recent hillary clinton photos

recent hillary clinton photos. Hillary Clinton#39;s caricature
  • Hillary Clinton#39;s caricature

  • gnasher729
    Mar 26, 07:05 PM
    so, it's beta #1? Feature complete but still has bugs to iron out.
    Golden master is usually when they are confident of no bugs isn't it?

    Golden master is the one that gets shipped.

    "Golden master candidate" is one with no known bugs that need fixing, but there are plenty of people still testing, so you expect new bugs to come up that need fixing. You fix them and have a new "Golden master candidate". With the first "Golden master candidate" you are usually quite sure that there will be bugs found.

    And you _know_ there are bugs in the Golden Master, you just reached the point where you aren't finding any more bugs. Some customers tend to be quite good at finding them :mad: which is why you have 10.6.1, 10.6.2 and so on.

    recent hillary clinton photos. Hillary Clinton Remains Mum on
  • Hillary Clinton Remains Mum on

  • fluidinclusion
    Aug 11, 06:17 PM
    These rumors surrounding the iPhone have been around for quite a while now, so I sure hope it becomes reality sooner rather than later. Who knows, if it�s really good I may actually buy my first cell phone ever. :cool:

    I have not yet bought a cell phone. This summer it would have been useful, but I've been waiting for Apple (I know it's not the best idea with no real timeline).

    The sooner it's released, the more likely the phone I buy will be from Apple.

    recent hillary clinton photos. for US: Hillary Clinton
  • for US: Hillary Clinton

  • KnightWRX
    Apr 27, 08:19 AM
    Apple is planning on releasing a free iOS update in the next few weeks that performs the following:

    - reduces the size of the crowd-sourced Wi-Fi hotspot and cell tower database cached on the iPhone,
    - ceases backing up this cache, and
    - deletes this cache entirely when Location Services is turned off.

    Article Link: Apple Officially Addresses Location Data Controversy (

    Wow, Apple is planning putting in all points I had asked for in a post ? :eek: Good Job Cupertino, well played. :D

    recent hillary clinton photos. of State Hillary Clinton
  • of State Hillary Clinton

  • iJohnHenry
    Mar 5, 09:38 AM
    Even if every single homosexual on Earth decided not to raise a child (which is far from the truth), we do not all have to make/raise babies to propagate the species.

    Quite true about 'continuation', but economic models probably require that we do, in order to keep the pyramid growing at the base.

    recent hillary clinton photos. Bill and Hillary Clinton
  • Bill and Hillary Clinton

  • NoSmokingBandit
    Aug 10, 10:25 AM
    Yamauchi helped design the GT-R i believe. Idk how much he contributed, but he had his hands in it.

    I have my collector's edition preordered already. I'm really pumped for this game.

    I dont think the signature edition is available in the US, is it? It would be $250 over here :eek:

    recent hillary clinton photos. Hillary Rodham Clinton has
  • Hillary Rodham Clinton has

  • Timepass
    Jul 14, 04:49 PM
    For dual opitical drives I say abotu time. Almost all cheap Pc have 2 opical drives. I like having them because I like to leave disk that I use a lot in the system. A lot easier that have to swap them time when running different programs.

    As for the PSU at the top I like that design. The PSU is going to generated the most heat over all and that heat has to go somewhere.

    Put it at the bottom it going to suck cooling air way from the graphic card and the CPU to cool it self and add more heat inside the case to make cooling the CPU and graphic card even worse. Or put it at the top where it will help pull cooling air over the CPU and graphic card and pulling heat off of them. Then pushing it al out the back. I like the 2nd one more. The design I would like would be a BTX mount and PSU at the top. That would put the CPU at the bottom, then graphic card and then PSU at the top. That way things that have the worse problem over heating get the coldest air and moves up from there. The hottest object is at the top of the case so the over all temp in the case is lower.

    That just my logic of it. Balance wise it not go effect it to much. it not like you are going to move you Tower that offen and it going to be out of the way so the center of gravity being a little higher is not going to be big deal.

    recent hillary clinton photos. Hillary Clinton canceled a
  • Hillary Clinton canceled a

  • goobot
    Apr 11, 11:27 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    I dont want to wait :(

    recent hillary clinton photos. Hillary Rodham Clinton#39;s
  • Hillary Rodham Clinton#39;s

  • bigandy
    Aug 5, 04:41 PM
    cmon, ipod.....

    WWDC = World Wide Developer Conference.

    = Not Consumer Stuff.

    It's been mentioned before... :rolleyes:

    recent hillary clinton photos. Hillary Clinton#39;s recent
  • Hillary Clinton#39;s recent

  • ggbrown
    Mar 31, 04:09 PM
    I'm a sysadmin and we use Ubuntu for our office fileserver. However, if you want other enterprise level software (e.g. Backup software) on Open Source systems, you have to choose a different system (Open SUSE in our case).

    Sure, it's's all free...but now we have multiple platforms to support. All Linux distros are NOT the same.

    Android is suffering what Windows OS that is supposed to support a multitude of platforms, which will all come with varying success.

    Open = Good in theory, not so good in real life.

    recent hillary clinton photos. obama Hillary+r+clinton
  • obama Hillary+r+clinton

  • DStaal
    Sep 13, 09:12 AM
    A bit pointless given that no software utilises the extra cores yet. But nice to know, I guess.

    Mac OS X distributes threads and processes across cores/CPUs to optimize performance already. (Subject to some limitations, as noted already.)

    Many Mac programs which can benifit from mutiple threads already use this, and will automatically get boosts from 8 cores depending on the amount of cocurrency they support.

    On the other hand, not everything is suitable for cocurrent execution. Photoshop editing an image would love to have a core per pixel. BBEdit couldn't care less, most likely. It all depends on what you are doing.

    Plenty of Mac software would use the extra cores, if they were avalible.

    (Note: I keep specifying 'Mac' here. There is a reason. Windows isn't as good at multithreading/processing yet...)

    recent hillary clinton photos. Obama, Hillary Clinton and
  • Obama, Hillary Clinton and

  • cmaier
    Apr 20, 11:58 AM
    According to the analysis, it is in the suit, as part of the trade dress claims.

    Not as a separate thing. It's the grid IN COMBINATION with the other things that constitutes the trade dress.

    recent hillary clinton photos. Hillary Clinton
  • Hillary Clinton

  • netdog
    Aug 5, 04:55 PM the mean time, it's best to be conservative and hope we might be surprised.

    Sure, I have no problem with someone else taking that stance.

    recent hillary clinton photos. here Hillary+clinton+video
  • here Hillary+clinton+video

  • CaoCao
    Mar 4, 04:01 PM
    The problem with your "logic" is that not everybody is gay. Homosexuality is nothing new, gay people have been around for a long time, and humanity is surviving.

    Except I was responding to a post that suggested heterosexuals stop having sex...

    recent hillary clinton photos. News as pro-Hillary as it
  • News as pro-Hillary as it

  • walterwhite
    Apr 25, 01:54 PM
    Lawyers never seem to see or feel the Karma stick for nonsensical and litigious lawsuits that just end up effecting the rest of us... that do our best to be good human beings.

    recent hillary clinton photos. Hillary Clinton in Hampton,
  • Hillary Clinton in Hampton,

  • Dagless
    Aug 5, 04:18 AM
    i thought this game was vaporware

    They finally announced the release date at E3 2010.
    I don't think I'll be getting it. I bought GT PSP and its as if the developers actively tried to suck all the enjoyment out of the series.

    recent hillary clinton photos. Hillary Clinton#39;s response
  • Hillary Clinton#39;s response

  • georgee2face
    Mar 22, 03:25 PM
    They're not what they're not.
    Their purpose is anywhere/anytime/always-on, not "best tool for job X".

    I drag my tablet everywhere because it's easy to carry and easy to use (ease on the scale of "quick email check in elevator", "get coupon while walking between car and cafe" easy).

    Your complaint is akin to whining a Swiss Army knife is unsuitable for culinary or carpentry use. You have a serious application for which a serious tool is warranted, you get the serious tool - not whine that a lightweight general-purpose device doesn't fulfill the role. ...and sometimes the right tool for a particular enterprise application IS a Swiss Army knife, because for a particular job the "every tool is available in a tiny lightweight package" may be best.

    Thanks for your spiffy explanation. But I realy don't see how it has anything to do with my statement. The rim is aimed at business users. No it's not. Business users want a quick way to get files to and fro, PRINT, and be capable of note taking. Now, my Ipad, and my ipad2 weren't advertised as"for business users", and i wished they had what I wanted, but i didn't throw them out because they don't. If you take offense at my lumping them with the other two, I am sorry. But NONE of them can really be used for enterprise users in a meaning ful way. that was my statement, an it was and is true.

    recent hillary clinton photos. Hillary Clinton 2007
  • Hillary Clinton 2007

  • macsrockmysocks
    Jul 20, 10:09 PM
    I mean, this is a good thing that they are coming out with all of these brand new processors. But it bums me out that my current iMac will be outdated..:( . O well, I guess i wil move on, and be happy with my perfect mac!

    recent hillary clinton photos. Hillary Clinton 2007
  • Hillary Clinton 2007

  • k995
    Mar 23, 03:54 AM
    To be fair, every smartphone on the market is an iPhone clone and every tablet an iPad clone, so it is all related to Apple in that way.
    Complete BS "iphone" lookalikes date back to ebfore the iphone was anounced. So either some companys have people who can predict the future, or the design and tech behind the iphone was aused BEFORe it was released and apple just changed excisting designs.

    Ipad is basicly a large smartphone.

    recent hillary clinton photos. Angela Merkel, Hilary Clinton
  • Angela Merkel, Hilary Clinton

  • jrhone
    Sep 13, 11:58 AM
    Man, I don't know why people keep saying this. On OS X, *all software utilizes the extra cores*. The only way it wouldn't is if you have less than 8 processes running, which I guarantee you that you don't. (System alone requires 20-30 processes to run.)

    Granted, 8 cores won't make Mail open up faster, but there are still plenty of ways to use those cores, and that's only going to increase as apps are re-written to be more heavily multi-threaded.

    NOT TRUE....The Quad core G5 people are in an uproar because Logic Pro only uses 2 cores on the G5....they updated Logic Pro so it uses 4 cores, but the G5 Quad still only uses 2 cores....there are also photoshop actions that are NOT multi core aware so will only run on one core.....Hopefully 10.5 will make all this irrelevant.

    Aug 18, 10:36 PM
    Here is the link to the fast memory.

    The desktop literally explodes onto the screen! The clock timer gets only one quarter the way around one rotation. I'll see if I can shoot a quicktime movie for future Quad G5 switchers.

    :) :pWow! 2GB Sticks For Only $349 Each? That Sounds Like A New Low Price. Thanks for the video. I hope I can hold out for the Conroe-Merom roll outs before I pull the trigger.

    Sep 13, 11:07 PM
    The current Mac Pro and even the Core Duo 2 iMacs are both amazing upgrades
    to what most people were running 2 years ago.

    Generally, I recommend waiting for those who already have a working OSX Tiger

    However, if you NEED a new Pro workstation, the Mac Pro will pay for itself
    in productivlty.

    We also don't know how cool these new quad core processors will run.

    At least we do know that the current Mac Pro is extemely quiet with power to spare.

    Sep 21, 03:17 PM
    I had the pleasure of meeting Jef Raskin at his home in Pacifica a year before he passed away. He loved to play musical instruments and performed a short recital on his piano. Later that evening, after showing his Apple I in a wooden box, he encouraged me to read his book The Humane Interface and let him know what I thought about it. Sadly, I wasn't able to do that in time. But the conversation we had made it clear that he was not a fan of Steve Jobs. They both had strong opinions on various aspects of UI design. Even though I rather like OS X, Raskin politely argued against the inefficiencies of that design.

    It was some time ago and I don't remember all the details from that night, but Raskin, I think, was more scientific in his approach. He preferred to study user response rates, time-to-decision, amount of eye movement, amount of pointer movement, number of mouse clicks, and various other factors that might contribute to 'dead' or wasted time.

    It doesn't surprise me he was no fan of Jobs, especially given the history of the original Mac. From people I know who've worked with Jobs, he's not always easy to get along with.

    From what I've read, the Mac was fundamentally quite different from Raskin's original vision after Jobs took over the project, though some of his ideas were obviously incorporated into it. (I believe Raskin wanted to go with the cheaper but obviously slower 6809).

    His book's been one I've meant to track down for some time now. You know how it is, so many things to do/see...

    The Archy interface modelled on his concepts is quite interesting, too.

    I was sorry when we lost Jef, I feel he was one of those people striving to make the world a better place.

    What did you think of The Humane Design?

    Aug 7, 08:50 AM
    Well some people do. For instance, when I think of a video editing setup, I think of various monitors, a computer, and other devices are all locked into some kinda big rack. But I'm no video editor.

    Point is, without an IR sensor in the display, you wouldn't have the OPTION of hiding the computer away.

    what if your not using an apple display...

    an external ir reciever would make the most sense.

    your could put it on your desk and plug it into usb, or it could be wireless.

    not everyone uses those displays.

    Nov 24, 09:37 AM
    Anyone been playing the game yet? I saw on other forums, people got the game yesterday. People called stores around where they lived and some stores already had it out.

    I've been playing it for the last 5 hours. The last GT I played was GT2 so I can't say how this compares to GT4 but so far it's been amazing

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