call of duty black ops escalation trailer

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  • Tonsko
    Dec 14, 10:56 AM
    You're lucky to have the luxury of time. If I'm there, I'm there for 3-4 days on very tight schedule, usually as part of a small team. My recommendations go in the report which then gets passed on.

    I agree with you if I had the time, and it was just me there, I'd be perhaps more forward with advising stuff like that. But I'm afraid I simply don't usually have the time, as the testing schedules simply do not allow for that.

    call of duty black ops escalation trailer. Call of Duty: Black Ops
  • Call of Duty: Black Ops

  • GFLPraxis
    Aug 7, 03:12 PM

    � $2,499 standard price of Mac Pro ($2,299 for Education)

    ��$2,124 is the lowest you can configure the Mac Pro ($1,962 for Education)

    ���To get it that low, you have to drop the processors from 2.66GHz to 2GHz and and the hard drive from 250GB to 160GB

    It's still a QUAD at $2,124. Even if it's 2 GHz, that's still utterly insane, especially when a *single* 2 GHz Woodcrest outperforms a 3.5 GHz Pentium 4 easily IIRC.

    and as a sidenote:

    � MacBook Pro & MacBook processors untouched

    � iMac untouched

    � iPod product line grows more stale by the day

    The lack of iMac updates was my greatest disappointment.

    call of duty black ops escalation trailer. Call of the Dead
  • Call of the Dead

  • LobsterDK
    Apr 24, 02:04 AM
    I'm not impressed if this is where the iMac display is potentially going , the current GPUs can barely drive the resolutions they have now in anything other than simple desktop apps . , can you imagine what video card you would need to drive a game (say portal 2 which has low to modest requirements) at 30fps + on a screen with 3200 or higher resloution ? Well whatever that GPU is , apple will ship with the one released 2 years ago and half the RAM it shipped with on the PC .

    I love the mac OS , I love the mac design , I hate the "last years tech with a shiney shell" we seem to have to put up with , super high res screens and faster I/O ports are all well and good , but put a decent GPU in now the mac is becoming a contender as a home gaming platform .

    Think I ranted a bit then , sorry :rolleyes:

    Desktop rendering performance at a retina display resolution would not be an issue with any modern Mac that shipped with a retina display. As for games, you do not have to render the game at the native screen resolution. The OS X implementation will almost certainly be the same as the iOS implementation. That is, a doubling of the vertical and horizontal resolution.

    A game running on a 3840x2160 retina display can render at 1920x1080. No filtering need be applied by the monitor as it is an exact multiple in each direction. A 1920x1080 output resolution from a game would look exactly the same on a 3840x2160 display as it would on a 1920x1080 display. Every 1 pixel in the rendered image would take up 4 pixels on the higher res display. You can test this out on your Mac now with any game that allows you to select a resolution that is half the vertical/horizontal resolution of your current monitor. That is assuming the display is not stupid enough to filter resolutions that are an even division of it's native resolution. Most won't apply any filtering in those cases.

    call of duty black ops escalation trailer. Duty: Black Ops Escalation
  • Duty: Black Ops Escalation

  • aafuss1
    Aug 7, 09:01 PM
    macpro.pdf is the service manual for those who have GSX and Service Source access (eg. AASP's do). Can't find public info on how to add/remove user installable part yets.

    call of duty black ops escalation trailer. Call of Duty: Black Ops
  • Call of Duty: Black Ops

  • blow45
    Mar 29, 03:07 PM
    Things are only getting worse in Japan...

    Hopefully everything gets under control

    Yeah after they radiate themselves to mutation, and then the rest of the world, they 'll get it under control.

    At some point the global community should hold the nuclear manufacturers responsible for crimes against humanity. This is not only a Japanese issue that they 've been handling with half truths and botching it up. This concerns the world. When Chernobyl hit we where blaming the "bad" commies for concealing the truth, and it's the same and worse from Japan twenty five or so years after...

    Anyway best of luck to the Japanese people, I wish them courage, but I think the japanese government has a lot to answer for to the rest of the world. Had this happened in some other supposedly authoritarian regime, say Libya, you 'd have had foreign occupation to resolve the dreaded nuclear threat. Alas it's not, and the rest of the world is focusing on their oil in Libya. Billions of dollars for arms are spent against Libya, surely, some global task force with the same amount of money would have handled the nuclear threat much much better in Japan as well as helping people out who 've suffered as a result of the earthquake and tsunami... but it seems people are not evolved enough to care for the future of humanity, but for the short term future of their oil investments they act faster than lightning.

    Really disappointing.

    call of duty black ops escalation trailer. Call of Duty: Black Ops
  • Call of Duty: Black Ops

  • flopticalcube
    May 4, 11:20 PM
    You metric people ought to hook up with the military time people.

    Odd you should say that as the US military is an early adopter of things metric, at least by US standards. (there's a pun in there)

    call of duty black ops escalation trailer. Call of Duty: Black Ops
  • Call of Duty: Black Ops

  • RazHyena
    May 7, 09:46 PM
    Finally, they'll be charging what the service is worth!


    My MobileMe email account didn't work all the time during my trial period, thankfully. Sometimes, I'd send an email from my MobileMe account and it wouldn't arrive at my receiving email account for like a day an a half.

    Just too many bugs to justify the $99 price tag. :confused:

    call of duty black ops escalation trailer. Call Of Duty: Black Ops,
  • Call Of Duty: Black Ops,

  • netdog
    Jul 30, 05:22 AM
    Without even getting into new things, they could just do it well. Cell phones have interfaces like goats. Every single one of them.


    I'm klnd of scared to ask how you interface with a goat Dave. I didn't know they allowed that kind of stuff in Canada.

    call of duty black ops escalation trailer. Black Ops: Escalation Map Pack
  • Black Ops: Escalation Map Pack

  • adbe
    Apr 5, 02:40 PM
    While I agree in a sense, it's commonly known that there's no way to plug every hole, so you're scooping out water from a sinking ship with a cup. Every iOS device has been jailbroken since release, many several times using several exploits. There will never be a day when a software company will be smarter than the hacking community... software companies can't afford to buy them all :-)

    The hacking community isn't any smarter than the people at Apple. The tools used by the jailbreak community, and by Charlie Miller are standard tools that Apple developers have access to as well. For some reason Apple don't seem to be making great use of those tools.

    MS started running fuzzing tools and auditing for buffer overflows aggressively around the time of XP SP2. It's taken some years but the payoff has been huge and obvious.

    Apple need to up their game. iOS and OSX are seriously in need of major security improvements. If/when Apple quit treating security as MSs problem, jail breaking will become extremely hard. That's a good thing.

    Now, will the jail break community just bugger off to Android? Most likely. Are there enough of them that Apple will care? I couldn't say. If there are, then maybe that'll be a useful lesson for Apple, and a bit more effort will be put into allowing users to tweak their phone natively.

    call of duty black ops escalation trailer. COD: Black Ops Escalation
  • COD: Black Ops Escalation

  • trrosen
    May 7, 12:27 PM
    Most people don't understand the fundamental differences between iDisk and Drop Box. If Apple was to build a front end to iDisk that stored the file locally and then sync'd over WebDAV in the background they'd be able to offer the same performance.

    Prefrences > mobile me > iDisk ...Set iDisk syncing on and a local cache of your iDisk is created and synced automatically. Just like dropbox.

    call of duty black ops escalation trailer. Call of Duty: Black Ops
  • Call of Duty: Black Ops

  • adbe
    Apr 5, 02:40 PM
    While I agree in a sense, it's commonly known that there's no way to plug every hole, so you're scooping out water from a sinking ship with a cup. Every iOS device has been jailbroken since release, many several times using several exploits. There will never be a day when a software company will be smarter than the hacking community... software companies can't afford to buy them all :-)

    The hacking community isn't any smarter than the people at Apple. The tools used by the jailbreak community, and by Charlie Miller are standard tools that Apple developers have access to as well. For some reason Apple don't seem to be making great use of those tools.

    MS started running fuzzing tools and auditing for buffer overflows aggressively around the time of XP SP2. It's taken some years but the payoff has been huge and obvious.

    Apple need to up their game. iOS and OSX are seriously in need of major security improvements. If/when Apple quit treating security as MSs problem, jail breaking will become extremely hard. That's a good thing.

    Now, will the jail break community just bugger off to Android? Most likely. Are there enough of them that Apple will care? I couldn't say. If there are, then maybe that'll be a useful lesson for Apple, and a bit more effort will be put into allowing users to tweak their phone natively.

    call of duty black ops escalation trailer. Black Ops Call of the Dead
  • Black Ops Call of the Dead

  • eenu
    Aug 11, 03:25 PM
    and higher price than MB.

    Jesus! How much more expensive do you want it to be! the price diff is already almost £500 from top whitebook to bottom MBP!

    call of duty black ops escalation trailer. Call of Duty : Black Ops video
  • Call of Duty : Black Ops video

  • idunn
    Mar 29, 05:56 PM
    ;) Look at a map and you'll see that Iwaki is near the east coast of Japan, but a short distance south of the crippled Fukushima nuclear power plant. The town of Fukushima is well inland, actually northwest of the nuclear plant on the coast. Unless radiation levels decline the town of Fukushima will be uninhabitable, with current radiation levels well beyond that safe in a year. Iwaki is far closer to this plant, and whether their infrastructure damaged or not, almost certainly in a no-go zone for many decades to come.

    Recent reports have a full meltdown in reactor #2 at the Fukushima plant, with melted fuel rods having likely melted through the stainless steel containment dome, and pouring as lava onto the concrete floor below. Bad news, in other words.

    Kureha surely is scrambling for alternative manufacturing facilities. But that likely will take some time. Bottom Line: look for shortages in lithium-ion batteries in the short term.

    call of duty black ops escalation trailer. Duty: Black Ops Escalation
  • Duty: Black Ops Escalation

  • jeznav
    Apr 5, 01:37 PM
    iOS 4 adds wallpapers.
    iOS 5 with custom skins?

    call of duty black ops escalation trailer. Call of Duty: Black Ops is set
  • Call of Duty: Black Ops is set

  • Sky Blue
    May 9, 10:45 AM
    remember not everybodys itunes account is an email address

    yes it is.

    Anyway, you don't need an email address, just an account (username/password).

    call of duty black ops escalation trailer. Black Ops: Taste of Escalation
  • Black Ops: Taste of Escalation

  • paul4339
    Apr 7, 11:19 PM
    ...Sad thing, there doesn't seem to be anyone else on the horizon to fill that void when he is gone. ...

    no, but I sometimes think that Andy Rubin believes he's the next Jobs ... at least he dresses similar to Jobs:

    call of duty black ops escalation trailer. The Call of Duty: Black Ops
  • The Call of Duty: Black Ops

  • SactoGuy18
    May 3, 07:38 AM
    There are a few places where metric measurements are now standard here in the USA:

    1. Soft drink bottles are now measured in one and two-liter sizes for the large bottles.

    2. Medicine are all measured in milligrams for the amount of medicine in each pill.

    The problem with the rest going metric is the ENORMOUS conversion cost for packaging sizes, home appliance settings, and changing road signs. Maybe the plan should be phased in over a ten-year period....

    call of duty black ops escalation trailer. call of duty black ops
  • call of duty black ops

  • Michael07
    Nov 3, 10:10 AM
    Does anyone know if the Apple Stores are starting to receive the Car Kit?

    Thank you.

    call of duty black ops escalation trailer. call of duty black ops
  • call of duty black ops

  • ickies
    Aug 7, 05:06 PM
    I absolutely cannot believe airport and bluetooth are still options on the Pros. They are standard on EVERY other model. What the hell, Apple?

    I am very much a pro user and I very much have no use for airport or bluetooth. So I'm glad that it's not being forced on me.

    Dec 25, 08:30 AM
    If mac users don't use av software, there's little motivation for anyone to supply it. If NO ONE is working on av software, then in the eventuality that we do need it, we're all starting from scratch. That's just never a good place to be if you can with minimal effort prevent it.

    It's kind of like getting your flu shot in a year when the flu isn't supposed to be particularly bad. I seldom get the flu, but I go ahead and get the shot every year anyway because if no one does, there's little motivation for pharma companies to develop future flu shots. Which means in the really bad flu years, there's a shortage because only one company is making the shot.
    There is simply no correlation between humans and flu and Macs and malware. They don't relate at all. Anti-virus is not necessary for protection for Macs against malware at this time. If you read this, you'll understand why: Mac Virus/Malware Info (

    May 5, 01:52 AM
    I'm going to go wayyyyyy out on the proverbial limb here and suggest that since mscriv knows the full map at the outset of the game, that he's going to pretty much lay traps or monsters in each or every other room we enter- especially the ones where there is only one door for us to enter into another room.

    Perhaps we should reconsider the splitting up or else we will be picked off one at a time.

    Thoughts? I'm just musing out loud. I'm sure my darling Beatrice will correct me or tell me what my thoughts should be anyhow. :p

    The only trepidation I have against splitting up so soon is that we'll be weaker apart. But, on the other hand the longer we wait the chances of the monsters being stronger are better.

    And my darling husband, I'm just in it for the alimony. ;)

    Aug 11, 02:00 PM
    No, my point is that I think Apple will continue to do what it's always done, and that those arguing that they'll suddenly treat product announcements differently just because their chips are now supplied by Intel are only speculating.

    Well, they released the Macbook with nothing more than a press release and an update to their site. This product had a complete make over and looks almost nothing like the iBook it replaced. Why no special event? I think things WILL be changing due to the Intel transition. They will have to treat announcements differently. No more will there be a year between speed increases etc.

    Aug 7, 01:49 PM
    Finally my dad can replace his 4 year old Dell.

    May 3, 01:24 PM
    is it possible for a fight to end with both monsters and heroes in the room? (this will depend on how you organize the HP/AP)
    what happens next? another battle the next turn/round? can the heroes run? can the monster be re-located by the villain?

    No. No. No.

    can the healing treasure bring HP to be higher than the level (e.g, if i am level 3, with 1HP left, I am alone and I find the healing treasure, do i go to 3HP, to 6HP or is it like a flask that i can use in part and in part save/share later)?


    can the villain put traps in already explored rooms?


    would 'explore' also find secret doors if any?

    Neat idea, but no. Maybe future games.

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