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  • xionxiox
    Apr 4, 12:10 PM
    Only in America.... Bad form unless it was in defence. How about non lethal take downs, fair courts and appropriate justice, such as jail with community service, get criminals doing something constructive for society and trying to get them back on track?

    The right to carry guns and to kill absolutely baffles me. Surely shooting and killing is a worser crime than stealing? The threat of being shot/killed sounds too authoritarian/totalitarian for me.

    I can't believe the mentality of people on these forums sometimes! Each to their own I guess... Democracy and all...

    Please read that the updated article that 40 shots were exchanged during gunfire...It was in self defense.

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  • MattyMac
    Aug 28, 12:30 PM
    September and October are usually greeeeeeeaaaaaaaatttt months for apple!:D !:D !:D

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  • wywern209
    Apr 25, 06:44 PM
    ehh, i don't think much will change from the unibody we have this yr. there might be some infusion of liquid metal for sturdiness but besides that, i don't think much will change. on the other hand, USB3 will be standard next yr and maybe some stuff will be out to take advantage of lightpeak. and i seriously doubt that we will have super highres stuff next year for the laptops. I anticipate higher res ACDs but nothing more.

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  • Westside guy
    Sep 14, 10:59 AM
    Why do people seem convinced Apple won't release something like an SLR or video camera?

    If you'd followed the dSLR world at all over the past two years, you wouldn't ask this question. :) Canon and Nikon are doing well; most everyone else is dropping like flies. Sony is trying to pick up the pieces that were Konica-Minolta's dSLR business, but at best they're going to be a distant third behind the Big Two. Pentax and Olympus are holding on as far as I know, but they are not doing well.

    It would be a very poor move for Apple, and I have no doubt they realize this. You might think Apple has a rabid fan base to draw on - go read any "Nikon vs. Canon" thread on any photo discussion board sometime to see REAL rabidity. :D

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  • nospleen
    Sep 10, 08:29 AM
    My point as just that if intel doubles the number of cores every 6th month, I believe that lifespan of a Mac is going to be substantially shorter. I doubt that the people who just bought a new MacPro realized that their computer would be as fast as an "entry level" computer within a year. Old Macs, like my own MDD, will be deemed to live in a time-bubble with now means of interacting with newer computers.
    Things have certainly changed after the PPC ->x86 transition.

    I am not quite following you. It is not as if your mac will slow down because the new one has more cores? Or, are you saying the requirements to run the software will increase at a faster rate because the hardware is improving so rapidly, thus dating your mac prematurely?

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  • Lesser Evets
    Apr 30, 02:13 PM
    :eek: How in the world can you make that statement? My 50gb Blu-Ray discs would disagree with you.

    I understand where you are coming from. With your feet planted in set in concrete, unable to fathom future developments based on the experimental or high-end tech of the day, the Blu-Ray seems endlessly of value. Much like the tape reels of the 60s.

    The BluRay is going away for one very specific reason: mechanical. By 2016 the flash memory chips for 50gb will probably be so everyday and cheap that bulky, mechanical BluRay will seem awkward. By 2019 I'd bet you can store several times more than a BluRay on medium-priced thumb-drive.

    Proof? Look back 6 years when a 1gb thumb-drive was a huge chunk of cash. Look back 10 years when a 512MB thumb-drive was almost prohibitive to buy. The future is non-mechanical.

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  • puckhead193
    Oct 12, 07:02 PM
    from the pictures it looks gotta check it out in person though

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  • bellatrixr
    Sep 12, 02:34 PM
    Gapless playback? What does this mean?

    How will the home sync work? I don't want to screw up my iPod, my home library on my MacBook Pro & my iTunes library on my office G5.

    I've downloaded iTunes 7, bought a game (same trouble w/my 5G; still no iPod software update yet to make the game work) & clicked to "Get Album Artwork," which seems to be running in the background. So far so good.

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  • surf2snow1
    Mar 30, 11:48 AM
    I want my 5 mins back from reading this article and writing this post......

    Sue M$

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  • djon41
    Mar 23, 04:36 PM
    It's very odd coming to MR and seeing a map of your own town on the front page.

    ha, seconded. Had to do a double take.

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  • asdf542
    Apr 22, 11:52 AM
    It doesn't happen because what they should really be putting is Blu-Ray.
    If Blu-Ray was going to happen it would've been in the refresh of 2011 MBP's. I can't imagine the optical drive being around much longer in anything other than the Mac Pro.

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  • shanmugam
    Apr 30, 02:00 PM
    Weren't they just updated in October? Yes it may be closer, but not for a while yet considering the last update was over a year. :rolleyes:

    the sandy bridget turbo boost will give good CPU performance upgrade from current MBA

    but with lower GPU performance

    mostly more battery life also, so it is due for refresh as well, MBA is currently selling well, so will receive a nice upgrade cycle compared to the old MBAs cycles (one year minimum)

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  • Peace
    Sep 1, 09:02 AM
    I'm starting to question the validity of any keynote.There's only one story about it and it's not even on the radio shows webpage.Why are there not more media types getting "invitations" ?

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  • freiheit
    Sep 9, 05:20 PM
    What i find odd is that it appears to allow 1 or 2GB in either slot, but no more than 3GB in total. That is obviously the maximum the board can take, but it would have made a little more sense to allow 2GB in each.

    I wholeheartedly agree. I'm at a point (thanks to apps like Parallels) where I am ready to replace both my PC and my G5 PowerMac with a single system. I can't really justify the cost of the MacPro (even the low-end is over $2K) but if I'm to be running both Mac and Windows simultaneously, 4GB RAM capacity in the iMac would be very much appreciated. 3GB would do, but the cost difference between the 2GB and 3GB option right now is extremely high ($575 more to go from 2GB to 3GB, not $575 total for 3GB) which puts the 17" iMac right in the price range of the low-end MacPro.

    Did anyone else also notice the verbage in the "how much RAM do I need" section on the iMac store page that says you can choose a "one SO-DIMM" option to keep 2 slots free? Why do I not see this as an option? There's 2x512MB, 2x1GB and 1x2GB+1x1GB.

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  • KingCrimson
    Apr 22, 04:22 PM
    Right becuase the iPhone is a full laptop running OSX :rolleyes:

    Ask yourself why you would want a full OS-X device in that form factor. It's hardly genius, and that's why :apple: won't ever do it.

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  • PhantomPumpkin
    Feb 14, 10:27 AM
    Thanks for reminding me to put you on ignore. I know how easy it is to identify an operating system, but if they bothered to make a message just for Mac users it stands to reason they made malware for Mac users too. Or would they just make the message for fun? We all know what funny guys malware writers are.

    It doesn't matter if it hasn't propagated, it never even would have happened in the past. The more malware attacks there are on the Mac, the greater the chance of one of them actually becoming a widespread nuisance.

    You do realize with that it's essentially an additional if/then statement, versus coding something from the ground up. They're not changing their code to include the iOS, they're changing their code to include a new output if it detects the iOS/Mac OS tag. It's really not that hard to do.

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  • donlphi
    Sep 5, 12:25 PM
    Hopefully it doesn't turn out to be another device like the Apple hi-fi. What a let down that was!

    So we will get movie service from iTunes, a new iPOD NANO with a metal scratchproof case, a new Airport extreme with Audio and Video OUT... no hi-def for sure... and a bump in processor speed for the whole line.

    Am I really leaving anything out?

    We'll see next week. The hype always just creates this big let down for me. Hopefully my negative attitude will bring me happiness, regardless of what is presented.


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  • BC2009
    Mar 30, 11:40 AM
    It goes to show you what our legal system really is like. Kind of goes to show you that much of our legal system is nothing more than expensive babies fighting. Also goes to show you why our government is such a mess because guess what most of our political leaders are........ You guessed it LAWYERS. This is pretty much a world wide thing.

    Yeah -- makes you wonder why the American Revolution ever happened. We replaced somebody who ruled by birthright with somebody who ruled by the merits of being a better lawyer. I guess you can't win. If only all political leaders could have been like George Washington who hated political parties.

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  • Kelmon
    Sep 14, 01:00 PM
    Gee, I love that a thread about a photography event has been hijacked by wishes for a new MacBook Pro. As far as I am concerned the release of these laptops can't come soon enough. For the last month the money has been in the bank for the biggest, bad-ass MacBook Pro that Apple will release so I'm just waiting and hoping now. Following the announcements on Tuesday I may throw in an iPod (3-years+ of Mac and I've only held one once...) unless my wife catches me first.

    Bring it on.

    Mar 22, 02:47 PM
    I'm waiting for the refresh of the Mac Mini myself. We're set for around the middle of May to get the tax refund for our state returns around then and that would be a perfect time for them to come out with the refresh.

    Apr 25, 06:24 PM
    I'm so glad that I didn't upgrade! :D

    Apr 20, 10:22 AM
    That section states that by turning off Location Services, the data won't be tracked/collected. I think that these guys are saying that the data still is being collected, regardless of what your Location settings are.


    What evidence, though? Just stating it means nothing. Prove it. Show us the data from that time when it was off.

    Dec 31, 01:57 AM
    Yes, this sticky obtrusive and uninstallable piece of junk that constantly plagues people in the PC world (not to mention it radically slows your machine down. I recently installed Flash player on the PC side and without my permission McAffe was installed....ARGGGHH. Now they want to infect the Mac world....PLEASE NO!

    Hurf. There was a checkbox for installing a trial version. You didn't uncheck it.

    Maybe this is why you're using OSX then. It makes choices for you. Not yours, but you know...

    Sep 8, 09:00 AM
    Because I don't know much about computers- can Leopard run on just Core Duo processors or does it need to be Core 2 Duo?

    Leopard will even run on PowerPC macs.

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