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  • iMouse
    Apr 20, 10:03 AM
    Looks as if the data is more or less for AT&T's purposes than for Apple's. A lot of the data is in a grid form on the map, possibly using tower triangulation to determine signal issues in a given area.

    The dates coincide with the release of iOS 4 for sure.

    Still not cool that this is being pushed to backups and appears to keep a never-ending history on the device unless restored and set up as new.

    funny justin bieber pics 2011. JUSTIN BIEBER CALENDAR 2011

  • Analog Kid
    Sep 16, 02:40 AM
    This is the most credible of the iPhone rumors I've seen so far-- in no small part because it didn't have a picture attached... The feature set sounds right, the move away from doing everything from the ground up sounds right. There's a lot of companies that have put a lot of effort into building technologies for cell phones-- it would be foolhardy for Apple to think they could do everything better. Get into the market with something that innovates in one small area-- even if that's just in its support for iTunes. Once you understand the market a little better, improve on the pieces you think you can.

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  • Justin Bieber featuring Rascal

  • FSUSem1noles
    Apr 22, 05:28 AM
    Great, another way to chew through our cellular data..

    I can see it now, after the release of this "cloud service" the cell companies are going to scream bloody murder "our networks can't handle all this data consumption on, we have to raise rates to upgrade our infrastructure, yada, yada.."

    Zooooooom, we the consumer get the shaft yet again!

    funny justin bieber pics 2011. FUNNY JUSTIN BIEBER PICS 2011

  • getBytesLoaded
    Sep 26, 02:08 PM
    Hey everybody,
    So often I hear people talk about how great the customer service is for Verizon, Cingular, and Sprint. Why are all of you in need of customer service with these companies? I'm with T Mobile and have never needed to call and straighten a bill out, or get credit applied to my account. I'd say the best customer service is the kind you don't need to use. So, I'm hoping that T Mobile will carry the iPhone 6 months after the initial release.

    funny justin bieber pics 2011. FUNNY JUSTIN BIEBER PICS 2011

  • Benjy91
    Apr 19, 07:15 AM
    So what? They're already getting sued by Apple, so what's another lawsuit? Point is, contract breach or not, Samsung could cripple Apple's whole ecosystem within days by halting all processor shipments. Apple makes the vast majority on iDevices and this would kill Apple's whole economic model. And this doesn't even account for Samsungs components that go into their Macs. As a result, Apple would have no hardware to sell. They would dip into their treasure chest. It could be devastating to Apple.

    But then they'd have been hammered with 2 law-suits, and then lost their 2nd biggest customer. Thats financial suicide, Apple would find someone else for parts.

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  • justin bieber 2011 new haircut

  • dp351
    Oct 27, 04:32 PM
    I'm glad they were ejected. Green Peace is a joke anyway. Very few poeple take them seriously. The envitonmentalist movement is a joke as well. Nothing but a collection of displaced communists.

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  • Cat, justin bieber bike funny

  • milo
    Sep 5, 01:53 PM
    Do you know a Tivo is a computer? It has a microprocessor and runs Linux. However, they don't try to make it a computer. That is why their idea has caught on.

    That, and they keep the cost low by subsidizing it with subscriptions. A box for sale has to be cheap, and a device that just streams video, no hard drive at all, could be even cheaper than a tivo.

    Is a streaming box really what you want? I mean, it's one thing to connect my airport express to my bose stereo system and let it play a playlist from my computer in my office, but if we have a streaming video, we still have to go to our office and start the video from the other room. If that's the case, I might as well move my computer to my living room.

    They will have to have something that allows you to access your audio and video files with a remote. Maybe an aiport express with a remote control and user interface similar, but better than frontrow.

    Right now a mac mini can do all of the things you need it to. You can stream video from another computer on the network, you can connect it to your T.V. and stereo. What would be the point of a new airport extreme if for $200 more you can get an entire compuer.

    just some random thoughts...

    A streaming box is DEFINITELY what I want. I assume they will have a remote available for this, not having one would be a deal breaker and I doubt they'd release this half baked.

    A mini can do this, but starting at $599, it's going to be more than $200 more than an airport video. And I'd much rather have my mini somewhere else in the house so I don't have to try and read the menus on my NTSC TV, or have a monitor next to my TV.

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  • funny justin bieber edits.

  • ten-oak-druid
    Apr 4, 11:43 AM
    The problem with stolen Apple products would be no Applecare.

    Anyway, these mall cops should carry Taser Apps on their iphones.

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  • funny justin bieber edits.

  • HecubusPro
    Aug 28, 09:35 PM
    yeah... and what about the past years when they have run the promotion and not added newly released product to the rebate? thats what i was referring to.

    And this is why I say it can go either way. The release of the C2D mac systems are not dependent upon the rebate IMO. It might happen or it might not. My guess is that Apple is not releasing their new computers based upon when the rebate ends. They'll simply release them, and if they happen to fall within the rebate period, that's not necessarily by design. But it is our good fortune. :)

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  • Justin-ieber-vanity-fair-

  • Cheffy Dave
    Apr 22, 03:22 PM
    AMD Fusion w/RadeonHD 6xxx and Price drop to $799 for the 11" and $899 for 13.3" - now that would send the sales skyrocketing.

    What do you think of those specs Scottsdale ol friend?:apple:

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  • Justin Bieber smiling amp;

  • Stevamundo
    Apr 28, 05:43 PM
    Well thank you Steve Balmer. Why in the hell did Gates left him in charge I never will understand.

    While Steve Jobs is great.

    See you have two kinds of Steves, one is an idiot and other one is highly intelligent. :D

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  • justin bieber funny faces

  • Eraserhead
    Aug 23, 05:10 PM
    It seems advantageous for both parties, Creative get the opportunity to make some money for a change too ;)

    funny justin bieber pics 2011. funny justin bieber pics 2011.
  • funny justin bieber pics 2011.

  • vd0t
    Sep 9, 11:19 AM
    Is one of the 512MB RAM on the iMac soldered on?? :confused:

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  • justin bieber funny moments

  • mdntcallr
    Oct 27, 01:17 PM
    well, i believe in saving the environment. but they ought to stick to the space plan for the convention.

    Dont go PETA route. be nice, but get the message across

    funny justin bieber pics 2011. April 5, 2011
  • April 5, 2011

  • Kingsly
    Aug 31, 06:42 PM
    iPod for sale by Kingsly. :p :D

    No, really. Im selling mine in anticipation of this event.

    funny justin bieber pics 2011. funny justin bieber edits.
  • funny justin bieber edits.

  • wnurse
    Sep 18, 01:47 PM
    Who in their right mind would want a microsoft phone :eek: :eek:

    90% or so of the rest of the world that uses windows. Why do you ask?

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  • Justin bieber funny animated

  • shelterpaw
    Oct 27, 11:51 AM
    Good for Apple. Get those tree hugging hippies out of there. Everytime Greenpeace complains Steve Jobs kills a baby seal.I think Steve Jobs considered himself one of those hippies. He only eats organic foods and is a vegan. He rides a bike too. We saw him ride to Stanford Shopping Center a couple months ago. I doubt he likes any group affecting his bottomline, but I bet he's pushing to make things more environmentally friendly. Plus, there's plenty of places to recycle electronics and I'm not sure why corporations are being held responsible. I'd imagine waste managment companies could offer that service as they do recycling for other products. I'm a firm believer that it's an individuals responsibility to recycle, but companies need to make an effort in the production process as well.

    funny justin bieber pics 2011. 03-09-2011 at 01:23 AM.
  • 03-09-2011 at 01:23 AM.

  • marksman
    Mar 23, 05:19 PM
    I am going to say that I am in favor of not having Apps whose only purpose is to assist people in breaking laws and also increase the possibility that someone innocent will get injured or killed because of the use of such an Application.

    In other words if there is no legitimate use for an App other than to break the law and put people's lives in dangers, I think it is reasonable to ask Apple to review their policy on such things.

    Anyone who drives drunk these days has major problems. Anyone who uses a phone/tablet app to assist them in driving drunk is a complete arse and I can only hope bad things happen to them.

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  • justin-ieber-mustache-cca-

  • fetchmebeers
    Sep 12, 03:00 PM
    Off Apple's website that he pointed you to:
    Playback time (30GB model)

    Apr 4, 11:43 AM
    Rent-a-cops have guns? And shoot people IN THE HEAD? I'm amazed.

    That said, this is pretty ******. Sure, the guy was a criminal lowlife, and he certainly deserved punishment, but I don't think he deserved to get killed. Oh well.

    Sep 14, 07:52 PM
    If you'd followed the dSLR world at all over the past two years, you wouldn't ask this question. :) Canon and Nikon are doing well; most everyone else is dropping like flies. Sony is trying to pick up the pieces that were Konica-Minolta's dSLR business, but at best they're going to be a distant third behind the Big Two. Pentax and Olympus are holding on as far as I know, but they are not doing well.

    It would be a very poor move for Apple, and I have no doubt they realize this. You might think Apple has a rabid fan base to draw on - go read any "Nikon vs. Canon" thread on any photo discussion board sometime to see REAL rabidity. :D
    I can see why they are not doing that well...... A film SLR is a heck of a lot cheaper and they were harder to make. They are charging way too much. Back in the old times we all had film SLR's for the quality, ability to change lens (not that different from todays lenses), etc. Unless you are a pro the prices are way out of most people budget. You spend 700 to 4000 for a body and every lens is 500. Crazy.

    Mar 23, 05:33 PM
    Very surprised by many of the responses in support of pulling the apps. I think Apple shouldn't. No I don't support drunk driving, but his borders on ridiculous. There are other apps that supposedly help to circumvent the law... red light camera apps, speed trap apps, police radio scanner apps. So doing one of these things is different? Type in the word "Pot" int he app store and your find apps for cannibus. Isn't that against the law? So now we are going to censor the app store. You open the door for one thing and the government will march right through and pick thing after thing. Bad idea.

    Apr 30, 02:54 PM
    Given what we know, this may be a pretty minor bump in specs...if so, will the Apple stores have some "current" (now) soon to be "older" (on Tuesday) models marked down? Or, will the online store pretty quickly have some on mark-down like they did with the 1st Gen iPads when the iPad2 came out. Just looking for some thoughts from the Mac Vets, here...

    I'm looking for a machine to replace my win7 box, 20 inch do basics on, mostly...writing, social media, internet, some basic video editing (nothing complicated), some basic music editing (again, simple stuff, nothing intensive), and minor web site work.

    They will be listed under the Refurbished Section. It will be a good deal, yes. It sounds like you wouldn't need the newest model anyway.

    Sep 13, 09:14 PM
    Dear god, enough with the phone rumors already!:mad:

    Would you prefer us to go back to the PowerBook G5 rumors instead? :p ;) :D

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