chicago bulls logo 2011

chicago bulls logo 2011. Buy NBA Finals: Chicago Bulls
  • Buy NBA Finals: Chicago Bulls

  • miketcool
    Sep 4, 06:55 PM
    Sounds more viable for video then a 3 inch screen on a portable hard drive.

    chicago bulls logo 2011. chicago bulls logo 2011.
  • chicago bulls logo 2011.

  • BlizzardBomb
    Aug 31, 02:53 PM
    We're doing it again....

    NEW ITUNES VIDEO STORE! (ITMS. iTunes Media Store?)

    Have we learned nothing? Apple never lets everything out of the bag.

    w00t! Love it anyway. :D

    While I would normally agree, look at the MBP, iMac, Mac Mini, iPod 5G, iPod Nano, iPod Shuffle and iSight. These products have not been updated for a while and the product line is starting to get stale.

    chicago bulls logo 2011. chicago-ulls-large-logo-
  • chicago-ulls-large-logo-

  • TsMkLg068426
    Apr 22, 12:31 PM
    I hope this service will be free or else it is really pointless just saying. Great idea but I worry there will be a price for using a Cloud service and probably only available for only the purchases you made on iTunes not CDs you have ripped. I am assuming in few days if this Cloud service comes to live there will be a iOS update again and hopefully this will work with 4th Gen iPod Touch I do not see why it will not work.

    chicago bulls logo 2011. chicago bulls logo 2011.
  • chicago bulls logo 2011.

  • twoodcc
    Oct 27, 11:00 AM
    i'm not sure what to think about this. seems that i don't like them though

    chicago bulls logo 2011. #39;97 Chicago Bulls Nba
  • #39;97 Chicago Bulls Nba

  • jamesryanbell
    Apr 30, 04:23 PM
    They will be amazing machines without a doubt, but I'll never go back to an iMac until a Matte option is available.

    Then I wouldn't plan on ever going back to an iMac.

    chicago bulls logo 2011. Chicago Bulls 2011 Wall
  • Chicago Bulls 2011 Wall

  • itsonlytheend
    Sep 26, 06:59 AM
    Darn, was really hoping for T Mobile compatibility. Oh well, guess this was pretty expected. What about all the CDMA customers? After 6 months? Never? :confused:

    chicago bulls logo 2011. chicago bulls 2011 logo.
  • chicago bulls 2011 logo.

  • Dr.Gargoyle
    Sep 14, 11:08 AM
    OK, I'm new to Macs, and so I've never made a What's-Steve-gonna-do-next prediction before, but you guys are having too much fun; so I'm gonna give it a try!

    I think Apple set a precedent with the release of the C2D IMacs. It was a quiet release, and Steve didn't even mention them at Tuesday's presentation. I don't see why he would do anything different with the MBP's, unless Apple is releasing a drastically new model of the MBP, which I doubt since they have not even been out a year. So, if we get C2D MBP around this event, it will be next Tues or Wed, and it will be a semi-quiet release, just like the IMacs.

    I do think we'll see new cinema displays. Apple recently dropped the price of the current models and "updated" the specs, but I'm not convinced that there was actually any change in the hardware. There is no standardization to the monitor specs, so there's probably quite a bit of freedom that can be taken into assigning the different numbers. I called Apple store a few weeks ago to ask them about the new specs, and the guy didn't even know they had changed! I think the recent price drop signals an upgrade in the near future, and what better forum than a photography convention?

    Of course, I also think Aperture 2 will be there as well. I would also guess at new ISight cameras. The old ones are definitely starting to show their age, especially for the price.

    So to sum up:

    1. Possible quiet release of C2D MBP next week.
    2. Aperture 2, ISight camera, and new displays on the 24th.

    Just my thoughts.

    That was fun!
    so new and yet so insightful... I dont know about the displays, but the rest sounds resonable to me at least. :)

    chicago bulls logo 2011. chicago bulls logo 2011.
  • chicago bulls logo 2011.

  • MrFirework
    Oct 27, 11:52 AM
    ...But giving out flyers to people away from their stall is NOT a good enough reason!!

    Unfortunately for Greenpace, it's a private event. Fair or not, if the organizers of said event feel like it's enough to throw them out, then it is!

    Also, let's give credit where credit is due. Apple even allowing Greenpeace to have a booth there in the fist place is akin to the Republicans allowing the Democrats to deliver a speech during the Republican Nat'l Convention, or vice versa. That's a pretty gracious move on Apple's part. They had nothing to gain by Greenpeace being there, and a lot to lose. I'm sure Apple's tolerance levels for them was extremely low coming in, and rightfully so.

    chicago bulls logo 2011. chicago bulls logo 2011.
  • chicago bulls logo 2011.

  • Slix
    Apr 22, 11:48 AM
    Awesome. I want a current MBA, but they're a tad too much right now. This will lower those prices.

    chicago bulls logo 2011. NBA 2011 All Star East Chicago
  • NBA 2011 All Star East Chicago

  • BoyBach
    Oct 12, 01:38 PM
    You think Mac fanboys are intense, Oprah fangirls are radically intense and a couple of orders of magnitude more numerous. The demographics of the audience tells the story of the "heartstrings" decision to support a charity targeted to women and children.

    As for why release it on TV and "risk" a leak (which has happened obviously)? It's simple. The TV audience is vast. The Orpah watchers are MOTIVATED and spenders.

    I agree. Oprah is an industry all by herself and if this rumour is true and she tells her audience to go and buy the new RED iPod to help in the fight against AIDS, I'd be fairly confident in predicting that it would be best-selling iPod ever.

    chicago bulls logo 2011. chicago bulls logo 2011.
  • chicago bulls logo 2011.

  • jwdsail
    Oct 12, 04:00 PM
    No, this is the Target special edition nano that comes with a Target gift card.

    I'm glad I'm not the only one that though along that line, lol.

    chicago bulls logo 2011. Chicago Bulls Logo
  • Chicago Bulls Logo

  • ciTiger
    May 3, 11:09 AM
    That's nice from Apple, I personally find the Magic Mouse useless for what I do, it's just a nice toy. And a Trackpad would be more useful just for the Multitouch Gestures in combination with a Real Mouse

    My thoughts exactly!
    I remember watching the keynote where some top guy from Apple demoed onthe iLife things and he didn't seem to handle the magic mouse that well... Sometimes he had to repeat the gesture 2 or 3 times to get it right...

    chicago bulls logo 2011. chicago bulls logo 2011.
  • chicago bulls logo 2011.

  • kevin.rivers
    Jul 14, 11:28 AM
    I don't see the connection between overclocking and childishness. Overclocking is done by enthusiasts and power users of all ages. There is nothing wrong with it, and the practice should not be stigmatized.

    You are right, there is nothing wrong with it. However, expecting to buy a Pro machine seemingly to do "work" with it and expecting to overclock it is childish.

    I don't the servers that make this website and forum work are overclocked. They seem to be doing just fine as well.

    I have overclocked and will in the future, however overclocking a machine to do "work" is childish.

    chicago bulls logo 2011. The Bulls gave up Tuesday on
  • The Bulls gave up Tuesday on

  • Ivan Malagurski
    May 4, 12:38 PM
    One more amazing Apple product :)

    chicago bulls logo 2011. chicago bulls logo windy city.
  • chicago bulls logo windy city.

  • thisisahughes
    Apr 20, 10:13 AM
    Should be studying in law school instead of engineering. No innovative products but loads of cash to be made:D Lawsuits everywhere.

    lol. kudos.

    chicago bulls logo 2011. chicago bulls logo outline.
  • chicago bulls logo outline.

  • macfan881
    Sep 12, 05:16 PM
    With The New Get Album artwork is it possible now to update the Artwork to the ipod now? :confused: cause i dont see any of the artwork that i have gotten on my ipod


    chicago bulls logo 2011. Chicago+ulls+2011+logo
  • Chicago+ulls+2011+logo

  • KnightWRX
    Apr 22, 11:47 AM
    Why would you think that? The Intel IGP can drive the same resolution on the 15" just fine.

    My Matrox G200 AGP 4x card can drive these resolutions flawlessly, and it has only 8 MB of RAM and hails from 10 years ago. People seriously don't understand graphics performance and where it matters if they really think driving a framebuffer resolution is something we need modern hardware for.

    chicago bulls logo 2011. chicago bulls logo 7
  • chicago bulls logo 7

  • Mal
    Apr 4, 12:29 PM
    Interesting how a security guard is allowed to have a gun. Interesting to see what happens to him.

    Why shouldn't he be allowed to carry a gun? If you're supposed to be guarding something and those you're guarding against are statistically likely to be carrying weapons, then you should definitely be carrying yourself, for your own personal protection if nothing else.

    Also, to everyone saying he should have just wounded the man: If I ever fire a weapon at someone (and I hope I never have to), I will only do so if I am willing to kill them. There is no such thing as "shoot to wound", because no one is a good enough shot at range with a handgun to insure they will only wound and not kill. You aim for the largest target, which is center of mass, and you only fire if you're willing to kill the person you're firing at. That doesn't mean you would prefer if they didn't die, because the loss of any life is a sad event, even scum like this, but you don't try to do that. Especially in the heat of the moment as you're being shot at.


    chicago bulls logo 2011. chicago bulls logo 2011.
  • chicago bulls logo 2011.

    Sep 14, 09:16 AM
    New version of Aperture!.. Saweeet

    or more likely a new Apple iSLR

    16 Megapixels
    full frame sensor
    Adaptive lens mount supports all Canon and Nikon Lenses
    60gb removeable 1.8" hard drive
    3" OLED screen
    Shoots in a new Apple RAW format
    eye tracking for focus
    Spot metering
    1/8000 shutter with 150,000 shutter life
    Full weather sealing
    Magnesium body
    6fps (up to 25 raw frames)
    Depth of Field Preview
    Pop up flash
    802.11 Wifi
    GPS built in
    Optional Battery Grip
    Scrollwheel navigation for menu system
    Apple iScreen Digital Image processor
    64 Segment Metering and Spot Metering
    Supports Compact Flash

    What kind of crappy camera doesn't use Pentax lenses? Apple would really be dropping the ball here. ;)

    Sep 13, 11:19 PM
    I'm calling for another invite to go out w/ in the next 2 weeks saying "One More Thing" and we'll get the phone and the true vPod

    one question any word on who will suport this COpany wise like Verizion cingular nextell etc or will this start off like The Espn phone?

    Apr 22, 11:53 AM
    then why did apple cripple the 13" macbook pro's with ****** resolution then?

    I'd have pulled the trigger on a 13" MPB if screen resolution was higher... But now I'll likely be happier with an 11" Air with ThunderBolt. Maybe I can get a 500GB SSD in there by the time it's released, then I'll have all I want (for now).

    Sep 26, 12:14 PM
    Well, it looks like I wont be getting this phone now. Sorry, I'm Verizon and so are all the people I talk to, so I'm not gonna switch for this.

    Mar 22, 03:03 PM
    Wife said Yes

    But will Apple say No? (mac mini update)

    Aug 24, 12:01 PM
    No, but they lost in every other sense that matters. I am really failing to understand why some people are having such a tough time comprehending this. Apple capitulated on the patent challenge, Apple paid a huge sum of money to Creative so Apple could continue business as usual. Apple lost. That's all, folks.

    Sorry, but I think you are taking the settlement at face value and making just a surface interpretation.

    There are already several industry analysts who have now gone on record saying this is a win for Apple.

    $100 million may be a big load of money for you, me and Creative, but it's chump change when we're talking about the fact that iPod makes $6+ BILLION PER YEAR (and growing) for Apple.

    It's like Creative accused Apple of stealing the goose that lays golden eggs. In return, Apple gives Creative one of the eggs and Creative goes, "Wow! Thanks! You can keep the goose!"

    The face-value interpretation says that Creative won because it was a pauper who now has a golden egg that's worth a lot of money. The deep interpretation is that Apple still has the goose and Creative just gave up all claims of ownership over it.

    What's so hard to understand about that?

    BTW, some months ago, Research in Motion coughed up $450 million to settle a patent dispute with NTP over the popular Blackberry devices. RIM made a total of $2 billion in fiscal 2006. NTP basically had RIM by the throat with its patents and extracted a heavy licensing fee as a result.

    You're telling me Creative supposedly had Apple by the throat, and extracted 1/4 the licensing for a product that generates 4X the revenue of Blackberry? Riiiiiight....

    To put it another way, $450 million was about 25% of RIM's entire annual revenue. $100 million is less than 1% of Apple's, and in fact, is less money than Apple makes on interest each year on its cash horde.

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