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  • Burger King
    Apr 25, 09:13 AM
    I'm guessing silence, since burgers don't talk. ;)


    I do and No I didn't steal anything!

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  • ArtOfWarfare
    Mar 26, 10:40 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8G4)

    I hope I can upgrade as soon as the iPhone 5 is released. This 3GS is getting old.


    What am I supposed to do when my contract ends this July!?

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  • SuperCachetes
    May 3, 09:28 PM
    Yes, it's a system that has its roots in the past, but the system still works. There's no compelling reason to change it. There's no efficiency to be gained.

    I don't buy that for a second. As someone who works in the construction industry and has to deal with fractions of inches and materials that are odd nominal dimensions and even odder actual dimensions, I can tell you that there is a ****-ton of efficiency to be gained by getting away from bricks that are 3-5/8" deep, interior sheetrock walls that are 4-7/8" thick, and ceiling grids that are 15/16" wide.

    Can a guy who's been working construction for 30 years add this stuff up in his head? Sure. But all along the way - from the architect, to the contractor, to the fabricator, to the installer - there is a chance for miscalculation because of our goofy system of measurement, and the savings from going to SI would be both in time spent designing and time spent correcting errors in the field.

    Yes, there is a cost, both monetary and emotional - but we need to just rip the bandage off, already. "It's what I'm used to" is a tired excuse.

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  • Lindsay Lohan,Blonde,hair

  • treblah
    Aug 2, 11:58 AM
    finally someone reasonable! so many of you flippin fools don't realize what WWDC stands for...

    World wide DEVELOPER'S conference!

    this is about professional stuff. in they launched the powermac g5, because developers could then write 64-bit apps…

    And they also launched the iSight at the '03 WWDC (and gave one to everyone attending IIRC) cause we all know how developers need that. :rolleyes:

    A Steve Keynote is a Steve Keynote. Call it MWSF or WWDC it doesn't matter, the press will eat it up just the same and, luckily for us, Steve knows that. :)

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  • wclyffe
    Jan 25, 07:05 AM
    Regarding using a case with the tom tom kit--I bought a casemate (comes shiny and somewhat rubberized) and it fits fine in my tomtom car kit.

    check out the website. maybe it's a solution for you.

    Thanks, that's good to know! Which case from them do you have?

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  • twoodcc
    Nov 26, 11:53 AM
    well i think it'd be great if Apple released this. but i'm not so sure it'll happen. would love it if it did, but i'll believe it when i see it

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  • Hair Dye Color Ideas

  • ghostlines
    Apr 25, 09:35 AM
    Nothing really to see here except that someone made a nice app that can parse this file and list locations on a map where you've been. And if you encrypt you're iphone backups(good practice) the consolidate.db can't be even read by the app or Apple unless they bruteforce it.

    All someone has to do is instead check system logs to see if unencrypted consolidate.db files were being uploaded to Apple or used in any shady ways.

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  • ThaDoggg
    Apr 7, 10:58 AM
    This article definitely made me laugh. In a way good for Apple but on the other hand less competition is not good for us consumers.

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  • Amazing Iceman
    Apr 18, 04:46 PM
    LOL, Everybody wants to be like Apple!
    I wonder why....

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  • lkrupp
    Apr 7, 10:14 AM
    I'd rather have Apple ( or ANY company for that matter ) compete rather than having it throttle its competition.

    When a compay has no competition it often gets lazy and uninnovative. Is this what you want with Apple?

    So you want Apple to be forced by the government to reduce its manufacturing, tell its customers "sorry, no iPad for you" because the competition needs to catch up? How stupid is that?:rolleyes:

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  • gigidey
    May 7, 06:37 PM
    You do not pay Google but advertisers on your splash pages pay Google. You help them make far more money than you would pay for the service and you do that for them for free. And spread the word.

    On behalf of all Google stockholders worldwide, thank you for being one of our minions.


    You make it sound like Google making money is a bad thing. The reason so many people use Google is because they don't mind advertisements. Also, people who use Google's services are no more "minions" than Apple users, they just use what they feel is best.

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  • londe hair dye gone wrong.

  • ecphot
    Mar 30, 09:34 PM
    Yes it is true. It is hidden by default now. Takes only a second to make it appear again though, so I don't see why it's that big of a deal? Any technical user that needs to see the Library folder will enable it, and anyone who isn't technical enough won't ever need to access it.

    then will it stay in the sidebar like it is now or do we have to use the "go to" command everytime?

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  • bedifferent
    Mar 31, 09:43 AM
    You are mixing up badly. That example shows that humans who can read, are trained to rely on what they read almost blindly rather than identifying a color. This means, Apples choice of making the icons grey makes it indeed easier to recognize as there is one less distraction. An even stronger conclusion would be: Leave the icons away completely, because reading is much faster.

    Icons were useful in the 1990s, when the number of pixels on the screen was small. Nowadays, just use text, it is way better. Look at websites, icons are used very sparsely. Text is the way to go.

    Hmmm perhaps I misinterpretted it (which is embarrassing as I was a psychobiology major lol). I know my mistake now. The full study demonstrated that for individuals who are more visually oriented (rely upon visual cues as opposed to verbal and mathematical) they process the color and not the word more readily. That's what I get for a quick reference to Wiki lol.

    So I suppose it depends on each individual and their inherent (whether natural or nurtured) ability to process that information. Personally I test off the charts for spatial reasoning (and my math sucks lol) so I respond faster and more efficiently to reasonably colored graphical cues. For those who don't the grey is great, just give us a choice! Lol

    I'm sure CandyBar will be updated for Lion theming. I have a folder with all the finder etc icons I use for apps and system icons (even icons for the System Prefence pane such as the newer display icon)including a black glass dock and icons with simple yet detailed in colors of blue, black, white, etc that I simply drag and drop into their respective resources folder. I even made color replacements for the Finder sidebar in the various three sizes (16, 18 and 32 for small, medium and large) yet in every resource folder for sidebar system icons I find nothing has changed. Oh well. It was fun to learn some new underpinnings of Lion.


    So where exactly did I personally insult you?

    Perhaps I misread your tone. Since comments between others on MacRumors almost always become increasingly personal and hostile I may have read your comment with a condescending tone (although the "lol" above isn't helping ;) ). If that wasn't the case then I sincerely apologize :)

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  • londe hair dye gone wrong.

  • RebelScum
    Apr 20, 08:51 AM
    Probably because it's the 5th iPhone?

    ...but only the 3rd generation.

    Regardless, there's no question mark at the end of this headline. This is serious, people.

    blonde hair dyed red. 101.
  • 101.

  • res1233
    May 6, 03:43 AM
    Lets face it: The intel transition was NOT painful. Most PowerPC apps that still exist, will run fine on snow leopard, and by now, every app still being maintained has been recompiled for intel CPUs. That really isn't so hard to do so long as all the libraries your app needs to run supports the architecture you're trying to compile in... Just a small settings change. Assuming you don't use assembler code, but nobody with dreams of porting their app uses assembler code, so... Anywho, if apple did make this transition, it wouldn't be as painful as you people seem to think it would be. PowerPC apps run quite well via rosetta.

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  • MrCrowbar
    Nov 23, 11:40 AM
    You own Apple do you? My! You've kept a very low profile!


    Besides that he probably is, good one geese. :p

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  • Its called red favorite hair

  • Doctor Q
    Mar 29, 06:33 PM
    I uploaded an album from one of my iTunes folders and Amazon sorted them alphabetically. I didn't see a way to maintain the track order so I created a playlist and dragged the songs into it one by one in track number order.

    That was really awkward. Is there an easier way to do this or didn't they consider that songs within albums have track numbers?

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  • Blond Hair Dye Recipe

  • Jimmy23
    Apr 18, 05:07 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_1_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile/7E18 Safari/528.16)


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  • Tutorials - Hair dye

  • jaw04005
    May 7, 10:34 AM
    If true, this is good news.

    However, it would make sense Apple would limit the free service to iPod touch, iPhone, Mac and iPad owners. Maybe then it’ll remain ad free.

    Their next step should be to purchase DropBox and replace iDisk or at least implement a faster WebDAV solution. iDisk is dog slow even on fast connections compared to other services.

    Then they should up the storage limit from 20GB to 50GB and finally implement LaLa-like iTunes Web streaming.

    Mar 31, 06:54 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; pt-br) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Some guta here are trying to stop the March of time

    Apr 5, 02:27 PM
    I don't see what the big deal is. Of course Apple is going to try to minimize the risk of the jailbreak community. They want to avoid headlines about spyware and such that creep out of the jailbroken community. It's just good PR.

    Queue the hitler response.....

    And when Hitler's constituents thought he was wrong, he decided to annihilate those who didn't want to see things his way too. Destroying opposition rather than improving one's self is way's a "#WINNING" thing to do.

    Wow, I gotta get some credit for that one... Charlie Sheen, Apple, and Hitler all in one sentence!

    louis Fashion
    Mar 27, 01:00 PM
    So, lets see if I understand?

    Apple is doing everything they can to move things to the cloud while AT&T and Verizon are ratcheting down how much you can use their network to access what you put in the cloud...

    Agree KJR. And I smell a rate hike. Look, you buy a hi-def TV and KommieKast and its ilk, charge you a fortune to watch network (read sponsored) hi-def shows. The cloud is just another way to fire up a profit center.

    AND EMP hates the cloud. When the illegals join forces with the zombies and nuke us, hey presto, no cloud.

    Nov 23, 04:55 PM

    May 4, 08:41 PM
    Putting it on the Mac App Store raises an interesting issue about licencing - they said that purchases could be used on any Mac that you use.

    That opens them up to a lot of abuse.

    If my experience with Pages was standard, then yes, you can reinstall any app you purchase on several Macs. I sure wouldn't mind getting a flash drive with the OS on it. Something as important as that I'd want a hard copy back up esp. if we're going to pay to the tune $130.

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