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  • andiwm2003
    Aug 28, 12:08 PM
    not that it really matters. but they stole apples thunder.

    and since steve compared osx to windows and the mac pro to dell and made lot's of fun about both they'd better stay on top of the game.

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  • crap freakboy
    Sep 12, 02:10 PM
    I was expecting more....but I'm a 'glass half empty' sort of fella

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  • adnoh
    Apr 30, 01:27 PM
    wooo! finally!

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  • bdj21ya
    Sep 15, 05:51 PM
    I hear that in Japan 6 to 7 megapixels is more common for the phones.

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  • tbobmccoy
    Mar 23, 05:35 PM
    Stay classy Austin :rolleyes:

    As for the Senator's request, they cannot be required to take it down. If cops are so overt that apps can bust their checkpoints, maybe they should be floating checkpoints?

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  • steve_hill4
    Sep 9, 07:55 AM
    My first question is if the Mac Pro offers less of a performance increase than it first appeared, (for the time being at least), would Apple use this as an argument against a Conroe Tower?

    I'm still behind Apple increasing their product lines, (Conroe Tower, 13" MBP, 15 & 17" MBs), and they have effectively done just this with taking teir consumer iMac offering from 2 standard models to 4. Can we expect more of the same in the future?

    Roll on September 12th and beyond.

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  • stol
    Apr 11, 07:26 AM
    This is great news, I've been waiting for something like that for ages.

    For all those people that fail to see how it could be useful, consider the following scenarios:

    I got my Mac connected to some great speakers.
    Now, a friend comes by for a visit, brings along his laptop and we want to hear some music from his iTunes --> messy cables, my friend standing with his laptop by the amplifier because that cable is short (�)
    Another friend comes over. We want to listen to music from his/her iPod/iPhone/iPad --> messy cables.
    My beloved speakers are self-amplified and connected directly to my mac or say, an external sound card --> even more complicated!
    Same friends, different room - let's say a living room with a HTPC --> More cables.

    All this could be accomplished with a few airport express units across the house which is somehow a luxury option money-wise and somehow redundant since I already have a wireless router and at least one computer up and running. Also, it would probably create more of a mess with the aforementioned setup (I would need a multiple input amplifier for my living room or an extra mixer for self-amplified speakers). Don't get me wrong, I think AX is a great device and I'll probably get one someday, but it sounds absurd that one device cannot stream audio to a computer.

    And for those suggesting third-party software, this sounds great if I were the only using them. I cannot imagine telling my friends "hey, buy this $40 software so we can stream music to each other's computer". I'm not sure I could even convince them to install free software to mess with their audio setup. iOS users are ruled out of course.

    For those suggesting iTunes home sharing: this is for personal use. I don't want to share my id/pass with anyone, and no one wants to share it with me.

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  • kanedavid
    Apr 29, 07:55 PM
    Microsoft is still doing very well. They're making the best products they ever have done and as a customer I am very pleased with all of my Microsoft purchases.

    All great products and deserve to be class leaders if they are not already. I can't think of another company (including Apple) that has put out such a fantastic range of very good products.

    You forget one thing neiltc13.... not many people seem to share your views:

    � Zune Desktop Software.... way more people prefer the iTunes ecosphere (which isn't perfect either mind you).

    � Zune Hardware... This is clearly a product flop... just like M$ and it's PlaysForSure DRM. Apple's iPod after 10 years still blitzes the portable music device market.

    � Windows Phone 7... Yes, Windows 7 is a significant improvement over any previous boost phone OS from M$... a shame that they had to really copy the whole "multi-touch" concept from someone else. But M$ has a long way to catch up with Apple and Google with their offerings and as yet, it would suggest that Apple and Google are still better than M$.

    � Windows 7... It's a LOT better than anything M$ has released in the past. All credit to them on this one. But it's uptake hasn't really been all that good though and Microsoft continues to do the "value-add" model by charging more for greater feature sets across it various Windows editions... Too many choices for people that don't understand. Just make one version and price it at $99 and they'll get a much better uptake.

    � Office 2010... Yes, it's WAY better than any offering from other companies (for Excel at least). Not sure that Office 2010 is necessarily better than Office 2007 though.

    � Office 2001 for Mac - Yes, especially Outlook 2011 for Mac. There was never any reason why Microsoft could not have upgraded it's old Classic Mac version of Outlook 2001 all along rather than develop it's Entourage product which in my opinion was always Microsofts half-assed way of limiting Mac Support in an attempt to marginalise the Mac platform. Guess what? It hasn't really worked so now Microsoft have realised that the best approach is to try and embrace the fact that Apple's Mac OS isn't going away anytime soon so it might as well support it properly.

    � Xbox 360 - It's a pretty good product, but compared to the other two 7th generation Game Consoles (PS3/Wii), XBOX trails in third place in all markets except the US where it is second behind Wii.

    � Xbox Live - Still an immature product (along with Sony's and Wii's equivalent!). I don't think ANY of the current offerings are that good really but Microsoft has a LOT more experience in internet technologies so you'd expect that Microsoft should be able to come up with something that is better than it is.

    Microsoft's problem is that it struggles to actually invent something that appeals to consumers in a way that allows them to command a higher price until the market matures. Technology is a tough market to be in because most technology products fall in value dramatically when a product matures, and margins become very thin and in many cases unsustainable. The only real way to make a lot of dosh in technology is to continually be innovative and invent something new that captivates people. Simply copying someone else all the time won't cut it.

    Apple started it's revolution with the iPod well before most other MP3 players came out and so it commanded a higher price (therefore profits) than conventional music devices of the time (CD Discman, Minidisc etc) had. Then just as all the me-too players jumped on the bandwagon, Apple move onto it's next innovation... iTunes Store... then iPhone... then App Store... and now the iPad.

    When Microsoft goes back to it's heyday and starts being innovative like Apple and Google are now, they'll again start making a lot more money again.

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  • Popeye206
    Apr 28, 03:28 PM
    Balmer is thinking early retirement I'm sure. :p

    Who would have ever thunk that little old Apple would eventually pass MS?

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  • Eidorian
    Jul 14, 09:27 AM
    Der. No! The Conroe CPU is the desktop version of the the Merom CPU which is not currently used in any Mac.I don't get where this Conroe in the iMac thing came from either. The power it draws and heat it produces even puts the 970FX to shame.

    The bench marks show that the Conroe based CPU's are going to smoke the AMD competition. :)Yeah, the FX-62 has some competition. Even the 1.86 GHz model can compete in some tests.

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  • mlrproducts
    Sep 13, 11:26 PM
    MR should be happy, as it seems there are plenty of new, naive and ignorant noobs running around.

    1) Read the darned article before you spout off about "well hows'I gonnda call wichout me dile pad?"

    2) There is a slim to none change this will be any type of smart phone. Scratch that, there is no chance. I would post numbers but I don't have to, because anyone with common sense could put together that the number of non-smart phones outsell smart phones to about a billion to one. (However aside from the obvious mp3/aac playing abilities, it will be "enhanced" in the sense that it will have bluetooth and sync seamlessly with iSync.)

    3) Touchscreen would be nice, but it seems as if Apple's patents never materialize. That, and 3b) any type of touch device [that already gets skin/hair oil on it] would be too dirty with fingerprints all over it.

    4) Quit complaining about a slider. 4b) They are popular (which for the economically challenged=they sell well=more money for Apple). Also, I would ask that you really think about how often you use your "most recently dialed" list or phonebook vs. new numbers.

    5) Technically the artist's rendition is not "nano-like," it is now "vintage retro-1st gen nano-like." ;)

    6) While I don't want to challenge Arn's sources, it would be difficult to make the back true "chrome" as the iPods, due to signal issues (unless an external antenna was used, which is unlikely based on a whole slew of reasons I won't go into).

    7) The phone will more than likely be GSM. You MIGHT get a CDMA version poor other folks, but not likely (and if so, perhaps only carried on Verizon, and not at release).

    8) And #7 leads to real issues re: business. These include: will Apple become a virtual carrier, will the release the phone GSM unlocked and only Apple branded, will it be produced by another manufacturer (ie: Samsung) and attributed as such (unlikely), or are they going to go with the obvious Cingular release (and the possibility of adding to T-Mobile after a Cingular exclusive period). Lastly, worldwide release/availability issues.

    9) Quit asking about live iChat video chat, it AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN. A possible related item would be iChat texting (similar to current AOL, Yahoo, ICQ).

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  • psxtreme
    Apr 14, 01:06 PM
    Thunderbolt will never replace USB because they serve different functions. You will never see low-bandwidth devices such as keyboard/mice/USB stick using thunderbolt because it doesn't make sense.

    The real question that I haven't seen anyone ask, is will this be Intel only or will other chipsets/manufacturers support it as well.

    Also I don't know if anyone mentioned it but one of the reasons Firewire never took off was because of royalty fees that need to be paid for implementing it. Thunderbolt has no royalties on it and this should help drive adoption.

    From the looks of it Thunderbolt will be able to replace eSata, Firewire, and maybe Expresscards.

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  • EagerDragon
    Sep 10, 08:22 PM
    Please stop these chip rumors, it will only spawn new "MacBooks this Tuesday" threads:(

    No, PowerBook G7 on Monday's keynote

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  • cmaier
    Nov 13, 04:10 PM
    they are using the OS X API in the context it was meant to be used in. as far as i can tell these images aren't loaded into the iPhone application itself and are rather transmitted over-the-air as the application is being used, thus they are being called by the OS while the application is being run and are merely being displayed through the iPhone application, its like saying you can't see any apple trademark icons through a VPN client.

    Or like saying that if my app has a UIWebView, I have to prevent the user from navigating to lest he be subjected to seeing Apple's trademarked logos and pictures of Apple computers.

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  • Sydde
    Apr 10, 05:43 PM
    Remember, we have high taxes (~20% VAT etc) but better public services in general.
    If you calculate where personal income goes, the US has effectively similar tax rates to most of Europe, just more of it goes to private business instead of the government. The structure of the legal system supports funneling our money upward in a manner that is functionally indistinguishable from privatized taxation. Lamentably, the ROI on privatization, AFAICT, is far lower in the private sector (compare the benefit/overhead ratio of Medicare to most private insurance companies). Personally, I would take government services over more costly, lower quality private services every freaking time.

    The dynamic that the US faces right now is similar to north Africa and the Arabian peninsula: as those in power work out more ways to benefit from the misery of the essentially powerless, more and more people are acquiring less and less to lose. The tipping point will be when the sheer volume of despair overtops the levee of hope. The Prince describes these cycles of society. What follows may well be a slight revision of its antecedent, unless we can somehow refer to history to discover some way to break the cycle.
    Swings and roundabouts!

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  • citizenzen
    Apr 20, 08:04 PM
    But then again, these people would rather force everyone to pony up the dough rather than take a hit to their lifestyles.

    To borrow a phrase, if you (they) don't like it, leave.

    As someone pointed out in another thread, about half of colonial Americans sided with the British. After the revolution, they didn't get to split America into those who remained loyal to the British crown and those who did not. A society moves as a whole, obeys laws as a whole, or it is not a society at all.

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  • Chundles
    Oct 13, 03:32 AM
    I agree, this thing is not about doing something good, it's about buying a gimmick that says to everyone "I gave to charity" while in reality you were not spending one dime more than you would have spent on the gimmick that you wanted to buy anyway. What kind of shite is this where you just want to show around that you're a good person while in reality you couldn't get your thumbs out of your butt to donate anything at all, not even 10 bucks. It's called VANITY, not Charity. Write a small check for crying out loud if you want to do something, it's even deductable, and attach the receipt to your favourite shirt so everyone can see if you feel so strongly about it.

    This ipod thingy is about you feeling good, not about much else. To you it feels like a 200 Dollar donation, also might help you to convince yourself to buy yet another gadget..pardon me, do some charity for africa, apple's sales go up a bit, they'll make a little less money on the ipod, 10 bucks (which may however be deductable, I don't know) but basically will benefit from it too because they sold a couple more at a slightly lower but still pretty good profit margin. Sure, some bucks go to Africa but let's be honest here: Apple makes more money, the consumer gets to wear a stylish gimmick with good-person-tag at no extra charge... now that's some serious altruism there.

    Hooray to those that, the next time they will be confronted with some reporting on Aids in Africa, will be able to caress that small, hard bulge in their pocket (red iPod!), touching it and whispering "I did my share to solve the problem".

    Who cares if it's vanity? I'd rather somebody buy a Red iPod and feel good about themselves, be able to brag to their friends and show off to the community than for the same person to otherwise do nothing.

    As long as it's legal I'm pretty sure the folks in charge of the aid money don't care where the money's coming from. I don't think the AIDS sufferers in Africa give a rat's arse that the money that helps their problems comes from rampant western consumerism - they're just happy to have some help.

    I think it's a good idea.

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  • rdrr
    Oct 12, 05:15 PM
    Nice! Still doesn't answer the mystery of the clickwheel color though

    My guess is that it is white since the logo and top is white. And the color does look more primary red than the deep red artist rendition.

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  • lokey
    Sep 26, 07:46 AM
    This would be great. My Cingular contract ends in November so I'll be able to choose any provider at that time, but an iPhone will keep me with Cingular. Also, my current phone is on it's last leg... exciting news!

    Apr 4, 12:12 PM
    The suspect was killed? Good.

    Western society is far too soft on crime.

    I feel sorry for the security guard for what he has been through / will go through.. but not the suspect.

    American Tax payers money has been saved for the suspect's jail time, who will probably re-offend again after he gets out.

    Sep 10, 01:09 PM
    1024 CPUs??? WOW... and I thought I had nasty simulations. :o
    Still, dont you think that it is a terrible waste of computing power if the app doesnt take advantage of multiple processors, eventhough it might be very hard to write such an app? This is really not my field and I know far too little to have an opinion, so take it for what it is worth.

    It is a terrible waste to have unused CPU power, especially when the application is CPU intense, there are entire fields of research dedicated to optimizing certain types of calculations.... Ive said it before, the core wars will also stop eventually...

    Whats wrong with having two dual core processors on one chip? I can understand that the FSB might become a bottleneck but thats not only a issue related to the number of cores/processors is it?

    Apr 22, 12:02 PM
    Err... and how is that relevant? I'm sure Blu-Ray will live on in other notebooks, but Apple's? Unlikely.

    There were 100GB BDXL when Apple refreshed the MacBook Pro's this year.

    There are no BDXL notebook drives yet.

    Just preempting any claim that there's no place for optical drives because "BD is obsolete".

    Even DVDs and CDs are not obsolete. They are mainstream distribution media.

    Optical drives at not at all at "floppy time".

    Apr 11, 11:27 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    The marantz one is, you have to pay $40 to uPgrade firmware to get AirPlay working at all. At least you did with early versions, not sure about current versions, AirPlay may work without upgrade with those.

    if you have marantz speakers...... you have 40 dollars.

    Sep 9, 10:10 AM
    Good - now we won't have to wade through any arguments with fanbois who claim that the iMac is the "most powerful desktop on the planet"....


    As previously confirmed, the iMac is the most powerful AIO desktop...the title you just mentioned belongs to the MacPro...sorry for the misunderstanding...:rolleyes:

    How is Winblows going on your side, Aiden? Many BSODs today?

    PowerBooks G5, oops, Mini Tower Macs next Tuesday!!!! :rolleyes:

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