call of duty 8 modern warfare 3 guns

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  • acslater017
    Apr 18, 02:57 PM
    couldn't Samsung simply get back at Apple by NOT making Apple's stuff? I mean, come on.

    It's a two-way relationship. By "getting back" at Apple, they'd probably be giving up their biggest customer.

    All of these companies are interconnected. They support each other when it's beneficial, they attack when it's beneficial. The "wars" between game consoles, HD discs, and other competitions make strange bedfellows...

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  • Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3

  • vampyren
    Nov 14, 02:39 PM
    It's already available

    Cool, thanks for the info, i didnt know about this product. Although reading the feature list it sounds more like a internet security and windows virus detector then a mac AV. But maybe i'm wrong.

    Anyone who has tested it and is willing to share the experience?
    (maybe i take a snapshot of my OSX and give the demo a try, dont want to risk it :) )

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  • artpease
    Sep 11, 01:19 AM
    "Clearly, Apple has invented some hyperspace technology that lets you fit a DVD into an iPod"

    No, no...the DVD is there because the new vPod is also the remote for the new how cool is that! :cool:

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  • Moyank24
    May 4, 01:51 PM
    I'd think we'd want to explore this room.

    Gotcha. just wanted exploring the hallway was one of the choices. I'm all for exploring the hallway.

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  • muffinss
    May 6, 01:34 AM
    I wouldn't be shocked if Apple did.. They do have a history of doing this. They have changed CPU type's three times now. Motorola, IBM, and now x86. Consumer out rage didn't stop them. Apple will do what Apple wants to do. Plus Apple has been slowly moving away from being a traditional computer manufacture to being a mobile device manufacture. Ever since the iPod, Apple has been slowly moving away..They're starting to care more about mobile devices and energy efficiency than they do raw power like they use to.

    Pretty much all their mobile devices run off of ARM, its only natural to wanting all of their devices, computers included, to run off of the same processor type. I wouldn't be shocked if they already have a computer with an ARM processor running off of full blown OS X liked they had OS X running off of x86 for all those years before they released it..

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  • Will Modern Warfare 3 Be

  • Moyank24
    May 5, 01:52 AM
    I'm going to go wayyyyyy out on the proverbial limb here and suggest that since mscriv knows the full map at the outset of the game, that he's going to pretty much lay traps or monsters in each or every other room we enter- especially the ones where there is only one door for us to enter into another room.

    Perhaps we should reconsider the splitting up or else we will be picked off one at a time.

    Thoughts? I'm just musing out loud. I'm sure my darling Beatrice will correct me or tell me what my thoughts should be anyhow. :p

    The only trepidation I have against splitting up so soon is that we'll be weaker apart. But, on the other hand the longer we wait the chances of the monsters being stronger are better.

    And my darling husband, I'm just in it for the alimony. ;)

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  • Erwin-Br
    Mar 29, 11:17 AM
    Hilarious that companies are copying Apple rumors now.

    Do some research on Amazon before you make your lazy, ignorant statements. Ever heard of Amazon Web Services? They've been providing cloud-based services since for Pete's sake! You should change your nick. It's not the first time I see you spewing unfounded statements.

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  • dukebound85
    May 6, 05:25 PM
    OK. So we all agree 100% that the USA should switch to the metric system.

    We do? Not the impression I get.

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  • Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

  • rowanhall
    Nov 26, 10:28 AM
    i'm digging this idea! i love macs, home cinema and home automation! the one thing is i feel that the screen should be at least macbook size, although the 8" from previous rumours may be a tad small, although i think i'm already sold...

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  • Don't panic
    May 4, 11:12 AM
    in order to speed up the game:
    i assume that either we find nothing or we disable a trap or we find a level treasure.
    in any case those do not affect our immediate game, so I will already call turn2:
    R1T2: Loras' group opens the top right door and moves into the next room

    if in the start room we would have found something that might have affected our next move (like a special treasure of some sort, a map or the like) then please disregard the above decision.

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  • Don't panic
    May 4, 10:50 AM
    The other downside is we have half our health and action points. I'm not sure how big of a trap we can see early in a game, but if it has 3 or more that wipes out a whole team possibly.

    if we explore, we automatically disable any traps, no matter how big, so there is no damage sustained by us.
    but if the group that goes ahead in the room encounters a monster, then you are right: our AP are split so it would be harder to kill the monster, and all the damage would be only sustained by the entering party.
    on the other hand i don't see any risk to the party that follows.

    that's why i had proposed an asymmetric split, with a stronger party going in the other room (to face a possible monster) and one or two people remaining behind to explore, including you who are likely an essential asset (for now ;)), so we need to avoid that you become damaged goods.

    right now this is moot, though, as i have already communicated turn 1 officially, and we are all searching this darned room.
    so get back to exploring your side! i don't care about the spider. as far as i am concerned they are just another form of proteins!

    well? did anyone find anything interesting?

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  • heisetax
    Aug 2, 03:26 PM
    I think this is an oversight (we can call it oSight) by Apple. If you want to gain market share, especially for people who want high powered equipment. I worked in a small research for a while, like the above poster, there were NO cameras allowed including camera phones. This was a blanket policy for the whole facillity even if you had no security clearence. In this case it was required becasue they did a lot DoD research.

    So, right off these new computers (iMac, MB, MBP) are not options for a facility like this to use. Additionally, anyone who works there and ever wants to bring his/her personal laptop to work is sunk too.

    If was still working there I probably would have to opt for a differnt laptop.

    Compared to other computer brands Macs give their customers fewer add-on options. I don't know why. I guess it makes it easier for them. But, in this case I think not making the built in iSight an option (even if it is free, like the glossy screen in the MBP) is a mistake.

    Probably the main reason for few or no options is because of the 1" thick PowerBook model. That does not leave room to add anything. The next reason is just like air conditioning in new cars. The manufacture can sell it to everyone even if they don't want it. That increases profits. They use to have an external keyboard/mouse option which is also gone. So just look at the glossy screen as being different, not the norm for Apple.

    Bill the TaxMan

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  • onigami
    May 6, 02:00 AM
    This story broke 5 minutes ago and I'm already over it... Who cares if Apple wants to use something they think is new and revolutionary? Your opinion isn't going to stop them. While you're over here thinking "I can't do bootcamp with ARM" Apple is thinking "Bootcamp will be obsolite when we get done here" :apple:

    You must really love the stuff you write. You must also love the sound your voice makes when it talks. Since clearly what we write will have no impact whatsoever, why bother even having a forum? Hell, why even write a post like that?
    Get that iPhone out of your ass, seriously.

    You know how long it takes me to create an ARM version of my code on the Mac App Store?

    Two minutes.

    What do you want, a gold star? A cookie?

    Your app is prolly simple enough that you could do that. Consider more complex apps such as games and video-editing that require extensive use of the x86 architecture. That's the real problem.

    And in all seriousness, that is the real issue. Switching from x86 to ARM RISC is a really big problem because the benefit of x86 is that so much work has been done on it, porting Windows apps and/or games is simply a software coding issue as opposed to hardware. Even if ARM had comparable processes to x86 to compensate to some degree, that's still another series of steps to go through.

    And there's no real reason or benefit for them to switch to ARM. They have an incredibly solid partnership with Intel (they got Thunderbolt first, for Pete's sake), and what devices that could use ARM-like processors are already built in-house. If they really wanted a low-cost processor for laptops (again, no beneficial reason), they could just go for the AMD's Trinity platform with Fusion APUs. They already have Radeon GPUs in their entire lineup, don't see why they can't switch. Or even better, just build x86 chips in-house like they do with the A series.

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  • bradc
    Sep 11, 01:44 PM
    Just trying to hedge off the 5,123 "This is BS, no MBP/MB updates OMG!!!11BBQ" threads. ;)

    Gary you forgot the MacTower miss-spellings of 'Merom', how everything is pin compatible, everyone is an engineer/marketing/business pro and if anything does get released there is something wrong with it.

    pyramid6 wrote
    Why couldn't apple mail a movie to you via USPS? Pop it into your <insert favorite Mac flavor> and have it automaticly import into iTunes library. There is no way I would download a 2g file to watch a movie. 2g is way too big to download. Compare that to music, 5mb on the high end. 2g is 400 times the size. I don't see downloading as a viable option, atleast not at the resolution that makes it competitive with DVD.

    PS I think downloadable movies sounds great, but I don't think it is practicle.

    What rock are you living under?? A 5mb file is high end? Haha Why do you think the RIAA & MPAA are scared? It's soooooo easy to download music & movies illegally. Or look at YouTube, god knows how many 10mb videos are downloaded each second.

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  • roland.g
    Aug 2, 11:16 AM
    what is the date for MW Paris?

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  • HecubusPro
    Sep 15, 09:03 PM
    Btw, how many days does it take for the new MBPs to arrive in the Apple showrooms from the time they are announced?

    Ideally, Apple likes to have them in stores, ready to buy as soon as they announce them. But that's rarely the case. Sometimes they get them in right away, sometimes they don't.

    call of duty 8 modern warfare 3 guns. call of duty 8 modern warfare
  • call of duty 8 modern warfare

  • Don't panic
    May 3, 09:23 AM
    after reading the rules a couple of times:

    - secret powers: other than not knowing who is what, do we know what the secret powers are and how they work?
    - monsters/trap: do we know how many there are at the beginning? what is the range of their powers? why does the villain has two turns, isn't it the same as if he just gets 4 points in that double-turn? or does he get to move his minion. attack, heal, place new monsters/traps move monsters twice every round?
    - moving: move to door means open the door and get into the next passage/room? can monsters move and open doors once they are placed?
    - are attacks automatic? when do they occur in the turn?
    - can the villain/monster fall into the traps?
    - how/how fast does the villain move?
    - the villain stats are 16/16 plus 2/2 for each hero alive or 16/16 minus 2/2 for each hero dead?
    - does the villain knows where the treasures are?
    - can you toss dwarves?

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  • KnightWRX
    Apr 11, 07:41 AM
    To treat this as a programming line or whatever is a simplification. People don't think / they think __ . That is how we should interpret this equation, leading to 288.

    Where did you get that I'm not in the 288 camp ? That is the proper answer, the equation is not ambiguous.

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  • call of duty modern warfare 3

  • WiiDSmoker
    Apr 20, 07:37 AM
    This model hasn't promised anything yet because no one but Apple knows what's in store. I don't see any cosmetic changes in store, and the iPhone 4 still looks better than every handset out to date. However don't count your chickens before they hatch!

    Sorry but my phone has never been dropped. Speak for yourself when you say it's going to get dropped. Not all of us are as clumsy as you and your friends apparently.

    How about glass that doesn't get scratched when a piece of hair lands on it?

    Apr 7, 09:35 AM
    RIM was the smartphone market for a brief period of time, they really should be doing better than what they are right now.

    RIM didn't have any vision, though, and were eclipsed by Apple and Google.

    I owned a BB Storm and it was a piece of junk, the Torch fell flat and now the Playbook has been delayed.

    I wonder who is going to buy RIM out, they are in desperate need of a hit product. RIM needs a halo product as badly as Apple did before the iPod came out.

    Apr 5, 03:52 PM
    Why is Apple bothered by jailbreaking? Why does Apple oppose jailbreaking? Again, as a company which tightly controls the user experience of their devices and doesn't like news such as security flaws, I'm sure there are many things which bother them about jailbreaking, but again there is probably one primary cause: software piracy. Jailbreaking enables software piracy and there's not a whole lot that even the jailbreaking community can do about that.

    Apr 21, 02:36 PM
    I want to believe! (X-files reference). The death of the xServe made me a little sad. Glad to see that Apple is trying to work out alternatives. I realize that MacPro isn't a "proper" server but it does have more expansion capablities than the xServe. Perhaps the MacPro Serve 2011/2012 will give us faith in Apple.

    Apr 10, 06:20 PM
    Finally, humour.

    My calculator has been stuck on 58008 ( for years. :p Or maybe it was just saying 07734?


    May 3, 05:27 PM
    [QUOTE=ravenvii;12507483]CURRENT KNOWN MAP:

    map confusion - I'm assuming the yellow marks are three doors. but is our start position inside the mansion ?

    Yes the marks are doors. And yes you start inside the mansion.

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