de amor y de sombra

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  • GregA
    Mar 26, 05:21 PM
    While Apple may yet issue several such candidates before reaching the final version to be released to consumers, the candidate designation would suggest that Apple has essentially completed development on the new operating system version and will simply be fixing bugs that crop up at the last minute during the testing process.

    so, it's beta #1? Feature complete but still has bugs to iron out.
    Golden master is usually when they are confident of no bugs isn't it?

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  • rdowns
    Apr 27, 09:20 AM;page=101

    There you have it. The birthers aren't satisfied. I knew it.

    Trump now wants to see and taste the after-birth before dropping the issue. :rolleyes:

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  • de amor y de sombra. sombra de

  • hulugu
    Mar 17, 01:45 PM
    ...@5p who says Ron Paul would be any different once elected into office. Its obvious that once presidents get into office that something changes and they try to govern from the middle.

    This seems to be the unfortunate reality. While, as other have pointed out, Obama has worked towards withdrawing US forces in Iraq and reengaging in Afghanistan�both things that he said he would do�Obama has failed in closing Guantanamo and recent debacles in Pakistan and Afghanistan have hurt our image in the Mid East and Central Asia.

    It's interesting, I don't see hypocrisy on Obama's part, rather I see him trying and failing to deal with shifting realities on the ground and a combative political party.

    I think Obama might be right about Libya, even if it's another military engagement.
    I think Obama's right about Afghanistan, even though we need to reign in the CIA's operations in Pakistan.
    I think Obama's right about Iraq, we needed to leave years ago and now is certainly the time to go.

    I think Obama's wrong about military tribunals at Guantanamo, but I also understand that the situation is complex, difficult, and fraught with fear-mongering from the right.
    I also think he's wrong about the PATRIOT Act.

    Of course, the question of whether Ron Paul would be any different is effectively academic because Paul has yet to survive a GOP primary. If Republicans agree with Paul on these issues, they should make Paul their next presidential candidate.

    He's a common sense constitutional conservative, enemy of tyranny everywhere, and an unfailing defender of fundamental human liberty.

    Apparently, he's Captain America.

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  • De Amor Y De Sombra

  • Cheese
    Aug 20, 12:51 PM
    Freescale? Where does Freescale have a 64 -bit spot on their road map? (I want to know) Could this be.. really? Freescale? Now there's a twist I for one, did not see

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  • leekohler
    Mar 1, 07:47 AM
    It's amazing how the message can be impacted so much by where it is coming from. If leekohler would have said "I'm chronically gay," many of us might've gotten a chuckle out of it. ;)

    The sheer willful ignorance is astounding. People like this do not want to understand others who are different from them. They want to remain ignorant.

    de amor y de sombra. de amor y de sombra isabel
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  • Yamcha
    Apr 19, 02:08 PM
    Sorry about the caps but everyone should see this:


    Here are the phones they announced:

    So, is it possible for a mod to get rid of this? It's trolling and FUD at its finest.

    According to Wikipedia It was released in Feb before the iPhone was released..

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  • de amor y de sombra isabel allende

  • seany916
    Aug 27, 10:30 AM
    Hecubus Pro,

    I was distraught, and, as a huge gamer (not fat, just a video game fan )

    That was funny! :D :p

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  • de amor y de sombra

  • Cabbit
    Mar 26, 05:51 AM
    Im guessing its going to be �45 from the app store (same as aperture). And they'll be no boxed version, or the boxed version will be prohibitory expensive to discourage buying the boxed version.

    And i am looking forward to using it as a main OS, i love the better use of the trackpad and removal of visible scroll bars.

    de amor y de sombra. DE AMOR Y DE SOMBRA. cmaier
  • DE AMOR Y DE SOMBRA. cmaier

  • BGil
    Aug 7, 04:42 PM
    Which takes us back to the behavior that was the default on VAX systems running VMS 20 years ago... Microsoft is implementing something similar in Vista as well.


    Yeah, Apple is definitely copying Microsoft now... it's pretty undeniable. Time Machine is virtually identical to Microsoft's backup system for Vista.

    "Previous Docs" from Wikipedia:
    "Previous Versions", previously known as Volume Shadow Copy in Windows Server provides read-only snapshots of files on local or network volumes from an earlier point in time. A new tab in the Properties dialog for any file or folder provides users with straightforward access to these previous versions.

    System Restore, Shadow Copy, and Backup in Vista now run on the same technology (so they are considerably different than the XP versions).

    iChat basically got the remote screen sharing feature that Microsoft shipped with XP in 2001 (included in Windows Messenger) and the presentation/app sharing features from Windows collaboration in Vista.

    Mail and iCal got a bunch of features from Outlook 2007 and Windows Live Calendar/Mail.

    Dashboard's ability to clip web pages is straight out of Active Desktop.

    the Spotlight improvements were things that Indexing Server in XP/2000/2003 already did. Even windows desktop search (enterprise) and Vista include that functionality as well.

    Spaces is virtual desktops just like the powertoy MS released years ago

    Core Animation looks like Apple's response to all the DX and WPF (Avalon) animation tools in Vista.

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  • de amor y de sombra

  • plinden
    Apr 27, 01:22 PM
    Trump is a hero. :rolleyes:

    Days like this - I turn to the Onion -,20250/

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  • de amor y de sombra.

  • dgree03
    Apr 6, 04:00 PM
    "Junk?" You're hilarious. Show me a single Honeycomb app that compares to GarageBand. Keynote. Pages. OmniFocus. Swords & Sworcery. Djay. The list goes on and on. Enjoy your widgets. It's too bad for your wife you don't know how to find and download good iPad apps for her.

    Is every app in the app store of the same caliber as those few apps you named?(a few of which are apple made apps, so I wouldnt expectless)

    There is junk in the iOS store and junk in Android.

    de amor y de sombra. de amor y de sombra
  • de amor y de sombra

  • Squire
    Aug 8, 05:52 AM
    Okay, after reading the ten pages, here are my thoughts:

    I think one of the biggest things is the iChat remote desktop functionality. I have long been wanting very basic Apple Remote Desktop abilities in OS X. It is the perfect way to help a friend or family member troubleshoot a computer problem or teach them how to do a particular task.

    Now, it seems, in iChat, all they have to do is share their screen, and you can take over! (If I am reading the description correctly!)

    This is huge, in my opinion. I even considered buying Remote Desktop last year to help my computer-challenged family members with certain issues. Excellent-- yet totally unexpected-- development. (Strange that they didn't demo this feature during the keynote, though.)

    Oh yeah, Time Machine is cool.

    And this is the other biggie for me. Idiot proof and, in my opinion, truly necessary. Sure, you hope you'll never need it but it's the same with insurance. (And to those whining about the space theme, don't worry. Someone-- either Apple or a 3rd party developer-- will make it so the theme can be changed. Personally, I like it.)

    From this site:

    Closed captioning
    QuickTime currently supports closed captioning by including a text track alongside audio and video content. But improved QuickTime support will automatically display the CEA-608 closed captioning text standard in analog broadcasts in the U.S.


    Anyone think this means support for Closed Captioning in iTunes video downloads? As a hearing-impaired Mac-User, the lack of subtitles/captions in the TV shows is the one thing keeping me from buying a bunch of them. I hope they address this issue soon...

    Good point. I would love that if they ever decided to make TV shows available to those outside the US.

    * Mail: The advancements are welcome. I, also, send emails to myself all the time. Good idea.

    * Spaces: Well, not a huge feature for me. I think Expose does a good enough job.

    * Dashboard: I like the web clip thing.

    * Spotlight: Not much new there for my use.

    * iCal: I never use it but now that the To Do list option is there, I might.

    * Accessibility: I think the new voice is more important than some may think. Having an OS voice that sounds, well, real, might have some interesting applications.

    * 64-bit: Depends on apps, doesn't it?

    * Core Animation: Now, is this something the average Joe can utilize or is it for pros? Looks cool, nonetheless.

    Enhanced iChat: Nifty new features, but here's the deal: Apple needs to look beyond Cupertino and survey the IM landscape that exists outside of the US, because it's huge. Most PC-using kids and twenty-somethings overseas live and breath and depend on two kinds of software, an internet browser and an IM client. Overseas, Yahoo and MS Messenger are all that's used and the features that are provided by those clients are heavily depended upon by the overseas youth culture because they were born and raised on that stuff. If iChat (or any other client) at a minimum can't provide support for Yahoo and MS Messenger protocols with absolute one for one feature parity with PC's, you can forget about selling a Mac (or at least the Mac OS) to these kids, because it's just an absolute deal-killer without IM support that they are used to. The IM culture overseas is just that big, that integrated, and they (along with their IM friends) don't use AOL and they don't use .Mac and they aren't going to. The IM scene overseas and it's dependence on MS Messenger and Yahoo is practically a youth culture in and of itself now and ignoring that is simply bad business for Apple at this point.

    Of all the iChat comments on these 10 pages, this one is the most significant. Apple has to get together with Microsoft and Yahoo! to work this out. I know, like, 3 people who use AOL. and I don't want a 3rd party patch job. (I know some of you swear by Adium but I really like iChat.)

    Finally, it appears that some of these make features included in the .mac service redundant. Specifically, Backup (displaced by Time Machine) and, to a lesser extent, iCards (now challenged by the stationery features in Mail). This is in direct contrast to MWSF '06 where it seemed that .Mac would take on a larger role.


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  • Eniregnat
    Aug 7, 03:34 PM
    It looks like the improvements to Universal Access ( alone will encourage me to upgrade. Finally better TTS voices! I just purchased two voices from Cepstral ( I wonder if Apple will provide voices with an accent. I have grown fond of the British accented “Millie” voice. Luckely, I think the lybrary extensions that Cepstral offers are UB.

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  • gorgeousninja
    Mar 23, 09:32 AM
    LG and others had semi-smartphones with 3.5" screens back in 2006 and early 2007

    If you ever used one of the LG phones or the numerous Japanese keitai's of that time then you'd know, that even though they were cutting edge for the time, they were still nowhere near being 'smartphones'.

    Terrible UI with endless menu's, confusing icons, and new features randomly bolted on.

    No matter how much the petty minded haters want to see it, the truth is that Apple made a quantum leap forward with the iPhone, and some people ought to be a little less bitter and more thankful for it.

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  • Fotos de de amor y de sombra

  • jonnysods
    Apr 6, 08:02 AM
    Yikes! Better offload my copy of the current version of FCS before it drops too low.

    Any takers? :D

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  • de amor y de sombra isabel

  • samcraig
    Apr 27, 08:18 AM
    and the very next day apple will be swamped with support calls asking why it's taking so long to get one's location

    No they won't. They're not going to delete the DB - they're only storing a week. Did you read the story?

    de amor y de sombra. De Amor y de Sombra
  • De Amor y de Sombra

  • grue
    Apr 11, 08:42 PM
    Oh, and this is a more minor gripe, btu they need to pull their heads out of their asses and fix their volume licensing program, it's rubbish.

    de amor y de sombra. De Amor Y De Sombra / of Love And Shadows (Spanish Edition). Click here to view the full sized image
  • De Amor Y De Sombra / of Love And Shadows (Spanish Edition). Click here to view the full sized image

  • erockerboy
    Aug 17, 01:07 PM
    Great post - you said it all.

    I think everyone has to remember that Apple took a HUGE PR risk by switching to intel and that it would be foolish to think that they didn't have a VERY GOOD REASON for doing it. As much as RISC is loved here, there really is no compelling reason to think that the G5 architecture stands much of a chance in this comparison. Furthermore, it is foolish to assume that a "up-to-date" G5 would fare any better, firstly because IBM has never stopped developing the G5 (its primary usage was IBM blade servers after all) and secondly because the Core 2 architecture as it stands now isn't being pushed to perform at its maximum levels. In the end, arrogance and pride has never helped anyone, its time to let go.

    de amor y de sombra. Noche de amor
  • Noche de amor

  • oldwatery
    Apr 19, 02:09 PM
    What annoys me even more is that Apple always seems to make these claims that they made such and such first, and that Windows is copying Mac OS.. What annoys me is if you know a bit of the history you'll find that Apple copied Xerox interface, with permission of course, but it's not like they came up with it first..

    Now they are making another claim that Samsung is copying..


    Everything is just a development of something else.
    There is no absolute originality.
    This is a stupid waste of time and effort.
    But I guess when you get all big and high and mighty then why not throw some of the spare cash at a silly law suit if for no other reason than getting more publicity.

    Apr 6, 03:08 PM
    Find me a better GMail/Email, Maps, Browser on the iPad and other stuff you will actually use most often and I'll sell my XOOM. Since I've had my XOOM, I haven't touched the iPad2. Everytime I pick it up I miss using the XOOM.

    I actually prefer Atomic Web Browser on iOS to Chrome on the Xoom. But the difference is so minor...

    Mar 26, 01:01 AM
    Sandy Bridge iMac + Lion. ;)

    Jul 27, 10:11 AM
    All of the reviews of the Core 2 Duo say that it crushes AMD in the desktop arena. This is good news

    This week, anyhow. This stuff goes back-and-forth like a tennis match.

    I don't know if it's a good thing or not, it just is. I prefer AMD on the whole, as I like their design philosophy. But, I'm totally happy with the Intel chip in my MacBook. Whatever works. I find as I get older, the same computers get faster while I just get slower. :D

    Aug 16, 11:28 PM
    this is the paragraph from the article that makes more sense for Adobe users on the quad G5:

    Should you buy a new Mac Pro or a closeout or refurbished Quad-Core G5? If cost is a factor and you use non-UB pro apps (like Photoshop CS2), then we think the Quad-Core G5 is still a valid choice. After all, you can sell it on eBay when Photoshop CS3 is released and buy next year's "Octo-Core" Mac Pro."

    It makes me itching now. I want a Mac Pro! :eek:
    But I think wait for the "Octo-Core" will be rewarding alongside Adobe CS3.

    Aug 26, 06:31 PM
    Can someone briefly explain the huge benefits of Santa Rosa (in layman's terms) or post a link to a thread/description of it?

    Much thanks.

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