real madrid vs tottenham hotspur 2011

real madrid vs tottenham hotspur 2011. real madrid vs tottenham.
  • real madrid vs tottenham.

  • mpstrex
    Aug 30, 11:36 AM
    And don't forget, Groovey, that only a small percentage of Americans are considered more of the hard-line political peeps.

    real madrid vs tottenham hotspur 2011. Real Madrid 4-0 Tottenham
  • Real Madrid 4-0 Tottenham

  • darkwing
    Aug 29, 12:44 PM
    Oh yeah? Please kindly explain to all of us just what the "real agenda" of these "evil groups" such as Greenpeace is...

    With all due respect, are you asleep?

    I just gave examples in my post. Groups like this want to stop business and the growth of the American economy. That's their agenda. Why isn't greenpeace over in China or Indian demanding cleaner emissions from their cars/power plants/industry? Ever been to Shanghai? Good luck seeing over 100 feet from the smog. That's on a good day. Those two countries are killing the environment, but it's all Apple's fault according to GP. Give me a break.

    real madrid vs tottenham hotspur 2011. Real Madrid are expected to
  • Real Madrid are expected to

  • Rt&Dzine
    Mar 13, 05:29 PM
    Not really. Chernobyl has an estimated death toll of 4000. Let's multiply that by 10 for arguments sake. More people are killed each year in the US alone by car accidents. Nuclear power is still a fairly minor risk.

    Huh? I agreed with you that there are more car accident deaths. But just as I said Chernobyl is an estimated death toll. My point is many deaths from a nuclear accident aren't known. I personally know someone who died from the effects of Chernobyl who wasn't included in the estimation. I'm sure there are many, many more.

    real madrid vs tottenham hotspur 2011. Tottenham Hotspur vs Real
  • Tottenham Hotspur vs Real

  • sawah
    Mar 18, 08:42 AM
    Sir what is being stolen?


    At&t adds the data together for a month of use in your plan
    2=2=4gb of data a month, this has been explained by At&t over and over

    So If I use 2gb and use it on the phone or tether its the same

    I have unlimited

    if I use 3 gb of data next month I have stole nothing

    I used data

    what is your point?

    Crap about TOS, so what If I write a contract that you agree to buy Gas at my station for $2 a gallon when you fill up your car for a year. You then show up with a red gallon gas can I run out and say "The TOS says Car not Gas can" and I want to charge you $4 for the same gas now, this is not crap?

    You know companies lie and steal from us everyday doesn't make it right.

    I didn't say it was right, but you still signed that contract. Not at&t's fault.

    real madrid vs tottenham hotspur 2011. real madrid vs tottenham
  • real madrid vs tottenham

  • Eraserhead
    Mar 27, 04:30 PM
    But no one here has proved that Nicolosi is an unreliable representative of his field. If someone proves that Nicolosi is mistaken, maybe no one will need to attack him.

    Has he published anything in a peer-reviewed scientific journal of high (or even average) standing?

    real madrid vs tottenham hotspur 2011. Vs.Real.Madrid.13-04-11.avi
  • Vs.Real.Madrid.13-04-11.avi

  • Anuba
    Jun 7, 07:35 AM
    My husband has been an AT&T user for over a decade. He never experienced dropped calls until we started dating and he was talking to me (I'm on an iPhone, he is not).
    Right, and during that decade there were no iPhones overloading the networks. Barely anyone used the data traffic capacity back then. With the iPhone, usage of the onboard internet browser on smartphones went up from 15% to 85%. Steve has unleashed hell and now he's poured gasoline on the whole thing by introducing the 3G iPad.

    What you have now is a situation with millions of people overloading the network by utilizing their wireless devices in ways the networks won't be able to handle for at least another 5 years, and it's only going to get worse. Netbooks, iPhones, iPads, Androids... sorry, guess we'll have to discontinue voice traffic services, please go back to your land phone.

    "Explosion of wireless devices causing data traffic jam" (

    It's not only a capacity problem, it's also a spectrum problem. AT&T could put up a dozen cell towers in a ring around your house, it ain't gonna do much about the dropped calls. The data traffic jamming is the reason for dropped calls. Voice and data are different services but it's the same network infrastructure equipment handling both services. This equipment uses dozens of different technologies to maximize capacity. Adaptive Multi Rate codecs, Cell Load Sharing, Dynamic Half-Rate Allocation, Frequency Hopping, Intra Cell Handover, DTX Discontinuous Transmission, Fractional Load Planning, Multiple Re-use Pattern... all these technologies are band-aids that milk more capacity out of the network. Each time one of these technologies kicks in during a call, there's a slight risk of the call being dropped, and this risk increases ten fold if the infrastructure is so busy with data traffic it really doesn't have the resources to manage voice traffic properly. As long as the carriers don't get more spectrum, they're stuck in this situation.

    "Currently, wireless companies have 534 megahertz of spectrum allotted to them, with an additional 50 megahertz in the pipeline. The industry says it needs at least 800 megahertz more within six years to accommodate demand.

    "Spectrum for us is our highway," said Christopher Guttman-McCabe, vice president of regulatory affairs for CTIA-The Wireless Association, a trade group. "But the volume of traffic is picking up. Without more lanes, we'll have more traffic and more congestion," which will result in slower service."

    So who are the real culprits in this mess? Well, 1) naive carriers who introduced services the networks weren't built for (they have the technology but not the capacity for this massive volume), and 2) these customers:

    "Limited spectrum is only part of the problem, experts say, though an important part. Often, slow cell service is caused by a handful of bandwidth hogs -- watching videos on their iPhones, for example -- in a small area between cell phone towers.
    "You have a few users clogging up capacity -- that is not something which can be solved just by providing more spectrum," said Aditya Kaul, director of mobile networks for ABI Research, a technology research firm."

    Wanna get rid of dropped calls before 2015? Find the bandwidth hogs in your neighborhood and tell them if they don't stop using 3G like it was regular broadband, you will shoot them. Tell them it's because of them that everyone else who had an unlimited plan will soon have a capped plan, and if they don't stop, everyone will soon be on a plan where they pay by the megabyte.

    real madrid vs tottenham hotspur 2011. Real Madrid vs Tottenham
  • Real Madrid vs Tottenham

  • dgree03
    Apr 21, 09:07 AM
    Look Android lovers... this is an Apple site. You don't need to call us "Fanboys" in a condescending way here. We are here because we love our Macs, iOS devices or we develop for them and like to keep up on the news. Yes... many here are "fanboys".

    We don't care about your customization, your 4G, your ability to steal music or video. It's stupid. You do know you can do all that on an iPhone too (with the exception of 4G - but who cares, very little markets have it). Yes, iTunes manages our music, apps and video, but I can add songs and videos from anywhere... just like you. If I want to be a geek and customize, I can jail break my phone and do all sorts of crazy things. You do realize the average consumer out there could care less right? They just want it to work.

    So, anyway... go love your Droid device. It is a nice platform. But sorry to say, it's not going to kill the iPhone or iOS. Apple is good at what it does and consumers love it. Their sales continue to show it.

    And, like it or not, Apple is the most influential high-tech company out there right now. They've done more for the PC and the Mobile industry than any other company in the last decade. You should be happy Apple exists as they've woken up many manufactures in the market as to what consumers care about. Quality product. Consistent experience and superior service.

    Please... if you want to impress your friends with your customized HTC Thunderbolt, go over to the Android forum and beat your chest and stop the pissing contest here. There's pluses and minuses on both sides and we could argue all day with no productive end result.

    I generally agree with your post. My problem is, people comment on stuff they have NO IDEA about on this site. When anybody makes false claims, they should be called out, period. My annoyance is with "fanboys" as they seem incapable of thinking that "their" product my not be the best or the only fish in the pond.

    I will defend apple on many things, I will defend android on many things, I will defend windows on many things, I will defend sony, samsung, monster(beats headphones), protools, BMWS, Dodges etc....

    I wish more people here can be objective about most things, so we can have a real discussion and like you said NOT "a pissing contest." But sometimes a pissing contest is needed to shut people down who are spreading falsehoods.

    real madrid vs tottenham hotspur 2011. Tottenham+hotspur+2011
  • Tottenham+hotspur+2011

  • leshkanyc
    Nov 10, 03:01 PM
    Yes, i did! And it's a BIG difference vs ****** AT&T

    Read about it here:

    Why I dumped AT&T, sold my iPhone 4 and got Droid X with Verizon (

    Sell your iPhone 4, call AT&T and tell em they suck and get away with your number!

    real madrid vs tottenham hotspur 2011. Real Madrid (Spain) vs.
  • Real Madrid (Spain) vs.

  • Huntn
    Mar 13, 07:40 AM
    Washington Post 12Mar2011 (

    Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano said radiation at the reactor exceeded legal limits and that it was "highly possible" a partial meltdown was underway.

    real madrid vs tottenham hotspur 2011. Real Madrid Vs Tottenham
  • Real Madrid Vs Tottenham

  • Lord Blackadder
    Mar 14, 03:11 PM
    Then, "burn cleanly" is a dubious concept. Even if you can clean it up, how much does that cost, how much energy dies it take to clean it up, and how much do you lose from the coal's potential energy? Industry touts clean coal, others claim the very concept is a myth, I am not sure who is closer to the practical reality of the situation.

    "Clean coal" is 100% myth, marketing-speak invented by coal companies to fool people. At best, we can have "less dirty coal". Scrubbers, filters, and other "clean coal" technology reduce pollution but also efficiency, so the cost of the equipment is not the only tradeoff. The only truly "clean coal" is the stuf you don't burn.

    With that being said, it is incumbent on us to use the lowest-polluting process for burning coal that is practicable, so "clean coal" technology is important in that sense. But the notion that we can some how burn coal "cleanly" is false.

    real madrid vs tottenham hotspur 2011. Real Madrid vs. Tottenham
  • Real Madrid vs. Tottenham

  • Ravich
    May 3, 08:40 PM
    All this over someone not even intelligent enough to title their "manual installation required" malware 'security update for Snow Leopard'

    I like how the solution is basically "delete it"

    real madrid vs tottenham hotspur 2011. Real Madrid v Tottenham
  • Real Madrid v Tottenham

    Sep 26, 11:58 AM
    Can I ask a question? I'm a bit non-technical when it comes to things like this.

    When particular apps aren't designed to use multiple processors � let's just say randomly, oooo... Adobe Illustrator, for example � what benefit would a machine like this have? Would it run exactly the same as on single processor of the same speed?

    Thanks to anyone who can clarify this for me. :)

    In illustrator CS2 you would notice some improvement over a single processor machine on complex tasks such as use of the 3D tool and vector based special effects such as glow or shadow -- I would guess about 15% improvement -- I use illustrator daily and have tracked these processes via activity monitor.

    I would bet that CS3 and versions after that will be optimized to use these processors.

    I run Illustrator on a Quad G5 now and it makes a siginificant difference over the Dual G5's.

    Bottom line is that if you're not doing long-form processor-intensive stuff such as 2D/3D animation rendering, video encoding, mathematical/scientific analysis, running simulations, etc. then you probably won't get much benefit from more than two cores (you'll be better off with two cores running at faster clock speeds). But if you are, eight cores will be fantastic.

    I would disagree with this: My Quad G5 destroys the Dual 2.7 in Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, iMovie HD, etc. No contest. Both in single app use and especially multitasking.

    I will be on this thread until the Mac Pro Clovertown option ships. :D

    This is the Mac Pro I have been waiting for.

    Amen! Me Too! Quad G5 is just fine for now!

    real madrid vs tottenham hotspur 2011. London, April 7th 2011
  • London, April 7th 2011

  • Piggie
    Apr 10, 04:46 AM
    Trying to use a finger controlled touch screen as the new answer to everything, and young people thinking this is right, in a way reminds me of being at work.

    We have a company that's been around for 60 or 70 years and has many systems in place to run smoothly that have been perfected over the decades as proven ways of doing things.

    Many years later the original management retire etc, and very young, fresh faced managers straight from school come in, and want to "make their mark" they then set about rubbishing all the "old ways" of doing things, for no really reason other than THEY don't like them, and they are things of the past, hence they must be wrong for just this reason.

    Old = Wrong, New = right.

    They then implemented for force through their new systems, ignoring people who tell them "this won't work" and "you can't do it like that" as, in these young eyes, these people are just stick in the muds resistant to change.

    Move forward a few years of this and everything is a mess, things are way more complicated than they every were, paperwork is much more and things that used to be simple are now causing people all sorts of issues.

    But still the young managers refuse to admit they might be wrong and the ways things used to be done were better, and all the "workers" are struggling having the keep the new systems working.

    A little like, someone saying, Oh a round steering wheel in a car? How old that design is, it has to be wrong, from now on all our cars won't have steering wheels, that's for old people, we are moving forward to a flat touch screen panel in the car, much more modern, and those people who don't like them, or think a car is harder to control are just old people who can't understand the possibilities that this will bring.

    real madrid vs tottenham hotspur 2011. Real Madrid vs Tottenham
  • Real Madrid vs Tottenham

  • Lau
    Aug 29, 11:05 AM
    Apple is more green than dell. period.

    Makes me question the whole report if greenpeace thinks dell is more green then apple.

    Do you have evidence of this just out of interest? I too was surprised to read this, so I'd be interested if you had evidence the other way.


    Did I read that correctly?

    Sorry, I may not have been clear. I meant it as in I would much prefer to use OSX over Windows or Linux, and so would find it difficult to choose, say, a Dell because it ran Windows and I would find that unpleasant, even if Dell had a better environmental record.

    real madrid vs tottenham hotspur 2011. tottenham hotspur vs
  • tottenham hotspur vs

  • dgreen1069
    Jul 9, 04:18 PM
    I tried the Droid Incredible for two weeks and found the battery life to be a bit short. I am used to charging my iPhone 3G every night (and occasionally during the evenings), but the Incredible seemed to fly through it's battery. With that said, it was hands down a better cell phone than the iPhone. I don't think I dropped a single call during the two weeks I had it. It operates very similar to the iPhone, but the software isn't as polished. Many tasks would take an extra step or two. The Incredible is very fast....I don't know if it was the phone, Verizon, or both, but 3G internet browsing was much faster than my iPhone. I would venture to say it is even faster than my new iPhone 4. The two things that bugged me the most were the music player (not nearly as nice as the iPod player) and the screen in daylight. The screen really washes out in bright sunlight.

    I ended up returning the Incredible because I thought I'd be pissed if the new iPhone was a hit. While I'm glad I held out and got the iPhone 4, I really wish it could have been on Verizon. It really is a shame that we are all tied to AT&T. I can't tell you how many times I have been places where I have no signal when those around me with Verizon had plenty. I find my new iPhone better at making and holding calls than my 3G, but it still doesn't hold a candle to the service I saw with the Incredible. If Verizon ever gets the iPhone, I will probably pony up the cancellation fee and switch carriers.

    real madrid vs tottenham hotspur 2011. 2011 Soccer - Real Madrid and
  • 2011 Soccer - Real Madrid and

  • Sydde
    Mar 14, 02:39 PM
    We have abundant coal which I believe can be made to burn cleanly although I'm not necessarily advocating that.

    We may have lots and lots of coal, but actually getting at it economically without human catastrophe or long-term environmental destruction kind outweighs most of its value. Then, "burn cleanly" is a dubious concept. Even if you can clean it up, how much does that cost, how much energy dies it take to clean it up, and how much do you lose from the coal's potential energy? Industry touts clean coal, others claim the very concept is a myth, I am not sure who is closer to the practical reality of the situation.

    real madrid vs tottenham hotspur 2011. Real Madrid will look to
  • Real Madrid will look to

  • bedifferent
    May 2, 12:22 PM
    Except antivirus doesn't usually catch things like this, neither does anti-spyware since it acts like a legit program.

    I fix windows machines and servers for a living an unfortunately a majority of my week is spent removing said malware from windows machines.

    Agreed. I charge about $125-150/hour working on Windows systems. Initially issues weren't virus/malware related, but I always do a full system scan and find at least a dozen or so on the majority of them. Whether it's PEBKAC (Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair) errors, or viruses and malware (most do not update their anti-virus data and it's increasingly difficult to catch new viruses as so many new ones appear), I make most of my money working part-time in Communications and IT on Windows systems.

    People complain about the bill that they could have purchased a new machine to which I iterate if it's a Window based system they will still have these issues.

    However, I do not like this news one bit. It's not serious to us as were not the Joe the Mac user, but it's demonstrating that OS X isn't 100% secure (but much more difficult to crack).

    No computer for which the user can write or install programs will ever be free of Malware (nor, to my knowledge, has the "malware free" term ever been applied to the Mac OS by anyone actually familiar with computer security). All I have to do is write a script that formats your hard drive, call it ReallyFunGame, thereby deceiving you into downloading it and running it, and poof.

    Unlike Windows based .exe's, the user either has to open the dmg and drop the malware app in their App folder and run it or run the package installer. Unlike Windows the user needs to run it, and it is difficult to fully remove Windows malware/viruses as it propagates in the OS much more so than OS X (system registry, etc.). So in OS X the user has to engage the malware, in Windows much of it can be done without the user's knowledge.

    As OS X is predominately a consumer product most hackers are focused on Windows based OS's that are traditionally businesses oriented. This is not to state that OS X is 100% secure, far from it, but currently it's the more secure consumer/business OS on the market.

    real madrid vs tottenham hotspur 2011. Real Madrid v Tottenham: Jose
  • Real Madrid v Tottenham: Jose

  • javajedi
    Oct 8, 04:20 PM
    Originally posted by Backtothemac

    Why is the PC faster? It is the OS, not the processor. Windblows uses .dll's Dynamic link libraries. They allow programs to load 2.only what is needed (GUI, and primary API's) and then load pieces of the program as the user uses it. Macs on the other hand load all of the program into memory because, Mac's don't use dll files. So. It takes longer to load a program on a Mac, however once loaded the program will actually perform faster.

    As far as Macs being slower at everything. Dude, you obviously have not put a PowerBook up against a PC based notebook recentlly have you? See we sell IBM and Apple. We recently put my 667 up against a 2.0GHZ IBM laptop. The 667 was faster at everything in photoshop than the PC, encoded MP3's faster, and the only it did slower was render HTML. Now you say how much faster? Doesn't matter. If it was .1 seconds faster, it still shows the superiority of the PPC design.

    Sure OS X is a 25 year old architecture. My reference is to the flaws of the X86 vs the PPC architecture. If you would like to discuss the flaws in Windows compared to OSX. Well, arn would have to make a dedicated topic for us to discuss it.

    Macs run slower than winblows machines. So what. Would you really like to run winblows fast? That would be cool. Sure my machine goes 2.8GHZ, but it crashes once a day. I have never crashed X. Not even when it was a PB. Oh, and btw. I am an MCP, and Apple certified, so yes, I do know what I am talking about.

    Come on.. lets get real..

    1) Macs don't use shared libraries? You must be using System 6. For the folks who aren't familiar with the concept of the shared library (what Microsoft calls a dynamic link library) simply put shared libs are object orientated pieces of code containing functions/methods and other objects that can be invoked upon from other code. Mac OS X being highly object orientated relies almost exclusively on shared libraries. In the modern world of software engineering we rarely find it necessary to statically build an executable. If you look back at OS 7/8/9, while not as much as 10, developers could take advantage of off the shelf code. (eg, sprockets, mp lib, etc). Also you are not accurate in saying OS X is a 25 year old archiecture.

    1.5) Microsoft OS's that use versions of the Windows 2000 kernel (2000 itself and XP) just like Mach, have a hardware abstraction layer. The "DLL Hell" days (Windows ME and below) are over. This is no longer an issue with the new kernel. The fact of the matter is that my P4 2.8 machine running XP is equally as stable as my PowerBook G4 800 running Mac OS X. I have not *ONCE* had either one core dump or "blue screen". Sure programs screw up, and when they do, they die, not the OS. Both OS's are very mature.

    2.) I have *literally* put my PC up against my PowerBook, and the PowerBook fails miserably. I've wrote a simple stopwatch Java application that iterate through floating point instructions, and if I my PC finished 2.5 times faster than the PowerBook. If you want more details (hell I'll even give you the code) of my app, I'll be glad to share it with the community. Playing/decoding MP3's faster on the Mac? No way in hell. Winamp uses 0-1% CPU, iTunes consumes 8-12%.

    3.) You speak of flaws of the "x86 architecture" but do not provide us specifics as to why you say this. The x86 processor began in the late 70's when Intel first offered the 8086 as a CISC successor to it's 4004 line of processors. Many, many things have changed over the course of 20 years. Had they sit still (like the G4/motorola chip) intel wouldn't be selling products today, now would they? The G4 is not much more than an improved G3 series processor with vector processing instructions. Be honest (especially be honest to yourself!) if you look back and compare the G3/G4, you do see improvements, but not drastic improvements. More clock, the maxbus protocol (debatable), and more cache. One of the reasons why you see Apple adding cache like mad to it's recent products is because they are in between a rock and hard place with this Motorola chip. This is exactly the same approach AMD took with their failing processor, the K5/K6. I want you to contrast this to a P4 with an i850e chipset: Insanely high clock speeds, a 533mhz bus, fast memory with RIMMs @ 4.2GB/s, with a next stop of 9.6GB/s -- to MaxBus. You will soon see why the current generation of PowerPC processors is "inferior", dare I say it.

    For the most part I think its fare to say that the current Macintosh hardware performance is �status-quo�. The current best of breed of Macintoshes are slower than the current best of bread PCs. Mac�s are slower - just accept it. I don�t like it any more than you do.

    real madrid vs tottenham hotspur 2011. vs Real Madrid
  • vs Real Madrid

  • jimbobb24
    Apr 9, 07:51 PM
    Real games aren't played on an iDevice. Say what you want, it's true at the moment. No need to look into the future..........cause you don't know what it holds. And if you do tell me if i'll be at work Monday please! (Gov worker)

    "real games"? What does that mean?

    Don't you guys get paid whether or not it all gets shut down? Its crazy - why didn't Obama make a budget last year when they had the House and Senate? All very weird/incompetent.

    Apr 20, 11:29 PM
    *facepalm* Apple can go around skewing the numbers in their favor however they want (throwing in iPad's, iTouch, etc.), but the fact is both in the US and Worldwide, Android has the largest Smart Phone user base. So why would Google want to throw in the towel?

    Apple didn't skew any numbers. Apple didn't provide these numbers. They had nothing to do with it.

    That said, how are the numbers skewed? When counting OS market share do you treat 13" notebooks differently than desktops? Or do you add everything up?

    Oct 10, 01:54 AM
    Originally posted by TheT
    I think Mac users just live in their happy little world and think their computers are still the fastest... well, wake up!

    couldn't agree more. you use macs for software not for the absolute $#!+ apple has under-the-hood. i was at this MUG meeting the other day and the question was raised as to whether a mac was the fastest thing out there for graphics. i laughed at the suggestion and said "No way". this guy next to me, who was obviously a mac bigot (not necessarily a bad thing) said "You're wrong. They are the fastest thing out there. The Velocity Engine makes the powermac g4 the fastest machine out there for graphics. Blah blah blah blah blah......". I just turned to him and said "SGI Workstations". that was the end of the conversation (he didn't know what an sgi workstation was).

    all that said, i've got a dual 1.25 and it's an excellent machine... but you just have to realise that no, it's not the fastest thing out there.

    BUT... i'd like to raise this important point. wtf are the win32 users using their CPU power for? Typing up word documents really fast? browsing the web with Internet Exporer v6.000.21312.185726351;SP1? or perhaps having to wait only 10 seconds for windows media player to launch? win32 is simply a craptacular operating system to the extent where it shouldn't be recognized (and i certainly don't recognize it) as a real operating system. mac and *nix (excl. linux-on-the-desktop) is where it's at. get over it.

    May 2, 04:41 PM
    That's completely false. The current installed base of Macs is around 100 million, and it grows by over a million Macs per month. You don't need a certain percentage of market share for a useful botnet; you need numbers. You talking to a handful of hackers is hardly conclusive. I can interview a handful of people in my neighborhood and find a consensus on any number of falsehoods. Get some facts (rather than making stuff up) and then re-join the discussion.

    trying to stick to facts...

    OSX marketshare was just shy of 50 mill as announced by Tim Cook at his 'state of the mac address' in October last year...

    will be higher now...but not massively so..

    heres a link to help you..

    apology by PM or in the thread is fine. :p;):rolleyes:

    May 2, 04:13 PM
    by default and design, Windows has been more secure than OSX for years now...Google it...!
    Well, we have indisputable proof now! :rolleyes:

    Apr 28, 07:58 AM
    It will be. This is just barely scratching the surface.

    Then they should include it in such #'s when it WILL be one not while it's not don't you think?

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