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  • itcheroni
    Apr 16, 12:03 PM
    Flat taxes are always very regressive, basically the reason why this is a bad idea, is that the people it effects are mostly the ones who can't afford it. and the rich will just sit on their money and not spend a lot and not benefit the economy.

    And for the poorer people it would create more reliance on social security and medicare, because now what little money they used to have to save has been taken in the massive tax hike they would just get.

    I'm not saying that we don't need reform of our tax system, but a flat tax isn't the way to do it.

    How do you feel about inflation? To me, inflation is the most regressive tax.

    There is also the incorrect notion that "spending" is what drives an economy, that if a rich person doesn't "spend" their money then he or she is not benefiting the economy. What our economy currently needs is less spending and more saving. Savings and investments create jobs, not consumption.

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  • nuckinfutz
    May 7, 02:48 PM
    It's no assumption at all that Apple's getting into the advertising game. They announced iAd loud and clear as part of the iPhone's new OS. Your assuming these ads won't make it into any thing other than apps and I'm saying you're mistaken.

    Why would they limit a massive profit opportunity and a chance to deliver a huge financial blow to their new arch enemy? They wouldn't. Google's laid the groundwork for how these free services work. Apple's may just put their spin on it.

    I do think that a paid, ad free version would exist. They'll continue their current service uninterrupted. But to offer it free, well, "Ain't nothin' free, baby." They'll generate revenue off it with their new ad system. It wouldn't make any sense not to. It's just the world in which we live.

    I'll admit the money is there but Apple skews conservative and I believe what they say when they state that iAds are an option for developers seeking to deliver free or low cost iPhone/iPad apps. I don't get the feeling that Apple wants to extend iAds everywhere. Putting adds in MobileMe doesn't grant them much IMO. The play for free MobileMe will start and end with iLife and iPhone/iPod/iPad/App Store

    Is the size of Apple's NC Data Center overkill for just delivering MobileMe services? Or is that the type of facility they would need to bring it in-house with current subscribers?

    It's the type of facility that makes me believe that Apple will be rolling out a whole lot more of Cloud services. At 500k ft^2 it's bigger than many of Google's datacenters and it's 5x larger than Apple's Cali datacenter. Apple's plans for the Cloud are big.

    Eh... iDisk is stored locally then synced in the background. When you work on your iDisk files you edit the local file on HD which is then synced to the cloud. Sorry mate but I guess you fall into category of people who don't understand the fundamental difference between iDisk and Drop Box. iDisk file transfer speed is dead slow and Drop Box is fast...

    Only if you choose to "sync" your data in the preferences as was stated before in this thread so in fact iDisk out of the box does "not" work like Drop Box. I think WebDAV may be a speed culprit as well but if anyone knows of a blazing fast WebDAV service chime in.

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  • cav23j
    Mar 26, 10:49 PM
    In the keynote, didn't Jobs say 2011 was the year of the iPad 2? I thought that pretty much smashed the rumors of an iPad 3 this year.

    means nothing
    people are reading too much into that slide

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  • P-Worm
    Apr 7, 10:02 AM
    I see the short sighted Apple pom-pom shakers are once again giddy with excitement. The juvenile remarks are embarrassing.

    For some strange reason you think monopolies are good for consumers.

    How is Apple a monopoly in this case? There is nothing stopping other companies from entering the LCD business and making more displays. Just because Apple has a lot of money to buy things does not make them a monopoly.


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  • stridemat
    May 7, 02:05 PM
    hmmm ............. is free.

    maybe some combined functionality setup soon?

    Over the air syncing for iWork documents on the iPad?

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  • lucabrasi
    Mar 30, 07:08 PM
    I can confirm that Preview 2 works w/ the 2011 MBPs.

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  • bdkennedy1
    Mar 28, 09:59 AM
    GOOD! I am tired of Apple's yearly release cycles.

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  • LucidPsychosis
    May 9, 01:54 PM
    Oh dear god I hope this turns out to be true. I really want an @me e-mail address, but I'm not willing to pay for it :p

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  • MistaBungle
    Mar 30, 05:48 PM
    Excellent. Downloading and cannot wait to load.

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  • macadam212
    Mar 28, 11:06 AM
    Maybe they want the iPhone and iPod Touch to come out at the same time?

    They are almost the same product.

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  • LaMerVipere
    Aug 7, 02:56 PM

    � $2,499 standard price of Mac Pro ($2,299 for Education)

    ��$2,124 is the lowest you can configure the Mac Pro ($1,962 for Education)

    ���To get it that low, you have to drop the processors from 2.66GHz to 2GHz and and the hard drive from 250GB to 160GB

    � Airport Extreme & Bluetooth 2.0 still not standard

    � Weak graphics card standard (GeForce 7300, ugh)

    and as a sidenote:

    � MacBook Pro & MacBook processors untouched

    � iMac untouched

    � iPod product line grows more stale by the day

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  • Vulpinemac
    Apr 25, 09:33 AM
    I've been reading MacRumors for years - only added to the discussion a few times since 08. Not a troll, but still considered a "newbie". :D

    Well, he did say "most". If their join date were, say, yesterday, then they're much more likely to be a troll, no?

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  • When it comes to real estate

  • Applejuiced
    Mar 26, 11:33 PM
    I'm not sure.. I do think the iPhone 5 SHOULD be delayed a few months on their part as the iPhone 4 is still selling like crazy and they have not tapped out that market.

    You're right about sales and its still very popular but to keep up with the competition they need to release one every year and maybe even sooner if they can IMO.
    Android and win mobile come out with new phones every few months and lots of better hardware and other stuff trying to take away from the iphone.
    They're flooding the market with cheaper and more powerfull smartphones, the longer Apple takes the more marketshare they will lose.

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  • Watabou
    Apr 9, 08:13 PM
    Following PEMDAS (Parenthesis, Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtraction):

    But you have to also follow it from left to right.

    Suppose subtraction precedes addition, like this: 4-5+6, then the answer would be 5 not -7.

    Similarly, in this case, division is first so you have to divide first.

    This is how I would solve the equation:


    = 48/2*12
    = 24 * 12
    = 288.


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  • ChickenSwartz
    Aug 2, 03:28 PM
    This is a DEVELOPERS' conference!! Steve usually announces something on ONE new/updated product. You guys who are "predicting" that Apple will update everything in the lineup are asking for a let down.

    ONE new thing (Mac Pro) will be announced -- speed bumps and other updates usually happen 2-4 weeks AFTER the Developers' Conference. iMacs and MacBook Pros might get bumped in early September but that's it.

    I think "one" new thing will be the Core 2 Duo. This is the chip developers want in their computers: Mac Pro and MacBook Pro. I think it will be introduced in the iMac as the "Oh by the way, I have been using one during this Leopard preview" because it seems Steve likes to do that.

    With all the talk that has been going on about performance/watt (the reason Mac switched to Intel) the new Merom chip will news worth a Keynote spot.

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  • BWhaler
    Sep 15, 07:59 PM
    I thought I could wait out the move to Intel for some time since my PowerBook is less than a year old.

    But it's just not going to happen. The speed jump is simply too great.

    I'm waiting at this point for the update. Painfully waiting.

    I don't really care about the C2D processor, since most reviews are it is a bland chip without the Santa Rosa chip set. Better, sure enough, but not enough to care about.

    But, what I really need is:

    1. 160gig drive
    2. Much better GPU
    3. Apple to fix the quality and heat issues.

    Everything else is just a nice to have in my book.

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  • MrZebra
    Apr 20, 05:52 AM
    Lets see:

    Faster CPU = Shorter battery life

    You can't be sure about this.

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  • ticman
    Nov 12, 06:52 PM
    Yup, the 12/2 date was a disappointment but in hindsight not a big surprise. I am sure many of us jumped at the price and got in line to receive the car kit, hoping to be the first on our block to get it. LOL Might have been good marketing strategy by BLT or an honest demand far exceeding supply as at least one member here did receive their unit from BLT before "take a number and be patient" started.

    Regardless I am going to wait it out. I can use my Navigon app for times when I need to--just a little awkward keeping it in the ashtray or cup holder--LOL

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  • ghostface147
    May 4, 03:55 PM
    As long as "preferred" doesn't mean the only way to get it, I'm good.

    Aug 3, 11:55 AM

    Or a banner for Paris Expo? Hope not.
    They are not setting up for the Paris expo for a long time. There is no chance of this being for Paris, IMO. :)

    Mac Fly (film)
    Jul 21, 03:08 PM
    the macbook was released mid may 06. so i would expect some update in october given the fast processor updates.

    certainly a good time for mac users.:)
    For sure, they might even announce something at WWDC?

    May 6, 03:00 AM
    There's no reason why a Macbook Air couldn't use an ARM CPU for multi-day battery life. Heck, force developers to pay a fee to compile for ARM (it's already in place by charging for xcode) and you've basically forced every user to re-buy every app they use, for ARM... that's definitely Apple's MO, and I can definitely believe it.

    Apr 18, 03:43 PM
    Staring at a point for 12 hours has more sense than this suing kinder game. But, whatever, lawyers have to earn their money one way...:D

    Mar 29, 01:38 PM
    I'd pay a premium for products manufactured in the US.

    Products might be more expensive, but there would be more Americans employed. As much are there is a downside to producing here, there is also an upside.

    Quality would probably go down.

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