portal 2 glados potato

portal 2 glados potato. You Can Help Portal 2 (for PC)
  • You Can Help Portal 2 (for PC)

  • iJawn108
    Sep 14, 06:51 PM

    :rolleyes: as if

    portal 2 glados potato. portal 2 glados as a potato.
  • portal 2 glados as a potato.

  • Silencio
    Dec 30, 06:39 PM
    McAfee Labs Threat Predictions for 2010:

    * Apple: No longer flying under the radar

    McAfee Labs Threat Predictions for 2009:

    * Apple: No longer flying under the radar

    McAfee Labs Threat Predictions for 2008:

    * Apple: No longer flying under the radar

    McAfee Labs Threat Predictions for 2007:

    * Apple: No longer flying under the radar

    &c. &c.

    portal 2 glados potato. (Well except for a huge potato
  • (Well except for a huge potato

  • jdechko
    Jul 14, 09:22 AM
    Woohoo! 3GHz here we come. As was mentioned before, though, a mid-sized tower priced at the iMac level (but upgradable) would be the final logical step in the Apple product line. That would leave Woodcrest to the high end MacPro with its quad configuration.

    portal 2 glados potato. Portal 2 fanart of GLaDOS
  • Portal 2 fanart of GLaDOS

  • erikh
    Sep 26, 07:58 AM
    did you read the article above?

    "Apple is still in talks with providers in other parts of the world on other exclusive deals"


    Well, the cell phone markets work in different ways in different parts of the world. While the standard in the US, and other parts of the Americas, is that phone and network follows each other closely (which is why you have a lot of provider-specific phone models, even for the supposedly provider-independent GSM phones), most of Europe has a very weak connection between individual phones and networks.

    Here, the most provider-specific you can go is to get a discounted (yet otherwise ordinary) phone if you sign up for a one-year subscription. Oh, and you may get your provider's GPRS/WAP/MMS settings pre-installed.

    So, it would really be a first if Apple would get "provider-exclusive" distribution deals throughout Europe. And that's not considering the fact that there is no single provider that covers all of Europe, so they would have to go through the troubles of signing different deals in each country. In my thinking, that leads to Apple either dropping the European market, postponing the release in Europe until they have saturated the US market, or just release it on the general market. After all, I believe most of the European cell phones that are available on the US market as provider exclusive are sold "openly" (under slightly different names and color schemes) back here in Europe.

    portal 2 glados potato. portal gun, and sentient
  • portal gun, and sentient

  • wovel
    Apr 19, 09:21 AM
    Way to bite the hand that feeds you, Steve. What an idiot. Production of Samsung Galaxy S handsets was brought to a crawl last year because of display shortages -shortages caused by tring to satify (oamong other things) Jobs' insatiable appetite for touch-sensitive screens.

    Jobs should be kissing Samsung's a__, not suing it.

    I suppose it's too much to hope Sammy would cut them off as a customer until this blows over. Of course, that wouldn't be in their best interests.

    Why do so many people get this analogy backwards? If Samsung sued their second largest customer or say copied the design of your second largest customer, that would be biting the hand that feeds you.

    There are other manufacturers, Samsung cannot replace Apple.

    portal 2 glados potato. of Portal 2 continues and,
  • of Portal 2 continues and,

  • Drag'nGT
    Apr 30, 01:42 PM
    Okay, so now all I have to do is hope for SATA 3 SSD connections and the prices to drop to i5 @ $1699 and i7 @ $1999. Some REAL good GPUs and more standard ram. :cool:

    I hate to say it but I'll keep holding off if the interface connections don't start jumping up in spec. It's retarded to see Thunderbolt and no SATA 3 or USB 3. It will a (re)selling point later on when you're looking to sell it off for the next new one.

    portal 2 glados potato. portal 2 glados as a potato.
  • portal 2 glados as a potato.

  • theelysium
    May 3, 04:08 PM
    I think there is an error on the iMac performance page.

    It shows:

    For i5

    Then for i7

    Shouldn't it show faster performance for the i7?:confused:

    I sent an email to someone who works on their website asking them to double check that.:D

    I thught was strange as well at first, but I believe that the comparison is between i5 1st gen vs 2nd gen and i7 1st gen vs 2nd gen.

    Perhaps they're comparing the old i7 to the new i7?

    I think Fraaaa is correct. I re-read the quote at the bottom which shows what they compared. They don't say specifically say how they conducted it, but they say the different models and there are two for each of course. The logical answer is that the i5 got a bigger performance boos then the i7, but Apple should have made that chart clearer and also offered another chart showing how much faster the NEW i5 was to the NEW i7. Having a third chart in the diagram would have easily cleared up any confusion when reading it.:cool:

    portal 2 glados potato. portal 2 glados quotes. portal
  • portal 2 glados quotes. portal

  • emaja
    Apr 22, 11:31 AM
    Well no, not in the true sense of the word, but you do have the data and can use the data elsewhere.

    In the same way technically you don't own the music on a record, or cassette or CD, but you do have the ability to use/listen to the music elsewhere.

    I can just see this ability, which we have taken for granted since the 1st every records were sold to the public in around 1894 will soon, if big companies get there way and the public buy into it without thinking, will be coming to an end.

    I was just pointing this out, but I agree that it could be something that was easier to take away if there was no physical media.

    I am stuck between the two worlds of physical and digital media. I prefer to hold something in my hand since it makes me feel like I own something. As soon as I get the disk home I rip it in lossless into iTunes and put it in a box after tagging it meticulously. I enjoy the convenience, but not ready to take that full leap.

    portal 2 glados potato. Tagged: portal, portal 2
  • Tagged: portal, portal 2

  • Amazing Iceman
    Mar 30, 11:55 AM
    I'm thinkin' Apple should have gone with "iApp Store" (u heard it here FIRST! Let me get a trademark/patent on that) b/c Microsoft is just a big ole' COPYCAT...lol :D

    It's not easy to pronounce "iApp Store". It wouldn't have worked out too well.

    Apple should have patented "AppStore" as one word instead of two words "App Store". Or should have patented both to be safe.

    Anyways, phonetically both sound the same, and that may be a good argument; it worked for Microsoft when they sued "Lindows".

    portal 2 glados potato. Was Portal 2 released?
  • Was Portal 2 released?

  • tpavur
    Apr 4, 12:09 PM
    "So Live and Let Die!"

    You shoot their leg, they shoot you in the head.
    Anyone who points a gun at another person is asking for trouble, even if he/she doesn't fire it.

    If guns didn't exist, things like this wouldn't be happening.

    If guns did not exist it would be happening with whatever does. swords, rocks, fists... in which case the mall cop would have probably been killed in this situation and lost the "good fight". It becomes a game of numbers when guns do not exist... all guns do is put everybody on a level playing field regarldess of numbers (be realistic) or physical strength.

    portal 2 glados potato. Portal 2 is out now for the PC
  • Portal 2 is out now for the PC

  • Paulhammer
    Sep 14, 08:44 AM
    The invitation suggests Aperture, but could it also be an extreme closeup of an isight camera on a black anodized MBP? ;) :cool: :D :eek: :confused:

    portal 2 glados potato. If you#39;ve yet to play Portal 2
  • If you#39;ve yet to play Portal 2

  • kuebby
    Apr 20, 01:52 PM
    *Shrug* It is probably a feature enabled on the majority of GSM carriers for statistical purposes. Again, I don't see the problem. If this information is used to improve my network coverage, why should I care? If I'm not part of a secret terrorist cell, I don't see how my life is being negatively impacted by this information especially if it does not have any identifiable information attached to it.

    Apparently this feature is not enabled on Verizon phones.

    "When the Nazis came for the communists,
    I remained silent;
    I was not a communist.

    When they locked up the social democrats,
    I remained silent;
    I was not a social democrat.

    When they came for the trade unionists,
    I did not speak out;
    I was not a trade unionist.

    When they came for the Jews,
    I remained silent;
    I wasn't a Jew.

    When they came for me,
    there was no one left to speak out."
    -Martin Niem�ller

    Not trying to be a aluminum foil hat theorist here but this is the kind of small first step that leads us down a dark path to a "Minority Report" kind of future.

    portal 2 glados potato. tagged as: portal. portal 2.
  • tagged as: portal. portal 2.

  • SeaFox
    Sep 26, 03:56 PM
    Darn, was really hoping for T Mobile compatibility. Oh well, guess this was pretty expected. What about all the CDMA customers? After 6 months? Never? :confused:

    Well, generally all GSM phones support the 1900mhz band, there is just the catch where European models support 900mhz, while US bound one support 850mhz (Cingular). So it's very likely the iPhone will be usuable on T-Mobile's network if unlocked. The catch is you'll have to buy it at retail price from a Cingular dealer, and get it unlocked (which Cingular might not be willing to do).

    As long as the interface is not Cingular branded (like the CIngular Nokia 6030 I use on T-Mobile's network right now), and there's no branding on the phone itself, I might be willing to do that.

    YES! Finally, I reap benefits from being with Cingular!!!! :D

    What do you mean "finally"? Being the largest U.S. provider means you have always reaped the benefits. I cannot count the number of times I've been eagerly awaiting a certain model phone to come out and when it come here, it's always on Cingular and nobody else.

    portal 2 glados potato. The Portal 2 countdown clock
  • The Portal 2 countdown clock

  • freddiecable
    Sep 13, 11:33 PM
    I agree - a thing called capitalization - they have to develop an iPhone and it would be very stupid not to follow the iPod concept. That's why it takes so long I think...

    But - there is nothing in this "news" that's close to "revealed"...

    arn very rarely posts info from his own sources. When he does, that info is always correct. I'd bet a good deal of my savings that the iphone will look very similar to that pic.

    portal 2 glados potato. GLaDOS Potato (Portal 2) by
  • GLaDOS Potato (Portal 2) by

  • brentsg
    Apr 4, 12:11 PM
    OMG.. I'm with Felt. "Security Guards" shouldn't carry guns, and if they do there should be training and good sense that goes into using it. Shooting the suspects in the head is criminal.

    Having been about 5 feet from an armed robbery, mid-day in a popular mall where I live.. I say it's justified.

    I don't care if it's noon or 6:45AM, people who decide to carry (and use) guns to commit a crime deserve what they get.

    portal 2 glados potato. Re: What will you do if Portal
  • Re: What will you do if Portal

  • ciTiger
    Apr 28, 04:06 PM
    This was a long time coming!

    But I hope MSFT stays in the race... Competition is good...

    portal 2 glados potato. GLaDOS makes an appearance in
  • GLaDOS makes an appearance in

  • Prof.
    Mar 23, 04:59 PM
    And nothing could make me care as I remember the old saying "sticks and stones..." unlike our oversensitive posters. I am in no way in favor of irresponsible behavior or drunk driving, but making tasteless jokes is neither and harms nobody.
    That's not the point, it's about having respect for those who are no longer with us.

    portal 2 glados potato. #portal #portal 2 #GLaDOS
  • #portal #portal 2 #GLaDOS

  • econgeek
    Apr 14, 12:30 PM
    Meh. AMD is ready with USB 3.0 .

    The PC industry is plagued with lowest common denominator, low cost crap.

    Apple and Intel are trying to move forward. We should support that.

    portal 2 glados potato. Portal 2 being released early
  • Portal 2 being released early

  • iJaz
    Sep 14, 03:58 AM
    I want one :cool:

    Apple Shmapple
    Sep 12, 09:07 PM
    Apple is in a slow fall...
    I love Mac's, and will always own one. However, the Intel Mac's are buggy as hell. (Still Not Compareable to Windows) The iPod's are not as good as the PSP, except for the large hard drive (and the ease of iTunes).

    PSP better than iPod??in what sense??:confused:

    For video playback the PSP is better hands down, no contest. For music, the iPod wins hands down no contest.

    Just depends on what you're in it for.

    Mar 30, 11:55 AM
    What do you call a 100 lawyers at the bottom of Lake Michigan?

    A good start.:D

    Doctor Q
    Sep 15, 06:43 PM
    Just to further clarify -- NIH syndrome is when a company chooses not to use technologies invented by other companies in its own products. They prefer to design and build the entire package themselves, in-house.

    I'm not that interested in an iPhone. Apple would need to add some very unique features for me to consider buying one.What if it supported NuBus cards?

    OK, that was a (bad) joke, since I think NuBus was one of those Apple-only inventions from the past.

    But why would you NOT want Apple's phone, szark? Is is that you don't want a camera phone or music phone in the first place, or that you expect it to be priced too high? Without knowing more about it, how do we know it's not going to be at least as good as the phones we have now? Plus an Apple logo.

    Sep 5, 01:17 PM
    Because Apple has to redesign the Airport Extreme.

    They cant make one for the U.S. and another for Europe.;)

    It's the same for the firewire iSight.

    I would figure in the meantime they would continue to sell products in areas that they are not restricted. Oh well.

    Sep 8, 09:03 AM
    Leopard will even run on PowerPC macs.

    Ok so in other words you DON'T need a Core 2 Duo to run Leopard, right?

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