world cup final pics 2011

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  • Thunderhawks
    Apr 9, 12:36 PM
    If you don't believe me, there's plenty of history to read. Just go look at the following industries that were disrupted by technology...

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  • NebulaClash
    Apr 28, 12:31 PM
    Wow. A bit shortsighted aren't we? (And the Apple pom-pom squad is out in force today).

    Don't you see that all the iOS success does is point out to the Board that OSX isn't where it's at and more resources will keep going to iPads and iPhones?

    If you're a mac user is this really what you want?

    They didn't delete the word "computer" from the Apple name for nothing.

    Why you would be surprised at seeing Apple supporters on a site that is designed for Apple supporters is something for you to discuss with your logic professor. But as for your iOS/Mac argument, I sincerely doubt we will see OS X around ten years from now. I hope we don't. I want Apple to keep innovating, and that means advancement and change over time. So what I hope happens is that the parts of iOS that make sense for OS X get included, and the parts of OS X that make sense for iOS get included, and eventually we'll be talking about something brand new that makes them both look old.

    As a Mac user, that's what I really want. I'd hate to see stagnation.

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  • Gelfin
    Mar 27, 12:12 AM
    I don't know whether homosexuality is a mental illness. But I do know that doctors and other professionals sometimes make mistakes.

    About 25 years ago, an acquaintance of mine told my mother that for about 15 years, a doctor treated her, my acquaintance, with the wrong medicine because her illness had been misdiagnosed. Unfortunately, after another doctor discovered the misdiagnosis, he also discovered that the medicine was worsening her symptoms.

    When I was about 17, my optometrist realized that, if I kept wearing the glasses an opthamologist prescribed for me, they would blind me. The optometrist prescribed the lenses I needed and corrected the vision problem for which I visited him. Thanks to the optometrist, I can drive.

    You are seriously comparing single incidents of medical errors by individual practitioners to the overwhelming consensus of an entire scientific discipline? But I guess you have a point. There are examples of an entire discipline being wrong about something. I have a great one: until 1973 the DSM listed homosexuality as a mental illness until they looked at some evidence and found the only harm associated with being gay was the harm inflicted on gay people by hateful a-holes, and without the a-holes, gay people are as happy and well-adjusted as anyone else.

    Dr. Joseph Nicolosi disagrees. So does another psychologist who gave a lecture series called "Homosexuality 101." If the lecture series interests anyone here, I'll post links to its Youtube videos, or I'll try to explain the lecturer's theory. But I prefer to let the lecturer speak for herself because I'm not an expert in psychology.

    Obviously not. You are seriously presenting Joseph Nicolosi as your expert on homosexuality? Next up: Hitler's critical study of Judaism.

    Although that's true, it doesn't show that homosexuality is a healthy quality to have.

    I thought you said you didn't know either way. You seem to have taken a position. To wit, the wrong one. There is no evidence supporting the theory that homosexuality itself is either a consequence or a cause of any harmful mental condition. This is why credible evidence-driven psychologists (not Nicolosi) do not practice under that theory. Attending a psychologist who promotes this discredited and prejudiced viewpoint is no different from seeking the counsel of an astrologer or homeopath.

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  • leekohler
    Mar 11, 09:39 AM
    My cousin is in Japan visiting his wife's family. He says they're OK right now, but that could change.

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  • tyr2
    Sep 20, 08:45 AM
    This must be a US-centric view. Here (UK) PVRs with twin Freeview (DTT) tuners and 80GB HDs are everywhere. And they are very cheap now (120 quid upwards).

    I'm thinking of ditching my cable provider (NTL, I only get it for Sky One, which is just Simpsons repeats) and going with something like this:

    Apparently you can DL what you record to your Mac (USB). I suspect you'll then be able to play that on iTV.

    I have one of these devices, it's excellent. Especially with the user community at

    There's some good info on using one with a Mac here

    The stock EPG on the unit is a bit crufty but it's deffinetly improving. I'd recommend one to anyone looking for a decent PVR.

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  • carmenodie
    Mar 18, 08:14 AM
    I went to att's site and 4 gigs of downloads cost 45 dollars. Kiss my @@@!!!
    What's next? Charging per effing electron?

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  • ericinboston
    Apr 28, 09:17 AM
    I would LOVE to buy an iMac...and have been wanting for a few years...but $1200 for essentially a web surfing machine and iPod syncing machine is just too expensive for what it will be used for. My 4+ year old Mac Mini works just fine and even that was a lot of money when I got it ($1200).

    A very high percentage of consumers (as is reflected still now in 2011 personal computer marketshare) primarily do web-based activities, a little bit of Office productivity, and iTunes and thus do not need to spend 2x the money for product B when product A is fine. Why buy a Mac for $1200+ when a $600 Windows box (including nice 20"+ monitor) will fit the bill just fine?

    Not trying to start the never-ending debate but this is the reality.

    I love the iMac look...but after a few minutes of pondering, I can get a machine for 1/2 the price with the same size monitor that will do exactly what I (and 90% of consumers) need. If you're a Mac lover or have to use the Mac for particular reasons, of course the Mac is going to be your choice. But for the high majority of consumers in the world...there's just no need to spend twice the price.

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  • gopher
    Oct 9, 07:32 AM
    Originally posted by Pants
    oh, and did anyone mention that apples floating point performance was good? no - its awful! [/B]

    Oh really? Show me where PCs can do 18 billion floating point calculations a second!

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  • Bill McEnaney
    Apr 27, 09:14 PM
    We can see the ongoing effects of microbes all around us. Can you say the same for your god?
    That's not the point. The point. The point is that even before anyone discovered microbes, microbes already existed. You're welcome to insist that there's no God. But maybe you insist that there is none because although there's evidence for theism, you doubt that it is evidence for it. I'm sure many atheistic scientists who dismiss theism a priori because they believe that if God exists, His existence would force them to revise many of their scientific assumptions. I forget the title of the television program I watched, where the host asked a neuroscientist what she thought about near-death experiences. She didn't want to consider potential evidence for an afterlife because an afterlife would disprove too many physicalist assumptions about the nature of the mind.

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  • Liquorpuki
    Mar 14, 06:20 PM
    I beg to differ: your electricity consumption is shocking too. It's all that AC. We Brits always made do with punkah wallahs. Useful local employment opportunities and saves on polluting the atmosphere, too. You have a ready supply of "illegals" who would jump at the chance.

    Then you're probably more shocked at the Canadians, Norwegians, and Swedes, who consume more power per person than Americans do. Iceland consumes twice as much per person than us. And they don't even use AC.

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  • jrhone
    Jul 11, 11:06 PM
    AWESOME.....I will buy one as SOON as its released.....Logic Pro with Woodcrest......YUMMMM.....

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  • stompy
    Apr 14, 12:53 PM
    As someone that has used Windows since before Windows (DOS) and has never used a Mac, what might I NOT like about it?
    I'm sure you get what I'm asking here ;) so please share whatever info you can.

    I've read almost the entire thread, and had a couple thoughts. Not sure the OP is still here, especially having read his reactions, but just in case.

    Based on what I know about the OP (i.e. always used windows, just curious about Macs), I'm not really sure he could have come to a different conclusion based on this thread.

    (side note: Now, don't everyone freak out, but here comes an analogy. I'm going to compare a non-computer object to Windows/Mac. I know there will be differences, you know there will be differences. Forget them.)

    I start a thread on

    "I enjoy Restaurant Win, but sometimes, I see an ad for Restaurant Mac and several friends tell me how much they love Restaurant Mac. I'm starting to wonder if Restaurant Mac should be my new favorite. I've passed by and looked in the window, I've checked out the menu by the front door. It seems nice, there's usually a good crowd. I really don't have specific reason to change, but it could be better than Restaurant Win. Please tell me all the negatives about switching.

    Later on in the thread, I comment: "Gee, you don't like the filet mignon at at Restaurant Mac? That stinks, I order that a lot at Restaurant Win; and no shrimp scampi on the menu? Lots of other comments that make this look like a bad change. Well, I was mostly curious, I'm good with Restaurant Win."

    I honestly have no interest in convincing you to switch, you may be better off with windows, but the fact is, I set myself up for this outcome. Why?

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  • iindigo
    May 2, 11:02 AM
    Windows Vista & 7 have the UAC - meaning that admin accounts are effectively the same as on *nix & OS X.

    It works well (on Win7)

    I'm well aware of UAC. UAC also just happens to be "that annoying popup thing" that has become extremely popular for users to disable entirely since the debut of Vista.

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  • AppliedVisual
    Oct 25, 01:17 AM
    AV/multimedia, how far do you sit from your screen?

    I sit about 35 to 40" from my 30" display. Seems to be about the ideal distance. I keep the height adjusted so my eyes looking straight ahead are about 1/4 of the way down from the top of the screen. My primary display is centered straight ahead and the secondary display is on my left on an angle. Works very well. Took some getting used to as I've always had my secondary monitor on the right, but with the room layout, it worked better on the left at my new place. Ah, it's late, but I'll post a picture tomorrow tomorrow night so you can get a feel for what we're talking about. These Dell 30-inchers are just plain cool.

    Other than that, I second everything Multimedia said... Although, I already bought my second Dell 30" when it broke the $1400 mark. it's just too cool having 2 of these side by side. It's almost surreal having this kind of desktop real estate. Just be aware that with the G5 Macs, you need an FX4000 of FX4500 video card to use two of these. With the Mac Pro, the FX4500 again, or the ATI X1900xt will run dual 30" displays as well and is a bargain at $240 upgrade when ordering.

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  • onicon
    Apr 15, 09:20 AM
    Knowing how bullying feels like when it's done to you, no matter why or what the difference is, i really appreciate them doing this.

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  • dgree03
    Apr 28, 08:21 AM
    Please elaborate LTD.

    What do you mean by entire market? :confused:

    Lets see the spin artist spin this faster than the Tazmanian Devil. (grabs popcorn)

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  • Howdr
    Mar 18, 11:23 AM
    People who complain that your service provider is going to make you follow the ru:eek:les unnerve me with their uncanny ability to disregard all that stands to reason with the sustainability of your "toys." They are like little sissies on the playground crying after a Barbie Doll has been taken from them. Those people should man up and start paying for the footprint they leave on the network.
    WOW in plain English......... If you use a lot you should pay for it.

    OK I agree

    but AT&T are the ones who advertise Unlimited Data

    Should they not "Man UP"? and stop this hiding behind definitions of nonsense in a contract.

    Essentially the point many and I make is

    we pay for Data that is contracted as unlimited,
    At&t then has a contract that says its unlimited Data with us and then says they can decide when its abused.

    OK using 5gb or less is not considered abuse by them, OK

    But tethering 100mb of that 5gb is abuse even though it does not go over the usage and it makes no network difference to At&t

    the problem is the contract itself is contradictory in how it is written and the enforcement of this issue is in huge suspect, At&t truly may not have one kb of proof that you tethered.

    I see many problems with this.

    Lawsuits? Class action maybe not individuals.

    and it would have to be those paying for tethering and or charged a fine for doing so or forced into a tethering contract.

    Not I, I have no emails nothing, = No harm.

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  • Dr.Gargoyle
    Jul 12, 09:45 AM
    Er...have you seen the MacBook Pro pricing? The MacBook pricing? The iMac pricing? The Mini pricing? (Which went UP by a fair amount). If you're thinking that x86 processors are cheaper than PPC, you're sadly mistaken. Cheap computers being cheap has just about nothing whatsoever to do with the CPU....

    What I wrote was that after the PPC->x86 transition, it is easier to compare Apples prices with other manufactures selling PCs with the same hardware configuration as Apple. This has nothing to do with the price of the processor. The transition has made it possible to compare apples to apples. For example, if you compare the price of a MBP with a PCs with same hardware configuration, you will see that the prices are about the same. I suspect that MacPro will be priced in the same ball park as high-end PC workstations.

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  • AidenShaw
    Sep 21, 10:34 AM
    Contrary to what many people are saying here, I don't think PVR is Apple's stratedgy. PVR woud have to be based on a subscription model, and Apple has shown us for years now that it won't have it that way.
    Windows Media Center does not have a subscription model - the channel guide is free.

    All you have to do is enter your zip code and cable provider when you set it up.

    Apr 24, 11:13 PM
    To top it off, compared to all atheists, I'm an illiterate, illogical, southern-bred moron and I will never be able to make an educated decision for myself.

    And just to be clear, I DID NOT make a 35 on the ACT my Junior year of high school, and I am not on scholarship to a top 25 university.

    happy now? :cool:

    I'm sorry to hear that you are illiterate and southern-bred :(

    I can't relate to the acronym ACT, but I hope it's not the same as an IQ test in terms of how the score is computed.

    Apr 25, 11:47 AM
    When someone uses the word "belief" they are really saying "to the best of my knowledge, experience and understanding, I conclude this to be true". The same would go for disbelief. Since humans are not perfect, not even remotely, we can never be 100% sure. Even that tree you see in front of you has a small probability of being an illusion or a figment of your imagination.

    Jul 12, 08:48 PM
    Just got Tom's Hardware Guide's publication today about Project Keifer.

    Intel's projected 32 Core processor. :D

    "Intel has been studying Sun's UltraSPARC T1 (Niagara) to come up with a radical processor redesign for 2010 that could perform 16 times faster than Woodcrest. This is no marketing blurb, guys; this is technical intelligence from within the Borg collective."

    Aug 29, 11:03 AM
    Boo hoo. its a business, waht do they realistically expect?
    They expect them to do better--at least as well as other companies do, and ultimately better than that.

    And we should thank Greenpeace et al for putting this kind of pressure on companies: it helps all of us. These are serious issues, and they are issues that CAN be solved without companies ceasing to do business ;)

    I'm glad for what Apple has done so far, and I'm glad people are pushing them to do more.

    The "never criticize a business, their profit matters more than anything in the world" attitude is a little extreme if you stop to think about it. By that logic, we should accept products without warranties, toys that shatter into sharp pieces, batteries that catch fire, poisons in foods, slave labor, pollution... ANYTHING so long as it is in some corporations interest.

    But corporations aren't the only thing that matters (despite their hold on certain governing bodies ;) ).

    Aug 29, 02:26 PM
    I'm not sure you understand the situation we're in right now.

    Do you understand? Humanity may be destroyed. We're not talking about a natural disaster or two here, we're not talking about something like an economic depression, we're talking about a major, if not total anihilation of our species.

    Indeed - repent sinners, etc. etc. It's an old game - and the catastrophe is always just so far into the future that the doomsayers can never be held to account once the apocalypse fails to materialize... How convenient!

    Plus, it's always nice to have the "preserve freedom of speech!" and 'Viva Che!' in the same sig - lends a nice air of irony to the post!

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