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  • snouter
    Apr 6, 11:05 AM
    I don't think you'll see IPS screens in MacBook Pro's or Air in the future.
    Apple is working on the mass market now and mass market don't care about quality of the screens specially on the portables.
    If you need colors and better screen then Apple will sale you "****ing glossy amazing" 27" display. :)

    Shame really, because the Pro in me would like a more color accurate screen, even for a little extra Apple Tax. C'mon Apple! You can release a $3000 laptop, you know you can!

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  • buffalo
    Aug 11, 11:11 AM
    Is it possible for Apple to release a phone sold in their stores that would work on all networks? Or have several versions of the phone that will work for Verizon, Cingular...

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  • mweingar
    Apr 6, 02:43 PM
    I purchased a Xoom over the weekend it's a great device, a little heavy, but very awesome for its first pass. I used to own an iPad 1, gave it away, didn't want an iPad 2. Why do I need two devices of the same OS where the UI was designed for the iPhone (smaller device) to begin with? I love the versatility of honeycomb, widgets are phenomenal on a large tablet screen. Everything is great about the interface so far, although there are a few things here and there which make no sense, but I'm sure they'll fix that. I ran into some bugs, called Moto support, they troubleshooted with me, fixed it and were really cool about it. As far as hardware, the materials are great, but definitely Motorola needs to learn a thing or two about button placement. They put the sleep/wakeup button on the back of the device. I used to like to hit the home button on the iPad to wake it up and do stuff (while I was having a bowl of cereal for example), with the Xoom I can't do that, I HAVE to pick up the device. Another interface/hardware awkwardness are the volume buttons and I cannot find a way to change volume within the device itself, unless I press the volume hardware buttons a window will popup.

    Other than that, I can live with all this, and the device is extremely awesome and a fresh feeling of a new UI the way it should be done for a tablet.

    You list ONE issue with the iPad, that it looks too much like the iPhone, and then go on to a laundry list of issues on the Xoom that culminates in a tech support call and THAT is your preferred device?

    Rock on winner. I have a bridge I want to sell you.

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  • NY Guitarist
    Apr 5, 07:23 PM
    I hope the next release of FCS integrates the different apps within the suite under a single UI.

    The whole "Send to" export concept always seemed like an awkward workaround for using this package as a "suite".

    As sad as it was to see Apple kill off Shake, my hope is that it will be reborn inside FC as the node based compositor portion of the package. Motion inherited some of Shake's features, notably SmoothCam, so hopefully more of Shake will live on in FCP.

    I'd really like to see FCS become of a single app where the "suite" of apps becomes more of a "mode" of operating. In other words if you choose to do editing the UI can switch to a mode that focuses on that, as with compositing, titles (LiveType) or audio editing (Soundtrack).. and so on.

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  • amin
    Aug 22, 07:33 PM
    Current generation AMD Opterons still clearly outscale Woodcrest in real-world memory bandwidth with only two cores.

    Do you have a reference showing that this translates to better performance in real-world application tests in a head to head competition?

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  • bedifferent
    Apr 27, 10:03 AM
    I find your statement back to him a bit hypocritical and quite judgmental. Why are his panties in a twist but not yours?

    Your initial reply to him was harsh to begin with and he replied logically. Agree to disagree. Leave it at that.

    He commented to my post, not the other way around.

    My comment, #75 (again, no mention of him):

    There's a nuclear disaster in Japan and treacherous weather throughout, people are jobless and homeless and the dollar's in the sh***er and our Supreme Court ruled that companies can give unlimited financial aid to any politician putting business interests in our government and people are worried about Apple possibly tracking them on their iDevice?

    Let 'em, my life is BORING, they wouldn't be interested :p

    His comment to me:

    None of which are affecting my day to day life. However, since you say I can't go on living my life until all other worldly issues are resolved, I will be waiting for a e-mail letting me know when I can resume going about my daily routine.

    Until then, I will stay fixed in front of my computer screen. :rolleyes:

    This argument that we shouldn't worry about anything because bigger things are going on has got to stop. It's the most disingenuous comment you can make.

    So this comment was logical and not insulting and personal?

    I made no mention of or to him in my initial post, so this means your comment should be addressed to him, not me… and how does this involve you?

    I made a comment, directed to no one, that many agreed with, but one person made personal slams at me and why are we discussing this?

    /end of discussion, this is juvenile

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  • laidbackliam
    Aug 7, 02:34 AM
    this is me going out an a limb here.

    but do you think the desktop lineup could become this?

    Mac mini (2 models)
    the Mac
    Mac Pro

    "if" this happens, which i find unlikely based on pure speculation, the mac mini could keep yonah processors, the Mac could get conroe, the iMac could get conroe, and the Mac Pro could go balls to the wall with 3.0ghz woodcrests.

    the Mac would be the affordable tower that people have been wanting. yet another reason for people to switch. a unit that works, that has an upgrade path, but doesn't cost 1500+.

    again, i don't think this will happen at wwdc, but i do think it would be cool

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  • Koufax80
    Apr 25, 02:36 PM
    Maybe I'm missing something, but so what if they can tell what cell phone tower you're by??? Are you really so important/ secrative that someone knowing your location is that big of a deal?

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  • DMann
    Aug 7, 03:23 PM
    The new HW is fine, but Leopard is exciting! I'll look forward to this as I have all the big cats.

    In nine months or less......... we'll have those
    Top Secret features in our machines - too bad
    for Redmond they won't be revealed until then.
    Core graphics and Quartz Extreme will be amazing.
    Love Time Machine, Spaces, etc.

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  • DesmoPilot
    Sep 7, 02:09 AM
    Seems like best buy is getting Playable Demos of the game I played it at mine I'm not a big racing sim fan but wow day 1 purchase for me awesome demo.


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  • RebootD
    Mar 31, 05:24 PM

    Just speaking to your 'year of the linux' quote that's all.

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  • coolbreeze
    Apr 7, 11:37 PM
    If there is one indisputable fact of this world...

    Those on message boards that say they hate Best Buy, are the first to grab the Sunday ad and visit the store at least weekly.

    Bank on it.
    Oh I believe you. They go into BB on Sunday morning, buy their gadget, decide if they like it, get home, order from Amazon, return to said BB once they receive the same, cheaper item.

    Retail and B&M is doomed.

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  • ugp
    Jun 15, 07:48 PM
    This has to be the worst a pre-order has ever gone in history. Better preparation needs to be made in the future to avoid these problems.

    I was able to get Apples site to get to the final stage and "Place Order" but I opted not to. I am first on the list at my local Radio Shack and I will take my chances there. I am not going to be able to be home when the iPhone would deliver. If I have to wait I will wait. My friend is the Manager and he would process my ticket for me if he had to and drop it off to me if it doesn't come launch day. Otherwise I will be there the 24th in the morning at opening.

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  • jmbear
    Nov 29, 12:46 PM
    Great argument, except that OK Go are signed to a major label, Capitol Records, only one of the most histroically great labels!! Please see: The Beach Boys, Pink Floyd, The Beatles, Nat King Cole, etc.)! :rolleyes: YouTube doesn't sell music; just look at OK Go's numbers, they are mediocre at best. One hugely popular viral video is not going to move that many CDs.

    Also, as an aside, they are not "recording studios," they are "recording labels," or more commonly, "record labels."

    Those bands became what they are in different times my friend.

    And sorry about the recording studios thing, I am not a native english speaker.

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  • iNotion
    Mar 25, 10:49 PM
    Why they keep showing Macbook air with OSX Lion?

    My money is ready!

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  • rjohnstone
    Apr 25, 03:11 PM
    While I would also like to know why, I'm not sure this is a big deal as it seems to me that the remedy to going to be very simple: a) encryption is on by default, and/or b) flushing the database after, say, six months.
    Oh I agree, it's not as big a deal as some are making it out to be.
    I would still like to know the "why" part. If anything just to satisfy my own curiosity.

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  • Thank you to all the parents

  • ctdonath
    Mar 22, 02:57 PM
    but these tablets ( and my ipad) will NEVER be a true enterprise product with out some sort of native printing and a FIRST CLASS STYLUS/WRITING APPS. PERIOD.

    They're not what they're not.
    Their purpose is anywhere/anytime/always-on, not "best tool for job X".

    I drag my tablet everywhere because it's easy to carry and easy to use (ease on the scale of "quick email check in elevator", "get coupon while walking between car and cafe" easy).

    Your complaint is akin to whining a Swiss Army knife is unsuitable for culinary or carpentry use. You have a serious application for which a serious tool is warranted, you get the serious tool - not whine that a lightweight general-purpose device doesn't fulfill the role. ...and sometimes the right tool for a particular enterprise application IS a Swiss Army knife, because for a particular job the "every tool is available in a tiny lightweight package" may be best.

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  • Brandon4692
    Jun 22, 07:03 PM
    Yes Brandon they received them in store today. My buddy was able to grab two from the local store that did not generate any PINs so I will be getting mine Thursday morning now. Radio Shack is also giving $20 Gift Cards to use towards accessories at the time of purchase in this area.

    Ugh! Lucky!! I think I'm going to just keep calling my local radioshacks and head to one at least an hour before they open on Thursday!

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  • bibbz
    Jun 11, 01:53 PM
    I would Pre-Order ASAP. The longer you wait the less your chances get. Being their are 4 Retailers confirmed to launch I am sure Apple has a big Inventory on these but how much will each Company be receiving is the question. I can see Wal-Mart getting the least from anyone.
    We are being told that inventory will be limited for non preorder customers. Basically, if you want one, you better preorder.

    About opening before apple stores...

    Thats what i thought too, but the only thing we were told is no later than 8am opening. Basically we can open anytime up to 8am.

    Aug 18, 11:54 PM
    possible clovertown obstacles....

    OK here are some possible DIY upgrade to clovertown obstacles

    1) firmware- will it even boot?

    2) FSB- 1066 for clovertown is slower than 1333 for woody

    3) RAM- Clovertown uses 533 FB-DIMM instead of the 667 FBDIMM Woodcrest uses

    4) power/heat- the Clovertown has a TDP in practical use about 20W higher than the hottest Woodcrest...multiply this by two because its dual processor, and you've got a good 40W beyond the design, maybe more.

    5) size- will it fit the existing coolers?

    Mar 26, 05:29 AM
    been using the preview as my main OS since its release and havent had any problems besides sagari being a bitch sometimes. havent touched my snow leopard ever since.

    will we be able to get the GM by software update or will it be a complete nee upgrade disc image?

    oh and dashboard isnt pointless. i use it A LOT. for weather, world clock, istats, translator, notes and so on. i would rly miss it if it were to be replaced

    Jul 28, 06:11 AM
    I am waiting until the new MBP is released with merom. I don't care if it's now or in January.

    My question is: What's the fastest way to get the new MBP into my hands? Is ordering it online after it's announcement the fastest, or going to an apple store?

    I live within 3 stores. So I can play the call and place one on hold bit.

    I'd think you would have a better chance to get one fast with the stores. I don't live near one and I ordered an ibook last August when it was upgraded-- even with expedited shipping it still took 10 days to arrive from China. (Apple refunded the expedited shipping fee).

    Apr 6, 04:08 PM
    Is every app in the app store of the same caliber as those few apps you named?

    Did I say that? No. (Strawman alert.) But there are a lot. Far more than you'll find for Honeycomb, despite mobilehavoc's contention to the contrary.

    I'm sure you'll be the first to dance happy around when in the future finally some 5 year old Android apps/games will get ported to iOS like it is now with Windows/MacOS.

    Ah, Android gaming. You seem to have things reversed in your head:

    Apr 27, 03:14 PM
    I'd be fascinated to know exactly what you did to "discover" those layers, 5P. I have Photoshop and Illustrator too. Guess what? One layer. Nothing selectable. At least one of us is talking complete bollocks.

    He didn't discover anything, he just bought in to the reactionary right wing propaganda spreading like wildfire on the internet.

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