave it away, didn't want an iPad 2. Why do I need two devices of the same OS where the UI was designed for the iPhone (smaller device) to begin with?

    As was pointed out by a previous poster, iOS was developed for tablet use.

    Perhaps you should own an iPad and an Android phone?

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  • rihanna red hair wallpaper.

  • mentholiptus
    Apr 10, 10:15 PM

    The iPad is not a serious computer. This will never happen.

    It's just a fad.

    Ignore the big-name game titles for iOS. Ignore the upcoming Photoshop app. Ignore the millions of sales. Ignore the copycats in the market.

    It'll all go away very soon.

    Unless, like I posted earlier, the iPad app functions as a UI for the main application over the network. The Mac (or cluster of macs) takes care of the heavy lifting, and the iPad is used to make edits remotely, and broadcast to HDTV's.

    AirPlay & AirEdit.

    If you had a cluster of Mac Pro's using thunderbolt (or whatever...ethernet, fibre, etc) to talk to each other, and you used the iPad as a remote UI, you could edit, compress, and broadcast from anywhere.

    Apple has all the pieces in place to do this. AirPlay, AppleTV, iPad, iTunes as a media hub for all the devices to communicate, Qmaster, etc...

    This has been a long time coming. I remember in 2006-2007 hearing rumors that Apple was working on a tablet like controller for logic. It was to be used to edit the timeline, or act as a virtual mixer, etc. This has been brewing for years, and I think it's almost a reality.

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  • rihanna red hair wallpaper. no

  • brianus
    Sep 14, 10:23 PM
    AnandTech is putting a lot of emphasis on this FB-DIMM issue. Their Conroe vs Xeon comparisons are poor given that they maximize the FB-DIMM latency "problem" by using a Mac Pro with only two RAM slots occupied. Seems as though they have an agenda to exaggerate the importance of this technical issue.

    I have noticed this emphasis as well; not being an expert on this issue myself though, would you care to shed light on how their coverage is an exaggeration and why we shouldn't be worried about it?

    The comments about separate platforms in the NT era I took to refer to NT3.x/4 vs Win9x.

    Yes, this is what I was getting at. ("arse about face"? What is that, Swedish? :rolleyes: ). Noone other than a vintage Windows IT person would know there were further differences between versions of NT itself. Also when making comparisons I never mentioned Server 2003 (about which I know almost nothing); I was talking about XP and 2000 being relatively similar whereas, for example NT and 98 were not.

    New micro-arch -- Nehalem is due 2008.

    Really, completely new? As in, to Core 2 what the G5 was to G4? In just two years?? I guess they're really ramping things up... Core 3 Hexa Mac Pros, anyone?

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  • GFLPraxis
    Jul 20, 12:01 PM
    Back to reality: Apple wil use Xeon 51xx (5150 and 5160) in the MacPro, and Core 2 Duo (Merom) in the iMac and MBP to be announced at the WWDC. The top iMac config will get a boost to 2.33GHz. In addition, Apple will use the price-drops for the Yonah to upgrade the Core Solo mini to Core Duo.

    I disagree. I think Apple will use Core 2 Duo (Conroe) in the iMac, and Merom in the MBP. The iMac could hold a G5, why not Conroe?

    On top of that, you'll notice that a 2.16 GHz Conroe costs $70 less than the 1.83 GHz Yonah that's in the iMac now, $70 less than a 2 GHz Merom, and $200 less than a 2.16 GHz Merom, increasing Apple's profit margins on the iMac considerably or allowing a price drop- plus they can advertise it as a desktop processor.

    In fact, even if Conroe was too hot (which I highly doubt, since the iMac had a G5), a 2.16 GHz Conroe underclocked to 2 GHz still saves $70 over a 2 GHz Merom.

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  • icloud
    Aug 7, 09:34 PM
    This preview of Leopard seemed really like a glaze over of some "fun" little advancements, it did not look polished at all...to all those dissapointed in what leopard has to offer, not to be punny, but steve has barely let the cat out of the bag

    tonne more to come

    rihanna red hair wallpaper. Rihanna red hair wallpaper
  • Rihanna red hair wallpaper

  • ikir
    Mar 31, 02:37 PM
    I have 2 friends with android, one with an HTC and one with Samsung Galaxy S.

    They have different OS versions since they aren't able to update it, they get crap bugs and error in almost every software they use. I say to one of them to update to lastest version, he told me he can't because he need to do it from "root"... i don't know, but at least i was able to install WhatsApp on their phones, the only thing i care :-P Naturally they are using their device at minimum, few software and one of them neither have 3G connection. When we are at pub, they all use my iPhone for browsing and gaming (sigh) as always has been.

    Apr 21, 09:29 AM
    Choosing icons that have taken on universal meanings and thus are similar, is quite a bit different from direct copying, of which we see none.

    The closest ones in that group are probably the phones, and yet if you search for a phone icon on the web, or even on cell phone buttons, probably a quarter of them are slanted. Moreover, green is an extremely common color for the primary phone button, which is why Apple chose it themselves.

    The use of rounded square icon backgrounds is a bit more damning, but still a style choice. Also, Apple's has a shadow and my Fascinate doesn't have the rounded square on most anyway.

    Btw, I have noticed that Apple hasn't tried to claim ownership of the twirling wait symbol, but a lot of us were using that before they were.

    I think Apple might have much better luck showing that the Galaxy phone shape greatly resembles the 3GS.

    ooh i was just waiting for that magical term 'generic' that we always hear about after another 'copy' comes along. 'Style choices' is a classic, are you a politician?

    "Hey look at how well designed that iPhone is I think I'll make a few 'style choices' and copy every single one of their icons..then have my lawyers deem them all generic".

    Aug 27, 12:29 PM
    Speaking of wish expectations Multimedia;

    I know you're hangin' out for Santa Rosa. The article mentions that it's expected in early 2007. Do you think that would be the date for official announcement of production-standard architecture, or actual availability announcement?

    Seems very early to be shipping...

    I could go out in September and get a Merom notebook, but I don't mind waiting 6 months for Santa Rosa to hit the street.
    Why not wait for the one after Santa Rosa? Then the one after... ;)

    Aug 18, 08:13 PM
    okay, it seems to be a RAM bottleneck. I had ordered a couple of 2 gig chips from apple cause I didn't mind paying the penalty now in order not to have to sell 1 gig'ers later on.

    anyway, I'm on the phone now, getting standard RAM configuration, then I'm just going to to with OtherWorld's RAM.

    I wish Apple had gotten their RAM supplies in order before they started shipping. Well, what can you do.

    I purchased Kingston PC2 5300 FB for my Mac Pro from New Egg. They seemed to have the best price and some Mac friendly reviews.

    My Pro now starts 10.4.7 in less than 5 seconds!

    Aug 11, 03:34 PM
    Well only about 1.25bil out of the +6 actually have cell service and I'd suspect only about 300mil in Eurpoe use cell phones (according to internetworldstats.com estimates 291mil in Europe use the internet... I'd assume cell usage is similiar).

    And factor in that the US, Canada and many of the other countries with CDMA service are amongst the most wealthy in the world. Those +150mil customers are nothing to sneeze at.

    Well now you ignorant yankie ;) Firstly the mobile phone penetration in Europe is about 99% or maybe slighly more. You should really travel a bit to get some perspective.

    And secondly, GSM has user base of over 1 billion while CDMA as you said has some 60m users. Which one you think would be more interesting market to cover for a new mobile phone manufacturer? And there is really no question of "we'll see which one wins" because GSM won a long long time ago, hands down.

    Aug 6, 12:26 PM
    Another sad person who is worried about their machines not being top of the line :-\

    Clearly you are not a Geek!

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