queen elizabeth i portrait

queen elizabeth i portrait. This one is of Queen Elizabeth
  • This one is of Queen Elizabeth

  • Mikael
    Sep 9, 10:50 AM
    Thanks :D
    No problem. :)

    the title you just mentioned belongs to the MacPro...sorry for the misunderstanding...:rolleyes:
    What a joke.

    How is Winblows going on your side, Aiden? Many BSODs today?
    Awww... Not this again. Windows doesn't blue screen without reason. If it did BSOD left and right, I would think that any of the three desktops at work should have gotten one in the 30,000 hours they've clocked now... I don't think I've ever seen a BSOD not being caused by bad or incorrectly configured hardware, overclocking or possibly bad drivers. As a matter of fact, the only BSODs I've had since 2002 (when I switched to XP) have been related to overclocked hardware. People need to check their damn hardware before going all ballistic over Microsoft's supposedly unstable operating system.

    I always test the CPU/memory/mobo using Prime95 and Memtest86 right after I build a computer. I've caught some bad memory this way. Moreover, it has enabled me to stay BSOD-less on every machine I've built so far (that's ~15 machines in the past 5 years).

    Mainly I used to leave my tower on 24/7 and the worst I would get is switching my monitor on first thing in the morning or when I got home from work and see it had rebooted itself and was telling me it was an invalid system disc.
    That's almost 100% a hardware malfunction that causes Windows to restart after a serious failure. The default setting in Windows is to restart when it encounters a serious system failure and this can be disabled in the control panel to aid in seeking out the failing hardware. But I guess this is too late to fix now, since it sounds as if you sold the machine.

    queen elizabeth i portrait. given to Queen Elizabeth
  • given to Queen Elizabeth

  • inkhead
    Sep 26, 02:56 PM
    If this is true you can always by the phone at the cingular store outright, then unlock it and use it on any carrier.

    I for one in disappointed they went with GSM

    queen elizabeth i portrait. Unknown Artist Queen Elizabeth
  • Unknown Artist Queen Elizabeth

  • fastlane1588
    Aug 29, 08:36 AM
    great, nothing....

    queen elizabeth i portrait. QUEEN ELIZABETH 11 PORTRAITS

  • HecubusPro
    Aug 29, 08:39 AM
    Shipping date on the 1.83Ghz White MB is 5-7 days. On the rest of the MBs it's 3-5.

    All other comps are 24hr, apart from the iMacs which are 1-2.

    Has it been like this for a while already? Is this because of shortages, or is it a sign?

    It has been stated in a news report (not a rumor) that the reason macbooks are shipping late is because apple is having difficulty maintaining demand during the busy back-to-school/college/uni season.

    queen elizabeth i portrait. Portrait of Her Majesty Queen
  • Portrait of Her Majesty Queen

  • juicedropsdeuce
    Mar 22, 02:58 PM
    Please bring back the 24"! 21" - too small. 27" - too big. 24" - just right!

    I'm sticking with my 24" Core2Duo until a new 24" model is released.

    Nobody wants the 24". That's why they stopped making it. It was useless.

    queen elizabeth i portrait. Queen Elizabeth II portrait by
  • Queen Elizabeth II portrait by

  • SuperCachetes
    Apr 17, 02:11 PM
    Published in USA today. An article titled "Are Lives Really an Acceptable Price for Fuel Efficiency?"

    I believe the article you refer to is from the '90's. Regardless, blaming fuel efficiency is a typically American attitude. Why not blame the glut of giant SUVs on the road rather than the small cars? Are countless numbers of EU citizens dying because of their tiny tin-foil cars? Oh noes! :eek:

    and SuperCachetes, I was under the impression that US jobs were going out of the country bc we can't afford Union price tags. But if you "think" making labor more expensive will spur hiring, then keep "thinking" that with your "brain" ;)

    That "thinking" sounds pretty good; maybe you should try it. (Hint: what you can "afford" has nothing to do with unions.) ;)

    Meanwhile, I'll be earning my degree from a top 25 university so that I can get a job that affords healthcare for my children

    Yep. Sure hope that job isn't found cheaper elsewhere. :rolleyes:

    queen elizabeth i portrait. and of Queen Elizabeth I#39;s
  • and of Queen Elizabeth I#39;s

  • akadmon
    Sep 4, 11:03 PM
    Merom MBPs of course :D

    I second this emoticon!

    If anyone at Apple HQs is listening, please give us a revved up/priced down MBP. Merom + 160 GB/7200 rpm hdd at $1999 would be sweet. I don't care to watch movies on anything less than a 50" screen, and I sure as hell am not moved to tears by an 8GB nano that is priced at 75% of a regular iPod. C'mon Apple, it's not too late!

    queen elizabeth i portrait. Majesty Queen Elizabeth II
  • Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

  • 108
    Sep 6, 03:51 AM

    so if a 720p movie is 3 GB and a lot of you are saying it currently can take "forever" for video to download through the iTune Music Store, my question is, how long is "forever" to you all? i've lived in korea, and, on occasion, downloaded 3 GB in about one minute, so my perspective is pretty poor.

    i live in tokyo, where i get fantastic, fantastic fiber internet (and pay much for the pleasure), which yields pretty nice download speeds.

    i have never used the iTunes store! i have iTunes on my terrible, terrible PC here at work here at this Evil Corporation of mine, and i will be buying a MacBook Pro the moment Core 2 Duo is confirmed, so i might as well start using iTunes to download whatever pleases me. i only hope i can download some american television programs with a japanese iTunes account. or . . . maybe not? i don't know how it's going to work. i'll look into it!!

    would really like a new iPod!! my old 40GB workhorse finally fell over dead, a whole six months after the warranty was done for, so i'd love some big giant iPod video breakthrough.

    very excited to see what kind of distribution system they're looking at, seeing as it will affect both my life (40" 1080p bravia X series at home!!) and my . . . job.

    either way, this is all very exciting!! i just hope Core 2 Duo is announced. i want my 20%!!

    also, did anyone else notice that nintendo is doing press conferences world-wide on september 14th, unveiling the price and release of their Wii console?

    that company is looking more and more like apple every day.

    queen elizabeth i portrait. Portrait of Queen Elizabeth I
  • Portrait of Queen Elizabeth I

  • Donz0r
    Sep 13, 09:22 PM
    Apple can design better than that. It will probably not look like that. Why? Because they do not want it to look exactly as the Nano as it would confuse people. That design does not make sense to me.

    I think and hope they will make a new Newton, more a Apple PDA than a iPod with phone capabilities.

    It is time for Apple to release a phone, but not just an iPod Phone. Look at the patent Apple made some days ago, it looks more like a PDA/Smartphone than phone which is great.

    The Nanos are the best selling mp3 player. They're beautiful and loved by all. Nobody is going to not buy a cell phone because it ''looks too much like a nano'', that will be the reason they DO buy the cell phone.

    queen elizabeth i portrait. Court of Queen Elizabeth,
  • Court of Queen Elizabeth,

  • LegendKillerUK
    Apr 19, 07:38 AM
    Did anyone else notice that the iPhone picture is actually a 3G running iOS 2.x?

    Silly Apple.

    queen elizabeth i portrait. of Queen Elizabeth II in
  • of Queen Elizabeth II in

  • poppe
    Sep 4, 03:36 PM
    It doesn't seem Apple's style to make wireless n hardware when there is no standard yet, I would think they would make a Media Center Mac, possibly with a built in iPod dock, maybe adding DivX and XVid (or just sticking VLC on the damn thing).

    It might not mean a using the Wireless N standard but using somethign completely different. Like the Airport Express is a Hub to recieve special videos that are coded specifically for it to make downloading a movie quickly, and to also be able to stream movies/tunes much faster and easier to your home telivision.

    Perhaps you could hook up an Airport Express to a TV and then run OS X right through Airport controlling everything

    queen elizabeth i portrait. The Annigoni portrait of Queen
  • The Annigoni portrait of Queen

  • Full of Win
    Apr 4, 11:57 AM
    Headshot - OUTSTANDING.

    It sounds as though he was DRT, but I hope this scumbag suffered some before his dirt nap was about to begin.

    queen elizabeth i portrait. Queen Elizabeth Rainbow Portrait Revived @ SLSC APA - Gloriana Sixpence. Dress created by Naergilien Wunderle - one of a kind auction info here:
  • Queen Elizabeth Rainbow Portrait Revived @ SLSC APA - Gloriana Sixpence. Dress created by Naergilien Wunderle - one of a kind auction info here:

  • Yankee617
    Apr 20, 12:28 PM
    everyone here is on facebook, exposing their real names, friends, user uploaded photos that are under the control of facebook under the new TOS agreement, where they live, phone numbers, what they like, what they dislike, their status updates, etc.

    i'm not on facebook.

    queen elizabeth i portrait. play Queen Elizabeth II#39;#39;s
  • play Queen Elizabeth II#39;#39;s

  • clintob
    Oct 12, 04:53 PM
    Maybe we miss understand each other here, but Im talking about mortality rates of woman and children WITH HIV. Not mortality rates of all women and children. Those are two totally different things...

    Oh, okay... misunderstood your first point. But, in that respect, it's worth noting that the corolation you're making could be made for any number of diseases - heart disease, liver failure, certain cancerns, etc. Female mortality rates are generally higher for many diseases. I'm not sure what the scientific reasoning is for this... perhaps someone here has a medical background more developed than mine who would know the answer to that. I would guess it's the same reasoning as for children, in that women are generally smaller and thus likely have less physical cell mass, and thus less innate ability to fight disease?

    Either way, your original point is well-taken... but the overall numbers are still heavily skewed towards more men than women being afflicted. Not sure what that means, and at this point we can talk in circles about who is right and who is wrong, but it doesn't amount to much.

    It's a terrible tragedy that the disease exists in the first place, let alone spreads, and if donating a percentage of the proceeds from a successful business helps that cause in some way I'm all for it - whether there are alterior motives or not is immaterial. It's a good thing.

    queen elizabeth i portrait. Queen Elizabeth in 1592.
  • Queen Elizabeth in 1592.

  • dsnort
    Sep 19, 06:26 PM
    I can't wait until I can get access to movies from around the world instead of just insipid Hollywood crap.

    And a hearty Amen and hell yeah for that!

    queen elizabeth i portrait. The Queen Elizabeth II
  • The Queen Elizabeth II

  • Joshuarocks
    Apr 10, 06:49 PM
    The USA is on borrowed time. Unless the US can drastically make changes, things are really going to get worse.. as if they aren't all ready. Already, the corporate run media reports everything is getting much better.. I don't believe this over a hill of beans.. Consider this:

    Job market still sucks.. unemployment in the US is over 10 percent despite what the media says being 8.9 percent..

    Economy isn't really growing much at all.. at best 2 percent growth which does not mean its getting better.

    The trillions of debt this country is in.. I fear within the next few years the debt is going to get higher + rising gas and food prices.. and most Americans are too stupid and blind to the corporate media saying things are ok.. I should know. I am struggling with gas and almost had a fight with someone at a gas station because I called for a REVOLT against the corporations controlling out lives(gas companies and the middle east OPEC).

    3rdly, cost of living is rising, and food... So, is the US getting better? Hardly.. and no one seems to care or want to do something to change it.. The solution proposed by Congressman Ron Paul..

    Complete ABOLIITION of the Federal Reserve and a repeal of the 1917-1919 federal reserve signed by Woodrow Wilson.. and also an end to the IRS and its tyrannical strangle hold on the citizenry..

    The American people should take ownership of corporations and not allow corporations and banks to rule over the people.

    Only then will America be able to recover from all of its ills.. and if someone can't recommend Ron Paul for 2012 presidency, then we have signed this country's death warrant.

    And yes, the recession is not over.. in fact, we might even be heading into economic depression very shortly.

    Its not about capitalism here.. its about ENDING CORPORATE RULE and BANKS ruling over us all.

    Its time for Americans to take back the country from corporate elites and banks. DOWN WITH THE FEDERAL RESERVE!!! Power to the PEOPLE!

    queen elizabeth i portrait. The Darnley Portrait: 1575
  • The Darnley Portrait: 1575

  • puuukeey
    Sep 5, 02:03 PM
    Good move but I bet its riddled with DRM:mad:

    queen elizabeth i portrait. Portrait of Queen Elizabeth I
  • Portrait of Queen Elizabeth I

  • yellow
    Apr 4, 12:42 PM
    I know. And heroics by gun toting civilians is mostly a product of fantasy as well. The idea of whipping your gun out to save the day is absurd. Most shootings occur with no warning. If you were always hyper-vigelent and ready to brandish your gun, you would likely be a danger to those around you.

    And that is precisely why people who have concealed weapon permits are trained in the legal ramifications of carrying a firearm in the public arena. We don't carry firearms to "save the day". We carry firearms to save our lives. Legally, I cannot get involved in a shooting that doesn't directly involve me.. I have no idea what is going on and could just as easily be shooting an undercover cop as a miscreant.

    queen elizabeth i portrait. Portrait of Queen Elizabeth I
  • Portrait of Queen Elizabeth I

  • econgeek
    Apr 14, 12:30 PM
    Meh. AMD is ready with USB 3.0 .

    The PC industry is plagued with lowest common denominator, low cost crap.

    Apple and Intel are trying to move forward. We should support that.

    Aug 28, 06:30 PM
    Not sure if this could be related, but we just tried to order 25 custom macbook pros and were told that such an order could not be carried out at this time. Perhaps something is going to be changing soon? (or maybe they're just out of some memory or something).

    A very similar thing was reported earlier last week with a guy who wanted to purchase a whole slew of Mac Mini's.

    I needed to order another bunch to use as Mac mini servers (and to add to my great wall of Apple boxes) but I was told by the reseller (name withdrawn so they don�t get in trouble) that they can�t take big orders (again), but after Labor Day they�d be able to ship plenty of the new model.

    I would think that's a very good indication that Apple is getting ready to begin selling the C2D MBP's. :D

    Westside guy
    Sep 5, 03:16 PM
    This could be either really big or really bad.

    Well, based on past experience here - no matter what is announced, there will be people on this forum complaining that it isn't enough. :p We'll have to wait and see how it (whatever "it" is) plays in Peoria over time.

    Personally I'm hoping for the AV streaming device; and if it ties in with my Tivo that'll be a big plus. :D

    Apr 25, 09:03 AM

    Nov 16, 07:29 AM
    When the iPhone 3G was first released, I rushed out and bought one. A year down the line, I gave it to a family member and switched to a Blackberry Bold.

    I absolutely love the thoughtful design that goes into all Apple products, I own an Apple desktop, an Apple laptop, an Apple iPod and various other Apple paraphernalia. However, I didn't gel with the crippled iPhone and am much happier with my Blackberry.

    It has 75% of the fun features of the iPhone and a slew of others that make it a smarter choice - background apps, Google Latitude running all the time, emails arriving instantly, uncapped international data roaming for �20 extra a month on o2 amongst many others - and being able to type an entire email whilst you walk!

    Due to RIM not having a stranglehold over the device's application pool (unlike Apple), there are a lot of fugly applications available, but also a lot of great ones. If you're starting out with the Blackberry, I highly recommend Ubertwitter, BeWeather, Google Sync, Facebook and the Flickr Uploader as high quality apps.

    Mar 23, 08:52 AM
    Well unless a non-glossy screen is an option I won't be getting one.

    In fact until they do my current Core 2 Duo iMac will be my last Apple - period.

    I don't need my computer to also double as a mirror.

    And no, I don't want a mini, or a laptop, and I can't afford a Pro.

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