nicole richie lindsay lohan skinny

nicole richie lindsay lohan skinny. +and+lindsay+lohan+skinny
  • +and+lindsay+lohan+skinny

  • Alexsaru
    Sep 13, 06:54 AM
    I was interested to see that they were unable to max out CPU utilization on all 8 cores in the system. I hope it's due to the software these days not being ready to fully utilize more than one or two cores and not due to OSX's ability to scale to larger core counts. Since that's obviously where we're heading. Does anyone know about the potential for scalability of OSX to large numbers of CPU's/cores? I know some *nix varieties and BSD varieties do this really well, but one wonders if they were thinking this far in the future when they developed OSX. It'll be interesting to see...

    nicole richie lindsay lohan skinny. nicole richie lindsay
  • nicole richie lindsay

  • Awakener
    Apr 13, 11:40 AM
    You're going to be paying for a data plan anyway, so why not make some of that money back in a subsidy?

    Yeah, I really don't get why you wouldn't buy with a subsidy. You're basically going to pay either AT&T or Verizon either way, so what's the difference whether you have a contract or not? EXCEPT, now there is talk iPhone 5 will be carrier independent!

    HTC is outselling iPhone 4 atleast in some markets.
    It today the news looks more likely iPhone 5 may be delayed:

    nicole richie lindsay lohan skinny. nicole richie lindsay lohan
  • nicole richie lindsay lohan

  • ugp
    Jun 22, 06:53 PM
    Do these stores you guys are talking about actually have the iPhone in stock already?!?! Cause I just called the two closest ones near me and they still aren't sure if they will receive any for thursday

    Yes Brandon they received them in store today. My buddy was able to grab two from the local store that did not generate any PINs so I will be getting mine Thursday morning now. Radio Shack is also giving $20 Gift Cards to use towards accessories at the time of purchase in this area.

    nicole richie lindsay lohan skinny. nicole richie lindsay lohan
  • nicole richie lindsay lohan

  • chatin
    Aug 20, 02:21 PM
    Mac Pros will need 64bit Leopard to achieve their full multi-core potential. Expect all Core 2 based Macs to hold value well through the next release cycle of OSX Leopard.

    Apple is still selling G5's on the website for $3299! Until
    Adobe gets out - and optimizes - universal binaries, Quad G5 will sell for more than Quad Xeon Mac Pros!


    nicole richie lindsay lohan skinny. +lindsay+lohan+skinny
  • +lindsay+lohan+skinny

  • SkyStudios
    Apr 25, 04:43 PM
    Please, link me any evidence this is submitted to Apple.

    Apple only recently added the info into iTunes agreements, last year they where sued for collecting emails, chats and political views, this means they seriously can get access.

    BTW a the devices unique ids can be simulated and one can plant a crime on another if the authorities actually depended on it.

    nicole richie lindsay lohan skinny. Lindsay+lohan+skinny
  • Lindsay+lohan+skinny

  • rjohnstone
    Apr 25, 03:19 PM
    "Federal Marshals need a warrant. . . . . "

    Duh, the police always have to jump over a higher bar . . . I, personally, can come into your home, take your bag of cocaine, and go give it to the police and it will be admissible, even though the cops need a warrant. (I can be sued for breaking and entering, etc., but the drugs are still admissible

    Actually it would not be admissible.
    The police would not be able to verify where it actually came from unless they actually watched you retrieve it.
    At that point a good attorney would argue that you were acting as an agent of the police and the subsequent discovery and retrieval of the coke would fall under the same rules for gathering evidence and require a warrant.
    The coke evidence would get tossed and you would go to jail for breaking and entering.
    The officers who you handed the coke too would either be reprimanded or fired.

    nicole richie lindsay lohan skinny. nicole richie lindsay lohan
  • nicole richie lindsay lohan

  • Evangelion
    Sep 13, 01:10 PM
    The OS takes advantage of the extra 4 cores already therefore its ahead of the technology curve, correct? Gee, no innovation here...please move along folks. :rolleyes:

    Uh, last time I checked, Windows can take advantage of multiple cores just fine. Do you think that multithreading is some Black Magic that only MacOS can do? Hell, standard Linux from can use 512 cores as we speak!

    Related to this: Maybe not 512-way SMP, but here ( is what it looks like when Linux boots on 128-way SGI Origin supercomputer. Note, the kernel that is booting is 2.4.1, which was released in early 2001. Things have progressed A LOT since those day.

    OS X works with quad core == "Ahead of technology curve"... puhleeze!

    As for using a Dell, sure they could've used that. Would Windows use the extra 4 cores? Highly doubtful. Microsoft has sketchy 64 bit support let alone dual core support

    Windows works just fine with dual-core. It really does. To Wndows, dual-core is more or less similar to typical SMP, and Windows has supported SMP since Windows NT!

    I'm not saying "impossible" but I haven't read jack squat about any version of Windows working well with quad cores.

    Any reason why it wouldn't work? And did you even read the Anandtech-article? They conducted their benchmarks in Windows XP! So it obviously DID work with four cores! And it DID show substantial improvement in performance in real-life apps! Sheesh! Dial tone that fanboysihness a bit, dude.

    nicole richie lindsay lohan skinny. nicole richie lindsay lohan
  • nicole richie lindsay lohan

  • SevenInchScrew
    Aug 19, 12:05 AM
    I hate how some people think the ~800 standard cars are going to look like GT4 cars.
    They won't just look like it, they ARE GT4 cars. Take note that NONE of the cars that are playable at these events or seen in almost all screen shots are Standard� cars. I'm not "hating" on the game. I just question their decisions. As I said in my previous posts, I'm a very LONG time fan of the GT series. But, I'm getting tired of the repeated cycle I continuously go through with them lately. Super hype for the games before they come out, and then, regardless of exponentially greater feature list, I'm let down by the actual driving.

    Again, I'm glad this game looks spectacular, because it really does. Even though the screen shots that we're seeing are from Photo Mode, the ones that have come out at GC10 are amazing. It is also practically bewildering how the game now has a feature list that is so huge and loaded with features, if you didn't hear it from Polyphony themselves, you might not believe it. But, like I said, the more stuff that keeps getting added to the game, and more minutiae they detail in the Premium� cars, the more my expectations of the actual driving in the game rises.

    nicole richie lindsay lohan skinny. Lindsay Lohan amp; Nicole
  • Lindsay Lohan amp; Nicole

  • Rodimus Prime
    Apr 27, 01:14 PM
    well here is a kicker for you Glennbeck is saying that if you are still questioning Obama citizenship (aka a birther) you are crazy.

    If glennbeck is calling you crazy on this topic that is pretty bad because we know how off center Glenn Beck.

    nicole richie lindsay lohan skinny. lindsay lohan nicole richie
  • lindsay lohan nicole richie

  • Pared
    Apr 6, 02:01 PM
    No need to take shots at the Xoom - it's actually nice little device.

    Doesn't have the best polish software-wise... but to act like it is THAT far off from the iPad2 is lunacy.

    nicole richie lindsay lohan skinny. too skinny Lindsay Lohan
  • too skinny Lindsay Lohan

  • portishead
    Apr 12, 12:28 PM
    Why are you endorsing lack of improvement?

    Nooooo not at all. You missed my next post with my feature requests. I'm just giving people a hard time about complaining that FCP isn't good enough. It has bugs, and it's quirky, but it mostly works.

    nicole richie lindsay lohan skinny. Nicole Richie and Lindsay
  • Nicole Richie and Lindsay

  • AppliedVisual
    Oct 15, 12:59 PM
    Why would Apple show their Clovertown workstations after HP and not simultaneusly with HP?

    Because that's usually how it works. :confused:

    HP is Intel's main launch partner for the quad-core Xeon and I think they have secured the first of the major shipments.

    nicole richie lindsay lohan skinny. Lindsay Lohan and Nicole
  • Lindsay Lohan and Nicole

  • mccldwll
    Apr 27, 08:38 AM
    Apple's solution is fine by me. They wouldn't have done anything if there wasn't so much press about it, but I guess that's a good reason (one of the only ones) for the press to exist. Still, they all managed to get it a bit wrong, though. I noticed (like so many others out there), that the map wasn't recording my EXACT location, but just cell towers and wifi spots I may have accessed. The info didn't really bother me. It wasn't like it had me pegged at my local pub - or did it?!?! =)

    I looked at the map from a recent road trip. It showed cell towers 50 miles off the route I was on--probably next towers over in case I headed that direction. It's the apple bashing trolls who are blowing this way out of proportion.

    nicole richie lindsay lohan skinny. nicole richie lindsay lohan
  • nicole richie lindsay lohan

  • KnightWRX
    Apr 27, 08:19 AM
    Apple is planning on releasing a free iOS update in the next few weeks that performs the following:

    - reduces the size of the crowd-sourced Wi-Fi hotspot and cell tower database cached on the iPhone,
    - ceases backing up this cache, and
    - deletes this cache entirely when Location Services is turned off.

    Article Link: Apple Officially Addresses Location Data Controversy (

    Wow, Apple is planning putting in all points I had asked for in a post ? :eek: Good Job Cupertino, well played. :D

    nicole richie lindsay lohan skinny. Nicolerichielindsaylohantumble
  • Nicolerichielindsaylohantumble

  • mobilehavoc
    Apr 6, 02:08 PM
    And I guess it works both ways. If the iPad is a Honda, the Xoom is a Hyundai, or more and more of late, a Kia.

    Just enjoy a device for what it is... these child-like torts are silly. Both are nice. The only true differentiating factor is the AppStore right now.

    What bothers me is people think because an iPad sells more it is superior, unless you made the iPad or work at Apple I don't see how that makes sense. Also most people on here have never even played with a XOOM.

    I own both an iPad2 (my wife's technically) and my XOOM. I had an iPad1 since launch until I sold it for a XOOM. For me, Apps are lacking on XOOM but it's made up for with the true tablet OS and excellent first party apps.

    Find me a better GMail/Email, Maps, Browser on the iPad and other stuff you will actually use most often and I'll sell my XOOM. Since I've had my XOOM, I haven't touched the iPad2. Everytime I pick it up I miss using the XOOM.

    nicole richie lindsay lohan skinny. Nicole Richie and friend,
  • Nicole Richie and friend,

    Aug 18, 04:40 AM
    My goal is to buy a Quad G5 before the end of the year. I already have what is arguably the fastest 68k Mac (look at screen name for a clue) so I would like to also own the fastest PowerPC Mac Apple sold too.

    Yes, I love my Quad G5 -- ROCK Solid. I agree with you.

    And my MAC PRO 3.0 is on the way. But this Quad G5, still a great box -- highly recommend.


    nicole richie lindsay lohan skinny. lindsay lohan balmain shopping
  • lindsay lohan balmain shopping

  • NoSmokingBandit
    Dec 10, 10:25 AM
    *sexy pics*

    Did you take those yourself? I've only played with photo mode a little and i have trouble keeping my car in focus unless i use a huge f-stop. If i shorted the DoF it always ends up focusing on my rear bumper or something stupid.
    I probably just need to use it more, but i just get impatient and start another race.

    nicole richie lindsay lohan skinny. Lindsay Lohan after getting in
  • Lindsay Lohan after getting in

  • nwcs
    Mar 25, 10:39 PM
    Since the release of Leopard, the subsequent releases haven't had the wow factor of before.

    Just what I think anyway.

    Um, there's only been one release since leopard. Too soon to know if Lion will wow or not.

    nicole richie lindsay lohan skinny. and the new Lindsay emerges:
  • and the new Lindsay emerges:

  • Full of Win
    Apr 11, 11:40 AM
    If true, this means that Apple has raised the white flag and accepted the defeat that Android has given to them. Not caring about the power of the hardware relative to others in the marketplace is a hallmark of a niche ecosystem.

    Welcome to obscurity Apple - Population You

    Sep 19, 10:02 AM
    It gets annoying. Why? Because it's true and most people don't want to admit it.

    In a few cases here and there, the extra processor power/speed is going to help. But for a majority of people buying a MacBook, they're not going to be burning home-made DVD's, doing intense Music compositions, or using it for hard-core gaming. They're going to SURF and WRITE.

    As for the "resale" value, again, most people who are buying a used MacBook are NOT going to ask "is it a Merom?" They're going to ask how nice the case is, how much use it's gotten, and how much it is, and that's it.

    Everybody likes to play "ooo, I'm the hard-core computing whiz and I need the BEST out there", but I bet you if you took an honest poll out there of everyone who's answered this thread, you'd find at least 75% these Apple fans have no need for for the extra speed, they just want it because it's "cool" and "fast" and it's the latest thing out there.While you make some valid points, you overlook others:

    1. As soon as the new model comes out, the older models will drop in price. So even if you aren't getting the fastest and greatest, even if you're buying the lowest end MBP, you'll benefit from the price break.

    2. MBPs are expensive computers. You're investing in something that you'll keep around for 3-4 years. I want to future-proof my computer as much as possible. Features like easily-swappable HD and fast graphics card will affect "the average user" 2+ years from now (pro'ly sooner) when everyone's downloading and streaming HD videos and OS X has all this new eye-candy that will require a fast graphics card.

    3. There are other features than just a 10% increase in CPU power that we are hoping in the next MBP, including a magnetic latch, easily-access to HD and RAM, and better heat management. Certainly the average Joe will be able to benefit from these features, even if all you do is word process and surf the web.

    Aug 8, 01:05 AM
    Nothing impressive really... top secrets should be good.

    Time Machine is ok. It looks awful for an Apple product, what is up with that background? Ugly. And I really want to know how much disk space it will be taking backing everything up constantly. I would most likely turn it off.

    Apr 12, 03:01 PM
    Would not excluding capture from tape be quite dumb?

    Maybe I'm the stone age man using XH A1...

    Apr 7, 09:03 AM
    Perfect day for this news....

    I have a new 13" MBA sitting here at my desk unopened...just dropped off from FedEx today. I'm debating whether or not to just return it and wait for the refresh or be happy with what I got.

    I'm a very light user..web, email, iTunes, sync iPhone and iPad. Do I really need the Sandy Bridge power..probably not but I dont want to have the "old not so shiny ball" come June (as the rumors suggest).

    Any help from the MR community is greatly appreciated!

    If it does what you need it to, I'd keep it. It's a great machine. The earliest anyone is expecting an update is June, and they might wait a bit longer. The current model is selling well, and the switch to the Sandy Bridge will require a redesign of the logic board (particularly if they also add Thunderbolt). That said, if they restore the backlit keyboard, and add Thunderbolt, the Rev E may tempt me. If it's just the existing model with the Core 2 Duo/NVIDIA 320m swapped for a Sandy Bridge Core i5/i7, I'll likely wait until Rev F.

    Sep 14, 01:10 PM
    This is NEW because it is on a 3 hour weekday morning telecast. That makes it NEW and NEWS. Nothing about content. I NEVER watch American Idol. You are judgemental.

    Well he did kind of have a point there at the end. You could stand to tone down your use of enormous, colored type if you don't want your posts "judged" as having an emotional content beyond their actual words.

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