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  • From Child: Mother#39;s Day

  • javajedi
    Oct 13, 05:56 PM
    yeah, that's certianly possible. I'm not sure if that is or is not the case, but wouldn't be suprised if it is. I'll find out.

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  • Plant for Mothers Day

  • mmmcheese
    Jul 12, 09:54 AM
    I expect they will be Xeon based....but here's a crazy thought. Maybe, since Intel is supposed to be designing the motherboard, they will be putting 2 dual core Conroe in each machcine. I know what you're saying...impossible. Yeah, Intel said that about the early Celeron SMP, but it was possible, and popular with enthusiasts because it was affordable. If anyone would know the tricks and backdoors to unlocking the processors, it would be Intel.

    Of course I'm sure Intel would prefer to sell Xeon processors to Apple, even if they sold them at the same price as Conroe. Since Apple is Intel's new show pony, they want to have their entire processor line represented. Budget/Yonah...Mobile/Merom...Mainstream Desktop/Conroe....Workstation and Server/Xeon.

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  • Mother#39;s Day flowers in

  • Piggie
    Apr 9, 10:15 AM
    Until Apple give us some physical controls (buttons, Joysticks etc) for use in games that need it, this is simply never ever going to work.

    It's just a fundamental need, and no amount of screen res, CPU/GPU power, memory or anything else is going to fix this.

    It's like taking the steering wheel and foot pedals out of a sports car and fitting in a touch screen, with no feedback and a smooth surface.

    They car will be hopeless, and never be any good, no matter how great the engine, body or anything else.

    Humans need physical controls, and why on earth do you want your hands/fingers to be overlapping the screen you are looking at (the display)

    For same game, yes, a touch screen is great and really suits the style of game, for many other types of games, it's totally hopeless and will always be hopeless.

    No amount of arguing is going to change this fundamental issue.

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  • mothers day flowers pictures.

  • Multimedia
    Jul 12, 04:55 PM
    This thread is getting too funny. Apple has been so far behind on power these past few years and now we get the chance to use Conroe, and suddenly that's not good enough for the Mac snobs. Conroe is an extremely fast chip (especially compared to G5), so I don't get why some people think it's a bad choice for the pro-line up. Sure, it can't do smp, but not everyone needs or want to pay for quad processing.

    So, aside from the ability to do multiple processing, what advantages does Woodcrest have that make it mandatory to go in the pro-line? How much "faster" is it going to be over the Conroe? It's my understanding that they are identical in that respect.Yes they are. I agree with you. But when I wrote that earlier in this thread, someone wrote that economies of scale dictated that Woody goes in everything Pro rather than only in the Quad. Makes no sense to me either. I think all non-quads should be Conroe.

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  • iJohnHenry
    Mar 15, 02:47 PM
    Are you drunk?

    I thought he was suffering from extreme youth.

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  • happy mothers day flowers.

  • Apple OC
    Apr 22, 10:33 PM
    It's the Eye of Providence! The all seeing eye of God. It also has some sort of connection to the Freemasons (I'm not sure how true that is!).

    Thanks for that ... I also find the "Federal Reserve" a little mysterious

    mothers day flowers pics. Happy Mother#39;s Day to mothers
  • Happy Mother#39;s Day to mothers

  • r0k
    Apr 5, 09:48 PM
    For a while I used pathfinder more than the built in finder. It was my "crutch" going from Windows to OS X.

    BTW, if you click an item in a long finder list, then hold shift and click an item near the bottom, everything in between gets selected.

    I absolutely hated the start menu because the IT knuckleheads at our office had it so badly messed up, it would often take 90 seconds to load the list of programs after I clicked on it. What I like on OS X that beats windows with a stick is Spotlight. You click the magnifying glass and type the first few characters of a command and it is already highlighted and if you hit enter it opens. The closest thing to this on windows was freeware called "launchy" that ran like an old slow mangy dog.

    Of course there's (rare) times Spotlight gets slow. It happened earlier this evening. I got tired of force closing things so I just rebooted and now all is well. Another annoyance is that darned time machine that spins whenever I want to do some work. I've put it on a strict schedule (using time machine and it only runs at 2 in the morning while I'm asleep and 2 in the afternoon while I'm gone to work.

    I sometimes get tired of missing a "cut" function in finder. I still kind of miss explorer for dealing with files but I don't miss the slow response and lack of a credible quick view. BTW, after spotlight, quick view has to be the second best feature of OS X. Rapid, and I do mean rapid previews of almost every type of file in existence. Very nice. Next is preview. I know, it sounds like quick view but preview is actually like adobe acrobat reader for OSX (but it does a lot more and handles more than just pdf files). Don't dirty up your Mac with adobe reader when you have preview. Preview can mark up pdf files, move pages from one pdf to another. Very nice and it came free with the os.

    I have mixed feelings about iTunes and iPhoto. They have their good points but they both can get very slow at times. Whatever you do, don't let iTunes or iPhoto copy files to their respective libraries unless you want to create monster files. At one time my iPhoto library was 67 gig. Now it's a somewhat more manageable 5 gig but it contains metadata (faces and places and etc) for about 100 gigs of photos.

    Don't depend solely on Time Machine. Manually copy stuff you care about to another location such as dropbox or mobile me.

    One thing that's a bit annoying is the single button mouse (even if it's smart enough to respond to right clicks). Don't bother with Apple mice. They are nice but I could never quite get used to them. I have logitech V470 bluetooth mice on my windows box at work and my Macbook at home.

    Customization? Skins? There are some settings in system preferences and there are a lot of third party programs for things like reskinning the dock. I've decide all that stuff is a distraction. OS X isn't perfect but it works well as designed by Apple and I no longer feel the need to re-skin it. That's a windows habit that died hard. I could make my Linux and Windows boxes look like OS X but not vice versa. But you know what? That's where the similarity would end. OS X is so much nicer I have no desire to make it look like one of those other OS.

    Add/Remove programs? That's what the trash basket is for. Simply drag from Applications to the trash and it's (mostly) gone. There will sometimes be a few plist files left lying around but I don't think it's nearly as bad a mess as the windows registry.

    Maximizing is one of my least favorite things about windows. The last time I wanted to do one thing at a time was when I was running DOS 6.22.

    I never close windows to quit apps any more. I've gotten used to going to firefox->quit firefox rather than leaving bits of the program running in memory.

    @toxic: How is a journaling filesystem like HFS+ prone to corruption? To me, it's every bit as good as EXT3 or NTFS and all 3 are better than FAT 32. I immediately reformat any external drives to HFS (journaled) before using them for the first time. I leave usb sticks alone as fat32 is good enough for them and I want to be able to view stuff on both windows and OS X on usb sticks.

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  • Print this Mother#39;s day

  • tempusfugit
    Dec 3, 11:06 PM
    Add me to the unhappy list. Granted me I'm in California, a place where AT&T data services are notorious for not working that well. I'm currently on Sprint and quite happy. Shame the iPhone is only limited to one network in the US though.

    Ok we'll add you to the list of people who, despite not having AT&T, are displeased with it.

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  • Seasons Flowers Mother#39;s Day

  • Multimedia
    Oct 12, 10:51 AM
    Hmph... I haven't been to the Dell forums in a while or I probably wouldv'e seen that. Oh, well. Already ordered my other 30" display the other day, I'm not going to complain. :cool:Did you just get the 2007 model? If so how do you like it? Can't you lobby sales to give you the credit? You bought while the coupon was in effect - just overlooked it. It's another $96 off man. Worth asking about. Get one first then call sales.

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  • Mothers Day Flowers in Black

  • OllyW
    Apr 28, 08:18 AM
    The point is, it's Apple. It's where the entire market is headed.

    What do you mean by entire market? :confused:

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  • mother#39;s day flowers.

  • NebulaClash
    Apr 28, 01:03 PM
    You only NEED a computer one time for an iPad. After that you can never hook it up to another machine again. So if you don't have a computer at home, have Apple set up your new iPad at the Apple store and you have a true post-PC device.

    OK, that's an extreme example since we all do have computers at home already, and it is nice to back up your iPad at least some time. But with cloud computing coming very quickly in the Apple world, soon you won't even need to plug in that iPad even once. It will be done over the air, and then all the naysayers will understand what we are talking about when we say we are living in the post-PC world.

    mothers day flowers pics. Mothers Day Gifts
  • Mothers Day Gifts

  • AidenShaw
    Sep 21, 11:15 AM have a Tivo - you have made the decision to keep your recorded TV media in its traditional place - the living room / den.

    The iTV concept starts from the premis that this is an outdated concept.
    You have some interesting points, but for some people there are other considerations....

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  • Flowers for Mom, Moms Flower

  • powderblue17
    Apr 15, 11:51 AM
    Of course nobody cares about all the straight kids out there that are bullied or at least the media doesn't. Even if they're being called gay because they're not as masculine as society expects but if they're not actually gay then forget it. Those people might as well just kill themselves. At least that's what I've seen from experience.

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  • Bosunsfate
    Sep 12, 03:21 PM
    So it seems from the coverage that the device has no optical drive, and no internal mass storage? Is that correct? And also that it is not itself a DVR? Don't get me wrong -- I'm reserving judgment. I just want to understand at this point. It sounds as if the basic purpose of the device is to draw high quality AV off a computer and onto a home entertainment system, sort of as the Roku SoundBridge did for the iPod's audio, but in a very Apple sort of way? In other words, it follows the computer-centric sort of model where a desktop or notebook Mac on the network is the "server"?

    I would make the same quess as well.

    Trying to get the QT stream, but overloaded right now.

    mothers day flowers pics. Mother#39;s Day Flower Basket
  • Mother#39;s Day Flower Basket

  • Mord
    Jul 12, 04:19 AM
    exctly what i have been saying this last year.

    we all know thinksecrets record lately.

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  • Happy mothers day flower frame

  • Dbrown
    Apr 21, 11:00 AM
    i don't have an iphone, but i do have an ipod touch. My wife has an android phone. I can't use her phone well but i feel i could use an iphone with zero learning curve just because everything is so consistent across apple mobile devices. That's what i like about apple devices. No big surprises.

    The manual for her phone is 156 pages long. I couldn't find the buttons illustrated in it to set up another email address other than gmail.



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  • Mothers Day Flowers.

  • samcraig
    Mar 18, 10:56 AM
    1) Why would I need an extra 2GB when I'm already Unlimited?

    2) Why would I need to pay an extra $20 for 1s and 0s going from my laptop thru my phone. If I'm using the laptop, I'm not using my phone and vice versa. It's still single use.

    3) Do you pay "Extra" for home internet because you have a wireless router that allows you to connect multiple PCs to the same connection?? How is tethering on a mobile phone any different??? This sets a precedence that could allow for home internet providers to charge on a per PC connect basis.

    Actually - for several years - and still in some areas - you DO pay for the ability to network your home via wifi - and there is a way for the cable company to prohibit it. Not that they do/will. - but clearly they can since some areas have this as a "premium"

    Next - there are things you cannot do on a phone that you can do on a computer in regards to using up bandwidth. You can't download torrents on your phone (for example). You can on a computer.

    There's really little debate here. ATT is now, obviously, recognizing what they have known all along - that people are abusing their data plans. So they are taking action. It's within their right. Get over it.

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  • Mother#39;s Day flowers, bouquets

  • pixpixpix
    Aug 23, 02:15 PM
    Another fallout from terrible AT&T service is that in many shops and restaurants, at least in the San Francisco area, and especially Berkeley, you can't check in using location services like Foursquare or Facebook Places since there isn't adequate coverage- eg: no service, no signal etc.

    That's bad for business.

    Merchants too should press AT&T and local authorities for more towers and better connections.

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  • This Mother#39;s Day, engage your

  • bigchief
    May 5, 12:01 PM
    I've been with AT&T for many years and I can not remember the last time I had a dropped call. If I started having dropped calls I would change carriers.

    fat phil
    Apr 13, 09:28 AM
    The product looks good for what it is, and I read most of the comments here... while I'm not a video guy I am an artist and IT professional and I do have to agree that Apple is strangely moving away from the core pro market that was very loyal. I have seen more and more artists move back to PCs lately and even though I have been moving the other direction, I can't fully blame them.

    I know Apple has a plan and they stick to their guns, but I just think they may be shooting themselves in the foot by going so fully consumer market. Avid has a lot more as far as hardcore features and scalability. Apple has basically dropped their server line and they are on a path of dumbing down many apps to fit a more iPad/App market. They are still powerful and "pro" apps but much of the scalability and truly "pro" features seem to be dwindling day by day. That's my concern.

    I don't think they're deliberately setting out to hurt the Pro users in this case - they genuinely think they've found a better way to work. If it's true then it's all good.

    Even if they were trying to open up the userbase, it doesn't take Stephen Hawkins to figure out why they'd want to.

    2,000,000 Pro users @ $600
    10,000,000 "casual" users + 2,000,000 Pro users @ $300

    Yeah. I'd do it too...:)

    Mar 25, 02:36 PM
    On the contrary, our own Supreme Court has held it to be a fundamental right, and the United States through its treaty making power has also held it as a right through the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Article 16).
    Got a source for that?

    Is voting also a privilege?
    Of course not, but then again, I've never needed a license to vote. Have you?
    The fact that something is licensed does not change it from a right to a privilege.
    If it were a right, one would not need a license in the first place. A license implies the privilege it confers can be revoked at any time, such as driving, operating a boat, driving a forklift, operating a vehicle with air brakes, hunting, fishing, carrying a concealed weapon, owning a weapon (in your country), or having a television (again in your country). Obviously, not an exhaustive list. Conversely, I do not require a license to speak my mind in public, worship as I choose, have counsel present in the face of criminal proceedings, etc. Similarly, the state can decide not to issue me a license if I do not meet the criteria for obtaining one, and marriage falls under this purview.

    Oct 29, 10:08 AM
    I heard somewhere that the Clovertowns are actually slower than the Xeons, but with 2x as many cores will there be much difference?

    Oct 11, 12:44 PM
    This isn't going to further the discussion any, but... javahedi, perhaps you could post a link to the C code? I'd very much like to compile it with GCC under Linux and Windows. Just a curious benchmark, IMO. :) Thanks!

    (Doesn't the benchmark do 1,600,000,000 calculations? 20,000 x 20,000 x 4 = 1,600,000,000... am I missing something? It does two adds, one multiply, and one sqrt per cycle. The loop cycles 400,000,000 times... ?)

    Apr 20, 08:01 PM
    Android is to Windows, as iOS is to Mac OS.

    The similarities are astounding � Google is doing the same thing Microsoft did back in the day.

    As much as Apple cares about marketshare, the experience is more important to them then the product itself. That's really something.

    Nonsense - Microsoft did not give away Windows for free, and certainly never gave the source code to OEMs to develop in their own way. Windows Phone 7 is to Windows...and that's about it. There's no point in even trying to make this comparison since Android as a platform is not as prolific as iOS anyway, is HORRIBLE for use in the enterprise (blackberry is the real competition there), and is also used on phones that aren't even capable of running apps.

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