May 6, 05:10 AM
I'm not so much joining in the discussion as publicly recording what I think is going to happen in a few years based not really on this prediction, but the way things are going in general, so that I can point to this post in a few years and either say "I told you so" or "look how clueless I was."
I think this prediction is right, at least in general terms, and while to hardcore geeks it may sound like a terrible idea, I doubt it is, and it makes a great deal of sense to Apple. That said, I expect Apple will continue to sell "pro" systems of some sort based on Intel chips for the foreseeable future, to cover the developer/Photoshop-jockey/video-editor market. They're just not going to sell all that many of them.
This is why the ARM transition will not be like the Intel transition (and remember we're not talking about something happening tomorrow):
For one thing, two years is a lot of time at the rate the ARM architecture has been advancing. Predicting anything about how fast the chips will be in 2013 (or how much Intel will have advanced by then) is difficult.
In the quarter the G5 Power Mac first shipped, back in Apple earned $44M on $1.7B in sales, and shipped 787K Macs. In the quarter the first Intel iMacs shipped, in Apple earned $410M on $4.36B, and sold 1.1M Macs.
In the most recent quarter, Apple's profit was $6B--more than their gross in and almost as much as the entire company's gross for all of 2003--on gross income of close to $25B. They sold 3.76M Macs, and more notably 4.69M iPads and well over 20M small-screen iOS devices. They also have something like $65 billion sitting in the bank, which is ridiculous.
Contrast this with Intel, which in the last quarter was doing extremely well, with gross of $12.8B and net of $3.16B. Or, for that matter, IBM, which had revenue of $24B and earnings of $2.9B.
In Apple was a relatively small-time player that got IBM to design a wicked-fast custom desktop CPU. In 2006 they were a somewhat larger company mostly on account of selling a lot of iPods, and weren't in a strong enough position to get IBM to do what they needed with the PPC architecture to the point it could compete with Intel's upcoming Core architecture. Today their Mac business alone is three times what it was then, it's the only segment of the PC industry actually expanding, and the company is HUGE--twice the size of Intel, in terms of financials. Heck, they could buy a controlling stake in Intel based purely on that company's market cap with cash on hand.
Further, of all those 25M+ iOS devices last quarter, every single one was running an ARM processor. While nearly 4 million Macs is nothing to sneeze at, Apple's bread and butter is iOS and ARM-based systems. They know them, they control the whole package, and they have an in-house CPU team for the architecture. One that, based on performance comparisons with the Xoom, is doing its job quite well. They've also managed to sell these devices at prices so low other companies are having serious trouble matching them, while maintaing very healthy profit margins.
As far as Apple is concerned--and with good reason--iOS on ARM is their future. There's no reason to stop selling Macs, but the market for console-style computers is not likely limited to handhelds and tablets--there's almost certainly a lot of demand in the bigger-laptop-with-a-keyboard space as well as large-screen desktops. With the rate of CPU power increase in ARM chips, within a couple of years they're likely to be powerful enough to comfortably handle desktop tasks, particularly considering that the average user really doesn't have any use for anything more than a basic dual-core system--everything else is for pros and bragging rights.
So, by way of prediction, I'd assume that Apple will continue to beef up its in-house ARM team, and once the desktop-grade chips are in place leverage that to replace what we currently think of as consumer Macs with beefier, larger-screen iOS based devices (or perhaps some iOS/MacOS hybrid thing to better handle indirect input, since pointing at a 27" touchscreen is ridiculous for more than a few minutes).
After all, Apple could--and very will might--dump a few billion dollars of their hoard into advancing the ARM architecture in some way that competitors can't match, and/or building out chip fab capabilities to keep prices low and availability high. Intel's entire R&D budget for 2010 was in the range of $6B, AMD's wasn't much over $1B, and Apple likes to control their own destiny, so it's not out of the question if they can hire good enough people.
I also bet that they will keep some "pro" machines--perhaps even those that'll keep the "Mac" moniker--in the lineup, for people who want more traditional workstation software, since there's still a lucrative market for that. These will presumably use Intel chips, but then who knows--even Microsoft is working on a version of Windows for ARM.
And outside the gamer market or the relatively small number of people who need or want a virtualized Windows environment, I seriously doubt most people will care. After all, it hasn't stopped them from lining up to buy iPads, and I have NEVER heard even the most ardent Windows fanboy rant about Windows with the same fervor as a half-dozen non-technical people I know personally who love their iPad.
Geeks and old-school Macheads like myself will wail and moan, and Apple won't care. If they did, the iPad would have run the MacOS.
In related news, Microsoft is in trouble.
I think this prediction is right, at least in general terms, and while to hardcore geeks it may sound like a terrible idea, I doubt it is, and it makes a great deal of sense to Apple. That said, I expect Apple will continue to sell "pro" systems of some sort based on Intel chips for the foreseeable future, to cover the developer/Photoshop-jockey/video-editor market. They're just not going to sell all that many of them.
This is why the ARM transition will not be like the Intel transition (and remember we're not talking about something happening tomorrow):
For one thing, two years is a lot of time at the rate the ARM architecture has been advancing. Predicting anything about how fast the chips will be in 2013 (or how much Intel will have advanced by then) is difficult.
In the quarter the G5 Power Mac first shipped, back in Apple earned $44M on $1.7B in sales, and shipped 787K Macs. In the quarter the first Intel iMacs shipped, in Apple earned $410M on $4.36B, and sold 1.1M Macs.
In the most recent quarter, Apple's profit was $6B--more than their gross in and almost as much as the entire company's gross for all of 2003--on gross income of close to $25B. They sold 3.76M Macs, and more notably 4.69M iPads and well over 20M small-screen iOS devices. They also have something like $65 billion sitting in the bank, which is ridiculous.
Contrast this with Intel, which in the last quarter was doing extremely well, with gross of $12.8B and net of $3.16B. Or, for that matter, IBM, which had revenue of $24B and earnings of $2.9B.
In Apple was a relatively small-time player that got IBM to design a wicked-fast custom desktop CPU. In 2006 they were a somewhat larger company mostly on account of selling a lot of iPods, and weren't in a strong enough position to get IBM to do what they needed with the PPC architecture to the point it could compete with Intel's upcoming Core architecture. Today their Mac business alone is three times what it was then, it's the only segment of the PC industry actually expanding, and the company is HUGE--twice the size of Intel, in terms of financials. Heck, they could buy a controlling stake in Intel based purely on that company's market cap with cash on hand.
Further, of all those 25M+ iOS devices last quarter, every single one was running an ARM processor. While nearly 4 million Macs is nothing to sneeze at, Apple's bread and butter is iOS and ARM-based systems. They know them, they control the whole package, and they have an in-house CPU team for the architecture. One that, based on performance comparisons with the Xoom, is doing its job quite well. They've also managed to sell these devices at prices so low other companies are having serious trouble matching them, while maintaing very healthy profit margins.
As far as Apple is concerned--and with good reason--iOS on ARM is their future. There's no reason to stop selling Macs, but the market for console-style computers is not likely limited to handhelds and tablets--there's almost certainly a lot of demand in the bigger-laptop-with-a-keyboard space as well as large-screen desktops. With the rate of CPU power increase in ARM chips, within a couple of years they're likely to be powerful enough to comfortably handle desktop tasks, particularly considering that the average user really doesn't have any use for anything more than a basic dual-core system--everything else is for pros and bragging rights.
So, by way of prediction, I'd assume that Apple will continue to beef up its in-house ARM team, and once the desktop-grade chips are in place leverage that to replace what we currently think of as consumer Macs with beefier, larger-screen iOS based devices (or perhaps some iOS/MacOS hybrid thing to better handle indirect input, since pointing at a 27" touchscreen is ridiculous for more than a few minutes).
After all, Apple could--and very will might--dump a few billion dollars of their hoard into advancing the ARM architecture in some way that competitors can't match, and/or building out chip fab capabilities to keep prices low and availability high. Intel's entire R&D budget for 2010 was in the range of $6B, AMD's wasn't much over $1B, and Apple likes to control their own destiny, so it's not out of the question if they can hire good enough people.
I also bet that they will keep some "pro" machines--perhaps even those that'll keep the "Mac" moniker--in the lineup, for people who want more traditional workstation software, since there's still a lucrative market for that. These will presumably use Intel chips, but then who knows--even Microsoft is working on a version of Windows for ARM.
And outside the gamer market or the relatively small number of people who need or want a virtualized Windows environment, I seriously doubt most people will care. After all, it hasn't stopped them from lining up to buy iPads, and I have NEVER heard even the most ardent Windows fanboy rant about Windows with the same fervor as a half-dozen non-technical people I know personally who love their iPad.
Geeks and old-school Macheads like myself will wail and moan, and Apple won't care. If they did, the iPad would have run the MacOS.
In related news, Microsoft is in trouble.
Mar 31, 04:49 AM
I get very worried when I hear El-Jobso talking about post a PC world as if he has decided already that the PC is dead. I for one could not make a living using an iPad and an iPhone.
As they stand currently you couldn't make a living from them.
We aren't talking a short transition period either. I don't think jobs is talking about you when he talks about postpc era either. In many ways apple have always been post pc. They target people who's work is defined by what they produce and have the freedom to choose the tools to get that done. The pc era was defined by the beige box that some nameless corporate type would buy by the truck from Dell to sit on everyone's desk so they can work.
That is the era of computing that is done for. It'll move to out of sight clusters with semi articulate terminals powered by cheap lower power arm processors. People who choose their own tools will more and more buy their own tools like they did pre pc.
As they stand currently you couldn't make a living from them.
We aren't talking a short transition period either. I don't think jobs is talking about you when he talks about postpc era either. In many ways apple have always been post pc. They target people who's work is defined by what they produce and have the freedom to choose the tools to get that done. The pc era was defined by the beige box that some nameless corporate type would buy by the truck from Dell to sit on everyone's desk so they can work.
That is the era of computing that is done for. It'll move to out of sight clusters with semi articulate terminals powered by cheap lower power arm processors. People who choose their own tools will more and more buy their own tools like they did pre pc.
Apr 6, 05:22 PM
This may give you some insight as to why.
The problem is that Liven2 is talking out of his *ss and not seeing the reality...
comparitive Marketvalues since iPhone released. (http://www.google.com//finance?chdnp=1&chdd=1&chds=1&chdv=1&chvs=maximized&chdeh=0&chfdeh=0&chdet=1302128233687&chddm=406949&chls=IntervalBasedLine&cmpto=NASDAQ:AAPL&cmptdms=0&q=NASDAQ:GOOG&ntsp=0)
short story: Since iOS:Apple stock up 300%, Google up 30% I want to fail this bad with every stock I own.
The problem is that Liven2 is talking out of his *ss and not seeing the reality...
comparitive Marketvalues since iPhone released. (http://www.google.com//finance?chdnp=1&chdd=1&chds=1&chdv=1&chvs=maximized&chdeh=0&chfdeh=0&chdet=1302128233687&chddm=406949&chls=IntervalBasedLine&cmpto=NASDAQ:AAPL&cmptdms=0&q=NASDAQ:GOOG&ntsp=0)
short story: Since iOS:Apple stock up 300%, Google up 30% I want to fail this bad with every stock I own.
Aug 3, 12:58 PM
Has Apple EVER released any consumer products at WWDC? It sounds like some people are going to be in for a real dissapointment when no iphone comes out. I thought they were trying to transition from releases at big conferences anyway.
iSight? (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2003/06/20030623160609.shtml)
iSight? (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2003/06/20030623160609.shtml)
Jul 29, 08:33 PM
http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com)
Contrary to recent reports (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2006/03/20060330174059.shtml), Engadget says that Apple's rumored "iPhone" may appear as early as August (http://www.engadget.com/2006/07/29/wild-speculation-iphone-to-launch-in-august/).
A reader is reporting to us that a coworker's tech-unsavvy friend, who is regularly hired by Apple to do marketing photo shoots, was recently brought on to take some shots of "the sleekest, sexiest damn phone he's ever seen."
It has been well-established that Apple has been working on an Apple-branded phone for some time, however the release date has been difficult to pinpoint. Recently, various patents (1 (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2006/05/20060505202447.shtml), 2 (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2006/06/20060614074411.shtml)) have been uncovered regarding Apple's cell phone technology and Peter Oppenheimer made comments (http://www.macnn.com/articles/06/07/20/merrill.upgrades.aapl/) during Apple's Q3 2006 conference call virtually acknowledging Apple's work on the product, stating "We're not sitting around doing nothing" with regard to cell phones.
Contrary to recent reports (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2006/03/20060330174059.shtml), Engadget says that Apple's rumored "iPhone" may appear as early as August (http://www.engadget.com/2006/07/29/wild-speculation-iphone-to-launch-in-august/).
A reader is reporting to us that a coworker's tech-unsavvy friend, who is regularly hired by Apple to do marketing photo shoots, was recently brought on to take some shots of "the sleekest, sexiest damn phone he's ever seen."
It has been well-established that Apple has been working on an Apple-branded phone for some time, however the release date has been difficult to pinpoint. Recently, various patents (1 (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2006/05/20060505202447.shtml), 2 (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2006/06/20060614074411.shtml)) have been uncovered regarding Apple's cell phone technology and Peter Oppenheimer made comments (http://www.macnn.com/articles/06/07/20/merrill.upgrades.aapl/) during Apple's Q3 2006 conference call virtually acknowledging Apple's work on the product, stating "We're not sitting around doing nothing" with regard to cell phones.
Mar 28, 11:41 AM
Apple would only be hurting themselves if they waited until the Fall.
People are ready for a new iPhone. If it doesn't come out by June, some will lose patience and buy an iPhone 4, or worse, will be tempted by the false promises coming from every phone offering 4G service.
People are ready for a new iPhone. If it doesn't come out by June, some will lose patience and buy an iPhone 4, or worse, will be tempted by the false promises coming from every phone offering 4G service.
Apr 23, 04:30 PM
If this is true, I'd be a little pissed lol. I just traded up from my two 23" ACD's for two 24" LED LCD's.
Hopefully this means with the Mac Pro rumors refresh and Final Cut release that Apple is refocusing on their neglected pro-line. Maybe we'll see a full line of dedicated displays instead of one stripped down iMac panel.
Hopefully this means with the Mac Pro rumors refresh and Final Cut release that Apple is refocusing on their neglected pro-line. Maybe we'll see a full line of dedicated displays instead of one stripped down iMac panel.
Apr 20, 06:21 AM
iPhone 4S
iPhone 3GS = 3rd iPhone
iPhone 4S = 5th iPhone.
Anyone still debating a "processor upgrade" isn't much of an upgrade grossly mistakes the upgrade the 3GS was over the 3G and that the 3G was over the original.
The 3GS basically shares the same internals as an iPhone 4, aside from RAM. Comestic upgrades are not any bigger than spec upgrades. And iPhone 4S would still be the 5th iPhone and thus the "iPhone 5" monicker is appropriate.
iPhone 3GS = 3rd iPhone
iPhone 4S = 5th iPhone.
Anyone still debating a "processor upgrade" isn't much of an upgrade grossly mistakes the upgrade the 3GS was over the 3G and that the 3G was over the original.
The 3GS basically shares the same internals as an iPhone 4, aside from RAM. Comestic upgrades are not any bigger than spec upgrades. And iPhone 4S would still be the 5th iPhone and thus the "iPhone 5" monicker is appropriate.
Apr 20, 08:03 AM
Antennagate probably pushed back the product cycle by a few months, or iPhone 5 would have been fine with a June/July release.
Sep 10, 11:43 PM
Very exciting.
Hopefully on Tuesday we'll see besides the Movie Store:
Widescreen video ipod with large capacity.
Media center
I look at that in two ways.
One would be in form of Airport that we can stream video to my TV on the entertainment room.
The other way an stand alone hardware with huge HD space, outputs to my TV , receiver, PVR, Superdrive, remote control and a way to hook up to the net to access Itunes Movie and Music store for downloads.
I do think the Airport is a more feasible option. But I do like a lot the idea of a stand alone media center. Well, let's wait and see.
Hopefully on Tuesday we'll see besides the Movie Store:
Widescreen video ipod with large capacity.
Media center
I look at that in two ways.
One would be in form of Airport that we can stream video to my TV on the entertainment room.
The other way an stand alone hardware with huge HD space, outputs to my TV , receiver, PVR, Superdrive, remote control and a way to hook up to the net to access Itunes Movie and Music store for downloads.
I do think the Airport is a more feasible option. But I do like a lot the idea of a stand alone media center. Well, let's wait and see.
May 5, 07:37 AM
BTW, searching a room disarms traps, so we should get to a point where our last move is search instead of move, if I understand the rules.
Aug 11, 03:49 PM
I Love My Powerbook! :D
Aug 4, 09:44 AM
I'm definitely leaning towards a Paris release, too. It breaks my heart to say it because I know I'm in the same position that a lot of you are in. But the rumored news is that "the company is slated to receive mass shipments of the new Merom Core 2 Duo processors by the first week of September..."
That said, it looks like Apple will be receiving the processors by that date, not having them in MBPs, Minis, and MBs ready to ship.
That said, it looks like Apple will be receiving the processors by that date, not having them in MBPs, Minis, and MBs ready to ship.
May 7, 10:26 AM
How will Apple handle paying customers' subscriptions that expire after the point this takes effect?
Maybe an apple giftcard for the difference? Like apple did for the early adopters of iPhone 2G when there was a price drop :cool:
Maybe an apple giftcard for the difference? Like apple did for the early adopters of iPhone 2G when there was a price drop :cool:
Mar 30, 11:13 PM
Is Lion available to iOS developers as well? Or is it solely for those with paid memberships to the "Mac Developer Program"?
Only for paid membership to Mac Developer Program.
Only for paid membership to Mac Developer Program.
Mar 30, 06:16 AM
Hmm. This seems like a pass for me. I'll wait for Apple's offerings through MobileMe this year because I'll have the iPhone 4 or 5 on Verizon by the end of the year.
Then I can punt my piece of s*** Droid X to the curb. No more battery pulls and video that'll play NATIVELY ON THE DEVICE THAT RECORDED IT! Yes, the Droid X can't play it's own video back. Motorola's Droids Don't Do JACK.
Amazon's new service will be good, but just like its video streaming options, just a little too expensive. I'm sure it will be a great service for the Droids and the price will eventually go down. Maybe they should look into a data farm.
Then I can punt my piece of s*** Droid X to the curb. No more battery pulls and video that'll play NATIVELY ON THE DEVICE THAT RECORDED IT! Yes, the Droid X can't play it's own video back. Motorola's Droids Don't Do JACK.
Amazon's new service will be good, but just like its video streaming options, just a little too expensive. I'm sure it will be a great service for the Droids and the price will eventually go down. Maybe they should look into a data farm.
Jul 22, 11:40 PM
I did double the ram from 256 to 512, and didn't notice anthing.That's because you have to get to 1GB before you see the substantial increse in speed. Both my Cubes have 1.5 GB inside and I'm sure it's the only way to fly them properly. That 256 Module was a waste of money. You should put a 512 in that last empty slot at least for only $70 to get it up to a Gig.
I just don't see much point in upgrading a computer that I expect will only be useful for its hard-drive on a home network.
But you are right, RAM is dirt cheap nowadays.
I think you missed my point about Yonah Macbooks. I want the price to drop. There is no point in me owning a Merom Macbook if I buy an iMac. The present Macbook is easily fast enough for writing essays on the train, wouldn't you agree?Price is not going to go down. That's where Apple wants it. You'll have to get a refurb for $949. Lower than that will probably not happen until next year - if they still have them in stock. For writing, you can still buy a 14" iBook for $999 - the 12" iBook refurbs are all gone and the 14" iBook is $999 - in other words, rediculously overpriced. So no money can be saved and you appear to have no imagination for how you could use the additional power in future.
$949 seems reasonable to me. But I don't want Yonah inside. So I will continue to wait for the 17" MBP with Merom+Santa Rosa+Leopard+802.11n inside next Spring. I might pull the trigger on a Merom refurb MacBook later this year. Knowing what's coming next year makes me want to wait for the whole shebang. But I may cave once Merom MacBooks go refurb to tide me over.
I just don't see much point in upgrading a computer that I expect will only be useful for its hard-drive on a home network.
But you are right, RAM is dirt cheap nowadays.
I think you missed my point about Yonah Macbooks. I want the price to drop. There is no point in me owning a Merom Macbook if I buy an iMac. The present Macbook is easily fast enough for writing essays on the train, wouldn't you agree?Price is not going to go down. That's where Apple wants it. You'll have to get a refurb for $949. Lower than that will probably not happen until next year - if they still have them in stock. For writing, you can still buy a 14" iBook for $999 - the 12" iBook refurbs are all gone and the 14" iBook is $999 - in other words, rediculously overpriced. So no money can be saved and you appear to have no imagination for how you could use the additional power in future.
$949 seems reasonable to me. But I don't want Yonah inside. So I will continue to wait for the 17" MBP with Merom+Santa Rosa+Leopard+802.11n inside next Spring. I might pull the trigger on a Merom refurb MacBook later this year. Knowing what's coming next year makes me want to wait for the whole shebang. But I may cave once Merom MacBooks go refurb to tide me over.
May 7, 10:00 AM
Mobileme is certainly worth more than free. Apple doesn't scrape your emails and other data to target adds at you a la Google.
I could see Apple making some features of Mobileme free. I don't think they're just going kill a revenue stream but they could offer a basic free Mobileme account which gives you.
A me.com email address with 5 aliases.
Sync features
"Find my damn iDevice"
Calendar, Contacts, Bookmark sync
Web page
Then roll out Mobileme Pro
Make iDisk more like Drop Box.
Enhance the sync
Online Backup
Cloud Music (Lala style)
iWork.com Pro (adds collaborative editing)
Whatever other cool stuff they can deliver
I could see Apple making some features of Mobileme free. I don't think they're just going kill a revenue stream but they could offer a basic free Mobileme account which gives you.
A me.com email address with 5 aliases.
Sync features
"Find my damn iDevice"
Calendar, Contacts, Bookmark sync
Web page
Then roll out Mobileme Pro
Make iDisk more like Drop Box.
Enhance the sync
Online Backup
Cloud Music (Lala style)
iWork.com Pro (adds collaborative editing)
Whatever other cool stuff they can deliver

Apr 25, 11:29 AM
If you are [a criminal], then you are probably bright enough to use a burn phone. :p
You should at least watch The Wire to get some hints, anyway.
You should at least watch The Wire to get some hints, anyway.
Sep 11, 11:05 AM
Consider this, the upcoming keynote is NOT given by SJ but by one of the other Apple senior team members - following his (Steve�s) below par performance last time out... Now this news would be bigger than anything else. I�d even suggest that if he shares any floor-time with anyone else things are not looking good!
BTW I hope I am very, very, wrong and we are all talking about amazing new products by this time tomorrow.
BTW I hope I am very, very, wrong and we are all talking about amazing new products by this time tomorrow.
Apr 11, 04:30 AM
To all the people arguing that the answer is 288 and not 2 and linked to the wikipedia page on the order of operations to prove their point: if you actually bothered to read the page you linked to, you would have seen this:
Some mathematicians hold that multiplication by juxtaposition (omitting the x sign, ex. 2(4+3) ) is a symbol of grouping. No fixed convention exists.
That's probably why Spotlight gives a different answer if you write the expression with or without the "*".
Some people will say 2, others will say 288 and it has nothing to do with their math skills but only with the convention they use.
To give the only right answer to the original question: don't write an expression in such a retarded way :p
Some mathematicians hold that multiplication by juxtaposition (omitting the x sign, ex. 2(4+3) ) is a symbol of grouping. No fixed convention exists.
That's probably why Spotlight gives a different answer if you write the expression with or without the "*".
Some people will say 2, others will say 288 and it has nothing to do with their math skills but only with the convention they use.
To give the only right answer to the original question: don't write an expression in such a retarded way :p
Apr 24, 12:01 AM
If the coming soon refreshed 13" MBA gets a 13" 2880x1800 HiDPI/Retina display, Sandy Bridge and Lion preinstalled... It will be so win. And PC guys will be stuck with their legacy 1280x800 haha.
Don't panic
May 5, 04:44 PM
We have axes. How about cutting a shortcut through a floor, wall, or ceiling :eek: .
On another note, how many above ground floors does this house have ? From the outside, we would have seen how many floors the house has.
if nothing happens in the next few minutes, i am about to prepare some goblin stew.
On another note, how many above ground floors does this house have ? From the outside, we would have seen how many floors the house has.
if nothing happens in the next few minutes, i am about to prepare some goblin stew.
Apr 7, 11:44 AM
Too funny. :rolleyes:
I love all the posts that say, "competition is good, keep Apple on its toes." Problem is, the competition is just copying what Apple has done. Who else is really innovating anything new? Who else has any sort of long term vision of where technology can take us? RIM, MS, HP? Doubtful. Google? All they want is to know everything about you to improve their ability to sell marketing information.
Apple making smart business decisions will only force others to rethink, innovate and create their own demand. Or die. Sorry if you don't like how the free market works.
Apple does learn from the competition... no doubt. And competition is always good. But, at the same time, Apple does seem to be the one that does something different and changes the game way more than the others.
I love all the posts that say, "competition is good, keep Apple on its toes." Problem is, the competition is just copying what Apple has done. Who else is really innovating anything new? Who else has any sort of long term vision of where technology can take us? RIM, MS, HP? Doubtful. Google? All they want is to know everything about you to improve their ability to sell marketing information.
Apple making smart business decisions will only force others to rethink, innovate and create their own demand. Or die. Sorry if you don't like how the free market works.
Apple does learn from the competition... no doubt. And competition is always good. But, at the same time, Apple does seem to be the one that does something different and changes the game way more than the others.
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