1 de mayo dia del trabajador

1 de mayo dia del trabajador. 1 de mayo, dia del trabajador
  • 1 de mayo, dia del trabajador

  • SirHaakon
    Mar 30, 12:25 AM
    I really do like the concept of having an enormous amount of online storage, immediately accessible from anywhere.. but ultimately I see this as an issue of me having to pay someone else for granting access to things I already own.
    So that storage unit you have filled with couches and tennis rackets and old baseball cards... that should be free as well?

    Let's be reasonable here. They have to buy drives (multiple drives, because clearly they need redundancy and backup) to put your music on and they have to pay for the bandwidth to pipe it out to you. I hardly think $1 for 20 gigabytes of available anywhere storage is very unreasonable.

    Do you like paying a fee to your bank when you take out YOUR OWN MONEY from the bank?
    No, of course not... but that's different. They aren't storing physical cash somewhere anymore, it's all just a line of electronic code that states what your balance is. Why should anyone have to pay for that? And before you tell me that digital music is just 1s and 0s too, you're right - and that's why Amazon gives you 5 gigs free. If you want more, obviously there's a cost involved. They can't support millions of customers each wanting a terabyte of storage for nothing.

    Remember when television was free? We just had to put up with advertisements, and for that, we got free TV. Now many people pay 79 bucks a month or more to get cable or satellite TV.
    Nothing has changed. Over-the-air broadcasts are still available for free. It's called an antenna. They may seem quaint, but Best Buy still sells them. If you want premium content, you pay for it.

    Of course companies like Amazon and Apple are not in it for your convenience, they're in it because if everyone eventually has all their files stored online in the cloud, there's TONS and TONS of money to be made- for ever. If I have a computer, phone or music listening device with ample amounts of storage space, these companies don't make any money off of me after I purchase that music from itunes or wherever. (And if I have cds or blu ray movies, they don't make any money on me at all). This cloud concept provides some convenience, but more importantly guarantees a steady flow of income for these companies for many years to come.
    Well first of all, if you buy a Blu-ray disc from Amazon, they're still taking their cut. So saying they make "no money at all" from that is inaccurate. But again, they are offering you physical storage space that is available 24/7 from wherever you are. Why would you expect that to be free? That's just a ridiculous mentality. The prices they're asking aren't very expensive, either. How much do you spend on your cable bill every month? Your phone bill? People just think it's ridiculous to spend money on music because avenues have popped up where you can get it for free. (Why buy the CD when I can just watch it on YouTube?). Just because something is available somewhere for free doesn't mean it's worthless. Amazon is providing a service. That service comes with a fee. If you don't think it's worth it, don't buy it... but I think your expectations are pretty misplaced.

    Flash memory storage capacities are growing yearly.. and prices are continuing to drop. Now companies are starting to ship secure digital cards with capacities of a staggering 128 GB on a tiny compact flash card! Ultimately I think most people will be able to have enormous amounts of files locally on their own phone or portable computer.
    Sure they can. That isn't the point of this, though. I have 2 computers at home, a laptop, a phone that has storage, a DVR, even my Xbox can store music files. But what a pain in the ass it is to share between them all. Do I want to use up 80 gigs of my laptop's internal drive just to take all of my music with me when I travel? Do I want duplicate copies of everything I own on all of these different devices just to make sure the one thing I'm looking for at any particular moment is there no matter what? Good grief, no. Yes of course I will keep A backup of all of my files on a local system - I'm not trusting anything ONLY to the cloud - but now there's a way to access my music (or any other kind of file, for that matter) wherever I go, quickly and easily. Sure, it's not much different than dropbox except that it's cheaper and less complicated. How nice to be able to visit my parents, or go on vacation, or be at a friend's house, log on to their computer, and have my entire music library instantly available at my fingertips. It makes a lot of sense to me.

    1 de mayo dia del trabajador. 1 de Mayo, día del trabajador?
  • 1 de Mayo, día del trabajador?

  • LegendKillerUK
    Mar 26, 10:59 PM
    [SIZE=1]I like the notification system. An applet pops up whe I have a notification and I can choose to ignore it or go into the app for more information. What is wrong with that? I'm all for doing things better and maybe someone can show me a better way.

    Up until recently I was happy with it as well.

    Some sort of pull out tray like a few other mobile OS's would be good. The problem I have with iOS's handling is that it's a modal dialogue you must make a decision on. Either destructive (cancel - you may forget etc) or the positive action - which interrupts your current task. We need some way of being able to say cancel and look through it later when it suits us.

    Many times we can be playing a game or browsing a website when a text message or an inane push notification takes precedence on screen. Or even better, an icon could gently pulsate in the status bar that relates to a certain app. Such as a text message, then we can be notified without being interrupted.

    1 de mayo dia del trabajador. El día 1 de Mayo las series de
  • El día 1 de Mayo las series de

  • wclyffe
    Nov 11, 05:39 PM
    Just a side note to all the discussion in this thread. I just searched the Navigon site for the European Version of the iPhone mount and the price to buy it is 39.95 Euros + VAT charges = 44.90 Euros (or $67.48), and does not count the shipping charges. At $67, it makes the purchase of the TomTom Car Kit at $87 an amazing deal. The Navigon kit is only the windshield mount and a charging cable.

    Here's the link if you want to look for yourself:


    1 de mayo dia del trabajador. 1 mayo 2009 por elculebrilla
  • 1 mayo 2009 por elculebrilla

  • Rocketman
    Nov 26, 07:55 PM
    This can be done quite cheaply, if Apple doesn't use off the shelf PC components - which is why current tablet PCs are so expensive. An Intel ULV processor is not cheap.

    Shame that Apple moved away from the PowerPC really, when it comes to applications such as this. They could use a $20 PPC 750CL processor (16mm^2 die size, compare to the ~150mm^2 PC processors) at up to 1GHz (~2W power consumption at 700MHz), with a 30GB 1.8" hard drive (same as iPod), 512MB memory ... that'd be cheap (the display would probably be the most expensive part).

    Valuable post.


    1 de mayo dia del trabajador. 1 de mayo
  • 1 de mayo

  • KnightWRX
    May 4, 06:33 PM
    This is great, with Snow Leopard I couldn't buy it for weeks as they were constantly "out of stock" in the shops.

    Really ? Apple Store in Montreal had plenty of copies on Day 1 and for weeks afterwards. Piles and piles of the stuff.

    1 de mayo dia del trabajador. El primero de mayo, día
  • El primero de mayo, día

  • Multimedia
    Aug 3, 01:18 AM
    But it's perfectly acceptable to round 1.67 down too, it's half way between 1.5 and 2. Also depends on the price of a Sidcrome socket set.

    I'll believe this 2x battery life bollocks when I see the results from the labs, not some chintzy marketing ploy by Intel.It's not a "chintzy marketing ploy by Intel". It's a scientific test conducted by two Intel Marketing engineers which I always believe because Intel employees are honest people with families and friends who love them. :)

    1 de mayo dia del trabajador. (1 de mayo,día del trabajo
  • (1 de mayo,día del trabajo

  • mkrishnan
    Nov 22, 06:51 AM
    I remember the head of Atari saying something similar about Sony's Playstation.

    Yeah, they might even be right, but this definitely sounded inordinately defensive. If Palm's position were really secure, their attitude should be along the lines of "Let Apple do whatever it wants. We'll just keep making the best phones." But.... it wasn't.

    1 de mayo dia del trabajador. domingo 1 de mayo el día
  • domingo 1 de mayo el día

  • jabooth
    Jul 30, 06:54 PM
    I'm with the few who feel it will be SIM free.

    Think about it - cracking into the cell phone market is a complex business. I know apple has money but setting up their own service??

    Thats a serious gamble....

    Seems much more likely to me that they would make a phone that you can just order from the apple store and shove your SIM card in.

    People think nothing of spending �200+ on an ipod - why would buying an ipod with intergrated phone features seem any different?? (if properly priced).

    Also, with simply making the hardware apple can easily sell overseas - UK networks are GSM just like USA and the rest of Europe. They can mass produce one product and sell it at both sides of the Atlantic - then they can sign on with individual providers and sell the 'iphone' it the more traditional light with contracts.

    1 de mayo dia del trabajador. El 1 de Mayo, día del trabajador, la oposición realizó una marcha. Organizaciones sindicales, partidos políticos y sociedad civil marcharon desde Plaza
  • El 1 de Mayo, día del trabajador, la oposición realizó una marcha. Organizaciones sindicales, partidos políticos y sociedad civil marcharon desde Plaza

  • TheMacBookPro
    Apr 25, 09:36 AM
    LOL at people who think Android just collects location data without the user's knowledge.

    When you turn on Location Data you have to press Agree to the Location Consent popup, which says you agree to let Google collect anonymous location data. Disable it if you want.
    Where do people get the idea that Google collects location data regardless of whether or not you selected Agree on the popup?

    I don't see any location consent popups on my iPhones here.

    1 de mayo dia del trabajador. Dia del Trabajo (1 de mayo). Se dice Etimológicamente que trabajo deriva de una tortura de la antigua Roma cuyo nombre en latín era tripalĭum (tres palos),
  • Dia del Trabajo (1 de mayo). Se dice Etimológicamente que trabajo deriva de una tortura de la antigua Roma cuyo nombre en latín era tripalĭum (tres palos),

  • Kensai
    Apr 20, 08:40 AM
    Three initials: NFC

    Come on, Apple, reinvent the market yet again! :cool:

    1 de mayo dia del trabajador. 1 de mayo. DIA DEL TRABAJADOR
  • 1 de mayo. DIA DEL TRABAJADOR

  • gglockner
    May 6, 12:45 AM
    I cannot believe that Apple would replace Intel with ARM. It would be a setback to the Mac: virtually everything would become incompatible once again. Remember how long it took the larger developers to create Universal versions of applications: Microsoft Office and Adobe CS.

    The previous two transitions (680x0 -> PPC and PPC -> x86) weren't so painful if for no other reason than the install base was far smaller.

    And putting ARM as a secondary processor so that Macs can run iOS apps? There's absolutely no need - x86 Macs can already run iOS apps well inside the iPhone emulator that comes with Xcode. The x86 processors are more than capable of emulating an ARM processor.

    1 de mayo dia del trabajador. Feliz día del trabajo por
  • Feliz día del trabajo por

  • ~Shard~
    Aug 11, 10:22 AM
    I think to the end user, the difference between Yonah and Merom is minimal.

    It's a speed bump, if anything.

    Quite incorrect actually. The dfifference is not minimal and this isn't just a "speed bump". If you read up on the Yonah and Merom chip architectures, you'll see that that Merom has significant architectural improvements over Yonah, including a 4MB L2 cache and most notably 64-bit support over Yonah's 32-bit support. This is very significant since Jobs is pushing Leopard and its 64-bit goodness. :cool:

    1 de mayo dia del trabajador. 1º de Mayo
  • 1º de Mayo

  • el-John-o
    Mar 28, 10:19 AM
    Let's not forget that pre-iPhone smart phones were updated every couple of years (hardware wise, maybe some aesthetic changes if anything.) We'd see a refresh at CES, then a couple years after CES it would suddenly be on the shelves, probably with the same CPU, maybe a bit more RAM and the next version of Palm OS / Windows Mobile (Remember those? LOL).

    Finally... bad move Apple? Really? You mean like, Apple should have decided to go back in time and prevent the earthquake and tsunami or something? Everyone is debating whether or not this is a "smart move" by Apple. If this is true, they don't have a choice! Supply constraints are supply constraints, there aren't other chip manufacturers without seriously sacrificing the iPhone's performance and reliability, and therefore it's reputation. For those of you unaware, this rumor, if true, is the result of a massive natural disaster that recently occurred in Japan, where a number of iPhone components come from! Yes they are assembled in China, but as the article stated, Chinese manufacturers aren't getting their parts from Japan like they usually do around this time.

    It's crazy, people are freaking out talking about abandoning iPhones altogether because heaven forbid anyone wait a couple more months for something! I mean, it's what you want, but instead of waiting you'll "settle" for something else? Am I the only one who sees that flaw in logic? Maybe I'm biased because I didn't plan on being an iPhone 5 customer (no upgrade for another year and a half, so I'll be an iPhone 6 buyer), but I still think this whole conversation is silly. Apple is releasing much faster than anyone else had in the past, maybe not now, but had in the past, and Japan is a little inconvenienced right now, just in case you haven't watched the news.

    Also, on Apple's hardware being outdated when it hit the shelves. It always had. I had a 1GHz phone when Apple released there 600 and something MHz iPhone (first gen). It finally hit near 1GHz (but not quite) with the iPhone 4, when there were ALREADY 1GHz phones out for a while (Droid Incredible, etc.) The software trumps the hardware, it's efficient enough it "feels" fast, that's why people buy iPhones, not because the hardware numbers are higher than on the competition.

    1 de mayo dia del trabajador. El 1 de mayo es el dia del
  • El 1 de mayo es el dia del

  • gtgrad95
    Apr 25, 09:35 AM
    Yeah the nerve of Apple and Google!

    What do you think they do with the data? Maybe Steve likes to see his herd of iPhones sparkle by the 10's of millions across the planet? I'm sure Google is also setting up the fortress of solitude so they can wield their web ads at will to all Droid's as you meander in your average life! :eek:

    The nerve of them both and I bet Microsoft is doing this too! :rolleyes:

    How freak'n ridiculous.

    Yeah, who really cares if someone can see where you've been anyway, unless you are cheating on your wife or have committed a crime. And in the latter case, this information is available from the cell company anyway via a court order.

    1 de mayo dia del trabajador. 1 de Mayo Día del Trabajador
  • 1 de Mayo Día del Trabajador

  • P-Worm
    Apr 7, 10:02 AM
    I see the short sighted Apple pom-pom shakers are once again giddy with excitement. The juvenile remarks are embarrassing.

    For some strange reason you think monopolies are good for consumers.

    How is Apple a monopoly in this case? There is nothing stopping other companies from entering the LCD business and making more displays. Just because Apple has a lot of money to buy things does not make them a monopoly.


    1 de mayo dia del trabajador. 1 de Mayo, Dia de Trabajador,
  • 1 de Mayo, Dia de Trabajador,

  • M-O
    May 6, 06:44 AM
    wow! so much anger!?

    I saw this coming since Apple announced the A4. If there is one thing Apple likes, it's control. That is exactly what they get with the A4/A5 processors.

    1 de mayo dia del trabajador. Celebración día del trabajo,
  • Celebración día del trabajo,

  • ValSalva
    Apr 21, 08:01 PM
    IMO the Mac Pro looks like an old granny these day's. It's in dire need of a refresh and looks totally out of line when compared to the rest of Apples range. And it's interesting to think that Apple is incapable of properly re-designing the computer because that's what you are saying effectively.

    I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder :D With the quality control of Apple these days my confidence in them being able to design such a small case with such high powered processors without cooling problems is low.

    It would save money with the need for less raw materials.

    If there was 1/2 the amount of raw materials in the case can you see the price going down by any more than a few dollars? Isn't most of the cost of a Mac Pro the components?

    1 de mayo dia del trabajador. 1 de Mayo: quot;Día del Trabajador
  • 1 de Mayo: quot;Día del Trabajador

  • ravenvii
    May 5, 08:38 PM


    1. Rosius: Level 2, 2 HP, 2 AP
    2. Dante: Level 2, 2 HP, 2 AP
    3. Beatrice: Level 2, 2 HP, 2 AP
    4. Rhon: Level 2, 2 HP, 2 AP
    5. Wilmer: Level 1, 1 HP, 1 AP
    6. Loras: Level 2, 2 HP, 2 AP
    7. Jorah: Level 2, 2 HP, 2 AP



    1 de mayo dia del trabajador. 1 de Mayo El día del trabajo
  • 1 de Mayo El día del trabajo

  • mr.steevo
    Nov 26, 12:53 PM
    If I could just have a Mac tablet that I could type and write notes on for class, I'd be in heaven :)

    I used this (http://www.samsclub.com/shopping/navigate.do?dest=5&item=143780) in class to write my notes on. Very durable (I dropped it once and was still able to use it!), and I haven't had a problem with it crapping out on me when I needed it. Storage space is limited but I would buy another one in a heartbeat.

    May 3, 06:57 PM
    I don't see us ever switching.

    May 4, 01:45 PM
    So what are our choices? We are in a hallway right now, I believe. So we can choose to explore the hallway or do we choose to go through another door and explore that room?

    I'd think we'd want to explore this room.

    Mar 28, 09:40 AM
    I'd rather they focus on software at a dev event anyway.

    Mar 30, 06:00 PM
    Will this work on the 2011 mbp's?

    Aug 7, 10:45 PM
    Has Apple given their ID department the year off? Or have the reassigned everyone to make the iPod look cooler? No I wasn't expecting a radical redesign, because aside from the MacBook there hasn't been one in a long time.
    I miss the good old days when Apple would not only drastically change the case design every time a new processor was used, but they would also do some major tweeking of materials and color for minor speed bumps. I know it's hard with laptops and the mini because they are so simple all you can really do is change colors and materials used. But the towers and the iMacs.... :(

    I hope Apple doesn't simplify themselves out of the industrial design business. Not yet. They do seem to be getting a little lazy though.



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