gas pump gun

gas pump gun. gas pump gun. sight williams
  • gas pump gun. sight williams

  • JAT
    Mar 23, 04:48 PM
    MADD needs to come out with an application that makes it easier for citizens to notify the cops of reckless and drunk drivers instead of having congress pull these apps!!!
    Which people can use while....driving?

    gas pump gun. gas pump gun.
  • gas pump gun.

  • manu chao
    Apr 20, 10:10 AM
    Do the system logs of your Mac contain all the WiFi networks you have ever connected to? And can't you track a laptop's movement from this?

    Logging takes place all the time, the question is always how long the logs are kept, system.log gets deleted after some time, it seems the oldest are eight days old on my Mac. Now, why would the iPhone not delete these log files after a while?

    gas pump gun. gas pump gun.
  • gas pump gun.

  • TangoCharlie
    Sep 14, 03:17 AM
    Sure is overpriced! Over in Australia it's around $1200. The one good thing I liked was the diamond coated dsiplay. It was scratch proof. Maybe apple should diamond coat their iphone! :p

    EDIT: Actually I just did a bit of research. I think my claim that they diamond coated their displays is false. No one take my word on it.

    Diamond wouldn't be a good choice for a display coating.... Sapphire would
    be much better.

    gas pump gun. Drove off with gas pump
  • Drove off with gas pump

  • Adidas Addict
    Apr 25, 01:27 PM
    This just threw a spanner into my plans !

    I've got a late 2007 non-unibody MBP - the "ultimate" which I've been updating as much as possible (Hybrid SSD 512Gb drive, 4Gb memory, etc etc) - I love my MBP but my applecare warranty just ran out last month. Which, I thought, was plenty timely so I could get the new MBP that just refreshed - quad core, 16Gb RAM seems like a LOT more power !

    But, I didn't "jump" immediately - I always wait a couple of months to see what issues develop with the product line (the 17" range seems to have some graphics issues evidently, which seem to be resolved now) - BUT, with this rumor, do I plump down $4k for a maxed-out MBP now or wait until this new case design ?!?!?!

    My current MBP is working great. The keyboard has a sticky "D" key, but apart from that, its been the best laptop I've ever owned, and the second longest I've owned before a refresh (the prior record holder was a Sony Vaio PCG-V505BX which I used/upgraded/refreshed a full 5 years before needing to upgrade !)

    So what do I do ? I wasn't planning on buying the MBP until next month, after I got back from vacation...

    Don't let the lack of applecare worry you, if it does die then replace it. Otherwise you seem very happy with what you have.

    gas pump gun. gas pump gun.
  • gas pump gun.

  • vitaboy
    Aug 24, 04:20 AM
    Is this a one-time payment to include all future uses?

    It seems to be the case, as the agreement resolves "all disputes." I'm sure there is a stipulation that Creative agrees not to pursue patent claims against Apple in the future.

    Which is why the whole "Creative won" argument doesn't wash. Considering that iPod will end up generating tens of billions of dollars in future revenue for Apple (on top of the billions it's already made), settling for $100 million is not exactly a sign of Creative dealing from a position of strength.

    I mean think about it. Creative is basically claiming Apple stole its goose that lays golden eggs. Apple says "No, we didn't, in fact, you stole our spinning wheel that can spin threads of gold from straw!" They both argue and threaten each other, but in the end Apple offers Creative a little piece of golden eggshell, and Creative is so happy about winning, it tells Apple, "Aww, shucks, thanks for the piece of shell, you can keep the goose!"

    I don't think so. :P

    Which is why the deal has all the signs of Creative gulping down its pride and accepting a settlement on Apple's terms. Creative accepted because if it didn't, the chances were quite high that it would not be in business a year from now, mainly because Zune will wipe out its ability to sell in a crowded market. At least now, it has a big stick it can use against Microsoft.

    In the end, it's a big win for Apple.

    gas pump gun. Orange Gas Pump Nozzle
  • Orange Gas Pump Nozzle

  • cere
    Apr 14, 01:17 PM
    LOL, yet here you are claiming Thunderbolt is DOA. Hilarious.
    Again, for those with reading difficulties, I made no such claim. I did agree with a post that implied it might be relegated to being considered Mac only. I'll still agree that might be what happens. I hope not, but I hoped FW would be successful too.

    I am pretty sure a google search will find some adult-ed courses that might be helpful for you.

    gas pump gun. gas pump gun.
  • gas pump gun.

  • evilgEEk
    Oct 12, 01:09 PM
    A red nano would look pretty hot. That might just be enough motivation for me to finally buy one.

    Of course convincing the wife to let me buy one, now that's different. ;)

    gas pump gun. gas pump gun.
  • gas pump gun.

  • mwayne85
    Apr 25, 04:51 PM
    Right, because I get high-speed internet everywhere! Because my MacBook Pro has 4G (and because 4G, itself, is ubiquitous). Because with a "MacBook Pro", I enjoy the inconvenience of having to have an external optical drive (because after all, the MacBook PRO line is all about conservation of space). Most people with the anti-superdrive arguments don't realize how very selfish and ridiculous their stances are. Luckily for them, there's an app for that, namely the MacBook Air.

    I don't see why anybody would need an optical drive with them at all times. The Macbook Air is not an option for people who use CPU intensive apps daily.

    gas pump gun. gas pump gun. replica of a
  • gas pump gun. replica of a

  • HecubusPro
    Aug 31, 05:45 PM
    I don't see the big deal

    Don't see the big deal about what? That a ton of new apple products, like Core 2 Due MBP's and MB's, Conroe iMacs, new iPod videos and Nano's for example could be announced on the 12?

    Or that the Pope is German?:)

    gas pump gun. him pointing gasoline pump
  • him pointing gasoline pump

  • Optimus Frag
    Apr 23, 01:28 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Ok. So it's lack of compromise that some are keen to avoid.

    Understandable. That's if the next MBA has the 3000HD in it of course. Who's knows what cooking in Apple' R&D dungeon.

    I just know from being a nerd myself, how much some can get hung up on such technical points.

    It's just that core group of people seem to want a MBA to able to gene sequence the complete human genome before lunchtime before they'll buy one.

    I on the other hand would like it to be very portable and do the stuff I do on my 3 yr old iMac, surf, email, BBC iPlayer some light video editing and photo storage. Won't be getting one for at least 6 months anyway so maybe open CL will be on a Intel graphics chip by then.

    gas pump gun. gas pump gun.
  • gas pump gun.

  • Machead III
    Aug 29, 06:17 AM
    What makes you think that they are not being paid enough as it is?

    "...decreases in the rate of performance improvements, if it meant that the people who manufactured the computers..."

    gas pump gun. Fuel pump.
  • Fuel pump.

  • stroked
    Apr 4, 12:32 PM
    Was It really necessary to kill him?

    Anyone who is trained with a hand gun, is told to shoot to kill. This scum deserved to die.

    gas pump gun. Tear Gas Gun
  • Tear Gas Gun

  • Mister Snitch
    Apr 4, 11:48 AM
    A mall cop having to shoot someone in the head...he'll probably need some counseling.

    Yes, this experience will probably be very traumatic for him. Having killed someone is tough enough, but the second-guessing and accusations might go on forever. Unfortunately.

    Lot of stress for little money. Actually, it would be nice to see Apple step in and help out here. They do after all have other stores in other malls that need protecting, and the guards might be comforted to know Apple has their backs.

    If you read the linked article you will see that the guard exchanged gunfire with the 2 male suspects. It's not excessive to try to save your own life...

    A point unfortunately missed by many who immediately presumed 'excessive force'. As I say, the accusations afterward can be as stressful as the incident itself.

    Was It really necessary to kill him?

    And the cheap, easy moral posturing begins. Sad.

    gas pump gun. shotgun in the gas station
  • shotgun in the gas station

  • digitalbiker
    Sep 13, 10:46 PM
    It would have to be really thin, but I like it! :cool:

    However the real innovation that is going to put Apple over the top is the built-in microfibre wiper blade that squeeges the LCD display after every call. This removes all trace of facial oil and keeps the screen beaming with that showroom shine! :eek:

    Sorry, I had to sneek that one in.:D

    gas pump gun. gas pump gun.
  • gas pump gun.

  • vitaboy
    Aug 24, 05:01 AM
    I hope you're joking about that. iTunes is not about making money for apple

    It may not be making the kind of money that iPod is making, but iTunes is indeed making money for Apple. Indeed, it has become a significant revenue story for Apple, if only recently.

    In fact, contrary to popular belief, iTMS has been marginally profitable for many quarters now, although of course its profit margins are small compared to iPods and Macs.

    Just remember - iTunes is profitable and a billion plus song sales a year makes it a Top 10 music retailer in the U.S., behind only the likes of Walmart, Best Buy, Target, and FYE.

    iTunes Outsells Traditional Music Stores (

    It's the iTunes wannabes that are neither profitable nor revenue machines! ;-)

    gas pump gun. icon with oil gas pump
  • icon with oil gas pump

  • dukebound85
    Apr 25, 01:01 AM
    The simple fact is that I should not have to obey a 70mph speed limit if I don't want to. Why would I even bother driving a car that can hit 186mph (with the speed governor removed, with the governor top speed is 155mph) at 70 mph? A Ford Fiesta can hit those speeds, what's the point of fast cars if you're going to follow the speed limit in them?


    Seriously...I mean really???

    You have NO business driving a vehicle with your state of mind

    gas pump gun. replica of a pump shotgun
  • replica of a pump shotgun

  • Tymmz
    Sep 1, 11:45 AM
    hopefully it's going to look like this:


    gas pump gun. gas pump gun.
  • gas pump gun.

  • diamond.g
    May 3, 12:57 PM
    One of the two guys there did immediately go to a computer and check the web site while the other went into the back to find out what information he could. He came back and reported that the old iMacs were due to be sent back to Apple today and that new iMacs were going to be arriving imminently, but he couldn't say whether that'd be today, tomorrow, or any particular day.

    Using the Apple Store app on my iPhone, it shows that I can reserve the old iMacs at the regular prices at this store. At a store on the other side of Pittsburgh, it also shows the old iMacs, but the prices are reduced $100-300.

    Ah, it's just been updated. It's now showing the reduced prices for the old iMacs at my local store as well. Still no sign of the new iMacs in the app for reserved pickup yet.

    That is interesting.

    gas pump gun. twin-in-tank fuel pump
  • twin-in-tank fuel pump

  • iStudentUK
    Mar 29, 11:53 AM
    Since 1984:
    Cmd-X = Cut
    Cmd-C = Copy
    Cmd-V = Paste

    Grab will snap a picture of a window, the entire screen etc. There is also print to PDF.

    I'm pretty sure he was referring to cut and paste in finder and "windows snap" is where you can snap two windows side by side easily- it is a great feature in W7 and I hope Apple incorporate it in some way.

    louis Fashion
    Apr 28, 03:18 PM
    Anyone looked at Mr. Softy's stock price? What a dog.

    Apr 4, 12:48 PM
    OMG.. I'm with Felt. "Security Guards" shouldn't carry guns, and if they do there should be training and good sense that goes into using it. Shooting the suspects in the head is criminal.

    I am sure if he pulled off a head shot he has had all the training he could need... now counseling that is another issue.

    But the way I see it is this, they went out to commit crime, they were armed. Therefore if it all went tits up they are not only guilty of the crime but they are also guilty of failing to plan and execute the crime in a reasonable manner.

    Fail on all counts, inept criminals and now dead criminals, is this any real loss to society I think not.

    Don't get me wrong I am a fairly liberal minded guy, but I do feel that if you go equipped to kill and the outcome is that you die, the law has been served in this case.

    Now if only all criminals who went out with the tools to commit murder or even aggravated manslaughter could just as easily be put down with a head shot then the world may just become a better place.

    Apr 28, 03:52 PM
    Wow, Apple is pretty much unstoppable now. And if anyone tries to get in their way, they've got a $60b war chest.

    Sep 16, 07:28 AM
    I'll believe it when I see it. These phone rumors are getting old.

    Aug 29, 02:39 AM
    I don't know. I think the latest MBP was rushed to market a bit. I think Apple just wanted to get to intel and really ddn't think about design.

    The current PB look has been around since 2001. I think the alumin look is starting to look soooo 2000. Were heading toward time to move on with a new chip and a new look.

    Personally I prefer plastic to metal. Metal shows way too many scratches, finger prints, smudges, etc. The smooth shiny plastic look is much better and it is more durable. The metal enclosures dent, bend and break. They also transmit the heat faster to your lap and interfere with BT and Airport. The plastic enclosures give and spring back like new.

    Gun Metal ABS plastic with rounded smooth corners, new keyboard, quick access ram, HD, and battery, magnetic latch, sound like the future to me.:D

    New keyboard? Like the MBs? Why would you want that (not trying to say thats dumb, i'm just curious to why you would want that over the current)

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